02/05/2009 If' Community and Economic Development Department (A L I f O R N I A GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 5, 2009 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on February 5, 2009, at 7:00 p.m., by Chairman Doug Wilson. PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairman Matthew Addington,Vice Chairman Darcy McNaboe, Commissioner Brian Phelps, Commissioner Joyce Powers, Community Development Director ABSENT: Tom Comstock, Commissioner 7:00 P.M. CONVENE SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Chairman Wilson convened the Site and Architecture Review Board/Planning Commission meeting. • Call to Order • Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner McNaboe • Roll Call • Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Director of Community and Economic Development GENERAL PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Patricia Farley 12513 Michigan Street Ms. Farley stated her concerns with regard to the General Plan. She would like to know the status of the General Plan, especially with the shopping area on Barton Road. 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • 909/ 824-6621 1 i ITEMS: 1. Starting Time for Future Meetings of the Planning Commission RECOMMENDATION: Approval Chair Wilson reported that a general discussion was made at a City Council Meeting with regard to the time change for the Planning Commission. The Acting City Manager, Steve Berry felt it was appropriate to bring the item in front of the City Council. At that City Council Meeting, some of the Planning Commissioners expressed their opinions with regard to the starting time. As a result the City Council voted against the change of a 6:00 PM starting time. Since then, there has been an open letter written to the Planning Commission from the Acting City Manager as an appeal toward a change in start time to 6:30 PM. Chair Wilson reported that the Blue Mountain Outlook had covered many projects that have been approved by the Planning Commission along with some that are proposed within Grand Terrace City Limits that have yet to come to the Planning Commission. Director Powers reported that she was going to list all of the projects that Chair Wilson had previously mentioned and also informed the Commission that all of the projects as mentioned by Chair Wilson are also posted on the City Website. Chair Wilson opened up the Public Hearing for comment. Rita Schwark 21952 Grand Terrace Road Mrs. Schwark would like for the Planning Commission time to be kept at 7:00 PM. She feels that it would be difficult for many of her neighbors to attend a Planning Commission Meeting if they are held any earlier. Patricia Farley 12513 Michigan Avenue Ms. Farley would like for the Planning Commission Meetings to be kept at 7:00 PM. Ms. Farley feels that it is disrespectful to not give the community a chance to get home, have something to eat and get to the meetings. Chair Wilson closed the Public Comments and brought the item back to the Commission. Chair Wilson reported that he had spoken to Commissioner Comstock who was unable to attend the meeting. Commissioner Comstock did voice his preference that a 7:00 PM starting time would be his preference, even though he would not be present to make his vote. i 2 " Vice Chair Addington stated that he understood the Acting City Manager's wishes to cut costs due to the current economic situations and times. At the same time, it is the Commission's duty to serve the Public. Commissioner McNaboe commented she agreed to the meeting start times at 7:00 PM when she was first appointed to the Planning Commission, however, when there is a full agenda especially through a General Plan process that more could have been accomplished should the meeting had been started at an earlier time. Commissioner McNaboe further stated that if there was a full agenda that she would be in favor of starting a meeting '/z hour earlier, so that these meetings would not have to end in such a late hour. Chair Wilson replied that the same discussion was had with the Acting City Manager with regard to possibly calling special meetings for larger items to start at 6:00 PM. Upon further discussion it was felt that a 6:00 PM start time would not be compatible with the public and all of the Commissioners' schedules. MOTION PC-03-2009 MOTION VOTE: Chair Wilson made a motion to change the start time for Planning Commission meetings to begin at 6:30 PM. Commissioner McNaboe seconded the motion. 3-1-1-0 Motion carries with Commissioner Comstock v being absent • Information to Commissioners Director Powers reported that the 30 Day Notice of Preparation and Initial Study for the Town Square project has been completed and forwarded to the State Clearinghouse. The 30 day comment period began on January 29`h, 2009. On February'10, 2009 a commercial improvement program will be presented to the City Council that will assist existing businesses and property owners in rehabilitating the exterior of buildings and facades as well as landscaping and parking lots. On February 17, 2009 the Town, .Square Project Scoping Session will take place. And on February 19, 2009, the Ham Radio Ordinance will be brought to the Planning Commission. On March 10, 2009, the joint workshop will be held with the City Council for the Land Use Element. 3 • Information from Commissioners Vice Chair Addington wanted to know the status of the proposed medical building on the corner of Barton and Preston Road. Director Powers reported that she had spoken with the property owner and said that he had some other projects that he is currently working on but he intends to begin construction in the Spring of 2009. CHAIR WILSON ADJOURNED THE SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AT 7:45 PM TO THE NEXT MEETING TO BE HELD ON FEBRUARY 19, 2009. Respectfully Submitted, Approved y, Joke Dowers Doug Wilson, Chairman Community and Economic Planning Commission Development Director 4