02/19/2009 Community and Economic Development Department (A L I f O R N I A GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 19,2009 The regular meetine of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center.22795 Barton Road. Grand Terrace. California.on February 19.2009.at 7:00 D.m.,by Chairman Doug Wilson. PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairman Matthew Addington, Vice Chairman Darcy McNaboe, Commissioner Tom Comstock, Commissioner Brian Phelps, Commissioner Joyce Powers, Community Development Director 7:00 P.M.: CONVENE SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Chairman Wilson convened the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission meeting. • Call to Order • Pledge of Allegiance • Roll Call: All present • Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Director of Community and Economic Development Chair Wilson explained the presence of the Sheriff s Deputy and requested professional behavior from all present. GENERAL PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: None 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • 909/ 824-6621 1 ITEMS: 1. ZONE. CHANGE 06-02 A proposed ordinance to amend Title 18 of the Grand AND Terrace Municipal Code by adding Chapter 18.72 entitled ENVIRONMENTAL Amateur"HAM" Radio Antennas to the Zoning Code. REVIEW 07-09 APPLICANT: City of Grand Terrace Community and Economic Development Department LOCATION: Citywide RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing and vote to recommend that the City Council adopt the proposed Ordinance amending Title 18 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code by adding Chapter 18.72 entitled Amateur "HAM" Radio Antennas to the Grand Terrace Zoning Code and adopting a Negative Declaration. Director Powers gave a report reviewing the background and previous meetings leading to the current draft Ordinance. She described the Land Use Application process and stated that one . additional change had been made to the Ordinance's Development Standards based on the recommendation of the HAM radio committee. The committee recommended the deletion of Section 18.72.050.E.La, because those standards are covered by other sections of the Ordinance. Chair Wilson opened the Public Hearing for comment. Jo Ann Johnson 12723 Mt. Vernon Ms. Johnson recommended approval of the Ordinance, although she prefers allowing 45 feet height and did not like the 300-foot radius noticing requirement. Bob Souter 12045 Westwood Lane Mr. Souter played a news clip video on the subject of HAM radio antennas in residential neighborhoods. He stated that the proposed Ordinance is onerous and does not provide reasonable accommodations as required by Federal law. He also stated that an antenna is not an accessory structure and that the best ordinances are those that do not require an operator to . pursue their rights in court. Mark Cukota 22815 Kentfield Mr. Cukota stated that he is a member..of the committee and the proposed ordinance is fair and equitable. He requested that the Planning Commission move it along. 2 Chris Maness 12799 Darwin Ave. i Mr. Maness stated that he is a licensed amateur. He said that this is a fair situation, but there should be more distinction in the antenna types. Antennas are not pleasing, but essential for emergency notification. He also stated that he understood why the neighbors of the original operator who started this process would be upset. Anthony Gordon Mr. Gordon stated that he is a committee member and the Ordinance is a good framework, but its success will depend on the application of the standards. He requested that the Commission adopt it. Chair Wilson closed the Public Comments and brought the item baek to the Commission. Chair Wilson stated that "antenna" is defined as an accessory structure by zoning. He also stated that the ordinance is meant to maintain neighborhood enjoyment for everyone. Commissioner Comstock recalled a resident who could not sell their home due to a neighbor's antenna. He thanked the operators for their service as well as the committee. Commissioner Phelps stated that the proposed ordinance is as close as we can get to being fair to everyone. MOTION PC-04-2009: Commissioner Phelps made) a motion to approve the staff recommendation. Commissioner McNaboe seconded the motion. 5-0 Motion carries. • Information to Commissioners Director Powers stated that she would like to begin reviewing and discussing updated architectural guidelines for the commercial corridors as a Planning Commission Policy for use until the BRSP is updated. A workshop on this topic was tentatively scheduled for Marchl9, 2009. • Information from Commissioners None 3 CHAIR WILSON ADJOURNED THE SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW - BOARD/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AT 7:50 PM TO THE NEXT MEETING TO BE HELD ON MARCH 5,2009. . Respectfully Submitted, Approved By, Jdyce Powers Doug Wilson, Chairman Community and Economic Planning Commission Development Director 4