A Joint Meeting of the City Council and the Planning Commission of the City of
Grand Terrace was called to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731
Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California, on July 12, 1982, at 8:02 p.m.
PRESENT: Council Planning Commission
ul_g _U_. Grant, Mayor Uoug Erway, Chairman
Jim Rigley, Mayor Pro Tempore John McDowell, Commissioner
Tony Petta, Councilman Vern Andress, Commissioner
Roy W. Nix, Councilman Lillian Smith, Commissioner
Barbara Pfennighausen, Councilwoman Gerald Cole, Commissioner
Seth Armstead, City Manager
Joe Kicak, City Engineer
Virginia Farmer, Planning Director
Myrna Erway, City Clerk
ABSENT: None. Sanford Collins, Vice -Chairman
Bill DeBenedet, Commissioner
Winifred Bartel, Commissioner
0 The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Mayor Grant.
Mayor Grant stated that the purpose of this meeting, to be chaired by him and
Chairman Erway, is to discuss policies whereby both bodies will be more consistent
in the interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance and other matters of mutual concern.
Chairman Erway stated that the Planning Commission serves as a volunteer body to
the City, and desires to share ideas with Council to obtain guidance to better
perform as a Commission.
Mayor Grant stated that the City Council recently made a decision which was not in
conformance with what the Planning Commission felt was appropriate; stated the two
areas to be studied are a policy regarding the use of two materials and
consideration of establishing an ordinance for roof replacement materials.
The Planning Director stated that the Planning Commission had appointed a
committee to investigate roofing materials in depth and to report back to the
Commission for consideration of types of material that the Commission would start
recommending, either as a policy or by ordinance.
Chairman Erway stated the Planning Commission appointed Commissioners Smith and
McDowell to study roofing materials; requested Council approval to conduct an
in-depth study in order to recommend a policy to Council to enhance the safety and
appearance of our community.
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Council concurred with Planning Commission's request; felt aesthetics and fire
safety must be considered.
Commissioner Smith stated she and Commissioner McDowell are also studying aspects
such as durability, structural requirements, and composition materials; invited
Council to attend Planning Commission August meeting when representatives will
address the Planning Commission.
Councilman Rigley recommended a policy prohibiting shake and shingle roofs as soon
as possible; objected to restricting the builders and citizens by a strict list of
the kinds of roofs they can have; felt an ordinance regarding roofing materials is
Mr. Robert Minton, 764 North Miriam Drive, San Bernardino, formerly a building
official for San Bernardino County, now representing the wood shake and shingle
industry from Red Cedar Shingle Bureau; stated he took this job because he felt
the need to explain the role of wood roofing in California. Would like to meet
with the Sub -Committee, and provide facts and information prior to decisions being
made for the community. Stated statistics reflect that wood materials are not
bad; familiar with the San Bernardino fire, and it did take a number of houses,
some which did not have wood roofs; Class "A" roofed buildings at Cal State also
caught fire. Hesperia had a fire in 1978 with fire retardant roofs;
statistically, all fires are brush -related. Recommended considering Class "C"
treatment of wood shingles and shakes. Shows the treatment of fire retardant wood
lasts the life of the shingle. Life safety versus property safety should be
considered. Statistics shows 89% of all fires start inside, not outside, the
building. There have been no deaths from interior fires on wood -roof homes.
Occupants are much safer with wood roofs because toxic fumes excape. Asphalt
shingles have a tendency to hold gases in. Feels both sides should be studied
prior to making a decision. Can provide facts. Has literature and films to
verify this information.
The Planning Director stated commercial property has been studied by the Economic
Development Committee, as directed by Council. The purpose of this proposed
overlay is to provide an area for phased commercial development similar to the
Irvine area. The City Attorney has stated this zone change would not require a
general plan amendment. The zone change would place an overlay on the C-2 Zone,
which would provide flexibility for phased development of the commercial
property. The ability to plan an overall design is needed in order to promote
development that would enhance the City, the community, and the CRA in terms of
increment. The success of the project will be determined by the design. The
present building moratorium on that land expires in September; after that, site
plans will have to be considered as presented, and development will take place in
any manner. There are several ownerships and the individuals will probably not
get together for a cooperative overall plan unless there is reason to do so, which
will result in individual planning and which may not be in the best interests of
continuity. Under planned development, a private developer would get a concept
from the owners, then would come to the Commission and the Council for approval of
development plans. The overall development plan can be accomplished in phases.
Chairman Erway stated this would allow the Commission and the Council to have
control over the design and development of the overall area.
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The Planning Director stated this allows the owners to develop the property; the
developers would present plans to the Planning Commission and the Council for
approval and coordination of development. An overall plan can be established to
set a street pattern; otherwise, individual developers would establish streets,
disregarding the rest of the City; this would allow conformance with the overall
`- plan; if there was no overlay, development plans would have to be considered
without regard to coordination of streets, improvements, connecting streets, or
utilities. A flexible plan would be needed for the developers, the Planning
Commission, and the Council.
Action on this matter will be considered in the near future. It was clarified
that presently a building moratorium exists, not a selling moratorium. The
proposed development plan would be a matter of the owners consenting to coordinate
establishment of streets and other requirements as specified by the Planning
Commission and the Council. Action will be taken to amend the Zoning Ordinance to
change "Town Center" to another designation.
The Planning Director stated stated Mr. Ferris has met with the Planning
Commission, the City Manager, and the Mayor regarding a desire to establish a meat
processing plant - he is requesting the City consider doing the required focused
EIR, which costs approximately $15,000. Council indicated an unwillingness to do
the focused EIR for Mr. Ferris.
Councilman Nix stated he felt the entire area should be addressed as to whether or
not a general plan amendment and zone change is needed for that area, rather than
just the individual property.
Chairman Erway stated that the Commission has undertaken a study of City
Beautification. In this study, it will consider the entire City, including the
medians on Barton Road and portions of Michigan, and will consider policies
regarding turn pockets, design, materials, maintenance, and the effect on
businesses. Will consider possibilities to improve the appearance of the walls on
Mt. Vernon. No testimony has been received from the public, with the exception of
two citizens who objected to medians on Barton Road. Requested specific direction
from Council as to areas which should not be addressed or whether beautification
of the entire City should be considered. Council concurred that the study should
address beautification of the entire City.
The City Engineer stated an interchange would be beneficial to expedite the
traffic flow through the City. Met with representatives of Caltrans and SANBAG
representatives regarding the possibility of an additional interchange at De Berry
and received information that the City would be responsible for the initial
feasibility study, which should be done by someone who is very familiar with the
design of Caltrans facilities, and should be structured in such a way that, at any
point in time, the study could be terminated if it is determined that any further
+ study would not be beneficial to the City or to Caltrans. The cost participation
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would be based on two things: If the benefit of the interchange is primarily for
the operation of the existing facilities, the cost to Grand Terrace would be
minimal; if it can be shown to be of benefit to both agencies, they would want the
City and Caltrans to participate in that facility. They would not prevent the
City from pursuing the interchange. If it was shown it is beneficial to their
system, they would undertake a study of their own to pursue the possibility of
constructing that interchange instead of having the City as the lead agency. This
project would take five - six years, even if placed on a high -priority list.
Chairman Erway questioned what action would have to be taken by the Planning
Commission if the project were to be pursued. Mr. Kicak suggested the Planning
Commission support the concept of the interchange at De Berry; then the action by
Council would be to request proposals for the study and to identifiy various
In discussion, the Planning Commission and the Council concurred the matter should
be pursued - questioned the location of the interchange at De Berry being too
close to the Barton Road interchange - would object to closing the Barton Road
interchange. Commissioner McDowell stated the original plan was to consider an
exit at Iowa - felt this would be more beneficial and would not compete with the
Barton Road exit.
Recess was called at 9:45 p.m. and reconvened at 9:56 p.m., with all members
present except Commissioners Collins, DeBenedet, and Bartel.
Mayor Grant expressed appreciation to the input received from the Planning
Chairman Erway adjourned the Planning Commission at 10:05 p.m.
The Administrative Assistant stated several volunteers wish to join the Emergency
Operations Committee, and have expressed the desire to delay formation until later
this summer. Staff is proceeding with budget requests and is formulating an
equipment list which the State and County recommend to maintain adequate
communication links in case of disaster. Mr. Pfennighausen is organizing the Ham
Radio Operators, and is serving as a consultant as a member of the Emergency
Reaction Communications Network. San Bernardino County has been contacted
regarding acquiring a surplus generator. Councilwoman Pfennighausen recommended
establishing an emergency disaster facility under the proposed City Hall.
The City Manager read a memorandum from the Community Services Director dated
July 12, 1982, advising Council he had met that date with Mr. Jim Moore, Lighting
Contractor, regarding the status of the ballfield lights; was informed that the
lighting supplier is meeting with their engineers to re -aim the lights - the
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supplier is also determining whether utilization of lighting shields would correct
the problem, and if so, the supplier will pay all costs associated with the
change. Final tests should be accomplished in about two weeks.
Council indicated satisfaction with the progress of this matter, based on the
report received and the fact that the Little League conducted a test and found the
lighting exceeded their standards considerably.
The City Council meeting adjourned at 10:16 p.m. The next Regular Meeting will be
held July 22, 1982, at 5:30 p.m.
Respectively submitted,
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