08/06/2009 i n
Community and Economic Development Department
Summarized Minutes,Recording Inaudible
AUGUST 6,2009
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Plannins Commission was called to order at the;
Grand Terrace Civic Center,22795 Barton Road;Grand Terrace, California. on Ausust 6,
2009. at 6:30 mm., by Chairman Dous Wilson.,
PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairman
Matthew Addington,Vice Chairman
Darcy McNaboe, Commissioner
Tom Comstock, Commissioner
Joyce Powers, Community and Economic Development Director
Richard Shields, Building and Safety/Public Works Director
Sandra Molina, Senior Planner
Mari Montes, Secretary
Chairman Wilson convened the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission
• Call to Order
• Pledge of Allegiance
• Roll Call
• Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended
by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make a
written request to be agendized to the Director of Community and Economic
22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • 909/ 824-6621
Patricia Farley, 12356 Michigan St. — Mrs. Farley commented on the time of the meetings,
indicating they are too early. Expressed her frustrations at the progress of the General Plan;
expressed concern that the dance studio building looks unattractive, questions the use of the
building; and questioned the status of the General Plan.
Doug Wilson, Chairman—asks staff of General Plan
Joyce Powers, Community and Economic Development Director—shares frustration due to
poor performance of the EIR firm,that there is a new project manager assigned every few
months. Staff is pushing the issue hard and expects the DEIR to be available for public comment
by the end of November.
Barbara Berliner,22624 Brentwood—Mrs. Berliner commented on Planning Commission
meeting minutes stating that none have been posted since November 2008. She wanted to read
the June 4, 2009 minutes.
1. SUBJECT: SA 07-02 Request by Corporation for Better Housing to
modify Condition of Approval No. 41 relating to the south
and west boundary walls.
Sandra Molina, Senior Planner —presented the staff report stating that Corporation for Better
Housing request Planning Commission confirmation of wall design and modification of
Condition No. 41. Corporation for Better Housing is concerned that five homeowners have not
given responses. Senior Planner Molina also requested that Planning Commission direct
applicant to construct east wall as shown on project plans.
Justin Hardt, Corporation for Better Housing — Asked for Planning Commission directions
on the design of the boundary wall, and stated will do as the Planning Commission directs on
east wall. Mr. Hardt stated that the project is a partnership with city but did express concern that
completion of certain items had not been expected. Mr. Hardt also provided a letter to the
Commissioner Comstock — Asked if Corporation for Better Housing had 2007 written
authorization from property owners, including those that did not respond in 2009.
Justin Hardt—presented documents with owner's notations.
Chairman Wilson — appreciates the partnership with project. Would like to confirm if
equipment and furniture is to remain.
Justin Hardt—confirmed it will stay.
Chairman Wilson— asked what the structural issues are on west and south wall and what is the
reason why the wall can not be installed?
Justin Hardt— There is concern about the Edison easement, Edison confirmed wall placement.
Determined access to drain by fence, drainage concern was overflow and acceptance of
overflow drainage.
Commissioner Comstock—Regarding the east wall, letter indicated that the former Acting City
Manager informed Corporation for Better Housing incorrectly that the east wall was not required
to be built.
Patricia Farley, 12513 Michigan St. — Concerned about not being properly informed by City
staff and Planning Commission. Disappointed by Senior units as it has improper quality of
materials, as well the A.C. units.
Barbara Berliner, 22624 Brentwood—Comments on the five homeowners in question. Two of
the homes are in foreclosure and the owners are not taking interest. There are also circumstances
that limit the ability of others to attend meetings.
Cecil Kidd, 22636 Brentwood St. —.wants a solid wall and wants Corporation for Better
Housing to take his existing fence down.
Chairman Wilson—asked Mr. Hardt if Corporation for Better Housing will take down fences.
Justin Hardt — confirmed that the new wall will be constructed and Corporation for Better
Housing will not tear down existing walls.
Catherine Kidd—stated that when she spoke to Brian Holland on June 4, 2009, Corporation for
Better Housing, he stated that the new wall would replace their fence and Corporation for Better
Housing would take down their fence.
Commissioner Comstock—Asks if her desire is for the solid block wall?
Catherine Kidd—Confirms, she would like a solid block wall.
Shawn Marine Ward, 22537 Grand Terrace Rd. — desires solid wall, no wrought iron. Also
asked about the drainage and rocks asking if there is a creek on the park site.
Richard Shields, Building and Safety/Public Works Director — explained the drainage
concepts including the drainage swales and that there is no creek.
Virginia Ceballos, 22550 Brentwood— states that she will not take her solid wall down. Stated
her wall sits 2-3 feet higher than other side. Concerned about weed abatement and are swales
provided? If grass is installed will water sit in area? Also concerned about mosquitos and West
Nile virus.
Chairman Wilson—addressed the concerns and sensitivity of West Nile virus.
Justin Hardt—Responded to Mrs. Ceballos concerns. Wall will be set two feet off the easement
location and will have access gates. There will be gravel to mitigate weed and water within the
gap. On site,bio swales will be professionally landscaped.
Director Shields —Has indicated applicant is required to make sure water flows properly and to
be cleansed.
Commissioner Comstock— Stated he like the project. Raised concern about there being no air
conditioning in the hallways at the Senior Villas apartments. Also recalls Hornsby desire to have
existing wall painted.
Senior Planner Molina—Comments on east iron fence.
Commissioner Comstock—asked who would maintain the gap.
Director Powers—stated that the property owner maintains.
1� Justin Hardt— stated that on the west side the walls would abut, but wasn't sure on the size of
the gap elsewhere. Stated that Corporation for Better Housing would work out maintenance with
property owners.
Commissioner McNaboe — Thanked the Corporation for Better Housing for all the work
completed. Senior residents enjoy the living arrangement. Stated she would like to see neighbors
work with Corporation for Better Housing.
MOTION PC 22-2009
Commissioner McNaboe made a motion to confirm
Condition 41, the existing wall at 226956 and 22670
Brentwood Street remain in place and that a final wall
design be prepared.
Second by Commissioner Comstock.
Motion carries 4-0.
MOTION PC 23-2009
Vice Chairman Addington made a motion directing the
applicant to install a solid wall along the east property
Second by Chairman Wilson.
Motion carries 4-0.
2. SUBJECT: Request by Calvary The Brook Church for a Determination of Use
to use a vacant building, zoned Commercial Manufacturing (CM),
as a church on a temporary basis.
Director Powers—Presents the request of the Calvary the Brook for the temporary use of former
Essco building. The requested use of the building would be for 3 years maximum.
Raul Montano, Calvary the Brook — Comment that he would like to continue the good
relations between the City and the church. Is requesting of use of the former Essco building for
their church services.
Patricia Farley, 12513 Michigan St. — Comments that the agreement is with Grand Terrace
Partners and there is no control of temporary use agreement.
Commissioner Comstock — Would like to see Calvary the Brook get in to the former Essco
building. Believes this would be a good idea to have a church allowed. Does have a question
about the future freeway construction.
Director Sheilds—Informed the Commissioners that Caltrans will have a project to construct an
on and off ramp from the I-215 Freeway and may have to demolish the building.
MOTION PC 24-2009
Chairman Wilson made a motion to permit the use of the
vacant building as a church on a temporary basis, up to
three years.
Second by Commissioner McNaboe.
Motion carries 4-0.
• Information from Commissioners
• Information from Commissioners
Respectfully Submitted, Approved By,
JoyceaPowers Doug Wilson, Chairman
Community and Economic Planning Commission
Development Director