03/05/2009 �1
Community and Economic Development Department
MARCH 5,2009
The regular meetins of the Grand Terrace Plannine Commission was called to order at the
Grand Terrace Civic Center.22795 Barton Road. Grand Terrace. California.on March 5.
2009.at 6:30 mm..by Chairman Doug Wilson.
PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairman
Matthew Addington, Vice-Chairman
Darcy McNaboe, Commissioner
Tom Comstock, Commissioner
Brian Phelps, Commissioner
Joyce Powers, Community Development Director
Mari Montes, Secretary
- Chairman Wilson convened the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission
• Call to Order
• Pledge of Allegiance
• Roll Call
• Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended
by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make
written request to be agendized to the Director of Community and Economic
Patricia Farley
12513 Michigan St.
Stated it is extremely difficult to attend meetings due to the time change. Would like to comment
on certain items, for example Swertfeger trucking business now has flood lights all night. City
has not handled this business appropriately. General Plan not processed properly and the
22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • 909/ 824-6621
workshop is physically impossible to attend. This is important to her and other residents. Giant
cup on Shell station, does not believe it was approved and would like for this to be taken care of.
Pole that was needed to stretch our fire hose and telecommunication 'is obnoxious looks like
smoke stack. She is also tired of people not being notified of things. Has discussed with another
person she has never met before and is affected by closure of Britton Way who did not receive
notification of the Barton Plaza project. This is an on going problem, is very unhappy and holds
Planning Commission responsible.
1. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of December 18, 2008
Commissioner McNaboe stated her approval with a couple of changes. Changes are, on page 15
reference to Commissioner Addington, believes he was absent during that meeting.
Vice-Chair Addington concurred he was not present.
Commissioner McNaboe stated that she believes these comments were attributed to
_ Commissioner Addington but may have come from Commissioner Comstock or Chairman
Wilson. On page 24 under the motion of "made by" Commissioner McNaboe did not record a
second and believes Chair Wilson was the second to that motion. Also requested correction of
spelling of her last name on the record.
MOTION PC-05-2009: Commissioner McNaboe made a motion to approve
with changes.
Second by Vice-Chair Addington.
Vice-Chair Addington asked if minutes were open for discussion.
Chair Wilson opened the minutes for discussion.
Vice-Chair Addington stated that since he was not present to make changes, recommend that
the minutes be corrected and continued to the next meeting for approval
Director Powers asked that since minutes were written from a tape it would be helpful if anyone
can claim to the statements that were attributed to Vice-Chair Addington on page 15.
Commissioner " Comstock stated he believes the question asked was if Commissioner
Addingtion had any written comments. Chair Wilson responded"no"to the question.
Chair Wilson asked for a withdrawal of the motion. Commissioner McNaboe withdrew her
- motion with Chair Wilson concurring.
MOTION PC-06-2009: Chair Wilson made a motion to continue the item to the
next meeting with the corrections.
Second by Vice-Chair Addington.
5-0 Motion carries.
2. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of January 15, 2009
MOTION PC-07-2009: Commissioner McNaboe made a motion to approve.
Second by Commissioner Phelps.
5-0 Motion carries.
-f 3. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of February 5, 2009
MOTION PC-08-2009: Commissioner Phelps made a motion to approve.
Second by Commissioner McNaboe.
4-0-1 Motion carries with Commissioner Comstock
Chair Wilson introduced the assisting clerk for the evening, Mari Montes.
4. Site and Architectural A proposal to develop approximately 19,528 square feet of
Review 09-01 land zoned BRSP-GC by constructing a 3,680 square foot
dance' studio with associated parking, landscaping and
APPLICANT: Stonewood Construction Company, represented by Corinne
LOCATION: 22254 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA (Assessor's Parcel
Number 027-242-07)
Director Powers stated that the project is handled by Allan Williams who is not present due to a
school exam. Director Powers explained that the applicant had worked with her predecessor
discussing and refining project. By the time applicant was ready to submit, Director Powers had
just started with the City and in fairness to applicant she chose to honor the instructions of her
predecessor to be fair to the parties who worked on project. Director Powers asked the
Commission to examine the land use matrix and see that on the first page of the BRSP land use
matrix, page 59, uses are in alpha order. Under"A", Art/Music/Photography Studios are listed as
a permitted use; under "D" there are no Dance Studios. On page 61 under "M", Music Studios,
there is a requirement for a conditional use permit. Due to the inconsistency, staff referred to
Title 18, and that it does not specifically separate out dance studios and are listed together under
general commercial as a permitted use.
Director Powers continued stating that the site is located at 22254 Barton Road previously
occupied by residential structures. The site is currently vacant and approximately 19,000 square
feet. It has commercial zoning, has shallow depth and makes it difficult for a larger project. The
surrounding area is developed with single family vacant land and a fast food restaurant across the
street. Zoning is General Commercial of Barton Road Specific Plan, Planning Area 2. The
application is for 3,680 square foot dance studio. The project is a two-story dance studio with
associated parking, landscaping and light features. It provides 25 parking spaces, which meets
Code. The driveway on Barton Road is at an angle to the east, offset from driveway planned for
the south side of Barton Road to avoid conflicts. Fire hydrant will be installed on site at the
southeast corner. The applicant has been asked'to provide special treatment of color concrete or
pavers to enhance driveway at entry. At north side of property, a 6-foot decorative block wall
will be constructed.
The project is consistent with the General Plan, including noise, natural resources, visual
resources and circulation. Any conditions of approval addressed as mitigation measures through
different process were addressed through the architectural review. Staff determined completing a
different application would have resulted in same conditions being placed on project.
The project has 25 parking stalls, one for disabled. The landscaping is 21% of the site and
incorporates large trees and shrubs and one access point to site. The color and materials board
depicts paint and roof color designed to incorporate the color palate listed in Specific Plan.
The project is determined to be exempt from CEQA. Notification for different types of projects
is the same and covered by state law, requiring notifying property owners within a 300 foot
Director Powers recommended that the Planning Commission approve the resolution that staff
has prepared in consideration of appropriate findings.
Vice-Chair Addington asked if Barton Road Specific Plan architecture is California craftsman
architectural or something else.
Director Powers confirmed it is California Craftsman architecture.
Vice-Chair Addington asked if in the opinion of Director Powers if the project follows
architectural guidelines of the Specific Plan.
Director Powers responded that the project is more representative in what we would like to see
rather than the old materials. Within 15-20 years, wood siding materials are deteriorated and do
not provide a nice view of the corridor. Stucco materials and use of ledge stone would provide
better street view.
Chair Wilson asked comments from the Commissioners.
— . Commissioner Phelps stated that the south elevation presents a bare view and recommends false
windows to breakup wide spaces.
Vice-Chair Addington agreed that the south view of building is bare, and that the east elevation
is also bare.
Commissioner Phelps suggested the same treatment on east elevation.
Chair Wilson suggested that the applicant may want to dress up the elevation by providing false
shutters or some kind of architectural treatment to break up wide spaces.
Commissioner Phelps. concerned about the color, but notices they are fine. He believes the
driveway is dangerous with Barton Road intersection across from Miguel's. He suggested a right
in and right out only sign would have to be placed.
Chair Wilson asked staff to address and believes the traffic engineer would have addressed.
Director Powers suggested that the applicant respond to comments.
Chair Wilson opened the Public Hearing for comment and asked the applicant to respond to
Corrine Robinson,Stonewood Construction
22145 DeBerry
Mrs. Robinson stated that one reason for the angled driveway is to try to make a left turn as soon
as median goes in due to construction of new Stater Bros. which would be opening the same time
as the dance studio, sometime in November. They accommodated the driveway to what plans are
into the city now. Another item to note is that the building is pulled to the front and parking is in
the back. When properties on either side are developed this could become larger shopping center
rather than individual parcels. The owner of the parcel, a Grand Terrace resident, is investing $1
million dollars and purchasing the parcel next to the studio to develop into a complex. Regarding
the building, art was chosen to stand out and felt it would be an addition to the city. The project
received compliments from the Mayor. She stated that in regards to adding too much to the
building, false shutters would be too much and that the building should be the centerpiece for the
type of center they wish to see.
Chair Wilson asked if center section pops out in relation to both sides.
Ms.Robinson responded no, saying that the building features the art popping out.
Chair Wilson stated he is appreciative in considering future use in relation to other properties.
Also asks staff if Stater Bros. was opening in November, stating that he is surprised the mayor
would state comment in the newspaper since the Planning Commission has not reviewed the
Director Powers responded that the Mayor had stated the goal.
Commissioner McNaboe asked for clarification regarding adjacent.property purchase.
Ms. Robinson responded that the property in question is to the right of the studio and the
property is for sale.
Commissioner McNaboe asked if this is the side with the decorative 6-foot. wall.
Ms. Robinson responded that the decorative wall that will separate the residential property is in
the rear. The two-foot wall is on the left side of studio, which is falling down and property owner
is pleased to have it rebuilt.
Vice-Chair Addington asked if the proposed Barton Road median is going to be painted or a
raised curb median.
Director Powers responded that it is proposed to be raised. She stated that the angle of the
driveway is to mitigate any concerns over left turns being complicated with the project across the
street and was requested by the Public Works Department.
Commissioner Phelps asked why the driveway was not included as part of intersection and
made part of a four way intersection.
Ms. Robinson indicated that driveway is not as wide as the intersection and would be creating a
hazard coming directly out into intersection. The concept was to discourage traffic hazard.
Vice-Chair Addington asked when the proposed median goes in then the intersection would be
right in and right out only.
Commissioner Comstock asked Director Powers how long before median goes in, and if it is on
Director Powers indicated the median is anticipated to be constructed at the end of year.
Ms. Robinson stated that they would not be in favor of placing shutters because it would take
away from the building.
Patricia Farley
12513 Michigan St.
Indicated she loves dance and has participated and would love to see dance encouraged in Grand
Terrace but that the city has not followed consistent plans for years. Residents are not informed
correctly and it is infuriating that they do not receive notices, accommodated at meetings and
looking at documents then being presented differently and not receiving appropriate responses.
This is happening on Michigan with conditional use permits. There is a mess and was to be a
nice plan. No control of what is going on, parking is an issue and there will be loud music.
Believes studio is ugly, not nice for neighbors or Barton Road. Does not fit in with Miguel's
which has violations of their own. She.is appalled of what is going on, there is no consistency
and requested a stop to the mess and it is not fair to residents and public. .
Jeff McConnell
Walnut Ave.
Stated he has a couple of items and was involved in the property before it was purchased. He
believes the driveway can not be further west due to the utility box. He believes this will be an
infill project. He agrees with Barton Road Specific Plans regarding building materials, such as
stucco, and other treatment after time will deteriorate. Has parking issues, with dropping off
students and there is not a place for bicycles or scooters. He stated that later if building is used
for other events (dance recitals) later, there is not enough parking. He suggested sound related
absorbing materials to absorb sounds as the neighbors may not like music.
Cynthia Bidney
12219 Pascal
Stated her concern with the square footage and the amount of students at a time, asking if the
number was 15. She is interested on how this fits in with the rest of the Barton Road projects.
Director Powers responded that master plans are required on south side of street. On north side
it provides design guidelines and does not require master and specific planning because of
shallow depth. It does encourage reciprocal easements as they continue to develop.
Cynthia Bidney
12219 Pascal
Indicated her question was not answered. She was thinking aesthetically referring to Fresh &
Easy. Will the city end up with different styles on Barton Road or will it come together?
Chair Wilson responded that regarding Fresh & Easy, the project runs into brand identification
problem. With the Barton Road Specific Plan it encourages particular types of construction, such
as colors, massing, and that these kinds of devices to be a bit more uniform in relation to
Cynthia Bidney
11219 Pascal
She asked what kind of roofing there will be and if it will be within a theme; and asked if they
will be similar for all projects?
- Betty Guzman
23212 Glendora Drive
She referred to a question by Chair Wilson' as to why building does not follow existing
architecture. She stated the answer by Director Powers is unacceptable regarding building
material-wearing out 15-20 years. Ms. Guzman states there are new materials and long lasting.
She also would like to know where to pick up copies of Barton Road Specific Plan to review and
have input.
Director Powers stated that reports can be obtained on the City website or at City Hall for a hard
Charles Hornsby
22656 Brentwood St.
Stated he has a philosophical point to make, regarding new shopping center on Mount Vernon
and Barton Road. The first exhibits presented a month ago, entitled "Relaxed Development
Standards", was undermining parking issue. During presentation was thinking there was a big
deal made that there is adequate parking, 25 spaces and was up to Code. He wondered why this
is important tonight and not a month ago.
Chair Wilson responded the dance studio project is being reviewed. Regarding the parking this
does meet the Code, this was another project, and it was covered in the minutes that were
adopted and stated the justification of multiple uses sharing parking.
Chair Wilson closed the Public Comments and brought the item back to the Commission.
Commissioner Comstock stated that he likes the project and indicated the hard work in fitting
the building in among various projects in community. He likes the simplicity of the building,
materials and artwork. He complimented the project. Address one more item, as part of Planning
Commission he looks into zoning codes, projects fits the codes and understands needs of the
City. Personally believes this will add a broad base, and significantly adds to community.
Commissioner McNaboe stated she believes it is a nice looking building and thinks there is
confusion at times between similar, complementary and things looking exactly alike. Having
various complementary projects is more interesting along Barton Road. One disappointment is
the intersection, with- the planned project across the way it misses a controlled 4-way
intersection. She wondered what could be put in place when the neighboring residence becomes
vacant and adjacent development-would improve and expand the center.
Chair Wilson stated Commissioner McNaboe has a valid point, and stated it does not mean the
intersection can not be reconstructed or looked at after all projects are completed. For the time
being it does have to be a right in and a right out or may run into a conflict.
Commissioner Phelps asked if a.bike rack would be placed in the project.
Director Powers confirmed that a bike rack would be placed.
MOTION PC 09-2009
Commissioner Comstock made a motion to approve
SA 09-01.
Second by Vice-Chair Addington.
Chair Wilson added one more piece of discussion, asking staff if there has been discussion on
the type of roofing material.
Corrine Robinson responded that there was discussion that dimensional shingle will be used.
Commission McNaboe asked if once the building is put in place if there was assurance that the
applicant would add features to the building to make it aesthetically pleasing.
Corrine Robinson responded that the applicant would do so.
Chair Wilson stated for the record that the applicant wishes to make the project aesthetically
pleasing to public, will step up and make revisions if needed. It was also noted that added
landscaping might influence what the front elevation looks like.
Commissioner Comstock repeated his motion to
Again seconded by Vice-Chair Addington.
5 -0 Motion carries.
5. Information to Commissioners
6. Information from Commissioners:
Commissioner Comstock asked for clarification of the start time of the Land Use Meeting, on
Tuesday March 10t'.
Director Powers confirmed that start time at 4pm.
Chair Wilson asked if there is any further information for meeting.
Director Powers responded that the Planning Commission has all necessary information.
Respectfully Submitted, Approved By,
Joyce Powers Doug Wilson, Chairman
Community and Economic Planning Commission
Development Director