07/22/1982CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - JULY 22, 1982 A regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California, on July 22, 1982, at 5:53 p.m. PRESENT: Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Jim Rigley, Mayor Pro Tempore Tony Petta, Councilman Roy W. Nix, Councilman (Arrived at 6:20 p.m.) Barbara Pfennighausen, Councilwoman Seth Armstead, City Manager Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Tim Serlet, Engineering Staff Myrna Erway, City Clerk ABSENT: Joe Kicak, City Engineer The meeting was opened with invocation by Chaplain Samuel Geli, Loma Linda University Medical Center, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Councilwoman Pfennighausen. JOINT SESSION - CITY COUNCIL & CRA ARCHITECTURAL CONTRACT - CIVIC CENTER & FIRE STATION The City Manager advised that further contract negotiations were conducted with the firm of Barmakian, Wolff, Lang, Christopher Architects for a potential decrease of fees for this project, with the firm agreeing to a 5% decrease, from $111,150 to $105,592.50; recommended approval of the contract. A tour was taken of the Rialto Fire Department, and a letter was received from the City of Rialto indicating complete satisfaction with the firm. CC-82-208 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, by all present, to approve the contract with the firm of Barmakian, Wolff, Lang, Christopher Architects in the amount of $105,592.50 for architectural design and services for the Civic Center and Fire Station, and to authorize execution by the Chairman. ADJOURN JOINT SESSION CITY COUNCIL & CRA - CONTINUE CITY COUNCIL ITEMS DELETED FROM AGENDA 6C - Signs & Enforcement - Street Sweeping 7B - Concession Stand Page one - 7/22/82 ITEMS ADDED TO AGENDA 7C - Resolution No. 82-33 authorizing application for TDA Article 8 Funds. 8C - Triangular Island - Barton Road & Palm Avenue Intersection. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (7/8/82) CC-82-209 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, by all present, to approve the Minutes of July 8, 1982, as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-82-210 Motion by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES, by all present, to approve the following items on the Consent Calendar: A. Check Register No. 072282 B. RESOLUTION NO. 82-31 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING THE LOCATING OF U.S. CUSTOMS AND IMMIGRATION AT ONTARIO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. C. RESOLUTION NO. 82-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ITS RULES & REGULATIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS, PURSUANT TO ARTICLE II, SECTION 1, OF ORDINANCE NO. 12. D. Departmental Line Item Transfer of Funds for FY 1981-82, as outlined in Staff Report dated July 22, 1982. (A copy is on file in the City Clerk's Office.) E. Attendance of Administrative Assistant at Emergency Management Training Series in San Luis Obispo, August 23-26 and September 13-15. Travel and living expenses only. POLICE CHIEF REPORT Captain Phil Schuyler advised a double murder had occurred in the City this date. Mary Jane Feurst, 12185 Country Club Lane, for some unknown reason, shot her nine -year -old daughter and six -year -old son. The response time for two units to arrive at the scene was 30 seconds. When the officers arrived, the girl was dead. The officers helped the helicopter land on Country Club Lane and the boy was immediately transported to Loma Linda Hospital; however, he was dead on arrival. Stated the mother is in custody until investigation has been completed. Page two - 7/22/82 Captain Schuyler reviewed the evaluation of the ninety -day study for additional traffic enforcement in Grand Terrace, including the traffic and criminal statistics. Stated the trend is a reduction in all areas, a good indication that the additional unit is accomplishing its purpose. Recommended that Council continue the unit for FY 82-83. In discussion, Council concurred that the additional patrol unit has been successful and indicated a willingness to support its continuation. Mayor Grant stated this matter will be considered as a part of the law enforcement negotiations for FY 1982-83. Councilman Nix arrived at 6:20 p.m. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Dick Rollins, 22700 De Berry, stated that members of the Grand Terrace Christian Soccer Club would be arriving later, and Mr. Ramirez would like to speak for the Soccer Club. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS PLANNING COMMISSIONER APPOINTMENT The City Manager advised that applications were received by Jerry Folsom, Jerry Hawkinson, Ray Munson, Dale Short, and Cara Wildman. Councilwoman Pfennighausen stated that Cara Wildman's application is to be withdrawn, since she is presently serving on the Energy Committee. Mayor Grant opened nominations for Planning Commission: Councilman Petta nominated Jerry Hawkinson, and recommended that Ray Munson be considered as an alternate to fill the next vacancy to occur on the Planning Commission. The City Attorney stated an alternate could not be considered at this time, since it had not been advertised; Councilman Rigley nominated Ray Munson; Mayor Grant nominated Thomas A. Tillinghast. The City Clerk conducted a roll call vote for the position of Planning Commissioner: Councilmen Nix, Rigley, and Councilwoman Pfennighausen voted for Ray Munson; Councilman Petta voted for Jerry Hawkinson; and Mayor Grant voted for Thomas A. Tillinghast. CC-82-211 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Mayor Grant, ALL AYES, to appoint Ray Munson to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Frank Tetley to expire June 14, 1984. PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE Chairman Dick Rollins reported the following: (1) Election of officers was not conducted, since the entire Committee was not present; (2) Dedication ceremonies of the Terrace Hills Community Park are planned September 12 if enough assistance is available; Page three - 7/22/82 (3) At the last Committee meeting, closing of the parking lot at night for security purposes was discussed; stated he has closed the parking lot every night for the last six months, and it seems to be working - has kept youths and automobiles out of the park at night, which has pleased the neighbors and reduced the noise completely. Deputy Martinez was present at the meeting, and stated if this procedure is working, it is fine; however, he cannot enforce anything without a City ordinance; (4) The original contractor did not meet the specifications when he hydro -seeded the Terrace Hills Community Park field - the ratio of Bermuda Grass is less than 30%. The ground was not treated with soil conditioner, is very hard, and the turf condition is poor. SCHEDULING OF THE TERRACE HILLS COMMUNITY PARK FIELD Mr. Rollins stated that, at the July 19 Committee meeting, Mr. Anstine announced the Flag Football Program would be on that field. Sandy Kronmiller and Ray Ramirez were upset that the field could not be used for both football and soccer; many individuals have signed up, and they planned to use the field. Council indicated it appears to be a lack of coordination of scheduling and assumptions; since the Soccer League has traditionally played on a specific day, they may have assumed the City was aware of that and would have automatically reserved the field for that function, as had been done in the past; the fields are for all activities; feels this matter should be resolved by City Staff, the Parks & Recreation Committee, and the leadership of all the leagues. Recommended use of the field by both organizations and scheduling all school sites for recreational activities. Sandy Kronmiller, Parks & Recreation Committee and Grand Terrace Christian Soccer Club member, stated she and Ray Ramirez had been attending the meetings and reporting to the Parks & Recreation Committee on the number of sign-ups, the progress of the Soccer Club, and feels that all along everyone has known the park was desired for soccer play - were not told until Monday that there is a conflict. Feels there is a lack of communication; feels they should have been notified of the Flag Football Program three months ago, prior to Soccer Club sign-ups. Mayor Grant stated he feels Council has heard both sides; feels this is a Staff problem in communications and cooperation with the participants and Parks & Recreation Committee; if this hasn't been resolved in two weeks, Council will resolve the matter. HISTORICAL & CULTURAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Chairperson Barbara Mathews reported the following: Introduced John Phane, who will be the Director of the Terrace Theater Group. Page four - 7/g2/82 The City Manager recommended allocating $1,400 to allow the Terrace Theater Group to initially fund the first production; if the production is successful, the City will be reimbursed. Mr. Phane stated that casting for the production is completed; it was his understanding that the City would be reimbursed over a period of time, thereby allowing the theater group to retain funds for the next production, and would eventually become a self-supporting program. Election of Officers was held: Chairman - Barbara Mathews; Vice-chairman - Art Thiede; and Secretary - Hanna Leister. CC-82-212 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES, to approve increasing the Historical & Cultural Activities Committee Departmental Budget No. 4804, Line Item No. 220, by $1,400 for a total of $3,400, to fund the Terrace Theater Group. Recess was called at 7:10 p.m. and reconvened at 7:30 p.m., with all members present. ENERGY COMMITTEE The City Manager advised that meetings have been held with representatives of Generations, Unlimited regarding the feasibility of hydro -electric generation in the City. CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE Chairperson Judy Rinderhagen reported the following: (1) Had 100% participation at last week's Neighborhood Watch meeting. Any missing Neighborhood Watch signs will be replaced; (2) The Committee will consider a recommendation for permanent City membership in the "WeTip" Program; (3) Recommended security measures be considered at the time the architectural work is being done on the City complexes, since it would be more cost effective if done in the preliminary design stages - the service is provided free of charge by the Crime Prevention Unit of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department; (5) Recommended not placing posts and locking the park parking lot, feeling it provides one more challenge and barricade to overcome; would be difficult for enforcement unless an ordinance is passed. Councilwoman Pfennighausen voiced a preference for closing the parking lot to vehicles at night, feeling it would curtail individuals gathering, consuming alcoholic beverages, and breaking bottles. TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY REQUEST - TRACT 11439 Tim Serlet, Engineering Staff, advised Council that on July 16 the City Manager and the City Engineer met with Mr. Harber to discuss completion of improvements on Tract 11439; stated Mr. Harber is pursuing the balance of the improvements, but they are not complete Page five - 7/22/82 at this time. Regarding temporary occupancy of Messrs. Brown and Wagner, recommended no action be taken, since the individuals were not present. Council took no action on this matter. TERRACE HILLS COMMUNITY PARK ANNUAL MAINTENANCE. The Community Services Director advised that two bids were received at the bid opening of July 20 - Ammerican West Landscape for $21,912 and STG Enterprises for $18,200. References were requested from STG Enterprises. A negative response was received from the City of Rosemead concerning that firm's prices and performance; Caltrans had no knowledge of the firm. Based on the information received and that only two bids were received, recommended Council direct Staff to re -bid the project. In discussion, Council questioned how long the project had been advertised, how the price bid by American West Landscape compared with the previous contract, and the performance of the present Contractor. Mr. Anstine stated the bid received indicated a $2,000 increase and that, in some areas, the present contractor had performed well. CC-82-213 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, to direct Staff to re -bid the annual Maintenance Contract for Terrace Hills Community Park. 0 The City Attorney stated a question was raised regarding paying the prevailing wage rate - advised the contractor must, by law, pay the prevailing wage rate, resulting in higher cost to the City. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUDGET REQUEST The Administrative Assistant stated that research regarding cities funding Chambers of Commerce revealed no general rule, with some communities funding portions and some totally funding the Chambers of Commerce. Feels that in our community the Chamber is one of many volunteer organizations providing beneficial services to the City; felt approval would set a precedent; recommended denying the request for funds. Councilwoman Pfennighausen felt the purpose of the Chamber is to promote business within the City, so is in a different category than service clubs; recommended approving $2,045, since she feels we have a good, active Chamber, which anticipates becoming more active in attracting business to the City. The majority of the Council objected to funding the Chamber's general fund, but would not object to supporting specific Chamber projects in the promotion of the City; felt the Chamber has not been Page six - 7/22/82 active in promoting economic growth and felt the Chamber should continue the efforts of the Economic Development Committee if funding is to be approved. Ken Rinderhagen, a member of the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, stated the Chamber plans to formulate programs to foster recognition of Grand Terrace in San Bernardino, Orange, and Riverside Counties. Voiced objection to building moratoriums, special interest projects which seem to be predetermined, and zoning that has been done in the City without proper notification, in his opinion; feels difficult to present a city to outside areas as an area to be developed when it can't be, unless it is developed to the guidelines of the Economic Development Committee. Stated the Chamber needs a permanent telephone to be staffed with volunteers and part-time paid personnel. Mayor Grant, with concurrence of Council, except Councilwoman Pfennighausen, directed Staff to notify the Chamber that Council took no action on the request; however, encourages project activity in the direction of promoting Grand Terrace and promoting commercial and economic development, and would encourage resubmittal of a project budget if assistance is needed in the future. RESOLUTION NO. 82-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF THE FY 1982-83 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT CLAIMS. The City Manager recommended adopting the Resolution approving the City's FY1982-83 TDA Article 8 Funding Claim for $109,103. CC-82-214 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, to adopt Resolution No. 82-33 and to authorize the Finance Officer to sign the non -transit and financial reporting forms. CITY ENGINEER REPORT TRIANGULAR ISLAND - INTERSECTION OF BARTON RD. & PALM AVE. Tim Serlet, Engineering Staff, requested Council direction regarding whether the traffic island at the intersection of Barton Rd. and Palm. Ave. would be landscaped, which would necessitate water; estimated this project could be completed for approximately $350-$500. CC-82-215 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Mayor Grant, ALL AYES, to authorize Staff to complete the project of constructing water lines to the triangular island at the intersection of Barton Rd. and Palm Ave., to install a water meter, and to landscape the island. Page seven - 7/22/82 CITY ATTORNEY REPORT City Attorney Hopkins reported the following: (1) Attorney John Harper indicated he needs information which the Council Members were to have submitted to him regarding the PUC complaint as soon as possible; (2) In the case of Margie Eptim vs. the City of Grand Terrace, a $2,000 damages claim has been filed against the City, plus a $50,000 claim for punitive damages. The Insurance Company notified the City it is not responsible for the punitive damages against the City and/or the Council individually; he will represent the City regarding the punitive damages as Co -Counsel to the Insurance Company; advised Council if it feels a need to consult individual legal counsel, may do so. CITY MANAGER REPORT The City Manager referenced correspondence regarding the catch basin on Tracts 9772 and 9773 at the top of De Berry Street, stating the work will be completed July 23, and that irrigation will not proceed until that time. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilwoman Pfennighausen stated she saw an ad in the Los Angeles Times indicating that the shopping center owned by Johnstown Properties is for sale. Mayor Grant will meet with the management of Johnstown Properties regarding cleaning the shopping center in case Councilwoman Pfennighausen is out of town. Councilman Petta reported the following: (1) Met with an individual from Stater Brothers' Property Management Division, who indicated he is most anxious to cooperate with the City to resolve the cleanliness; there will be another meeting next week with representatives of the Property Management Division - invited other Council Members to attend; (2) Has received complaints regarding dogs running loose, getting into garbage cans, and questions of whether or not the City has a leash law; recommended reminding the citizens there is a leash law and that the City will enforce it - then enforce the law by picking up the dogs. The City Manager stated the City has an Animal Control Services Contract with the County, and they have been here daily; the Code Enforcement Officer has been doing a pretty good job, because complaints have been received from people who have had their dogs picked up; requested the names of the individuals for Staff follow-up. Mayor Grant reported the following: (1) Attended the July meeting of the LAFC and, in the capacity of Alternate, served on the Commission; (2) Received correspondence from the residents on Willet Avenue dated July 12 with a complaint about the postal carrier; referred the matter to Staff. Councilwoman Pfennighausen stated she feels the problem has been solved, since she lives in the Page eight - 7/22/82 neighborhood, and they have a new postman; (3) Alternatives for contract services will be considered at a future date; a proposal for law enforcement services has been received, and will be considered along with other proposals; (4) Invited Council to attend the Small Cities General Plan Workshop to be held in Ontario. Dick Rollins offered to make an excellent bid for stamped cobblestone in color selection to form planter areas for low -growing shrubbery for the triangular island for under $5,000. ADJOURN CC-82-216 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Mayor Grant, ALL AYES, to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. The next Regular Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 12, 1982, at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Y) -) � /Z �- i ty C k APPROVED: hairman Page nine - 7/22/82