01/14/1982CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY 14. 1982 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California, on January 14, 1982, at 6:23 p.m. PRESENT: Thomas A. Tillinghast, Mayor Tony Petta, Councilman Roy W. Nix, Councilman Jim Rigley, Councilman Seth Armstead, City Manager Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Joe Kicak, City Engineer Myrna Erway, City Clerk ABSENT: Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Pro Tempore The meeting was opened with invocation by Pastor Jerry Folsom, First Baptist Church of Grand Terrace, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Pastor Folsom. ITEMS DELETED FROM AGENDA 3D. Approve Lien Agreement for Tract No. 11302, Terrado Grande 3F. Authorize Notice of Completion for Street Tree Removal and Replacement Project. ITEMS ADDED TO AGENDA 7C. Fire Station. 7D Purchase/Building Civic Center - to include Travelers Insurance Building. CERTIFICATES OF COMMENDATION Mayor Tillinghast read and presented a Certificate of Commendation to Mr. Van Hallman in appreciation for his assistance in establishing the City's Emergency Operation Center. Mayor Tillinghast read and presented a Certificate of Commendation to Coach Don Markham, Colton High School Football Team, commending the team for its accomplishments. Page one - 1/14/82 APPROVAL OF MINUTES (December 10, 1981) CC-82-1 Motion by Mayor Tillinghast, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, by all present, to approve the Minutes of December 10, 1981, as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR The following item was removed from the Consent Calendar: 3H. Approve the following individuals attending the California Parks & Recreaton Society annual conference in Sacramento March 5-8: Sandy Kronmiller; John Lotspeich; Randy Anstine; Dick Rollins. (Cost: $1088, plus meals.) CC-82-2 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES, by all present, to approve the following items on the Consent Calendar: A. Approval of Check Register Nos. 122481 and 011482. B Approve and accept CRA paying 12% interest rate on Loans made by City to CRA. C. Approve Lien Agreement for property located at 22800 Vista Grande Way, Howard A. & B. June Gunkel, AP#276-382-16 for ten years, and authorize execution by Mayor and recordation by City Clerk. E. RESOLUTION NO. 82-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING INVESTMENT OF GRAND TERRACE MONIES IN LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND. G. RESOLUTION NO. 82-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 81-58 AND ESTABLISHING BAIL AMOUNTS FOR PARKING CITATIONS PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 48. CALIFORNIA PARKS AND RECREATION SOCIETY ANNUAL CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE Councilman Nix stated that the effort and support of the Committee are appreciated; however, questioned four individuals attending the conference due to the expense which would be involved, citing the fact that only two members of the City Council attended the conference in San Francisco recently. Mayor Tillinghast noted that the cost of attending a conference in Sacramento is somewhat lower than San Francisco, and also the one member attending would be a staff member traveling on staff allocation. Two members would be using the Committee budget, and one additional member would be paying his own costs, other than the registration. Page two - 1/14/82 Dick Rollins stated that John Lotspeich would not attend the conference so that he could attend and have his expenses paid. Mr. Rollins said he and Sandy Kronmiller would be attending and would plan to drive. Mr. John Lotspeich stated that the information, which would be gained from the conference and shared with the remainder of the Committee, will more than pay for itself, and encouraged Council to approve the attendance of the two Committee members and Mr. Anstine at the meeting. CC-82-3 Motion by Councilman Nix, second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, by all present, to approve the attendance of the California Parks and Recreation Society Annual Conference in Sacramento, March 5-8, by Committee members Dick Rollins and Sandy Kronmiller and staff member Randy Anstine. CABLE TELEVISION Administrative Assistant Tom Coyle, in a staff presentation, advised Council that four proposals had been submitted to the City for consideration by the following companies: Field Cablevision Company; Teleprompter of Southern California, Inc.; Times Mirror Cablevision; and Acton CATV, Inc. Mr. Coyle stated a staff committee consisting of the City Manager, the City Attorney, the City Engineer, and himself had evaluated the four proposals using the evaluation criteria as proposed by the League of California Cities and the Conference sponsored by the International City Managers Association. Out of a possible 163 points, the proposals were rated as follows: Action CATV, Inc. - 96; Field Cablevision - 128; Times Mirror Cablevision - 118; and Telepromter of Southern California - 151. Mr. Coyle stated staff recommends adopting the resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into negotiations with Teleprompter of Southern California, Inc., to obtain a mutually acceptable franchise agreement, with final Council approval of the franchise to be considered at a later date. He then read a letter dated January 19, 1982, from the legal firm of Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton, representing Six Star Cablevision, stating that their client did not intend to pursue the Grand Terrace franchise previously granted by San Bernardino County. Mayor Tillinghast opened Public Hearing on the matter. Supporting Testimony: Dick Rollins, 22700 DeBerry, stated he did not feel the public had received enough information regarding cable television and recommended that additional information be provided to the public; Steve Kiacz, 11809 Holly Street, questioned why the backgrounds of the companies' ratings to past performance were not considered in evaluating the criteria. Mr. Coyle stated that past performance was one of the criteria and stated that other areas, as well as three County communication coordinators, were contacted for input regarding past performance of the companies involved. Page three - 1/14/82 Opposing Testimony: John Lavell, Acton CATV, Inc., commended staff on the evaluation of the proposals; stated that numbers don't always tell the story; his Company's proposal was not quite as muscular as some of the competitors, and was done so on purpose; feels his Company has sincerity more than power and works closely with the community without any false promises. Mayor Tillinghast closed the Public Hearing. In response to Mayor Tillinghast's request, Mr. Coyle advised Council of the information which had been received from other communities relating to the service and performance they had received in the past from Teleprompter. RESOLUTION NO. 82-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, SELECTING A PROPOSAL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BROADBAND TWO-WAY COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE SUCCESSFUL APPLICANT TO OBTAIN A MUTUALLY ACCEPTABLE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT. CC-82-4 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, by all present, to adopt Resolution No. 82-03. Councilman Nix, with concurrence of Councilman Petta, complimented staff on the outstanding job done in preparation and presentation of this matter. RECESS Recess was called at 7:00 p.m. and reconvened at 7:15 p.m., with all members present, except Councilman Grant. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Tillinghast noted that Minutes of the Planning Commission of November 9 were included in the Council's packets. PARKS & VOLUNTEER SERVICES COMMITTEE Chairman Dick Rollins requested Council to consider changing the name of the Committee back to Parks & Recreation Committee. CC-82-5 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, by all present, to approve changing the name of the Parks & Volunteer Services Committee to Parks & Recreation Committee. I Page four - 1/14/82 CC-82-6 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Mayor Tillinghast, ALL AYES, by all present, to appoint Raymond E. Miller to the Parks & Recreation Committee to fill the unexpired term of Len Kramer to expire June 30, 1984. CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE Chairperson Judy Rinderhagen reported the following: (1) Several more successful Neighborhood Watch Programs have been conducted, with two or more planned for the coming month; (2) The Committee will be working in conjunction with the San Bernardino County Crime Prevention Unit Office in relation to Agenda items which are submitted monthly; (3) Requested Council approve the appointment of Ed O'Neal to the Committee. CC-82-7 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES, by all present, to appoint Ed O'Neal to the Crime Prevention Committee for a term to expire June 30, 1986. PARK SITE - 25+- ACRE PARCEL City Manager Armstead requested Council approval of the three staff recommendations as listed in the Staff Report dated December 23, 1981, Subject: Meeting on Completing Transactions on 25+- Acre Parcel Plus Location of Two 2-Million Gallon Water Tanks. CC-82-8 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Mayor Tillinghast, ALL AYES, by all present, to approve the following: A. Accept the dedication of the 21.89 acres from Griffin Development Company as a gift at no cost and no further obligation of the City. B. City pay the $300.00 to $400.00 engineering costs for writing . the legal description for the 2-1/2 acres being sold to Riverside Highland Water Company, since it is a normal seller's cost. C. The engineering fees of $300.00 to $400.00 in B., above, be paid out of Line Item 13-4442-600 "Project Engineering" funds. PROPOSED CIVIC CENTER City Manager Armstead stated Council requested this matter to be placed on the Agenda following discussion at the Adjourned Regular Workshop Session held January 7, 1982. Mayor Tillinghast stated that among the possibilities discussed at that session was the option of purchasing the Travelers Insurance Building, located on Barton Road adjacent to the Security Pacific Bank, to be used as an interim facility until a Civic Center could be built on City property. The consensus of three of the members at that session was that it would not be Page five - 1/14/82 appropriate to purchase that building. Mr. Keeney, one of the owners of that facility, was advised of the discussion held that evening in the event he wished to be present at this meeting for questions or to add information to the written proposal already received by the City. Mr. Keeney advised Council that, other than the written proposals, no further negotiations have been conducted with the City; feels there could be a point between One -Half and Three Million Dollars acceptable to all parties concerned. Stated the information presented to Council in the Staff Report was based upon a lease -back proposal and felt the costs did not address the fact they include debt amortization and, based upon that, the City would own the building free and clear at the end of ten years. Further stated they would be willing to sell the building, including the land, to the City for approximately the same cost estimated by Architect Doug Danielson to build a new facility on City property. The building could be financed through the CRA as Mike Whipple has proposed financing on the 140 acres. Feels the building is adaptable to a city hall; however, if the City were not satisfied with the building, it could be sold at a later date for a profit. Mayor Tillinghast stated Council had discussed the possibility of another RFP based upon three criteria: (1) The square footage required; (2) The interior office styles; and (3) A dollar limitation of 1.25 Million. Mr. Keeney stated that if the City were to occupy half the building and rent the other half, it could be well under that amount; feels there is plenty of space for whatever kinds of partitions or office styles desired. Councilman Nix stated he feels the determination not to purchase the building was based upon staff recommendation that the City could not afford that building based on priorities which have not been established by Council. Stated he feels the building could be a permanent facility which would be a matter for future Councils to decide; that it is premature to discard the building as a possble option based upon the proposal received, since a portion of the building could provide income. The purchase would mean that the fire station could be placed on the property presently owned by the City. Councilman Rigley voiced objection to negotiating to purchase the building, feeling the consensus of Council at the January 7 session was not to purchase the Travelers Insurance Building, and the purpose of tonight's discussion regarding this building would be to advise Mr. Keeney why the Council desires to build a Civic Center on land currently owned by the City, rather than buy that building, particulary since one of the requirements of keeping that land is to build a civic center on it. Councilman Petta stated it is apparent the City cannot afford this building at this time, since there presently are not sufficient funds; there will eventually be funds coming from the second phase of the CRA. Stated he feels a decision at the Work Session was to Page six - 1/14/82 arrive at a decision regarding the purchase of the building; therefore, not to make further hardships on Mr. Keeney. Councilman Petta voiced concern for purchasing the building for the community, feeling it would be difficult to sell a building of that price range. Mr. Keeney stated the City is not causing him any financial hardships, since he will sell the building should he get another offer. Stated he had talked to Mr. Whipple, who said he felt the building could be a possible solution to the City's Civic Center needs and one which could be handled at this time. Mr. Whipple requested more information from Mr. Keeney. Councilman Nix stated that a layout of available and projected funds should be presented to Council, showing a lump sum figure, and a cash flow analysis by year for five years showing the present and anticipated revenues, in order to establish the projects which can be funded, and the priorities. Stated he feels there are more locations suitable for a fire station. Mayor Tillinghast stated he envisioned the building as an interim facility, with a permanent Civic Center ultimately on the currently owned City property, felt it premature to rule out its purchase prior to further negotiations being conducted and various options considered. Concurred a clear analysis is needed showing what can and cannot be afforded in projects by dollar value. Felt a decision should be made as to whether the building is appropriate for City offices, study the appropriate financial information, then conduct negotiations. He noted other matters to be considered are the location of the fire station, possibility of two fire stations, and a temporary facility to be used for civic functions. The No. 1 priority, previously set, was to install a traffic signal at Barton Road and Michigan, which the City Engineer has advised will be installed this summer. Stated Council does not have sufficient information to make a commitment regarding projects to be accomplished, noting 19 projects have been listed. Councilman Petta stated that, if Council concurs that the No. 1 priority now is the fire station, he feels that alone would rule out obtaining a Civic Center, feeling the City's income precludes handling two major undertakings at one time. Mayor Tillinghast opened the meeting to public participation. Ron Martin, 12471 Reed, stated that he had been opposed to purchasing this building prior to hearing the seller's comments, feeling it too expensive; however, since it is a buyer's market and feeling the property would increase in value, recommended further negotiations. Dick Rollins, 22700 DeBerry, voiced objection to purchasing the building; recommended investigating the community's priorities which include a fire station and law enforcement. John Zane, Architect, stated not only is it a buyer's market, it is a perfect time to build, since many contractors and architects are out of work and are ready to work with the City; recommended considering establishment Page seven - 1/14/82 of a fire station on the current City property. Barbara Pfennighausen, 12364 Pascal, requested clarification of the statement regarding the requirement that the Civic Center be built on the City property and questioned whether a fire station could be placed there. 0 Mayor Tillinghast confirmed that a restriction had been placed on the property stating that if the land is not used for civic center purposes, it is to be sold back to the sellers. Ernie Zampese, 22799 Barton Road, requested a decision be made as soon as possible for the location of the fire station, so that plans could be made for the disposition of the property on which the fire station is presently located. Mr. Zampese and Mr. DeBenedet were questioned regarding the specific requirements on the presently owned City property as to whether a fire station could be built on that property. They replied that a civic center must be built on the land or it reverts back to them; the fire station could be located there also. Recess was called at 8:30 p.m. and reconvened at 8:45 p.m., with all members present, except Councilman Grant. FIRE STATION Mayor Tillinghast stated that the matter of the fire station should be considered prior to further discussion regarding the civic center, and stated that staff has recommended purchasing the land on which the present fire station is located for a cost of $114,750 and construction of a building on that property for a total cost of $370,494, based on the recommendation of Mr. Don Banghart, Chief of the California Department of Forestry. Further stated that Mr. Banghart, during work session, had stated an exhaustive study had not been performed. Councilman Nix recommended deferring further action on this matter until February to allow staff to prepare a five-year capital improvement layout which will show cash flow and the annual commitment, and to allow time for preparation of a detailed location analysis for the fire station which would include the rating relative to specific locations and growth options. Councilman Petta stated considerable effort has been accomplished in that endeavor and recommended that Chief Banghart clarify to what extent a study had been conducted. Chief Banghart stated he may have minimized the studies conducted; that exhaustive studies have been conducted on four or five sites - some two years ago and some in the past six months. Felt considera- tion should be given to the location of the majority of the commercial property located along the freeway, since the price of insurance could place a burden on commercial property Page eight - 1/14/82 owners. A central location should be chosen to allow fire fighting { personnel and paramedics to within five minutes and in the any reach any location within the proximity of the main arteries; City also consider the factor of going uphill. Felt fire safety requirements are even more important than response time. Recommended only one fire station, since it would not be cost effective to consider two fire stations. Mayor Tillinghast recommended consideration be given to purchasing additional land adjacent to the current City property to allow space for complete facilities in one location, to allow for expansion, and to provide facilities for County Regional Services. Felt more information would be required relating to the availability of additional land adjacent to the City property. Councilman Rigley felt the only County facility which would be required as part of the civic center would be a library; feels sufficient information has been presented, and a decision should be made at this time. Preferred locating the fire station on the present City property. Councilman Petta concurred that sufficient information has been presented, with Mayor Tillinghast and Councilman Nix feeling additional information is needed. Mayor Tillinghast recommended giving further consideration to fire prevention for new structures to be built, such as installation of sprinkling systems. Councilman Nix stated a comparative analysis should be presented for three locations for a fire station so that Council could review that information as well as the five-year capital improvement layout Councilman Petta stated one piece of property had been offered free of charge and that Chief Banghart had studied that property as a possible fire station site. Chief Banghart stated that a study of that property indicated that standard fire station plans could not be used on that property, since it is too narrow. Cited potential problems of access on the right-of-way, access to Barton Road, some safety hazards, and that an architect would be required to solve some of the problems. Stated that any location discussed at this meeting would be acceptable. Mr. DeBenedet stated that additional property adjacent to the present City property would not be available for sale for approximate 10 or 15 years. CC-82-9 Motion by Mayor Tillinghast, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, by all present, to authorize staff to prepare RFP's inviting proposals for the master plan and cost estimates for construction of a civic center complex to include City offices, County offices, and fire fighting facilities on the currently owned City property; further that the proposal would state this is to be phased. First Phase - construction of the fire station. Second Phase - construction of the remainder of the civic center facilities; and, at the same time that the staff is preparing these RFP's, we request our fire representatives to do an in-depth study of available facilities to allow Council to make a final determination on the location of the fire station. Page nine - 1/g4/82 Councilman Nix noted that this Motion should include a direction to staff to prepare the capital improvement budget plan as discussed. PRE-RELEASE FACILITY - HIGHGROVE AREA Councilman Nix stated th will be considering the pre-release facility to meeting on February 2nd a representative present that Councilman Grant ha that he would also be present. at the Riverside Coun proposal for the esta be located in the Hig at 2:00 p.m., and rec at that time. Mayor s been authorized to PROTEST OF ORDINANCE NO. 19 - VEHICLE PARKING ty Board of Supervisors blishment of a hgrove area at it's ommended the City have Tillinghast stated represent the City and Mr. Ron Martin, 12471 Reed, stated he basically agrees with the intent of the Ordinance, which he feels is to prevent storage of recreational vehicles, semi -trucks, and trailers on the public streets. Voiced objection to the limitation of eight hours for the parking of a recreational vehicle, stating it does not allow time to prepare a vehicle for a trip or the cleanup following a trip, and felt 72 hours is a more reasonable period of time. Received a parking ticket recently when his vehicle was parked at his residence in order to clean it prior to returning it to storage. Fought the parking ticket in the courts, and the matter was dropped due to lack of participation by the City. Requested clarification of what constitutes a recreational vehicle, as well as a commercial vehicle, under Ordinance 19, and the discrimination between those vehicles classified as private versus commercial. Stated most city ordinances do not allow commercial vehicles to be on the city streets other than for delivery purposes. Mayor Tillinghast stated that he felt the Ordinance is deliberately discriminatory, since motor homes and trailers can be traffic hazards which block the vision for individuals entering and leaving adjacent driveways; and stated the Ordinance allows the City'Manager to issue temporary parking permits. Mr. Martin stated he felt it is costly to both the individuals and to the City to issue the permits, since it takes time to get the permit and involves administrative time for the City. Objected to City employees listing individuals violating the Ordinance and providing that list to the Sheriff's Department to write tickets. City Manager Armstead objected to comments made by Mr. Martin regarding staff's actions relating to violators of the Ordinance. Attorney Hopkins stated it is the duty of the staff to enforce the laws of the City, and they should not be criticized for enforcing the laws which the City Council has established. Further stated that the Planning commission takes a totally different approach to this matter and feels that Council should further enforce this Ordinance. 0 11 Page ten - 1/14/82 Mayor Tillinghast, with concurrence of Council, directed staff to review Ordinance 19 for any possible corrections or changes. ORDINANCE NO. 56 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A BUILDING MORATORIUM ON CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND ADJACENT TO INTERSTATE 15 (STATE HIGHWAY 91) ZONED C-2, M-R, AND M-2. CC-82-10 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilman Rigley, to adopt Ordinance No. 56, by title only. City Attorney Hopkins read the title of Ordinance No. 56. Councilman Nix questioned to what extent the affected property owners had been notified of this action and recommended deferring adoption of this Ordinance until they had been notified. In discussion it was noted that the previous Ordinance providing for a moratorium on this property had expired on December 28; the importance of this property not being developed until further planning of this area had been considered; and the fact that the property owners are possibly aware of the proposed continued moratorium, since the Economic Development Advisory Committee has been working closely with them. With clarification that the affected property owners are to be notified of action taken by Council at this meeting to allow them the opportunity to voice objection at the meeting of January 28 regarding this matter, Motion No. CC-82-10 carried unanimously by all present. ZONING CODES Mayor Tillinghast recommended postponing consideration of this matter to the Council meeting of January 28. Referred to the section referring to off -site subdivision directional signs, stating they had been modified from the current ordinance in that the graphic exhibits had been eliminated, and felt they should be included. City Attorney Hopkins recommended adopting a separate resolution covering this area. The appropriate resolution will be prepared and available at the next Council meeting. The Mayor also noted that other requirements should be developed as well as signing requirements regarding the regional shopping center facilities. Typographical errors were also noted. Councilman Rigley requested that the Zoning Codes also include C-1 use and AP use as discussed in the work session for review at the next meeting. TEMPORARY CITY COUNCIL FACILITIES Mayor Tillinghast recommended deferring action on this item until financial information has been received from staff as previously directed. Page eleven - 1/14/82 Councilman Petta recommended authorizing staff to circulate RFP's for a temporary City Council facility at this time, since the present facilities are inadequate and cost $700 a month, with limited use. The facility could be used for the City Council meetings, Planning Commission meetings, and Committees; felt the price would be no more than what is currently being paid and that when the facility is no longer needed, the City could sell it for the amount purchased or possibly more; felt the facility would have good acoustics and ample parking on City property; and felt it would cost the City nothing to proceed to get the RFP's. Mayor Tillinghast stated he would agree if the proposals could be received after the proposals on the other complex. Stated it is a possibility that, once the financial information is received, it could possibly show that the City is in a financial position to obtain a civic center right away. Discussion and debate were held regarding the cost to contractors for providing RFP's and the advisability of requesting RFP's prior to establishing the need for a temporary facility. Randy Anstine, Community Services Director, and City Engineer Joe Kicak recommended not requesting RFP's until the requirement for a temporary facility has been established. Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Petta, to approve a temporary facility. Mayor Tillinghast stated that specific areas of the proposed RFP should be reviewed in depth prior to submittal, noting that one area requires all labor, including plans and specifications, to be prepared by an AIA architect, with another area specifying the requirements, which eliminates the need for an architect. Mr. Anstine stated the material was presented in that manner to allow manufacurers of trailers and mobile facilities to bid the project by supplying them with those dimensions, and also allows contractors to bid the project. Almost every one of those units are laid out by an architect and mass produced. Following further discussion, the Motion failed with AYES by Councilmen Petta and Rigley and NOES by Mayor Tillinghast and Councilman Nix. COLTON JOINT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT DISCIPLINARY PLAN CC-82-11 Motion Mayor Tillinghast, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, by all present, to request the Colton Joint Unified School District to list the City of Grand Terrace as a supporter of the Colton Joint Unified School District Disciplinary Plan. BALLOT MEASURES - 1982 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Mayor Tillinghast stated previous discussion had been held regarding consolidating the municipal elections with those of the School Page twelve - 1/14/82 CC-82-14 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, by all present, that Council will write no arguments for or against the measures. RESOLUTION NO. 82-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AN IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS OF MEASURES. CC-82-15 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, by all present, to adopt Resolution No. 82-06. Recess was called at 11:17 p.m. and Reconvened at 11:25 p.m., with all members present except Councilman Grant. CITY ENGINEER REPORT City Engineer Kicak advised Council that a proposed maintenance agreement for storm drains and streets had been provided in the Council packets for review. CITY MANAGER REPORT City Manager Armstead advised Council that a status report regarding sign code infractions was included in the packets. Mayor Tillinghast stated he had requested this status report, since there was a question regarding the sign on the Travelers Insurance Building, with report clarifying the sign to be in conformance through a minor deviation. Councilman Rigley questioned the Lions Club sign at the Community Center. Councilman Nix stated action should be taken on that sign, since the Lions Club approved the action some time ago. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilman Petta questioned the status of the Complaint to the PUC regarding the telephone petitions and questioned the time element on the Complaint. City Attorney Hopkins is to get that information. Councilman Rigley voiced opposition to the addresses in the telephone directory being listed as Colton. Tom Coyle, Administrative Assistant, stated he has been working on this matter, and the Telephone Company states that, according to its rules, the individual home service is a business contract between the Telephone Company and the homeowner and requires permission of the homeowner to change the address. Mayor Tillinghast stated he wrote to the main office in San Francisco requesting a change in his address. Councilman Petta questioned the City Engineer as to why Southern California Edison Company still does not recognize Grand Terrace addresses which are still being listed as Colton, especially since this particular subdivision was processed by the City of Grand Terrace. Mr. Kicak stated that, previously, business had been Page fifteen - 1/14/82 conducted with Southern California Edison Company by telephone, and they will now follow up with a letter. City Manager Armstead stated that Mr. Falkner had indicated this matter would be taken care of by February 1. 0 Mayor Tillinghast circulated an open house invitation received from Hill, Danielson & Associates, Inc. Stated the red curb on the east side of Mt. Vernon, south of Brentwood Street, has been ignored for some time by the residents, causing other residents to break the law, and felt it would be appropriate for Council to take action to remove the red curb. Motion by Mayor Tillinghast to direct staff to remove the red curb in the area along the east side of Mt. Vernon on the southerly side of Brentwood Street failed for lack of a Second. CLOSED SESSION Council recessed to a Closed Session at 11:40 p.m., with City Attorney Hopkins, City Manager Armstead, and Finance/Administrative Services Officer Ed Clark in attendance. The meeting reconvened at 11:48 p.m., with all members present, except Councilman Grant. Mayor Tillinghast announced Council had been meeting in Closed Session regarding matters related to litigation, with no action being taken. STREET SWEEPING CONTRACT City Manager Armstead requested Council's permission to send a letter to Carey Professional Sweeping terminating the City's Agreement for street sweeping due to non-conformance. CC-82-16 Motion by Mayor Tillinghast, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, by all present, to authorize transmittal of a letter dated January 14, 1982, to Carey Professional Sweeping to terminate the street sweeping services, requesting acknowledgment of receipt of the letter within 10 days. City Manager Armstead stated that the firm of Inland Power Sweeping is presently under contract for street sweeping to the County of Riverside, and is willing to assume the street sweeping for the City under the same provisions of the present street sweeping contract for the remainder of the fiscal year; requested Council approval to enter in such an agreement with Inland Power Sweeping on a trial basis. City Attorney Hopkins stated no formal Council action would be required on this matter. Page sixteen - 1/14/82 District elections in odd -numbered years, with Council being split on the issue. Discussion was also held regarding combining the municipal elections with those of the statewide general or statewide primary, and it was felt to be inappropriate to consolidate with those elections. The Mayor voiced objection to an article which appeared in the December 17 issue of a newspaper delivered to his house which indicated that the Mayor was very eager to have the elections consolidated so that he would not have to run. He then read a portion of the transcript of the December 10 meeting and stated that at no time did he indicate he was eager. He stated that, since consolidation with the School District elections would necessitate Council's voting to increase their terms by 19 months, felt it would be more appropriate to place an advisory measure on the ballot to pose the question to the community. Motion by Mayor Tillinghast, Second by Councilman Nix, to adopt a resolution to place a measure on the ballot for the General Municipal Election of April 13, 1982, pertaining to consolidation of the municipal elections with the School District elections in November of odd -numbered years. Councilman Nix voiced support of the Motion, feeling it would be appropriate for Council to shorten the terms, but inappropriate for Council to take action to extend the terms. Councilman Petta voiced a preference to consolidate the municipal ~ elections with the statewide general elections in November of even -numbered years, and proposed placing both questions on the ballot for the community to decide. Mayor Tillinghast stated he felt consolidating the election with the statewide general election in November of even -numbered years would deemphasize City matters, since it would be on the same ballot with State and county matters, with city matters placed at the end of the ballot, versus consolidating with the School District elections which would focus on local matters and possibly result in a better voter turn out. Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilman Nix, to amend the Motion to read that we allow the people to determine whether they want the proposal as set out by Mayor Tillinghast to provide the elections be consolidated with the School District elections, or whether the people want to have our elections consolidated with the statewide general elections in november of even -numbered years. Following discussion, Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Petta, to further amend the Motion to place a third question on the ballot to question whether the citizens want the general muncipal elections to remain in April as they are now. Councilman Rigley then withdrew his amended Motion. Page thirteen - 1/14/82 RESOLUTION NO. 82-04 CC-82-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE SUBMISSION TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY THREE MEASURES RELATING TO CONSOLIDATION OF MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS AT THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON APRIL 13, 1982, HERETOFORE CALLED BY RESOLUTION NO. 81-69 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE. Substitution Motion was made by Councilman Nix, Second by Mayor Tillinghast, to adopt Resolution No. 82-04. Following clarification that the measure will be written in such a manner which will give the electors the opportunity to select which they want, the Substitute Motion carried ALL AYES, by all present. RESOLUTION NO. 82-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE SUBMISSION TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY TWO MEASURES RELATING TO THE ELECTION OF A MAYOR AND FOUR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AT THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON APRIL 13, 1982, HERETOFORE CALLED BY RESOLUTION NO. 81-69 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE. CC-82-13 Motion by Mayor Tillinghast, Second by Councilman Petta, to adopt Resolution No. 82-05. In discussion, Councilman Rigley questioned the purpose to be served by having an elected mayor. Mayor Tillinghast stated this matter had been proposed by the previous Mayor; this is not an advisory measure and would take effect, should the measure pass, in 1984 or 1985. Stated adjoining communities have an elected mayor and felt it appropriate to allow the citizens the opportunity of electing the Mayor. Councilman Rigley stated the community should also be given the opportunity of deciding if they wish the present manner of electing the Mayor to continue; voiced opposition to having a Mayor and four Councilmen; felt the next step would be to establish a salary for the Mayor; prefers the present method of electing the Mayor. Mayor Tillinghast stated the salary would be established for the Mayor the same way as for the Council, unless the people should vote to change it. Following discussion, the Motion carried 3-1 on AYES of Mayor Tillinghast and Councilmen Nix and Petta, with Councilman Rigley voting NOE. City Attorney Hopkins impartial analysis of if arguments are to be designated questioned if Council wished him to write an the measures and stated Council should decide written and, if so, the Council Members to be J Page fourteen - 1/g4/82 J ADJOURN The City Council meeting adjourned at 11:53 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held January 28, 1982, at 6:00 p.m. following a Public Workshop Session at 4:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Page seventeen - 1/14/82 APPROVED: A