10/16/1980CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - OCTOBER 16, 1980 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order at 12354 Mt. Vernon, First Baptist Church of Grand Terrace, Grand Terrace, California, at 6:36 p.m. on October 16, 1980. PRESENT: Thomas A. Tillinghast, Mayor Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Pro Tempore Tony Petta, Councilman Jim Rigley, Councilman Seth Armstead, City Manager Edward Clark, Finance/Administrative Services Officer Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Joe Kicak, City Engineer Myrna Lindahl, City Clerk ABSENT: Roy W. Nix, Councilman The meeting was opened with invocation by Reverend Harold Lorimer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Seth Armstead. ITEMS ADDED TO AGENDA Item 3G - Approve and Accept Parcel Map 5489. Item 3H - Approve Amended Computer Teleprocessing Agreement. Item 9 - Executive Session. ITEMS DELETED FROM AGENDA Item 3B - Approve Revised Responsibilities for Planning Commission and All City Committees. Item 3C - Resolution Rescinding Resolution No. 79-6 and Establishing Policy for Reimbursement of Travel Expenses. Item 3D(1) - Approve & Accept Final Maps - Tract 11135 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - (10-2-80) (9-25-80) (10-9-80) CC-80-350 Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Councilman Petta and carried unanimously, by all present, to approve the Minutes of October 2, 1980 as presented. Page one - 10/16/80 CC-80-351 Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Grant and carried unanimously, by all present, to approve the Minutes of September 25, 1980 as presented. CC-80-352 Motion was made by Mayor Tillinghast, seconded by Councilman Petta and carried unanimously, by all present, to approve the Minutes of October 9, 1980 as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-80-353 Motion was made by Councilman Rigley, seconded by Councilman Petta and carried unanimously, by all present, to approve the following items on the Consent Calendar: A. Approval of Check Register No. 101680. D. Approve & Accept Final Maps for Recordation, and Authorize Execution of Subdivision Agreements & Bonds for Tract 10622 - Importuna & Everisto. E. Approve & Accept Parcel Map 5789 for Final Recording. F. RESOLUTION NO. 80-40 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF A CERTAIN STREET IN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE. G. Approve & Accept Parcel Map 5489 for Final Recording. H. Approve Amended Computer Teleprocessing Agreement with San Bernardino County and Authorize Mayor to Execute. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE Chairman Geoff Dooley reported the following: (1) Thanked Dick Rollins and Bob Yeates for their assistance on the successful groundbreaking ceremony for Terrace Hills Community Park, and commended the news media for the fine coverage of the event. Work is to begin on the park next week; (2) - Gymnastics Program - Mr. Dooley requested Council approval of a Gymnastics Program, to be taught by Gil Pritchard, with the same concept approved on June 5, 1980. CC-80-354 Following discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Rigley and carried unanimously, by all present, to approve an eight week Gymnastics Program as presented. (Program Outline is on file in City Clerk's Office) Page two - 10/16/80 (3) Vice -Chairman Dick Rollins advised Council three bids had been obtained from sporting goods companies, with a low bid of $746.82, and requested Council approval to purchase a pair of portable soccer goals and nets with Parks & Recreation funds. CC-80-355 Following discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Rigley, seconded by Councilman Petta and carried unanimously, by all present, to approve the purchase of a pair of portable soccer goals and nets for $746.82, from the lowest bidder, J'n M Sports Hall, Upland. ENERGY COMMITTEE Dave Carmany, Administrative Assistant, reported the following: (1) The Committee has completed an outline of the City's Energy Element to the General Plan; (2) Energy Conservation Tips were distributed this week to five radio stations, to be broadcast by the stations as a public service. Councilman Grant requested a report be submitted to Council by Mr. Gene Tidwell concerning a SCAG Meeting he recently attended. VOLUNTEER SERVICES COMMITTEE Chairman Bob Yeates reported a meeting was held regarding Christmas Decorations for the City. CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE Chairperson Judy Rinderhagen reported the following: (1) Will attend vandalism seminar October 28 with Parks & Recreation Committee representatives; (2) Preparing "Lady Beware" Program for October 23 at 7:30 p.m. at the Terrace Hills Junior High; (3) Burglaries have increased - newspaper articles will be printed to encourage the residents to follow through with suggestions they have been given. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Applicant: Verda Hixson File/Index: GPA/79-0395/E223-117 Proposal: Amend General Plan, Res 2-4 du/ac to Res 9+ du/ac on 6.32 acres Location: Ext. btw, Mt. Vernon & Gage Canal, approx. 410' s/o Grand Terrace Road Rep: Robert W. Buchanan Planning Staff, Jean Laurin, advised Council construction of condominiums is planned for this 6.32 acre parcel, and stated no opposition has been received since the first reading of the Resolution. Page three - 10/16/80 Mayor Tillinghast opened Public Hearing on the matter. Supporting Testimony Mr. Stanley Proud, 1466 Greenbriar, Corona, representing Mrs. Verda Hixson, stated they plan to build 65-70 condominium units on this parcel, and feels they will benefit the City. He advised Council displays of the planned development are available. Opposing Testimony Mr. Homer H. Howell, 11821 Mt. Vernon Avenue, stated he is in favor of condominiums being built, but is concerned that no restrictions have been placed on the property to prevent other uses, such as a trailer park. He feels the General Plan should carry some restric- tions, rather than wait for the zone change. Mayor Tillinghast closed Public Hearing. Jean Laurin stated limitations for use of the property can be addressed when the zone change is considered. Councilman Grant concurred with Mr. Howell's concern, and also voiced concern that traffic will be increased in that area, since a problem already exists at the intersection of Mt. Vernon and Brentwood. RESOLUTION NO. 80-38 (2nd Reading) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING THE SECOND CYCLE 1980 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS. CC-80-356 Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Rigley and carried unanimously, by all present, to adopt Resolution No. 80-38. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Applicant: City of Grand Terrace File/Index: GPA/80-1020/E221-119 Proposal: Amend General Plan Map & text from Res-4 du/ac, Res-8 du/ac, & Res-16 du/ac to Office Commercial & General Commercial on 300 acres + Location: Generally btw Michigan & Vista Grande Ave.,N/S/s Barton Rd. Rep: Gale Carr Councilman Petta disqualified himself from discussion on this matter, due to a conflict of interest. Planning Staff, Jean Laurin, stated no protests have been received on this matter since the first hearing held October 2, 1980. Mayor Tillinghast opened Public Hearing on the matter. Page four - 10/16/80 Supporting Testimony No individuals spoke in favor of the matter. Opposing Testimony Helen Dodson, 21992 DeBerry, requested that her parcel and her son's parcel adjacent to hers to the West, not be zoned commercial, and stay residential. She stated a mistake had been made previously, which made these properties commercial, and had required S360.00 to get them rezoned back to residential. Bob Yeates, 12888 Fremontia, voiced concern for creating a residential island among commercial properties, and was assured this is not the case. Ken Rinderhagen, 12738 Wilmac, requested clarification that Mrs. Dodson is addressing two separate houses and parcels. Mayor Tillinghast closed Public Hearing. In discussion, Council concurred with Mrs. Dodson's request, and Mayor Tillinghast directed Staff to amend Exhibit "A", Area B, to reflect deletion of the two Dodson parcels from the commercial designation. City Attorney Hopkins advised Council that the proposed resolution would require another first reading, since there is an amendment. RESOLUTION NO. 80- (First Reading) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE,- CALIFORNIA, REGARDING THE SECOND CYCLE 1980 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS. CC-80-357 Motion ►•ras made by Mayor Tillinghast, seconded by Councilman Grant, to adopt first reading of the Resolution, as amended. The Motion carried on AYE votes of Councilmen Rigley, Grant, and Mayor Tillinghast. Councilman Petta abstained from voting due to a conflict of interest. Councilman Nix was absent. Second Reading of the Resolution will be held November 6, 1980. PERSONNEL RULES & REGULATIONS Finance/Administrative Services Officer Ed Clark briefed Council, stating he had misunderstood Council action regarding the amendment of Section 4.11, Overtime - General, at the meeting of August 21, and requested Council approval to amend this Section to reflect that all employees, with the exception of the City Manager, are to be compensated for overtime with pay or compensatory time off on a straight time basis, leaving the determination up to the employee. Page five - 10/16/80 Council discussed the possibility of problems arising from allowing the employees and administration to decide whether overtime would be paid or compensatory time off given. Mr. Clark was questioned as to the amount of overtime worked this year, and indicated 200 hours have been accumulated thus far. The point was raised that if the employees were to receive pay for overtime, would that include the hours spent in Council Meetings by employees and contract employees. Mr. Clark recommended adjusted workdays following Council Meetings for the affected employees. Motion was made by Councilman Petta, to approve all other employees, except the City Manager, shall be compensated for overtime by being paid or receiving compensatory time off, both to be on a straight time basis, with the employee determining which type of compensation. The Motion died for lack of a second. Motion was made by Councilman Rigley to approve Staff's recommendation, with the deletion of the phrase "by being paid." Mayor Tillinghast questioned if the Motion is to approve all other employees except the City Manager shall be compensated. Councilman Rigley stated the last sentence, "The employee will determine which type of compensation" is to be deleted. The Motion died for lack of a second. CC-80-358 Motion was made by Mayor Tillinghast, seconded by Councilman Grant, to amend Personnel Rule 4.11, Overtime - General, to read as follows: "Any employee, except those employees specified in the annual compensation plan as working an indefinite work week, who was ordered because of an emergency or in the interest of efficiency of the City, to render overtime service, and as a result, his time worked exceeds the normal work week for his class, shall be paid overtime on a straight time basis. A current record shall be kept at each instance of authorized overtime work stating the reasons therefor and by whom authorized; and also that date and duration of each instance. The overtime service must be for work definitely ordered or approved in advance by the appointing authority, except in emergency conditions." Councilman Rigley voiced objection to paying overtime for employees attending Council Meetings. Mayor Tillinghast stated no overtime will be paid for attendance at the meetings, and that their workdays will be adjusted to compensate for that time. Clarification was also given that the City Manager is the only employee specified in the annual compensation plan.as working an indefinite work week. Following discussion, Motion No. CC-80-3 58 carried unanimously, by all present. Page six - 10/16/80 RECESS t Mayor Tillinghast called a recess at 7:26 p.m. Council reconvened f at 7:37 p.m., with all members present except Councilman Nix. 7nNF CHANAF Proposal: ZC-RR-T to 3500-R-3-T on 6.32 acres Location: Ext. btw Mt. Vernon Ave. & Gage Canal, approx. 410' s/o Grand Terrace Road. Applicant: Verda M. Price (aka: Hixson) Rep: Robert W. Buchanan Planning Staff, Jean Laurin, advised Council this matter was heard and approved by the Planning Commission September 8, 1980, subject to conditions. A condominium project is planned for this property, and the proposed zoning would not permit a mobilehome project. A geologic hazard report was filed, and the conditions of that report are listed in the conditions of the zone change, as well as a requirement for two accesses to the property. Ms. Laurin recommended approval of the zone change to 3500-R-3-T, subject to the conditions. Mayor Tillinghast opened Public Hearing on the matter. Supporting Testimony Dr. Jack Booker, 11785 Mt. Vernon, spoke in favor of the zone change and proposed condominium project, and does not feel there will be a traffic problem, since two accesses to the project will be required. Mr. Homer H. Howell, 11821 Mt. Vernon, spoke in favor of the zone change with the 3500-R-3-T designation. Opposing Testimony Bob Yeates, 12888 Fremontia, stated he was not speaking in opposition to the zone change, but questioned if a problem exists for sewer access to that property. City Engineer Joe Kicak stated an easement has been granted. Mayor Tillinghast closed Public Hearing. In discussion, Council voiced concern regarding there being no assurance of condominiums being constructed on that property, versus other types of development. Jean Laurin recommended not stipulating against mobilehome development, since several items of proposed legislation are being considered. A potential traffic problem was discussed, which will require engineering analysis. Another potential problem is obtaining access across Gage Canal, which will be the responsibility of the developer, in order to develop the property. Page seven - 10/16/80 ORDINANCE NO. (First Reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE FROM R-R-T to 3500-R-3-T ON 6.32 ACRES ON LOCATION EXTENDING BETWEEN MT. VERNON AVENUE AND GAGE CANAL, APPROXIMATELY 410 FEET SOUTH OF GRAND TERRACE ROAD, ZONE CHANGE E223-117 (ZC 80-4). CC-80-359 Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Mayor Tillinghast, and carried unanimously, by all present, to approve the first reading of the ordinance by title only. ZONE CHANGE NO. ZC 80-5 - CITY OF GRAND TERRACE This matter was continued to the Council Meeting of November 6, due to the City's General Plan Amendment requiring another first reading at this Council Meeting. HOME MORTGAGE FINANCE PROGRAM RESOLUTION NO. 80-39 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A HOME MORTGAGE FINANCE PROGRAM IN COOPERATION WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO. Mr. Ed Clark advised Council this matter was researched to ensure this program would not be in conflict with the City's SB 99 Bond Issue Program, listed other cities within the County which are participating in this Program, and recommended approval. Mr. Mike Whipple, Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc., also addressed this matter, and indicated there would be no conflict. CRA Attorney, Gene Nazarek, stated he had reviewed AB 1355 and the Home Mortgage Finance Program, at the request of the City Manager, and found no legal reason for the City not to participate in the Program. He did not feel this would be in conflict with SB 99. Council questioned whether the City at some time might get involved in an AB 1355 Program, and whether this program would conflict with the second bond issue program the City is presently considering. Mr. Nazarek stated he could see no problem with either area. CC-80-360 Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Rigley and carried unanimously, by all present, to adopt Resolution No. 80-39. Page eight - 10/16/80 0 POLICE CHIEF REPORT Captain Phil Schuyler reported that some citizens are concerned about the number of burglaries in the City, and advised the City is not experiencing an extensive crime wave. He stated the best way to combat burglaries is through programs like Neighborhood Watch. He also advised Council that, due to the alertness of a Neighborhood Watch Member, they were able to respond with two units and the helicopter, apprehended the suspect, and thus far have cleared four other burglary cases through this suspect. Captain Schuyler commended Judy Rinderhagen for her efforts, but stated more citizen involvement is needed. Mayor Tillinghast opened the meeting to public participation. Dick Rollins, 22700 DeBerry, recommended the City use $1,500.00, Budget Item called "Donations for Community Activities," so the Crime Prevention Committee could purchase signs similar to the City of Rialto, establishing Grand Terrace as a "Crime Watch" City. Mayor Tillinghast closed the meeting to public participation. FIRE CHIEF REPORT Mayor Tillinghast stated the monthly report indicates a slight increase in emergency incidents over the previous year, but overall, everything seems to be going well. CITY ENGINEER REPORT Freeway Landscaping - Met with Caltrans, and they indicated they have completed all the landscaping along the freeway. Caltrans expressed reservations regarding landscaping the area northerly of Newport, feeling it would pose a traffic hazard during installation, and would be difficult to maintain following completion. Flood Control - The Flood Control District is considering a $30.00 assessment for an average residential parcel of 7200 sq. feet, to be used for repair work and future construction. They will be requesting a resolution from Council supporting this. Will try to have some recommendations, in conjunction with the City Attorney's recommendations, regarding this matter, at the next meeting. Councilman Petta questioned if this matter had not been previously approved by the Board of Supervisors, even though the cities had disapproved. Mr. Kicak stated they want support from the City to place this issue on the ballot, and have scheduled storm drain construction in Grand Terrace, at an estimated cost of $700,000.00, if the issue passes. The breakdown for the proposed $30.00 assessment would be $16.00 for regional facilities and $14.00 for secondary facilities. Councilman Petta requested information be provided on the amount the City would accumulate from the assessment. Page nine - 10/16/80 Councilman Grant questioned the status of the joint request of Colton and Grand Terrace to Caltrans regarding freeway beautification. Mr. Yeates stated the matter had been delayed, due to a change of City Managers in Colton, but feels they will agree to join the City in this request. He stated he feels iceplant should be planted to keep litter from accumulating. Mr. Kicak stated iceplant is no longer being planted, due to extreme costs of maintenance. Mayor Tillinghast questioned the status of the Barton Road landscaping. Mr. Kicak stated information will be provided at the next Council Meeting. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilman Grant reported he attended an East Valley Transit Services Authority Meeting October 15. Councilman Grant also questioned if progress has been made to keep the shopping center sidewalks clean, and suggested a letter from Council to the shop owner might be helpful, in cases where it is felt improvement could be made. Opposition was also voiced by Councilman Grant regarding voting ballots being mailed to residents with a Colton address, rather than stating Grand Terrace, by the Registrar of Voters. Councilman Petta requested consideration be given to underground utility lines, particularly in the area of Barton Road and Mt. Vernon, south to DeBerry Street, citing the present situation as unsightly. City Engineer Joe Kicak stated he will contact Southern California Edison Company regarding the feasibility; however, the limited funds made available to Southern California Edison under Rule 20 are normally used in residential areas, with the property owner responsible for connecting to the underground facilities. CITY MANAGER REPORT Finance/Administrative Services Officer, Ed Clark, requested approval of an additional $680.00 for modification of the front building, stating electrical expenses were higher than estimated. Mr. Clark stated the expenses were incurred prior to Council approval, since immediate office space is required for the new Planning Director, F. Lewis Sullivan, and the new Community Services Director, Randy Anstine. CC-80-361 Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Councilman Petta and carried unanimously, by all present, to approve the expenditure of $680.00 for modification of the front building. Page ten - 10/16/80 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Crime Prevention Committee Chairperson, Judy Rinderhagen, referred to Dick Rollins' recommendation to make $15,000.00 available for Neighborhood Watch signs, and recommended waiting until there is more participation in the program. Barbara Pfennighausen, 12364 Pascal Avenue, stated she had been a burglary victim, and attests to the fact that Neighborhood Watch and auditory alarms work, since the entire neighborhood converged on her house at that time. She also recommended waiting to re- surface any streets where it might be planned to install underground facilities. Ms. Pfennighausen expressed concern that bicycles are being ridden on the shopping center sidewalks, despite posted signs, and questioned if the City has authority to control this, even though it is private property. Geoff Dooley, 22432 Franklin, questioned when Mt. Vernon will be widened to the Riverside County line, stating the area between Franklin and Pico is hazardous. Mr. Kicak stated, as long as development is occuring, the developers should be responsible for widening the streets. Mr. Dooley also stated a sign advertising Mt. Vista Homes is illegally posted off the freeway, and also at the intersection of Canal and Barton Road is a sign advertising the Garden Home Apartments, in front of the house which should be demolished. He also requested action be taken to remove a flatbed truck from Mt. Vernon, which has been parked for eleven days. Bob Yeates, 12888 Fremontia, stated he is aware of seven other vehicles which should be ticketed, and questioned if the tickets are ready for distribution to the Sheriff's Officers. Mr. Yeates also stated he and a neighbor were burglary victims, that a license number of a suspect vehicle had been taken and reported, and complained that it took 48 hours for a search warrant to be obtained. He understood the budget included another patrol vehicle during a high crime rate. Mayor Tillinghast stated the budget included'a half time detective for investigations and follow-up only. Dr. Jack Booker, 11785 Mt. Vernon, addressed Council regarding the proposed painting of 330 feet of curbs on Mt. Vernon, from the corner of Brentwood, to eliminate parking, stating this would eliminate all parking for four residences on that street. He submitted proposed alternatives to the present plan for Council consideration, and stated he feels dangerous situations are created by traffic coming south, up the hill, on Mt. Vernon, rather than from traffic moving north. Dr. Booker voiced concern for the residents involved, stating it would make the houses difficult to sell, if no front parking is available. Page eleven - 10/16/80 Mr. Norman Schlaich, 11767 Mt. Vernon, supporting Dr. Booker's comments, stated he had parked his truck, with the lights on, in front of his home, and was unable to see those lights from the intersection of Brentwood & Mt. Vernon. This is part of the proposed red zone. He voiced opposition to having no parking available for guests, and the affect of resale values on the homes. Barbara Pfennighausen, 12376 Pascal Avenue, stated an additional traffic hazard would be created by people parking across the street, then trying to cross the street to the residences. Mr. Homer H. Howell, 11821 Mt. Vernon, supported Dr. Booker's comments also, stating he feels the proposed plan is unfair. Mr. Howell also questioned if the speed limit could be lowered on Mt. Vernon. Norman Schlaich, 11767 Mt. Vernon, stated he felt letters should be sent to property owners notifying them when Council is considering matters which will affect them. He also stated he does not feel enough traffic surveillance is conducted during the busy traffic hours. Councilman Grant stated since the subject of curb painting was not on the agenda, it was impossible to notify the residents in advance; otherwise, he agrees the residents should be notified. City Engineer Joe Kicak was asked to address this issue; he requested time to study the alternatives and to talk to the property owners involved, prior to making recommendations. Following discussion regarding the alternatives submitted by Dr. Booker, Mayor Tillinghast directed Staff to re-examine this matter, in light of the suggestions offered during Public Participation, and to submit recommendations to Council at the earliest possible date. Ken Rinderhagen, 12738 Wilmac, stated other cities have lower speed limit zones on four -lane highways, and questioned why the speed limit cannot be lowered on Mt. Vernon. He also addressed the fact that the Colton Joint Unified School District lists all Grand Terrace residents as living in Colton, as well as all official school records. He recommended writing a letter to the Postmaster requesting to be listed as Grand Terrace, 92324, until a new zip code is assigned. He also questioned if all county and federal records indicate the citizens as Colton. Mr. Rinderhagen stated the residents affected by the proposed zone change had not been notified. Mayor Tillinghast stated Planning Staff had advised the proper legal notification had been done. Page twelve - 10/16/80 Mayor Tillinghast stated a request to establish a separate zip code for the City has been processed through Congressman Brown's Office, and the Colton Postmaster, and will be followed up with a telephone call to the Colton Postmaster. At present, there is a proposal to establish nine -digit zip codes throughout the United States, and the City is requesting a separate zip code in conjunction with this. EXECUTIVE SESSION Council adjourned to an Executive Session at 9:20 p.m., with Ed Clark, Finance/Administrative Services Officer, City Attorney Ivan Hopkins, City Engineer Joe Kicak, and Jim Craig, Clayson, Rothrock & Mann, in attendance. RECONVENE Council reconvened the regular meeting at 9:50 p.m., with all members present, except Councilman Nix. Mayor Tillinghast announced the Executive Session had been held for the purpose of discussing litigation, and no decisions were reached. ADJOURN CC-80-362 Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Councilman Petta and carried unanimously, by all present, to adjourn the regular meeting to an adjourned regular meeting to be held at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 23, 1980 at the First Baptist Church of Grand Terrace, 12354 Mt. Vernon. Respectfully submitted, APPROVED: Page thirteen - 10/16/80