06/05/1980CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 5. 1980 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order at 12354 Mt. Vernon, First Baptist Church of Grand Terrace, Grand Terrace, California, at 6:09 p.m. on June 5, 1980. PRESENT: Thomas A. Tillinghast, Mayor Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Pro Tempore Tony Petta, Councilman Roy W. Nix, Councilman Jim Rigley, Councilman Ed Clark, representing City Manager Seth Armstead Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Brian Esgate, representing City Engineer Joe Kicak Myrna Lindahl, Executive Secretary/Deputy City Clerk ABSENT: Seth Armstead, City Manager Joe Kicak, City Engineer ITEMS ADDED TO AGENDA Agenda Item 3C - Approval of General Plan Study Area Report and authorize filing of General Plan Amendment Application. Agenda Item 7C(2) -.Handicap Sidewalk Ramps Agenda Item 7C(3) - Installation of Settling Basins ITEM DELETED FROM AGENDA Agenda Item 7F(1) - Proclamation - Burglary Prevention Month APPROVAL OF MINUTES - MAY 15, 1980 Following discussion and correction to Motion No. CC-80-166 regarding fencing requirements, Motion was made by Councilman Petta to approve the Minutes of May 15, 1980 as amended. Motion died for lack of a second. CC-80-173 Following further discussion and corrections, Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Rigley and carried unanimously to approve the Minutes of May 15, 1980 as amended. Page one - 6/5/80 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - MAY 22, 1980 CC-80-174 Following discussion and corrections, Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Councilman Nix and carried unanimously to approve the Minutes of May 22, 1980 as amended. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-80-175 Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Rigley and carried unanimously to approve the following items on the Consent Calendar: A. Approval of Check Register No. 060580. B. Extend Lease Agreement with Kicak & Assoc. through June 30, 1981. C. Approval of General Plan Study Area Report and authorize filing of General Plan Amendment Application. COMMISSION AND COMMITTEE REPORTS PLANNING COMMISSION The following six individuals were nominated to serve on the Planning Commission: Doug Erway; Lillian Smith; Frank Tetley; Bill DeBenedet; John McDowell; and Nathan Youmans. CC-80-176 Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Nix and carried unanimously to close the nominations for appointment of Planning Commissioners. The following five individuals were appointed to the Planning Commission effective June 15, 1980 for a four year term: Doug Erway; Lillian Smith; Frank Tetley; Bill DeBenedet; and John McDowell. Commissioner McDowell is on leave of absence from June 1, 1980 to approximately October 1, 1980. PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE CC-80-177 Following briefing and recommendation by Chairman Geoff Dooley, Motion was made by Councilman Rigley, seconded by Councilman Petta and carried unanimously to: Accept the resignation of Mary Hodges as an alternate on the Parks & Recreation Committee; Appoint Dianne Radeka as a regular member of the Parks & Recreation Committee; and to appoint Ann Kirby as an alternate on the Parks & Recreation Committee. Chairman Dooley then introduced Dianne Radeka and requested a Vacancy Notice be posted for an alternate member to the Committee. Chairman Geoff Dooley reported on the following items: (1) Requested a search be conducted for land for a Little League ballfield for next year; (2) Letters were sent to 23 prospective applicants for the position of Parks & Recreation Director - some responses have been received; (3) Requested confirmation of approval for the Page two - 6/5/80 Parks & Recreation Director position for FY 1980-81. Staff stated this position is included in the FY 1980-81 Budget, which is to be approved by June 30, 1980. City Attorney Hopkins stated interviews can be conducted, but the salary cannot be discussed until the FY 1980-81 Budget has been approved; (4) Summer Day Camp Program, July 28 - August 13 - reservations being taken at City Hall; (5) Gymnastics Program. CC-80-178 Following briefing by Geoff Dooley, and discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Rigley to approve the Gymnastics Program in principle. Motion carried on AYE votes of Councilmen Petta, Nix, Rigley and Mayor Tillinghast, with Councilman Grant voting NOE. CC-80-179 Following further discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Nix, seconded by Councilman Rigley to adopt a fee program for the Gymnastics Program of $30.00 per person. Discussion was held regarding the possibility of negotiating with the Colton Joint Unified School District for a more cooperative approach relative to charging fees for facilities involving city recreational programs. Following discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Rigley to amend Motion No. CC-80-179 to include that any profit, whether it be $145.10 more or less, and any other amount which is saved by not paying a fee to the Colton Joint Unified School District, if that is realized, is to be returned somehow to the participants - either returned or utilized for the benefit of the students. Following discussion, the Amendment to Motion No. CC-80-179 carried on AYE votes of Councilmen Grant, Petta and Rigley, with Councilman Nix and Mayor Tillinghast voting NOE. Motion No. CC-80-179, as amended, carried unanimously. Chairman Dooley requested the City negotiate with Colton Joint Unified School District regarding establishing a means whereby the Senior League concession trailer can be moved on and off the Terrace Hills Jr. High School grounds. Vice -Chairman Lotspeich briefed Council regarding a proposed soccer program. He then briefed Council regarding a proposal by Boy Scout Ben Bartley to collect trees for the 5.35 acre park site in order to earn his Eagle Scout Merit Badge, and introduced Ben Bartley, who addressed Council regarding his proposal. CC-80-180 Following discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Councilman Petta and carried unanimously to approve the proposed park tree program as outlined by Ben Bartley, and to authorize him to perform the functions required to obtain his Eagle Scout Merit Badge. 9 Page three - 6/5/80 ENERGY COMMITTEE CC-80-181 Following briefing by Administrative Services/Finance Officer Ed Clark, Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Nix and carried unanimously to approve the formation of an Energy Plan in concept. Discussion was held regarding members attending a seminar in Golden, Colorado. Mayor Tillinghast opened the meeting to public comment. Yvonne Best, 11731 Mt. Vernon, and Steve Kiacz, 11809 Holly, spoke in opposition to the proposed trip. Following further discussion, action on this item was deferred. CC-80-182 Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Grant and carried unanimously to authorize the Energy Committee to establish an individual audit and inventory of homes throughout Grand Terrace with the assistance of Southern California Edison and Southern California Gas Company. CC-80-183 Following discussion and advisement from City Attorney Hopkins, Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Nix and carried unanimously to authorize the Energy Committee to proceed with an amendment to the Grand Terrace General Plan to include an Energy Plan Element. BUDGET - ENERGY & VOLUNTEER SERVICES COMMITTEES CC-80-184 Following briefing by Administrative Services/Finance Officer Ed Clark, and discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Rigley, seconded by Councilman Petta and carried unanimously to appropriate $400.00 to establish a $200.00 operating budget for the Energy Committee and the Volunteer Services Committee through June 30, 1980. HISTORICAL & CULTURAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Chairman Koleta Green read her letter of resignation to Council. She also advised Council the next Committee meeting will be held Monday, June 9, at the Community Center; the Charter Council portraits are now being framed and will be hung in City Hall. CC-80-185 Motion was made by Councilman Rigley, seconded by Councilman Grant and carried unanimously to accept, with deep regret, the resignation of Koleta Green as Chairman of the Historical & Cultural Activities Committee. VOLUNTEER SERVICES COMMITTEE Chairman Bob Yeates reported a meeting will be held Thursday, June 12, regarding the 4th of July Picnic - results of this meeting will be reported at the Council Meeting of June 19, 1980. _ Page four - 6/5/80 CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE Chairman Judy Rinderhagen reported the following: (1) Resignation from Committee of Sharon White - other applications are being considered; (2) Bicycle Safety Program, June 8,-at Terrace View School; (3) Next Committee Meeting to be held Monday, June 9. EQUIPMENT PRESENTATION Chairman Judy Rinderhagen presented a CB Unit and a scanner to Captain Philip Schuyler. This equipment is to be placed in the patrol car for Grand Terrace, and is to remain the property of the City of Grand Terrace. This equipment was purchased with Crime Prevention Committee funds. CC-80-186 Motion was made by Councilman Nix, seconded by Councilman Petta and carried unanimously to accept, with regret, the resignation of Sharon White from the Crime Prevention Committee. COMMISSION/COMMITTEE REPORT POLICY Administrative Services/Finance Officer Ed Clark briefed Council regarding a meeting held with the Committees May 29 to establish a format to relate information and to request Council action. Mr. Clark presented a Memorandum summarizing the meeting and the two forms which will be used. (The Memorandum, dated May 29, 1980, Subject: Commission/Committee Communication & Coordination Meeting, and the forms are on file in the City Clerk's Office.) POLICY - RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS CC-80-187 Following briefing by Administrative Services/Finance Officer Ed Clark, Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Grant and carried unanimously as follows: A. That the Policy Manual not be changed for qualification for appointment of Commission/Committee Members. B. That Page 3, D2, be renumbered to Paragraph "3", and that a new paragraph "2" be added to read: "Associate members without voting privileges may consist of owners and/or operators of businesses within Grand Terrace." RECESS Mayor Tillinghast called a Recess at 7:45 p.m. Council reconvened at 7:57 p.m. with all members present. _ Page five - 6/5/80 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS & CURB MARKING PLAN Engineering Staff, Brian Esgate, briefed Council regarding his survey of the East Side of Mt. Vernon at Minona, and recommendation for placement of "no parking" signs. Following discussion, Mayor Tillinghast opened the meeting to public comment, Yvonne Best, 11731 Mt. Vernon, stated a letter had been sent regarding the intersection of Brentwood & Mt. Vernon, and no response has been received. Mayor Tillinghast explained the action Council had taken at this intersection and directed Staff to respond to the letter. CC-80-188 Following discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Rigley, seconded by Councilman Petta to authorize placement of "no parking" signs on the east side of Mt. Vernon at Minona as outlined on the Traffic Control Sign & Curb Marking Plan approved at the Council Meeting of May 1, 1980. Yvonne Best, 11731 Mt. Vernon, spoke in opposition to further limitations, and recommended enforcing the speed limit and "no passing." Barbara Pfennighausen, 12364 Pascal, stated she didn't believe the two deaths which occurred in that area were related to the fact that cars were parked in that vicinity. Following further discussion and clarification of the Motion, the Motion carried on AYE votes of Councilmen Grant, Nix and Rigley, with Councilman Petta abstaining, and Mayor Tillinghast voting NOE. CURB & GUTTER SURVEY - MR. ARKEBAUER REQUEST TO INSTALL CURB & GUTTER Following briefing by Engineering Staff, Brian Esgate, and discussion, Engineering Staff was directed to insure that all curbs and gutters in the City are checked to make sure that any necessary repairs are made prior to the slurry seal being completed. OMNITRANS PRESENTATION Bob Chafin, Marita Reiley and Michelle Robertson, of Omnitrans, briefed Council regarding a survey of the bus service which was conducted by Omnitrans. The findings of the study suggest no Omnitrans service should be extended to Grand Terrace at this time. The Study recommends increasing the frequency of service on Route 14. Lillian Smith, 11914 Mt. Vernon, stated the citizens are not aware of the bus schedules. Mayor Tillinghast stated they are available at City Hall. RTA BUS STOP ZONES CC-80-189 Following briefing by Administrative Services/Finance Officer Ed Clark and discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Page six - 6/5/80 Councilman Nix to authorize and request RTA to install bus stop signs, both in the easterly and westerly directions, in the City of Grand Terrace as set forth in the map which was contained as part of the correspondence from RTA of May 12, 1980. The type and location of the signs are to be coordinated through the City Engineer's Office. Following discussion, the Motion carried unanimously. TRACT 10622 - WHELAN & GENTRY Following discussion regarding the request to waive additional sewer construction fees, Mayor Tillinghast deferred action on this matter to allow City Attorney Hopkins time to further review Ordinance No. 11. RESOLUTION NO. 80-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE APPLICABLE TO THE DESIGNATED OFFICIALS PURSUANT TO THE POLITICAL REFORM ACT OF 1974. Following a detailed review and briefing by City Attorney Hopkins, Mayor Tillinghast opened Public Hearing on the matter. Dolores Kossman, 22735 Desoto, questioned why adoption of the Code is necessary at this time, and asked if the information provided will be a matter of public record. City Attorney Hopkins stated the City had previously adopted a Conflict of Interest Code by reference, and must now adopt its own Code. The information provided will be a matter of public record. Mayor Tillinghast closed Public Hearing. CC-80-190 Following discussion and amendment of Appendix "A" to add the positions of City Clerk, Building Official, Building Inspector, and all City Committees to the list of Designated Employees, Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Nix to adopt Resolution No. 80-21 as amended. Mayor Tillinghast opened the meeting to Public Comment. Ken Rinder- hagen, 12738 Wilmac, and Dolores Kossman, 22735 DeSoto, spoke in opposition to listing City Committee Members as Designated Employees, stating all Committee actions must be authorized by Council. Mayor Tillinghast closed the meeting to public comment. Following further discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Councilman Nix to amend Motion No. CC-80-190 to include amending Resolution No. 80-21 to make the Filing Officer the City Clerk. The Motion to amend carried unanimously, and the Amended Motion No. CC-80-190 carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 80-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, DIRECTING AND SUPPORTING THE BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (BIA) AS AGENT. TO ADMINISTER AND COORDINATE A SUBDIVISION DIRECTIONAL SIGN PROGRAM FOR i Page seven - 6/5/80 FOR THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE. 0 CC-80-191 Motion was made by Councilman Rigley, seconded by Councilman Nix and carried unanimously to adopt Resolution No..80-20. CITY COUNCIL EQUIPMENT CC-80-192 Following discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Grant, to direct Staff to: A. Purchase a semi -circular Council Table capable of seating five persons; B. Purchase 10 each Model 454 Red Orange 5963 Comfort Chairs; and C. Appropriate $5,000.00 from the remaining bailout monies to "Office Furniture and Minor Equipment" line item on Page 4 of the Monthly Budget to establish a means for purchasing the Council Table and Chairs. Following further discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Rigley to amend Motion No. CC-80-192 to purchase 10 each Model 454 Grey Value 5954 Chairs. Motion died for lack of a second. Following further discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Nix to amend Motion No. CC-80-192 to delete the semi -circular Council Table capable of seating five persons from the Motion. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion No. CC-80-192 carried on AYE votes of Councilmen Grant, Petta, Rigley and Mayor Tillinghast, with Councilman Nix voting NOE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, PERTAINING TO ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RELATING TO SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEMS FOR RESIDENCES AND SWIMMING POOLS. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, PERTAINING TO NUISANCE ABATEMENT, RESPONSIBILITIES AND THE ENFORCEMENT THEREOF. Page eight - 6/5/80 1H - ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING MINIMUM HOUSING STANDARDS, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND ENFORCEMENT THEREOF. Mayor Tillinghast advised Council the four draft ordinances, Agenda Items 6G, 6H, 6I and 6J, have been submitted by the Planning Commission. Council is to determine which ordinances are to be presented for further action. City Attorney Hopkins stated once Council has determined which ordinances are to receive further action, those ordinances will then be legally reviewed. Following discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Councilman Rigley to refer the ordinances, Agenda Items 6G thru 6J, to the City Attorney for review. Motion failed on AYE votes of Councilman Grant and Mayor Tillinghast, with Councilmen Petta, Nix and Rigley voting NOE. CC-80-193 Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Nix to direct Staff to furnish Council with additional information so Council can adequately make a decision as to what direction to give Legal Counsel. Following discussion, Motion carried on AYE votes of Councilmen Grant, Petta, Nix and Rigley, with Mayor Tillinghast voting NOE. POLICE CHIEF REPORT Mayor Tillinghast stated Captain Schuyler had announced earlier in the meeting that Grand Terrace has the lowest crime rate of any surveyed area in San Bernardino County. FIRE CHIEF REPORT Administrative Services/Finance Officer Ed Clark stated the ramp at the Fire Station for the fire engine to gain access to Mt. Vernon needs repaving. CITY ENGINEER REPORT (1) Traffic Signals Engineering Staff, Brian Esgate briefed Council regarding a Memorandum written by City Engineer Joe Kicak dated March 28, 1980, Subject: Signalization of Freeway Offramps, Michigan & Barton Road and La Crosse at Barton. (A copy of this Memorandum is on file in the City Clerk's Office.) CC-80-194 Following discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Grant to authorize Staff to proceed with the necessary work Page nine - 6/5/80 t for implementing Grand Terrace signals at Michigan & Barton Road, including the intersection of Vivienda & Barton Road, and the Barton Road Freeway on and off ramps, for a total cost of $173,000.00. Motion carried on AYE votes of Councilmen Grant, Petta and Nix, with Councilman Rigley and Mayor Tillinghast voting NOE. CC-80-195 Motion was made by Councilman Nix, seconded by Mayor Tillinghast, to accept Staff's recommendation to leave the FAU Funds in the amount of $90,000.00 as they are at the present time. Following discussion, the Motion carried unanimously. (2) Sidewalk Handicap Ramps Engineering Staff, Brian Esgate, and Administrative Services/Finance Officer Ed Clark briefed Council regarding this matter. CC-80-196 Following advisement from City Attorney Hopkins, and discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Grant, to temporarily exempt the installation of five sidewalk handicap ramps on DeBerry Street in the vicinity of Terrace Hills Junior High School, based on two findings: (1) the driveways presently provide an alternate access to the property for the handicapped; (2) installation of these ramps prior to the installation of a storm drain from Tract 9625 will create a flood problem and damage to the sidewalks and become a health hazard. Also, to authorize an ongoing program for the construction of sidewalk handicap ramps and sidewalks as grant funds become available. Following discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Nix, seconded by Mayor Tillinghast, to amend Motion No. CC-80-196 to delete the following portion from that Motion: "Also, to authorize an ongoing program for the construction of sidewalk handicap ramps and sidewalks as grant funds become available." The Motion to amend Motion No. CC-80-196 carried unanimously, and the Amended Motion carried unanimously. CC-80-197 Motion was made by Councilman Nix, seconded by Mayor Tillinghast and carried unanimously to authorize Staff to prepare a tentative layout of sidewalk handicap ramps to be constructed using the remaining HCD Funds of approximately $7,000.00 SETTLING BASINS CC-80-198 Following staff presentation by Engineering Staff, Brian Esgate, and discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Rigley and carried unanimously to: (a) Approve the concept of installing settling basins; (b) Direct Staff to contact the owners of land for installation of settling basins; (c) Direct Staff to prepare plans and specifications; and (d) Approve the expenditure of capital improvement storm drain FY 1979/80 funds in the amount of $14,000.00 as an ongoing project for FY 1979/80 and FY 1980/81 for purposes of budgeting to cover the Gann Initiative. Page ten - 6/5/80 CITY ATTORNEY REPORT (1) La Loma Hills Supervisorial District City Attorney Hopkins briefed Council regarding -his letter to City Manager Seth Armstead, dated June 2, 1980, Subject: La Loma Hills; Inclusion in Same Supervisorial District as Remainder of City of Grand Terrace. (A copy of this letter is on file in the City Clerk's Office.) Mayor Tillinghast directed Staff to prepare the necessary letters for his signature to the individuals recommended by the City Attorney. (2) Robert W. Parsons - Shell Service Station Remodeling City Attorney Hopkins briefed Council regarding his letter to City Manager Seth Armstead, dated June 2, 1980, Subject: Robert W. Parsons; Service Station Remodeling; Legal Authority for Requirement of Dedication of Right -of -Way. (A copy of this letter is on file in the City Clerk's Office.) CC-80-199 Following discussion regarding the interpretation and enforcement of Ordinance No. 11, Motion was made by Councilman Nix, seconded by Councilman Petta directing the review and rewriting of Ordinance No. 11 to reflect that Capital Improvement Fees are not intended to be applied as assessments against home improvement permits. Following discussion, the Motion carried on AYE votes of Councilmen Grant, Petta, Nix and Rigley, with Mayor Tillinghast voting NOE. RECESS Mayor Tillinghast called a Recess at 10:53 p.m. Council reconvened at 11:01 p.m., with all members present, except Councilman Rigley, who returned at 11:02 p.m. CITY MANAGER REPORT CC-80-200 Following briefing by Administrative Services/Finance Officer Ed Clark, Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Grant to direct Staff to prepare an appropriate news release regarding the prohibited sale or use of fireworks within the City of Grand Terrace. Motion carried on AYE votes of Councilmen Grant, Petta, Nix and Mayor Tillinghast, with Councilman Rigley abstaining. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilman Nix commended the soccer league for endeavoring to prepare a program using the facilities available, and encouraged -other groups to exhibit the same attitude in the preparation of their programs. r { . Page eleven - b/5/80 Councilman Grant reported on the following items: (1) The Omnitrans Board of Directors, at their meeting of May 7, approved filing application for a grant under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of $3.4 Million Dollars to purchase buses and other items for the Omnitrans Program. (2) The SANBAG Commission, at its meeting of May 7, went on record as opposing a Caltrans effort to, in effect, take over the Commuter Computer Program and the assignment of Caltrans personnel to top management positions•; (3) Attended, with the City Manager, an Omnitrans Meeting May 16, which was a seminar designed for new City Managers and Council Members; (4) Attended a California Contract Cities Association Meeting May 16; (5) Attended Omnitrans Meeting June 4; (6) Attended SANBAG Meeting June 4 - SANBAG and Caltrans submitted a resolution supporting a commuter rail project between San Bernardino/Riverside and Los Angeles. RESOLUTION NO. 80-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, FINDING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMUTER RAIL SERVICE BETWEEN SAN BERNARDINO/ RIVERSIDE AND LOS ANGELES. CC-80-201 Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Mayor Tillinghast, and carried unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 80-22. COMMUNITY CENTER LEASE CC-80-202 Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Grant and carried unanimously to appoint Councilman Nix as the negotiates for the City to get a lease for the Community Center with Colton Joint Unified School District by the Council Meeting of June 19, 1980. FY 1979-80 AUDIT CC-80-203 Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Nix and carried unanimously to authorize Staff to request proposals to conduct a FY 1979-80 Audit for the City. The firm of Vasquez, Quezada and Navarro is to be notified of this action. SAN BERNARDINO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL SITE Discussion was held regarding Grand Terrace being considered as a possible location for the San Bernardino Community Hospital. Mayor Tillinghast opened the meeting to public comment. Barbara Pfennighausen, 12364 Pascal, spoke in opposition to Grand Terrace as the location. Ken Rinderhagen, 12738 Wilmac, questioned if the proposed hospital is a county or community hospital. Joyce Gage, ` 22546 Cardinal, stated public input should be received by Council prior to a decision being made. Mae Robinson, 22631 Minona Drive, Page twelve 6/5/80 voiced concern over increased traffic. Romayne Chinnock, 22935 Arliss Drive, spoke in favor of a Grand Terrace location. Yvonne Best, 11731 Mt. Vernon, stated this should have been discussed early in the Council Meeting. CC-80-204 Following discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Councilman Petta, to authorize the Mayor to correspond with the appropriate officials of San Bernardino Community Hospital and the Site Selection Committee advising them the City is desirous of being considered as a site for the new community hospital. Following discussion, the Motion carried on AYE votes of Councilmen Grant, Petta, Rigley and Mayor Tillinghast, with Councilman Nix voting NOE: Mayor Tillinghast reported on the following items: (1) The California Tax Reform Association Fourth Annual Conference will be held June 11-12. No Council Members will attend. (2) SCA 46 (Speraw) - Major Amendment Proposed to Proposition 13. Definition of Full Cash Value for Residential Property. This would result in substantial local government revenue loss. League of• California Cities recommends opposing SCA 46. CC-80-205 Motion was made by Councilman Rigley, seconded by Mayor Tillinghast, and carried unanimously to send a letter of opposition regarding SCA 46. (3) AB 3430 (Costa)- Police and Fire Protection Capital Expenditures to be Added to 1911 and 1913 Acts. The League of California Cities has requested comments regarding this. Council took no action. (4) Affordable Housing - A letter was received from Larry Hendon, LAFC, San Bernardino County, stating the Board of Supervisors requests the City's position on this matter prior to Monday, June 9. Mayor Tillinghast asked Councilman Petta to address this matter and make recommendation to Council. Councilman Petta stated he could make no recommendation at this time. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Ken Rinderhagen, 12738 Wilmac, voiced concern regarding the wording of Resolution No. 80-20 seeming to give the Building Industry Association control over size and placement of subdivisional directional signs in the City. Mayor Tillinghast stated this is regulated by Ordinance. Mr. Rinderhagen also questioned if the proposed signalization in the vicinity of Michigan and Barton Road will eliminate the yellow flashing lights to be installed there. The yellow flashing lights will still be installed. Page thirteen - 6/5/80 Mae Robinson, 22631 Minona, addressed questions to Council regarding what action is being taken to develop the 5.35 acre park site and regarding street lights. Mrs. Robinson recommended sending letters to the Air Resources Board opposing the construction of a plant by Southern California Edison Company. ADJOURN CC-80-206 Motion was made by Councilman Rigley, seconded by Councilman Petta and carried unanimously to adjourn the Regular Meeting to an Adjourned Regular Meeting to be held June 12, 1980, at 4:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, rPC i ty ffCl e r lk APPROVED: Page fourteen - 6/5/80