01/03/1980CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY 3, 1980 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order at 12354 Mt. Vernon, First Baptist Church of Grand Terrace, Grand Terrace, California, at 6:11 p.m. on January 3, 1980. PRESENT: Tony Petta, Mayor Thomas A. Tillinghast, Mayor Pro Tempore Doug Erway, Councilman Jack Allen, Councilman Hugh J. Grant, Councilman Seth Armstead, City Manager Joe Kicak, City Engineer Eugene Nazarek, representing City Attorney Ivan Hopkins Myrna Lindahl, Executive Secretary/Deputy City Clerk ABSENT: None The meeting was opened with invocation by Pastor Jungsik Yoo, Loma Linda Korean Church of Seventh Day Adventist, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Joe Falkner. ITEM ADDED TO AGENDA Executive Session, following Public Participation, to discuss litigation and personnel. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were removed from the Consent Calendar: A. Approval of Check Register No. 010380 B. Approval of authority to proceed with plans & specifications for Capital Improvement Program, FY 1979-80, as follows: (1) SB 821 (Sidewalks & bicycle path) (2) Street name signs (3) Slurry seal of residential streets (4) Overlay & reconstruction on Barton Road & Mt. Vernon D. Approval of City Credit Card Policy Page one - 1/3/80 CC-80-1 Motion was made by Councilman Erway, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried unanimously to approve the following item on the Consent Calendar: C. Approval of revised contract with Caltrans & authorize Mayor to execute Contract. (SB 821) CC-80-2 Following discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried unanimously to approve Check Register No. 010380. CC-80-3 Following discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Erway, seconded by Councilman Tillinghast and carried unanimously to approve Item B on the Consent Calendar: B. Approval of authority to proceed with plans & specifications for Capital Improvement Program, FY 1979-80, as follows: (1) SB 821 (Sidewalks & bicycle path) (2) Street name signs (3) Slurry seal of residential streets (4) Overlay & reconstruction on Barton Road & Mt. Vernon CC-80-4 Following discussion, and with the addition of the appropriate language indicating the use of the City Credit Card will be for City Staff and Council only, Motion was made by Councilman Tillinghast, seconded by Councilman Erway and carried unanimously to approve Item D on the Consent Calendar: D. Approval of City Credit Card Policy COMMITTEE REPORTS PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE CC-80-5 Following recommendation of Chairman Geoff Dooley, Motion was made by Councilman Tillinghast, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried unanimously to appoint Mary Hodges as Alternate to the Parks & Recreation Committee. Chairman Geoff Dooley expressed thanks to Council and Staff for the successful Parks Grant in the amount of $100,000.00. PLANNING COMMISSION John McDowell reported the following: (1) Architectural ordinance is being prepared. Page two - 1/3/80 (2) "Illinois" ordinance being prepared. ENERGY COMMITTEE Leader Doug Erway reported the following: (1) Will be attending Energy Seminar in Riverside January 7 and 8. VOLUNTEER SERVICES COMMITTEE Chairman Bob Yeates reported the following: (1) "Keep America Beautiful" Program is being started. (2) Christmas decorations will be taken down this weekend. (3) Accent on Youth Fund is approaching $1,000.00. RECESS Mayor Petta called a Recess at 6:35 p.m. Council reconvened at 6:46 p.m., with all members present. ITEM REMOVED FROM AGENDA The following item was removed from the Agenda: 4D.(1) Stop sign on Barton Road at intersection of Honey Hills Drive. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY CONTRACT CC-80-6 Motion was made by Councilman Tillinghast, seconded by Councilman Erway to authorize Staff to proceed with establishing a contract with Aerial Enterprises for the work to be done. Following discussion and clarification by Councilman Tillinghast that his Motion was made with the intention of the flight being made now, with the number of prints to be ordered being established at the time Council reviews the proofs, the Motion carried unanimously. VIVIENDA BRIDGE City Engineer Joe Kicak read a letter from Caltrans, dated December 7, 1979 advising the funding for this project is two years away, and recommended suspending any further work that was previously authorized by Council. Page three - 1/3/80 CC-80-7 Following discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Tillinghast and carried unanimously to suspend the Agreement with BEK Consulting Engineers, Inc. for the preliminary study and design of the Vivienda Avenue Bridge until definine information is received regarding funding. CITY MANAGER REPORT City Manager Seth Armstead reported the following: (1) Property transfer funds - expect to receive approximately $5,000.00 from San Bernardino County the end of January. (2) SCAG items. (3) League of California Cities Prop. 4 Implementation Workshop CC-80-8 Motion was made by Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Erway and carried unanimously that the City Manager, the Financial Manager and one other individual, to be selected, be authorized to attend the League of Cities Proposition 4 Implementation Workshop to be held in San Bernardino on January 16, 1980. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY POSITION - ESTABLISHMENT OF SALARY RANGE CC-80-9 Following Staff Report by City Manager Seth Armstead recommending Executive Secretary Position be the salary range for the established as Step 43A, monthly salary of $914.00 per month, and discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Tillinghast, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried unanimously to approve Item 5A on the Agenda: 5A. Establishment of Salary Range for Executive Secretary Position. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The following citizens addressed Council: Donald Fishback, 22491 DeBerry, stated he was satisfied with the Traffic Control Signs and Curb Marking Plan; Bob Yeates, 12888 Fremontia and Dolores Kossman, 22735 Desoto, spoke regarding the number of signs in Grand Terrace, particularly the number posted on telephone poles; Geoff Dooley expressed concern regarding houses being left in disrepair; and John McDowell. EXECUTIVE SESSION Council recessed to Executive Session at 7:14 p.m., with City Manager Seth Armstead, Attorney Eugene Nazarek, Administrative Services/Finance Officer Ed Clark, and Mike Whipple, Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. in attendance. 0 Page four - 1/3/80 The regular meeting of the City Council reconvened at 9:50 p.m. CC-80-10 Motion was made by Councilman Grant to invite Urban Futures Incorporated to an Executive Session. Motion died for lack of a second. CC-80-10 Motion was made by Councilman Erway, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried unanimously to retain the firm of Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. as consultants for the Community Redevelopment Agency. ADJOURN The regular meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. A Public Work Session will be held at 4:00 p.m. Thursday, January 17, 1980 followed by the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk 0 Approved: Mayor Page five - 1/3/80