05/07/2009 i
- Community and Economic Development Department
May 7,2009
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the,
Grand Terrace Civic Center,22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on Mav 7,
2009, at 6:30 n.m.,by Chairman Doug Wilson.
PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairman
Matthew Addington,Vice Chairman
Darcy McNaboe, Commissioner
Tom Comstock, Absent
Brian Phelps, Commissioner
Joyce Powers, Community and Economic Development Director
Sandra Molina, Senior Planner
Chairman Wilson convened the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission
• Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
• Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended
by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make
written request to be agendized to the Director of Community and Economic
22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • 909/ 824-6621
1. SUBJECT: Review and approval of supplemental architectural building
design guidelines within the Barton Road Specific Plan.
Senior Planner Sandra Molina - began the presentation by stating that this is the second
discussion that the Commission is having regarding design guidelines for buildings within the
Barton Road Specific Plan, and in April when this item was discussed the Commission went over
the specific provisions within the Barton Road Specific Plan and looked at areas that should be
or could be changed based upon just the current practice today. From the last discussion the
Commission provided photographs and materials that were very helpful for staff. Senior Planner
Molina continued by explaining that rather than amending the Barton Road Specific Plan that
staff is recommending interim policy guidelines until such time as the Barton Road Specific Plan
is updated.. Staff provided to the Commission Attachment 1, which includes just those sections
that supplemental language to the guidelines for the Barton Road Specific Plan is proposed. In
Attachment 1 where it's italicized and underlined is where the suggested supplemental language
being proposed. For instance, for the wood siding and wood shingles,the preference would be to
see it used as accent material rather than a primary wall surface so that language is added. In
regard to the wood shingles, wood shingles are permitted per building code, they are just a
material that does not weather very well and they are more likely to catch fire than an asphalt or
tile roof. For now with this interim policy, staff is not proposing to remove it, but rather suggest
that some other material be used. The Barton Road Specific Plan also it talks about wall
articulation, and staff added photographs that show examples of wall articulation. Senior
Planner Molina also added that most of the pictures in the Attachment, lend themselves to
anywhere within the discussion. Senior Planner Molina proceeded to explain the photographs
that were being shown on the screen.
Vice Chairman Addington -requested that the lights over the screen be turned down.
Chairman Wilson - asked that shadowing be added to the discussion on articulation.
Senior Planner Molina - added that there were suggestions provided by the Commission that
would be more appropriate when the Barton Road Specific Plan is updated.
Chairman Wilson — stated that he wanted to open up the discussion on metal roofs, under Item
number 10, to the Commission, adding that he did not think that metal roofs should be
prohibited, specifically.
Senior Planner Molina — showed slides of metal buildings and metal roofed buildings stated
that metal buildings can be treated with stucco or wood or other materials. She also showed
buildings with articulation and indicated that accent features could include lap siding, river rock,
or other materials. On the discussion of stucco, supplemental language is suggested that says it is
appropriate in combination with other materials and building articulation.
Vice Chairman Addington—Asked if we are allowing man made rock or are we requiring real
river cobble
Senior Planner Molina—indicated that staff is not proposing to restrict the use of stone veneer.
Commissioner McNaboe—asked if staff is proposing to encourage the use of stucco as primary
materials whether that would be in conflict with the Barton Road Specific Plan that says stucco is
a primary color to be discouraged.
Director Powers — responded that staff is suggesting on the following page, that stucco not be
discouraged as an exterior material.
Commissioner McNaboe- asked whether it would constitute a change though in the Barton
Road Specific Plan. She indicated that she understood that this is interim, but that that kind of
approach has a change to it. She asked where the line would be drawn between saying these are
guidelines we'd like to see happen and saying what we are actually changing what we are having
people do.
Senior Planner Molina—responded that that the way the Barton Road Specific Plan reads, it is
not a mandate. It's being called guidelines, it says "should" and it doesn't say "shall not" in
every circumstance. For instance even the use of stucco says it's discouraged it doesn't say you
shouldn't use it or you shall not use it. Because it has that type of flexibility we felt comfortable
that we can use these as supplemental guidelines because they are not directly opposing since it's
a should or could type of language in the code.
Commissioner McNaboe—indicated that the wording under the picture is a little confusing, and
asked for it to be reworded.
Chairman Wilson — suggested adding language that stucco is encouraged. He also commented
that the Barton Road Specific Plan guidelines were set before 1992, and that a lot of the language
is held over from 1992.
Senior Planner Molina—also commented that the photographs provided by the Commissioners
provided good examples of pedestrian open space and just gathering area that we would want to
see in our commercial centers, that we will keep in mind for when the Specific Plan is updated.
Senior Planner Molina then presented additional slides to the Commission, and provided the
Commission examples of stucco textured finishes. Photographs of painted concrete block
buildings were shown and Senior Planner Molina recommended that block wall should be
architecturally treated. She continued on to a discussion of building colors, and the different
variations of colors, and suggested that the Commission retain the earth tone color concept but
not get to specific on what colors are named. In regard to accent colors, accents maybe
appropriate in instances similar to the photograph on the right up on top, where the only accent
colors very prominent but it's just a minor detail.
Commissioner Phelps — suggested that developers be shown a color palette, so that the colors
can be reproduced in quality, so that we can see the actual color . He indicated that it would go a
long way to help them see what we are thinking and what they should be looking for.
Vice Chairman Addington—questioned whether the palette would be examples or whether that
is what they are being limited to.
Commissioner Phelps—clarified that the palette would be only as examples.
Chairman Wilson — stated that if it were possible he wouldn't have a problem with the color
palette. He explained that the concept is that we are doing an interpretation of the guidelines
through photographs. We are giving folks guidelines on what we like but we are allowing them
some artistic interpretation, and we don't want to get too specific. Chairman Wilson stated that
he was happy with the interpretive version it allows them some flexibility. He added that the
Commission would still get a second shot at it,but that guidelines have to be provided.
Commissioner Phelps — expressed his agreement with the concept, of giving them guidelines
that gives them the freedom be creative.
Senior Planner Molina— showed additional photographs of commercial centers for purposes of
discussing color. She showed centers with earth tone colors.
Commissioner Phelps — stated that he preferred the building color shown in the proposed
guidelines rather than that in the slide.
Senior Planner Molina — indicated that the next slide addressed the discussion on corrugated
metal that the Chairman wanted to explore. She agreed that metal buildings can be very attractive
but asked the Commission to consider whether metal buildings were appropriate throughout the
Barton Road Specific Plan, as opposed to elements, such as roof elements. She clarified that
metal buildings would be permissible anywhere else in the City.
Chairman Wilson — clarified the point, and asked the Commission if full metal roof or just as
metal roof accents.
Commissioner McNaboe — stated that if the metal roof shown on the slide was painted a
different color it would look better.
Commissioner Phelps—agreed with Commissioner McNaboe.
Vice Chairman Addington — added that the standing metal roofs are acceptable, more so as an
accent such as in the top picture in the slide. Architecturally with the chrome roof, the lower
picture,he would have conditioned it to be painted.
Commissioner Phelps—indicated that with the right color metal roofs can look good.
Commissioner McNaboe—added that it sounds like it would be a case by case basis, depending
on what they do with the color of it and with what the rest of the building looks like.
Chairman Wilson—summarized by stating that Commission is happier with the description that
is provided. He inquired if there was a way to state that metal roofs are encouraged for the use of
architectural tower treatments, and all other circumstances would have to be considered case by
case basis.
Commissioner Phelps — asked and received clarification on corrugated metal roofs. He
indicated that they would be appropriated with themed buildings provided its use was limited.
Chairman Wilson—added that he agreed with the proposal to allow various roof materials other
than just terra cotta tile, concrete tile and asphalt roofing, and agreed with the use of wood
substitute roof materials and neutral roof colors.
Vice Chairman Addington — suggested changing heavy wood shingles to a composite wood
Chairman Wilson—concurred.
Commissioner McNaboe — asked if heavy wood shake can be used anymore, and a short
discussion ensued.
( Senior Planner Molina — presented the last section of the guidelines regarding awnings and
acceptable awning materials.
Commissioner McNaboe—indicated that metal awning can begin to look industrial. She stated
she likes metal awnings, but knows that there fabric awnings that do withstand the weather, and
that she likes the way that they look as long as they are kept up and they fit with the village
theme as well.
Commissioner Phelps—agreed.
Senior Planner Molina—suggested that the use of metal awnings could be a case by case basis,
and showed an example of a shed roof type of awning, which the Commissioners felt was
Senior Planner Molina — concluded by stating that staff is suggesting that we look at these
interim guidelines a policy to help supplement what is in the code to carry staff through until the
Barton Road Specific Plan is amended. Staff asked for clarification of whether the Commission
wanted to see revised guidelines prior to adopting them.
Commissioner Phelps — stated it would not be necessary to bring the guidelines back to the
Vice Chairman Addington — agreed with Commissioner Phelps, indicating that staff
understands the Commission's concepts and can go ahead and implement them.
Chairman Wilson—asked if there was a consensus.
Commissioner Phelps — indicated his agreement, and that he was ready to have staff make the
revisions and approve the guidelines.
Chairman Wilson—asked if staff was asking for a vote.
Senior Planner Molina—asked for an action vote.
Chairman Wilson—stated that the Chair would entertain a motion.
MOTION PC 13-2009
Commissioner McNaboe made a motion to approve the
guidelines with changes discussed during the evening's
Second by Chairman Wilson.
Motion approved 4-0 with Commissioner Comstock
2. SUBJECT: Review of an application for SCAG grant funds to update the
Barton Road Specific Plan and recommendation to the Council to
support the project proposal.
Director Powers — presented to the Commission a Southern California Association of
Governments (SCAG) grant funding opportunity that she came across since they last discussed
design guidelines, explaining that SCAG is looking for unique Planning projects that address
regional issues. The grant application talks about regional traffic impacts and how our project
would reduce emissions by pulling some people off the freeway.. That's what they are looking
for in making a selection for those that will be funded. The program that they opened up provides
up to $150,000 per applicant. The application explains that we propose doing an action oriented
plan with the implementation program that can be measured, that takes in consideration other
regional stake holders or regional projects that will soon be underway the next few years and
how that will impact the City of Grand Terrace because we have a major thoroughfare and
people will be using more and more as these projects get under construction. A seven year
implementation plan is suggested as opposed to five so that the entire time frame of when they
are actually going to have the freeway under construction is covered. It's a good chance for us to
get some other (inaudible) brought into the project, such as what type of service retailers, not
only what does the community want but which of those are willing to come to Grand Terrace
given our traffic average trip counts, demographics and that sort of thing. So we are really
focusing on businesses that would be successful. Another thing that we can look at through the
process is things such as form based studies, height limitations, if we would limit our height to
two stories. The application provides for seven public meeting which would be a combination of
Community meetings, Planning Commission meetings, which of course are also Community
meetings, and City Council. We also need to look at thing such as pedestrian improvements. An
Environmental Impact Report is not listed in the scope of work for the specific due the cities
moderate size. The General Plan EIR would be available before this comes online or at least the
draft. The timelines is probably about a year from the time the application is submitted. Director
Powers asked if the Commission had any questions or wanted to add information to the grant
Chairman Wilson—asked if there was any cost to the city to participate.
Director Powers—responded that it would be staff time.
Chairman Wilson—asked if it would be less than$150,000?
Director Powers —responded that it would be, and that if the City can get the grant it would be
great. It would bring in a wide array of consultants, they wouldn't just be one expertise.
Chairman Wilson — asked if the grant could include the south/north corridor extension to the
school, and use their expertise to help us in this area.
Vice Chairman Addington — asked if it would be appropriate to modify the boundaries of the
specific plan and add more areas.
Director Powers—asked for specifics indicated that the typical focus is on commercial areas.
Vice Chairman Addington — suggested including the road down to where the school is,
Michigan Street.
Commissioner Phelps — added that Commerce Road should be added considering that Cal-
Trans had proposed freeway on ramp for Barton Road, with Barton Road actually starting way
down on Commerce Road
Director Powers — suggested added Mount Vernon as well because it's a path way out, and
another way in and out of the city via Columbia.
Chairman Wilson—agreed.
Director Powers — stated that these are excellent ideas, and plays right into what they are
looking for, regional traffic functions.
Chairman Wilson—asked for any other comments from Commissioners.
Vice Chairman Addington — stated that he thought the proposal was very well put together.
Good job.
MOTION PC 14-2009
Commissioner McNaboe made a motion to recommend
approval of the proposal with the added traffic
Second by Vice Chairman Addington
Chairman Wilson—opened the item up for discussion prior to voting on the motion.
Vice Chairman Addington — clarified if during the public discussion, if the Chairman was
leaving the motion on the table.
Chairman Wilson—indicated that he was.
Betty Guzman—23221 Glendora Dr. —asked if the pictures that were shown was the vision for
Grand Terrace?
Chairman Wilson—Asked if she was talking about the Barton Road?
Betty Guzman—stated that she was and if that was the Commission's vision.
Chairman Wilson — explained that the discussion was expanding the focus area by going
towards a (inaudible) grant to include the area from the high school going south to north up to
connect to the Barton Road Specific Plan then go east along Barton Road, then go south on
Mount Vernon on a demonstration project proposal for SCAG Grant.
Vice Chairman Addingtion — Questioned whether Ms. Guzman was referring to the building
Betty Guzman—responded yes the architectural review, and asked if that is that the vision, and
what would be presented to developers if they were going to build in Grand Terrace.
Vice Chairman Addington—state that it is just one element of the Barton Road Specific Plan.
Chairman Wilson — clarified that the Commission already covered that item so this in relation
to the SCAG grant opportunity.
Betty Guzman—asked if she could make another comment
Chairman Wilson—clarified if it is just for the SCAG grant,that is being discussed.
Betty Guzman—(inaudible)
Chairman Wilson — brought the item back to the Planning Commission and called for the
motion again.
MOTION PC 15-2009
Commissioner McNaboe repeated her motion to
recommend approval of the proposal with the added
traffic patterns.
Vice Chairman Addington repeated his second.
Motion approved 4-0 with Commissioner Comstock
• Information to Commissioners
Director Powers—informed the Commission that the 45-day public review period for the Town
Square EIR began on April 30th.
Chairman Wilson — repeated for the audience that the Draft Environmental Impact Report of
the Grand Terrace Town Square Master Development Plan Project is available and comments are
due by June 15th -
Vice Chairman Addington — asked for clarification if Town Square is the project undergoing
Senior Planner Molina — clarified that Town Square Project is the proposed Stater Bros.
relocation, the whole 20 acre project. She then elaborated on the public notice provided for the
Draft EIR, and the 45-day review period.
Chairman Wilson — asked for a timeline on the project and if they get approved, when they
would break ground.
Director Powers — Stated that it was the developer's intent is to begin the very next morning
after they obtain the appropriate approvals. Staff expects it to be brought to the Commission
during the month of July.
Chairman Wilson—thanked staff and moved to the next item
• Information from Commissioners
Vice Chairman Addington — asked about the status of a project that had gone through major
demolition, and has been sitting there for a long time creating an eyesore.
Commissioner McNaboe — also expressed dust concerns on the project and asked about dust
mitigation because she was told that there was quite a bit of dirt that was flying around on
Mount. Vernon.
Senior Planner Molina — stated that there are conditions regarding the dust control during
earthmoving activities.
Commissioner McNaboe—asked how it enforced?
Senior Planner Molina—responded that it is enforced through Building and Safety Department
inspections, and recommended that once earth is moving again that Building and Safety be
contacted with any issues that come up. The public can contact Building and Safety directly or
call the Planning Department or Code Enforcement.
Commissioner McNaboe — asked that when activity starts up again that perhaps somebody
drives by so that one does not have to be a phone call.
Vice Chairman Addington—asked about the enforcement process.
Director Powers — responded that Code Enforcement can fine them for non compliance. She
added that the City received a couple of calls that Commissioner McNaboe is mentioning and
that the City did send some folks out. But that Commissioner McNaboe's point is well taken to
remind them when they start back up again
Vice Chairman Addington—thanked staff.
HELD ON MAY 21,2009.
Respectfully Submitted, Approved By,
JoyKe bowers Doug Wilson, Chairman
Community and Economic Planning Commission
Development Director
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