02/10/1983CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 10, 1983 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California, on February 10, 1983, at 5:42 p.m. PRESENT: Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Jim Rigley, Mayor Pro Tempore Tony Petta, Councilman Roy W. Nix, Councilman Barbara Pfennighausen, Councilwoman Seth Armstead, City Manager Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Joe Kicak, City Engineer Myrna Erway, City Clerk ABSENT: None The meeting was opened with invocation by Reverend Craig Miller, Highgrove United Methodist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Ed Clark. 1 CLOSED SESSION Council recessed to a Closed Session at 5:42 p.m., with Gloria Flood in attendance. RECONVENE The regular meeting reconvened at 6:16 p.m., with all members present. Mayor Grant announced that the Closed Session would reconvene at the end of the Council meeting agenda. Recess was called at 6:17 p.m. and reconvened at 6:25 p.m., with all members present. ITEM DELETED FROM THE AGENDA 8A - FY 1982-83 Proposed Budgetary Reductions. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (January 27, 1983) CC-83-22 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve the Minutes of January 27, 1983, as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR The following item was removed from the Consent Calendar: Page 1 2/10/83 3B - Rate Adjustment for Ballfield Lights. CC-83-23 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Mayor Grant, ALL AYES, to approve Item 3A on the Consent Calendar - Check Register No. 021083. BALLFIELD LIGHTS RATE ADJUSTMENT The Community Services Director advised that effective January 1 the City was changed from a GS-2 lighting rate to a GS-1 rate, which eliminated a monthly demand charge of $212.00. The GS-1 rate increases the hourly rate by 37 percent. Under the new rate schedule, only the users will be paying the lighting fees. Stated that under the $5.00 per hour rate charge, the City has collected a total of $877.50 for user fees, and the total expenditures for the lights has been $2,528.00. Recommended increasing the rates from $5.00 to $7.00 per hour for the use of the ballfield lights, which should prevent any future cost overruns. Councilman Nix requested that Staff provide information on the number of hours per month the lights have been utilized, to study the utilization of the lights over the next few months, then report the usage before and after the rate increase to indicate what impact this action will have. CC-83-24 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, to approve the rate adjustment from $5.00 to $7.00 per hour for the use of the Terrace Hills ballfield lights. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 0 Ken Rinderhagen, 12738 Wilmac, (1) Stated at the recent Parks & Recreation Committee meeting, the Community Services Director estimated it would cost approximately $3,000 for the Little League to run the ballfield lights during its season; the Committee proposed that the City subsidize the Little League lighting program for approximately $1,000. (2) Stated the installation of a donated flag pole at the park will be coordinated with the Engineering Department. (3) Stated that in response to a proposal from the City Manager to the Committee Chairman that the Committee undertake the scheduling of the ballfields, the Committee unanimously voted in opposition to taking over any of the projects of the Community Services Department; is indicated in the Committee minutes. John Salas, President of Colton/Terrace Little League, stated they are trying to reduce the number of practices under the lights; outlined costs for the League and stated it would be difficult to meet expenses with the addition of $3,000 for the use of the lights; stated all volunteer help has been used to establish the ballfield; requested City assistance to help defray the cost of the lights. Mayor Grant stated this matter will be considered at the next Council meeting. Dick Rollins, 22700 DeBerry, stated he realizes how precious freedom is, feels strongly about what is happening in our community, and has Page 2 2/10/83 been an enthusiastic supporter; hopes things will be resolved and that there will be harmony so the City can go forward once again with enthusiasm to work together for the City. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE Chairman Dick Rollins recommended holding some funds from the lighting fees in reserve for vandalism; Little League has requested that the City consider defraying some of the lighting cost. HISTORICAL & CULTURAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE CC-83-25 Motion by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES, to accept the resignation of Hazel Fuller from the Historical & Cultural Activities Committee, with regret. Directed Staff to send a letter of appreciation to Mrs. Fuller. CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE Councilman Nix recommended an increased concentration of law enforcement in the area of Mt. Vernon and DeBerry, due to the residents reporting a high rate of vandalism in that area; requested that Staff submit a report to Council on the situation with recommendations such as the installation of additional lights. EOC COMMITTEE Councilwoman Pfennighausen reported that the communication section of the EOC Committee will be meeting this weekend in the EOC Conference Room to set up and test equipment procedures. Stated applications are being accepted at this time for membership on the Committee. Vic Pfennighausen reported his group, including members of the Blue Mountain Radio Club, will have a workshop Saturday in the EOC Conference Room to run communications tests and to work on the generator. CONTRACT AWARD - DATA PROCESSING The Finance/Administrative Services Officer advised the RFP's were circulated for computer service, which revealed only two companies which could be considered - Rapid Data and Alexander Grant, the present computer service company. Recommended continuing with Alexander Grant for computer services, since changing systems would require a $2,000 initial set-up charge. CC-83-26 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve the Staff recommendation to continue computer services with Alexander Grant Company. POLICE CHIEF REPORT r The City Manager announced that Captain Ferronado will be replacing Captain Schuyler. Stated Captain Ferronado has reviewed some of the Page 3 2/10/83 changes in the reporting process to better define problems; will be attending Staff meetings, discussed shift coverage and overlapping the traffic cars with the City of Loma Linda. Mayor Grant stated there has been no change in the law enforcement contract negotiations. Stated the City is awaiting a letter which is to list items agreed upon with Supervisor McKenna. Councilwoman Pfennighausen questioned why it took 10 minutes for the law enforcement officers to respond to the recent accident on Barton Road. The City Manager stated the officers were on a shift change; this matter will be corrected; stated all three ladies involved in the accident are reported to be okay. CITY MANAGER REPORT (1) The City Manager distributed a Group W Cable Television status report. The City Engineer stated that Group W Cable Television had proposed locating 18-inch-high utility boxes to service the individual homes at every other property line; discussed this with the City Attorney, due to a safety hazard concern. The Company plans to install facilities similar to those provided by SCE for their underground facilities, which will be 36 inches high and will be spaced at approximately 1,500 feet along the curbline. (2) The City Manager stated a new street sweeping map will be circulated to the residents in the March 1 utility billing. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilwoman Pfennighausen reported the following: (1) She and the City Engineer met February 8 with six homeowners on Miriam Way backing onto Barton Road regarding the proposed improvement project on Barton Road; commended the City Engineer on his presentation to the homeowners; the residents concur they do not wish to give up any of their property for this project. (2) She and Mr. Pfennighausen met with the Fire Department regarding the auxiliary generator, and were advised that there is a less expensive generator with greater capacity and less maintenance costs; this will be pursued further. Councilman Ri ley reported the following: (1) Recommended that Captain Ferronado be invited to attend the next Council meeting to be introduced; (2) Noted in reviewing the minutes of the meetings with the architect and the City Engineer that Mr. Zampese and Mr. DeBenedet are attending the meetings - questioned why they are attending. The City Manager advised they represent the Planning Commission; stated Mr. Zampese has been helpful, providing information regarding the land, storm drains, etc. Councilman Nix reported the following: (1) recommended that consi ration of the FY 1982-83 budget reductions at the next meeting include discussion of the proposed FY 1983-84 budget; Page 4 2/10/83 (2) Referenced earlier discussion regarding subsidizing lighting expenses for the Little League; stated he feels adult organizations should pay for the usage of the lights, but might consider a different view for youth organizations. Councilman Petta (1) questioned the City Engineer on the status of e Barton Road construction relative to the homeowners not wishing to relinquish property. The City Engineer stated there is sufficient right-of-way available to construct the road widening, but will preclude a sidewalk in that area. The project that was approved includes Federal funding of approximately $180,000; stated the project will need to be reviewed by the State and Federal Highway Administration officials to make sure the project will still be eligible for funding if sidewalks are not included - if approved, will present alternatives to Council; stated the project is workable and will probably require construction of some retaining walls close to the right-of-way. (2) Councilman Petta stated that he represented the Mayor at the Flood Control District Committee meeting; Gene Tidwell was also present; stated this committee is an advisory committee to the Board of Supervisors and was to recommend funding approaches to the Board of Supervisors, since the Flood Control District is out of funds; stated he made a motion, which was carried, and will be presented to the Board of Supervisors for consideration to: (1) Establish a flood control fee on each property to be developed, similar to our City's Capital Improvement Program; (2) establish a benefit assessment; and (3) establish a redevelopment agency. Mayor Grant reported the following: (1) Read a Proclamation designating the month of February as "American Heart Month," which will be mailed to the San Bernardino County Heart Association; (2) Congratulated the following individuals who have birthdays in February: Roy Nix, Tony Petta, Barbara Michowski, Myrna Erway, Alicia Chavez, Linda O'Grattis, and Mike Luna; (3) Attended a special meeting of the IMA; a representative from the Department of Labor introduced details of a new Job Training Partnership Act which supercedes the CETA program. Stated the future of the IMA is questionable; (4) Attended LAFC meeting as an alternate. Mr. Larry Hendon gave an update on the forthcoming issue over the proposed incorporation of the community of Highland. Recess was called at 7:53 p.m. and reconvened at 8:08 p.m., with all members present. REVENUE/COST ALLOCATION SYSTEM REPORT Doug Ayres, Management Services Institute, reviewed the Revenue/Cost Allocation System Report, which had been presented to Council. Stated this report will assist Council in making decision on where to spend property taxes; stated the intent of Proposition Four is that those services which are enjoyed by less than the total public should be financed by fees or assessments, to allow tax funds to be used for police protection, fire protection, etc., for which fees Page 5 2/10/83 cannot be charged and which are services for the general public. Stated the study revealed that the City could realize an additional $426,000 in revenue if it charged for all items for which it can technically charge; found that $947,000 a year of the City's fixed assets are being depreciated, with only $150,000 a year being replaced, which is a larger percentage than most cities; found our City has been more frugal than other cities; stated the gas tax won't be adequate to replace the streets; the City's overhead rate of 13 percent for support services is very good. Information has been developed to apply each employee's services and fringe benefits to the appropriate cost centers; 37 cost centers have been identified. Stated the City must now prove annually that it is not making a profit. Recommended reviewing the lines of business to determine which ones are making a profit and which are losing. The State Constitution does not permit offsetting the winners against the losers. Stated the major results of the report are listed on pages 36 and 37. Stated if the revenue doesn't equal the cost, then the difference has to be made up by taxes. Recommended that Council consider what projects it wants to subsidize, then consider how additional revenue can be raised for the remainder. Stated an equitable form of raising revenue is through special assessments, by charging those who are receiving the benefit, which is more equitable than taxation. Stated a Capital Improvement Program is imperative - our City's is better than most. Stated development fees are quite often collected one year and not used until later, which the Constitution allows; fees may be collected one year and held in reserve for two more years. Recommended creating a Community Development Fund to simplify collecting revenue on a continuing basis and to permit a cash carry-over. In conclusion, recommended six items for Council consideration as outlined on page 55 of the report: (1) That the City Council receive and study the report; (2) Establish service centers on a cost accounting basis; (3) Instruct the City Manager to recommend fee increases based on the revenue/expense projections and Council's policy regarding subsidizing services; (4) Initiate special assessment procedures as necessary and appropriate; (5) Consider adopting a model fee ordinance establishing the percentage of subsidies and (6) Make the report available to the public through libraries and for sale at City Hall. Mr. Ayres thanked the Staff for their cooperation and support. In response to the question of making copies, since the report is copyrighted, Mr. Ayres stated the City has his firm's permission to make as many copies of the report as needed. Councilman Rigley, with the remainder of Council concurring, commended Mr. Ayres on the excellent report, feeling it is the best report which has been received; recommended that Staff utilize the report and take action on the recommendations. 0 Page 6 2/10/83 Council concurred the report should be utilized during all upcoming budget sessions and that a special session would be needed to review the report in detail. CC-83-27 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, to schedule a workshop session for the purpose of reviewing the Revenue/Cost Allocation System Report and to review the information in relation to the budget. Council concurred that a workshop session regarding this matter would be held Thursday, March 3, 1983, at 4:30 p.m. in the EOC Conference Room. CLOSED SESSION The Council, in joint session with the CRA, recessed to a Closed Session at 8:55 p.m., with the City Manager, the City Attorney and the City Clerk in attendance on an individual basis. RECONVENE Council reconvened at 11:57 p.m., with all members present. Mayor Grant announced the Closed Session was held to discuss the total administration of the City as it relates to personnel; as a result, the majority of Council determined that Council recognizes the right of the City Manager to function in a manner conducive to the welfare of the City; the majority feeling of the Council is that they have confidence in the City Manager's ability to continue managing the City. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Councilman Petta removed himself from discussion and action on this matter, due to a potential conflict of interest. Mayor Grant advised that a question was raised regarding allowing people of the community to attend meetings of Staff and individual Council members not involving a quorum of the Council and whether outside attendance would be a detriment to the City. Questioned to what degree this would be allowed in an effort to allow freedom of information and keeping everyone informed at all times. Mayor Grant stated Mr. Dennis Evans had called him and requested to attend a meeting scheduled with Joseph Johnson of Federated Realty, a potential developer, by the Committee; stated at that time he advised Mr. Evans that he saw no legal reason why he should not attend any meeting other than Closed Sessions. Mayor Grant advised that the question of Mr. Evans' attendance at the meeting was discussed with other members of the Economic Development Committee and with the City Attorney; requested input from the Council members on this matter, so that a definitive answer could be given to Mr. Evans. Read the City Attorney's written opinion regarding the issue. 2/90/83 Councilman Rigley and Councilman Nix concurred that individuals should not attend meetings regarding business activities of the City which do not constitute a quorum of the Council, unless there is an individual who can provide input which would enhance the meeting. Councilwoman Pfennighausen stated she feels Mr. Evans should be allowed to attend this meeting, since it concerns development in the area where he lives, and he has had the opinion for some time that he would be allowed to attend. Councilman Rigley stated that minutes have been taken of all the meetings of the Committee, that the same procedure will follow on this and all future meetings, nothing will be hidden; feels the Committee has complied with the obligation of keeping people informed. Stated he is in favor of total economic development, which includes the area west of Michigan, and maintains individuals will not be removed from their homes. CC-83-28 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Nix, that the meeting to be held with Mr. Johnson, of Federated Realty, at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, February 15, 1983, is to include only the principal members of the Committee - Mayor Grant, Mayor Pro Tem Rigley, Staff Representative Ed Clark - and Mr. Johnson. Councilwoman Pfennighausen stated move that will not lend healing to this action will be regretted. she feels this is an ill-advised a difficult situation, and feels Councilman Rigley stated the State is reducing and eliminating cities' revenue, and feels some action must be taken to develop revenue; believes he is charged with the responsibility to do everything possible to ensure the City continues to be fiscally sound; feels the healing operation has nothing to do with the fact that this City is going to need revenue. Councilman Nix stated the healing operation idea is a two-edged sword, and there is an obligation on all sides; feels if there is a general concern by all involved, then it is a general concern for the healing operation to all concerned, not just to this Council; doesn't feel there has been any lack of concern for the general well-being and harmony of the community. Felt each is charged with a specific responsibility and should have the fortitude to accomplish what should be done. Mayor Grant stated if the Motion carries, he will contact Mr. Evans and advise him of the decision. Motion No. CRA-83-20 carried 3-1, with AYES by Councilman Rigley, Councilman Nix and Mayor Grant, NOE by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, with Councilman Petta abstaining. Page 8 2/10/83 Mayor Grant questioned the City Attorney on what action should be taken should Mr. Evans try to attend the meeting. The City Attorney stated Mr. Evans should be asked to leave. Mayor Grant stated that is the action he will take, if needed. SHOPPING MALL SURVEY Councilman Petta removed himself from discussion and action on this matter, due to a potential conflict of interest. Mayor Grant stated Mr. Dennis Evans requested to review the shopping mall survey ballots, which identified the voters and how they voted, in the form of labels; stated two members of the Council and a Staff member tabulated the ballots, which was open to the public; the Council members reported the results, and subsequent action was taken by the CRA; one resident assisted in the tabulation. Felt there was no legitimate reason why anyone might wish to view the ballots in relation to the identity of the people casting votes; felt the community expects some degree of discretion. Mayor Grant advised that, in response to a Staff member''s inquiry, City Attorney Hopkins advised that the community has a right to see all public documents, except personnel documents. Received a call from Attorney Nazarek on January 20, and he requested advice from Mr. Nazarek; Mr. Nazarek stated that the people have a right to see anything, but he didn't feel anybody had a right to know how an individual voted on an issue, which led to the question of resolving the problem; stated he recommended separating the labels from the ballots and retaining both portions. Stated the matter was discussed with Councilman Rigley and Councilman Nix; Councilwoman Pfennighausen was unavailable; concurrence was reached that the labels should be removed from the ballots to preserve the confidentiality of the community's vote. Mayor Grant stated Mr. Clark was instructed to cut the ballots in such a way that even the individuals cutting the ballots could not see how the people voted. Stated he was advised that this was completed on January 21, and that all material is being retained at City Hall. Felt this information should be shared with the Council, felt the people should know the sequence of events, and felt this should conclude the matter. Councilman Nix stated when the results of the survey were being tabulated, complaints were received relative to address labels identifying the people being placed on the ballots, and some individuals did not vote for that reason; Felt an error was made in allowing the labels to be placed on the ballots; concurred with correcting that error by removing the labels, feeling the general public would disagree with revealing that information to the public. Councilman Rigley concurred with separating the identity of the individuals voting from the ballots. As a citizen and Council member, had no desire or curiosity to look at them again, and questioned why anyone would want to see them. Page 9 2/10/83 Councilwoman Pfennighausen stated she feels there was no devious motive in wanting to look at the material other than to get a general idea of the relation of the votes to the areas of the community. Stated she had discussed this with Attorney Hopkins, and he advised that Mr. Evans should be allowed to view the ballots in their unaltered form. Felt the issue is the fact that a legal decision was sought and ignored. Mayor Grant stated he acted in good faith and, based on the discussion with Attorney Nazarek, did cut the ballots; felt people do not have the right to see how other people voted. Councilman Nix stated he feels the moral and legal rights of the people have been preserved. Felt it is the responsibility of the Council to make decisions based on legal advice; felt there was no inconsistency and that the right thing was done. Attorney Hopkins stated the legal opinions were not inconsistent; but rather the data base of the decisions were not consistent. The Government Code does allow the Council to make the determination that something not be public record if the public interest is being served. Until that determination is made, it is public record. Councilwoman Pfennighausen said she thought this was a dead issue and is not aware of further requests to see the ballots. Mayor Grant stated this matter is only being brought up since he understood the matter was still being discussed; felt the issue is closed at this time. 0 ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 1:09 a.m. to a Joint Council/CRA Public Workshop Session, to be held February 21, 1983, at 3:00 p.m. in the EOC Conference Room at City Hall, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace. Respectfully submitted, iy c APPROVED: d � ayor ro empore Page 10 2/10/83