10/15/2009 i II'
Community and Economic Development Department
! '
October 15, 2009
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the
Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on October
15,2009, at 6:30 u.m.,by Chairman Doug Wilson..
PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairman
Matthew Addington, Vice Chairman
Darcy McNaboe, Commissioner
Tom Comstock, Commissioner
Joyce Powers, Community and Economic Development Director
Sandra Molina, Senior Planner
Chairman Wilson convened the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission
• Call to Order
• Pledge of Allegiance
• Roll Call
• Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended
by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make
written request to be agendized to the Director of Community and Economic
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22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • 909/ 824-6621
1.1 MINUTES: Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of June 4, 2009
Commissioner Comstock — These are regarding the motions that are made and I realize we
were having some problems with the tape deck and recording was inaudible. I am referring first
to page 11 in the minutes, it says Motion PC 16-2009 Commissioner Comstock made a motion
for the applicant to "a consist wall pursuant". I think that it is suppose to read something along
the line of, "made a motion for the applicant to construct a wall pursuant to the approved
conditions of approval, and will have to work'the details out with staff'. Then I have another
correction, it's on page 13, under Director Powers, it says there that "motion withstands with 2-2
with one Commissioner abstaining", I was wondering if we were able to reflect, I'm sorry let's
move on, I just realized what was going on. I made a mistake on that one. Then on the last page,
14, under Commissioner Comstock it says per notes, "like the landscaping along Mt. Vernon
Avenue and would like to encourage continued project", maybe we can say the "infill landscape
projects". There are some patches along Mt. Vernon that do not have the Lantana landscaping
and that is what I was asking if we could infill those places that don't currently have Lantana and
that's what I had to add to this.
Chairman Wilson —recognizes the attendance of Vice Chair Addington. Do we have any other
comments in relation to the minutes of June 4, 2009?
Director Joyce Powers —We did have one comment from the public that I provided to you if I
may have your permission to read it into the record. Received, October 131h, subject states June
4, 2009 minutes. Correspondence reads:
I just read the Planning Commission minutes of June 4, 2009 that I have been waiting for to be
approved. I can't understand how these minutes have so many inaudible comments. I spoke very
clearly and so did other people at the meeting. I don't think these minutes should be approved in
the context they are typed up on the agenda and I would like to have them redone. Also there
were a lot of mistakes with people's names. I would appreciate it if you would give this
information to the Planning Commission as I am not able to attend the meeting on Thursday
evening, signed Barbara Berliner. Thank you.
Chairman Wilson —The Chair would entertain—a motion, I mean there is no question about the
fact we had a technical difficulty that we are dealing with here but I think what we are trying
convey here in relation to the walls I believe we already constructed a good percentage of the
wall and what we were trying to accomplish has been accomplished. Unless there is something
from the public that says I did not get what I wanted I think the intent has been covered even
though we have a problem with the technical aspect of the minutes. Let me ask a question
because I understand this to be true. I think we have replaced some equipment and solved the
technical problem.
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MOTION PC 29-2009
Vice Chairman Addingtion made a motion for approval
of June 4th, 2009, minutes, with changes that
Commissioner Comstock included.
Second by Commissioner Comstock.
Commissioner McNaboe—My only comment to fall under what you say, I think that when we
have verbatim minutes it really shows up when we have technical difficulties but I do believe the
intent was conveyed that we wanted the wall built as stipulated and that was the decision we
Commissioner Comstock — Mr. Chairman, let me also say for the public's benefit that notes
were taken at this meeting,hand written notes, and there are places, where inaudible on tape, that
were filled in, there was material in the hand written notes that they were able to get the gist of
the idea. That's what we are talking about.
Motion carries 4-0, Commissioner Bailes absent.
r ,1 1.2 MINUTES: Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of Junel8, 2009
MOTION PC 30-2009
Vice Chairman Addingtion made a motion for approval
of June 18t",2009 minutes.
Second by Commissioner McNaboe.
Motion carries 3-0, Commissioner Comstock abstaining
and Commissioner Bailes absent
1.3 MINUTES: Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of July2, 2009
MOTION PC 31-2009
Vice Chairman Addingtion made a motion for approval
of July 2, 2009 minutes.
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Second by Commissioner McNaboe.
Chairman Wilson — If I might mention, one thing that is outstanding at least in these minutes
and probably at least the year, we have had pretty decent attendance and I think the
Commissioners should be applauded for that because it's not always easy and so I really
appreciate the attendance. In this particular item July 2, shows me as absent and I was gravely ill
at the time and appreciate you, Vice Chair Addington, taking care of the duties.
Motion carries 3-0, Chairman Wilson abstaining and
Commissioner Bailes absent.
APPLICANT: Lee Swertfeger, Owner
LOCATION: 12438 Michigan Street
Review of the Conditions of Approval for Conditional Use Permit 99-01
RECOMMENDATION: Direct the Applicant to complete the Project Conditions of
Approval within 60 calendar days.
Director Powers — Good evening Commissioners this is an update on the condition of approval
for the project at 12438 Michigan Street. That CUP was first approved in 2001, to allow truck
repair and operate and expand facilities for self unloading trailer manufacturing repair and sales.
As provided in the information to you, there were subsequent approvals that were extensions for
meeting the conditions, the last one being February 20, 2003 which required full completion of
the items by January 18, 2004. Our records also indicate that the applicant has been notified on
several occasions that the property was non compliant so'what we are doing this evening is
offering you an update and asking for your consideration to not necessarily extend the CUP, that
is not appropriate because it cannot be extended, the requirement expired in the 2004; rather to
consider putting the matter over for a public hearing to consider revocation of the CUP. The
property owner is here to address the Commission as well as several parties who live in the area.
The remaining items listed on the top of page two, the four items, the first one, the stripping on
Michigan Street that has been completed. That was completed Monday or Tuesday of this week,
the other items the trash enclosure, the gravel, that landscaping has not. Thank you.
Vice Chairman Addington — On this project in looking at who attended the meetings through
the various resolutions, my name showed up once, but I could've sworn this issue came before
the body where I was part of Planning Commission at least three times. Nothing occurred on this
in 2005 or 2004?
Director Powers — The only item we found dated in 2005 is a staff memorandum talking about
the items that were still out of compliance.
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Vice Chairman Addington—That may be one of the items I recall that. Thank you.
Lee Swertfeger, 22438 Michigan St. — I purchased this property in 1964. I lived in Grand
Terrace all my life. My dad was in the trucking business in Grand Terrace. I have been involved
in trucking all my life. I've never changed the type of work I do, the only reason this project has
lagged so long, held back, is because of funds. It's always been a struggle for me because we
started with nothing and we've always gone in full force over our head and especially with the
recession we are going through now. We have another location also up in Pixley, California and
it's pretty tough right now keeping both up and going. We went from 43 mechanics down to 13
mechanics. It's pretty hard to keep your doors open when something like that happens. Nobody
wants this project completed more than we do. We understand the City has been very, very
patient with this. We really apologize for taking so long but we tried always to be in compliance
with what the City has asked. We will continue to do anything the City asks, we have no
problems whatsoever with the City. We beg of you to help us keep this thing going because my
whole family is involved, this has always been a family project, they have always been involved
and we just need help.
Chairman Wilson — I am just curious because I know a lot of different businesses have been
affected by this economic downturn. What would you name as one of the major influences that
has affected your business, because I am not familiar with the trucking business at all. I have
some friends that are in it, but you ask me what happens to construction I can tell you right now
— what happens.
Lee Swertfeger—Well when this all started we were probably selling at least four new trailers a
week and these trailers are sixty to seventy thousand dollars apiece. Now we have not sold one
for a year.
Chairman Wilson—So the demand for the trailers has gone down?
Lee Swertfeger — Right. We have two brand new trailers that are three years old and we can't
sell them. We have tried giving them away at our cost and we can't sell them. That's just the
sales. The repairs are pretty much the same thing. At first when this thing really got bad, a year
ago, people were absolutely not repairing their trailer. They just quit. Now they are repairing,
they just have to keep them going. So we are getting minimal jobs just enough to keep us going.
Things just in the last couple of weeks have started looking a lot better at both locations. When
you go through what we have gone through it takes a long time to recover because you end up
owing way more than you did to start with. We've buckled down and cut back everyway we can
and we are going to survive one way or another if we can get through this problem with the City.
Chairman Wilson — Let me go through the items here. We have construction of a trash
enclosure. Some of the slag and gravel has been removed and must be replaced, that's kind of a
maintenance item. Vines required for screening have not been installed on the south side. I guess
I missed that when I went over there. The north boundary it just partially completed. I don't see
a big dollar attached to any one of those maybe the trash enclosure, but respectively speaking, I
don't think there is a ton of money involved there. I'm sure you've already taken care of the
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striping. Are you agreeable to the terms of the sixty day allowance to be able to take care of
those items?
Lee Swertfeger—Yes.
Chairman Wilson — Very good. I think it is important because there was a change that took
place with the building and maybe you can explain to this body what happened. I know it's
something that happened with the previous administration before Joyce Powers became our
CEDD but the building changed from something that this body approved to a more severe
structure; and maybe you can explain to us what took place there.
Lee Swertfeger— We were going to do one building at a time and make two buildings out of it,
which would have been better for us in way because we would not have had to put fire protection
in because of the square footage. After going through all of our plans and everything we realized
it would be more reasonable for us to make it all one building, a lot easier for us to work in the
building. So that is only change I know of.
Chairman Wilson — Well didn't it change from the kind of material it was? Wasn't it a metal
building at one point then became a block building?
Lee Swertfeger—Yes, you are right.
Chairman Wilson — So you started out with a couple of metal buildings and then I believe
through an administrative procedure with the previous CEDD it became a block building all in
one 12,000 square feet and because of that it ended up with a fire sprinkler system requirement;
and now we are at a point where the building permit has lasaped or expired and because of lack
of funds you were not able to finish the fire sprinkler system or the rollup doors and both of
those are significant costs, estimated at $26,000 at this point. That building, the last time I saw it
was about a year ago, and it was significantly finished but it wasn't done and at that point it
wasn't being used. I would assume our City staff has double checked. It is pretty easy to tell
whether a building is being used and it's still not being used because it is not completed it is not
final. So that's were we are at with those. Everybody tuned up at this point? Alright. So you are
agreeable to the items that need to be fixed? Do you have any kind of an ETA in relation to the
completion of the building although it is unrelated to the CUP.
Lee Swertfeger — It's very tough because of funds. If business keeps going like it's going right
now I would say, which is very good by the way, I would say it's still going to take six months to
recover and get back on our feet were we are starting to see our business profitable.
Chairman Wilson— So it could be inside a year to a year and a half. Do you have anything else
you wanted to mention in relation to this item before we go on to the general public?
Lee Swertfeger—I wish I could hear the general public complaints first.
Chairman Wilson — We'll give you an opportunity to respond. Well if there are no other
questions from the Planning Commissioners, we are going to keep this real civil because I know
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this can become an emotional issue. What I would like to do in our quest is to get the items of
concern out in the open and then address them one at a time. Then this body can do what it is
charged to do.
Stacey West, 12438 Michigan Street — I'm basically going off what my father has said. My
father is Lee Swertferger, and everything we have tried to do. If you guys had seen our property
five, ten years ago it looked like a junk yard. You would be driving by and it was just dirt and
junk. It was bad and we agreed to make improvements and we have. You drive by now and
you're not sure what is there. You can see we have made the street improvements, that whole
facility has changed a lot and we have never wavered on what we did at the beginning to what
we do now, it has always been the same thing. I wish the economy wasn't as bad as it is right
now because I would love to get rid of this headache, but anyways we deal with what we are
dealt with. I noticed that some statements have been said as far as our business and I don't see
any damage done to the area, any severe damage that we, our business, have caused to this area. I
don't see it at all. If anything we have made major improvements to the area. We are in the
proper zone for what we are doing. That is my main thing, we are just here to do our job and we
all live in the city, we're part of the community.
Commissioner Comstock — Can you tell me how many people are employed at the firm you
Stacey West—At the firm here,we are 16.
Commissioner Comstock—So that is 16 families that are being affected.
Stacey West—Correct, absolutely, our family that consists of three different families.
Chairman Wilson—Any other questions for Stacey? No, I guess that is it.
Laura Austin, 12356 Michigan Street—I mainly wanted to speak about that building but first I
wanted to, what she just said, that they have cleaned it up and taken the trash out. That's great, I
understand they did but it's still an eye sore. When you read from the first one they took out this
license and permits, it stated that there were suppose to be screening by planting on all sides. It
isn't beautiful when you drive down Michigan. All you can see are trailers. They are huge and
they park them right at the front so that you can not miss them, these huge trailers. They are not
beautiful to me, I live just a few doors from it and this is just one of their problems and saying
that it is zoned for them it's zoned for them but it was done when they asked for the license. That
was not commercial, that was residential and so now the City either needs to go in and take that
whole street and either make us all commercial or all residential. It's a mix match. One of my
concerns is that building that they put in. It has been over ten years since they have been there
and they haven't met one deadline yet. It's been extension, after extension, after extension. A
homeowner would not get that and they are running on an extension being expired. That building
has not been finished, they have not gotten a completion on it which means that is has not gone
onto the tax rolls so they are not paying property taxes on that building and how do we know the
City does go in there. How do we know that building is not being used? They could leave it
vacant the next hundred years and use it and not pay the proper taxes. I understand that the
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- biggest part of not completing that building is the fire, O.K. I live like I said a couple doors from
it. We don't need a large fire in there and you can't tell me that the things they have got in there
and the hazardous waste that's in there is not a fire hazard. It may not seem like it to anyone else
because you don't live two doors from them but it sure is to us. I don't want to hear those fire
sirens at midnight and I think Mr. Swertfeger and I feel sorry for him, I know the economy is bad
but when we had the big thing about the overnight truckers in there he got up and fought that
argument and said they were doing so much for the City they were bringing in all these taxes in
for the City, where are the taxes then if they are doing that bad. You know it was puffed up then,
it helped them and now all of a sudden being down in the economy that's supposed to help them
break the rules again. I don't feel that should be given any extensions for anything. If you want
to stay in business there complete it. A homeowner would have not been given that courtesy and
those extensions and be allowed to stay there without those things being completed. Thank you
very much.
Patricia Farley, 12513 Michigan Street—My parents purchased property where I live and my
mother live in 1950. The purpose of the Planning Commission and a General Plan is to protect
homeowners from the trash that's been allowed on Michigan. My parents purchase their property
in 1950 and all of that property along there was supposed to be light commercial. When Mr.
Swertfeger came in and requested to have a CUP for this business he missed stated what was
allowed and it's in the record, the legal record, what he said was relied upon and nobody
bothered to check and see that it wasn't correct. That was a gross violation of my parent's rights
and all the other homeowners there who have lived there for many years. Also Mr. Swertfeger
had an odd little businesses going where it wasn't clear what he was doing, he had nuts and bolts,
he had a trash business from what I understand with a bunch of junk in the back. None of that
was ever allowed. When he asked for the CUP he specifically said, if you look carefully through
the file, it made it sound like it was a small business only, six cars at the most and things like
this. What he has there looks like a truck junk yard and he parks trucks around strategically so
you won't see the worst of it but I have seen it. Who in this City would be allowed to have the
trashy, run down bungalows and things out in the field, they were supposed to shield it from the
neighbors. Why do we have a big truck right by the road all lit up at night, we all have to look at
it. This project was based on inaccurate information, it was based on a General Plan that the City
was negligent and I have pointed this out to you about changes being made in the General Plan
without it legally being processed. Mr. Swertfeger has changed residential to a business, nuts and
bolts. He keeps changing things but yet look at the tax record, look at the tax record and look at
the property description from a number of years ago where somebody, as far as I know, has
illegally changed the description of how this property can be used. Now all of this stuff has to go
through public hearings without proper information and all the residents affected notified. There
was not proper notification and even what he represented from what I see in the file that was
presented is unlike what he has there. He also was told a long time ago that he was not to be
doing. There's pollution, and he was not to be doing this business outside and he continues to do
it outside because he is not using the building and you're authorizing him to continue blatantly
violating it. I am sorry, I feel sorry for people that have trouble with there business but he doesn't
have the right to hurt all of the residents. He is hurting that whole area of Grand Terrace. He's
destroying it. It is mainly residential and that business is exactly the kind of stuff that you are `
supposed to prevent and I should not have to come here to tell you not to allow that in
residential. I am appalled that this was ever approved. Also he was told specifically that this was
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not a permanent CUP, and he has played this game and gotten extension after extension. I talked
to Mr. Schwab about it and even though the law was right in front of us Mr. Schwab was making
his own interpretation to allow illegal extensions way beyond what is. This man should not get
one minute more of an extension. This is at that expense of everybody in the community.
Anybody that said this was not damaging, either visual or pollution-wise to the neighborhood is
lying. This whole thing has been based on false information and I demand you stop it.
Chairman Wilson —Any other comments on this item? Then we will bring it back to close the
Public Comment and bring it back to the Commission for discussion, motion?
Vice Chairman Addington—Does this require a motion?
Chairman Wilson — First thing we are going to do is let the, before we close it, let me reverse
that. Let'-s let the applicant, Mr. Swertfeger, come up and address a couple of the comments and
let's keep it short. I think we have established the fact that the three items that need to be
completed will be completed within a sixty day time frame and we have established something in
relation to the 12,000 square foot building that is represented as not being used at this time.
Other than that, Mr. Swertfeger I'd invite you to come to the podium. I'd like to know one thing
just for personal information. The last time I was there, there had been some County Health
Inspections in relation to toxic and so on. I know, usually, they can be complaint driven, in this
case it was not a complaint driven item; it was a regular inspection. The last one I know of was
in 2007, plus or minus, and at that time the Fire Department double-checked to see how
compliance was met over a period of time and they were satisfied and signed that off. Have there
been any other County inspections since that time? We will invite your daughter to come up and
answer that question.
Stacey West—We actually have annual inspections and, yes, we even have the emergency lock
box that is required. Because the building itself is masonry and there is nothing it, so as far as a
fire hazard right now there is nothing to worry about. However, as far as chemicals, it is very
limited which that states in the report from the County.
Chairman Wilson—Do you know approximately what the date of the latest inspection was?
Stacey West—I believe it was June 2008.
Chairman Wilson — Have those records been made available to the City so that we can do
proper coordination?
Stacey West—Yes, I requested that the County Fire Department e-mail them to me so I could e-
mail to the City as I did.
Chairman Wilson—Thank you, very well. Any other questions of the applicant and feel free to
respond and kind of keep them to the technical aspect if we can.
Commissioner Comstock — I have a couple of questions if I may. Nuts and bolts, can you
address that please.
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Lee Swertfeger—I am not sure what that means.
Commissioner Comstock — Has that been a part of your business where you were selling nuts
and bolts?
Stacey West — Nuts and bolts as fasteners, we use them to repair the trailers. So if a customer
wants to come in for parts, yes, we sell them. But it's within our smaller building that it already
there and that has been there since the 70's.
Commissioner Comstock — Can you address the issue of some kind of trash business, trash
Stacey West — I have no clue where she got that from. We've never been in the trash business.
We do repair the walking floor trailers that haul the trash, like for Burrtec Waste, Aspens
Disposal, Ecology that type of thing, otherwise we do not haul trash.
Commissioner Comstock — Can you also address the use of property and the business related
concerns? Have you always been a trucking company?
Stacey West—It's not necessarily a truck company it's a trailer company and we repair and sell
trailers. Yes, we have our customer that drop off and pick up their trucks.
Commissioner Comstock = But you haven't changed your use since you've been on the
Stacey West—No.
Chairman Wilson—Mr. Swertfeger, can you address the issue of the trailers up toward the front
of the fence, because I do know that I brought that up when I did a site inspection. I felt it might
be appropriate to pull those trailers back from the front because they do affect the aesthetic value
of the area and let's face it, it was a residential area primarily. Can you address that?
Lee Swertfeger — Yes, we can do that if that's a request. The one trailer out front was in the
original plan to put it on the show slab out there, that's a brand new trailer. Things that look good
to some people don't look good to others and I apologize for that. The first lady that spoke, when
she bought property we were there we had trailers on the property. My dad had a trucking
company in Grand Terrace in 1942.
Stacey West — As far as the zoning, no, the zoning was not changed for us. The zoning was
originally M-1.
Lee Swertfeger—When I brought the property it was M-1 property and that is why I bought it.
We had other residential property in Grand Terrace, sold that and bought the M-1 zone so we
could build that.
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Chairman Wilson — Now I think what you are talking about may have been a county
designation, is that correct?
Lee Swertfeger—Yes.
Chairman Wilson — And that was your understanding at the time. Any other items that you
would like to try to address before we close the public portion?
Lee Swertfeger—When we started we worked outside, we were never told from day one that we
couldn't work outside. It was our decision to put up the building to keep the noise down so we
wouldn't have a problem. So we felt we were making the property better.
Chairman Wilson — Thank you very much. As long as it's on topic but I tell you we are not
going to get into a big emotional thing or I'll shut you off.
Patricia Farley, 12513 Michigan — Hammerlift has been advertising on a website that their
business is being run on this property and it has a business license. There are so many things like
this that people are just taking these people's word and the fact and the documents do not support
it. I have relatives that have lived on Michigan for a long, long time. We all know this was not a
trucking business. They had a truck parked there that was illegally parked and it said nuts and
bolts. Check there business licenses through all the years did they even pay for a business
license. They said it was an established business; then prove it with business licenses that were
Chairman Wilson—Thank you. We will close the public discussion on this item and move back
to Planning Commission for discussion and motion.
Commissioner Comstock—I have a question of staff if I may. Have you inspected the property
Director Powers?
Director Powers —Not within the property line, I could not honestly tell you whether or not the
building was occupied.
Commissioner Comstock—Do we have anybody on staff who has visited the property? I know
when the former Director and John Lampe were here they had been down to look at the property.
Do we have anybody currently on staff that's been down recently?
Director Powers—Yes we do. For NPDES, Matt Wirz, inspects that property for that purpose.
Commissioner Comstock — Has there been compliance with the zoning regulations and
requirements? I just want to know if there has been any, if the business is not in compliance with
what they should be then we need to know that.
Director Powers — I have looked into the Hammerlift operation and we're not able to confirm
that they actually operating out of that location, other licenses has expired and they did not renew
it this year. Our understanding is because they are no long working from that site
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Chairman Wilson—Any other further discussion from staff or discussion general?
Vice Chairman Addington—Well discussion in general, if you could just answer my question I
would appreciate it. Their CUP is expired and it's been expired for approximately 5 years. The
recommendation that you are proceeding with, does that recommendation require a consensus or
does it require a motion?
Director Powers — The CUP is not expired, what is expired is the requirement to complete the
conditions. The CUP is still valid, therefore I have in my recommendation that the Planning
Commission may consider setting the matter for a public hearing. The Code, Title 18, does
provide a certain procedure to revoke the conditional use permit and it does begin with a public
hear of the Planning Commission.
Chairman Wilson — And we are correct in assuming that items 2, 3, 4 are the remaining items
that staff has found that are not in compliance so far as the CUP conditions?
Director Powers—Yes.
Chairman Wilson — The building permit is a separate item all together, it does not have
anything to do with the CUP.
Director Powers—Yes.
Chairman Wilson —Any other questions of staff? If not, the Chair would entertain a motion on
this item.
Senior Planner Molina—Before a motion is made I wanted to remind the Commission that we
did receive some e-mail correspondence. I inadvertently labeled them as Item 2.2 but they are
Item 2.1, so they are applicable to this item.
Chairman Wilson — The opportunity to give the Planning Commission to review these items.
Point to October 15, 2009, note from Sharon Abbott to Joyce Powers, the lack of material,
including a memorandum to Gary Koontz from John Lampe dated January 24, 2005.
Commissioner Comstock— In the memorandum that Mrs. Abbott submitted, the memorandum
from John Lampe to Gary Koontz, it says here that the requirement that the proposed 12,000
square foot be subject to a separate Site and Architectural Review, my understanding is that was
done already? Am I not correct in that understanding?
Director Powers—That's my understanding as well Commissioner Comstock.
Commissioner Comstock— It also notes here that some 38 conditions on the site were imposed
by the Planning Commission and I am assuming that all of those but the 4 that we had or is now
down to 3 have been completed?
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Director Powers—Yes.
Commissioner McNaboe—I have a question regarding this memorandum as well. Further down
on the memo it starts off with violation of zoning code and storing truck trailers and heavy
equipment on residential lot immediately south. But this is in 2005, is this still on going?
Director Powers — That last item has been corrected and it pertained to the 12,000 square foot
building. Of course except for the fact the building has not been completed. One of the notes in
this memorandum indicates that a condition related to NPDES violations may have caused the
construction of the 12,000 square foot building that the vehicles were at the time parked on
pervious surfaces.
Commissioner McNaboe — My other questions was about the NPDES and so because the
building is not being used is there still a violation there?
Director Powers — The last report from the City staff person that conducts those inspections
indicates there is no longer a violation.
Chairman Wilson—Any other questions of staff? Chair would entertain a motion.
Commissioner Comstock — Mr. Chairman I am not certain what you are looking for as far as
motion is concerned.
Chairman Wilson —Well, I believe what our action is, is to vote on whether or not we grant a
60 day extension for the remaining items to be completed and whether or not we would consider
a revocation of the CUP. See down here on your recommendations.
Commissioner McNaboe—Where does the public hearing enter into this process?
Chairman Wilson—This is a review of the CUP and compliance of the CUP.
Commission McNaboe—As far as the recommendation is concerned would that be after the 60
days considering the revocation?Would that be a public hearing at that point?
Chairman Wilson—Correct.
Vice Chairman Addington — Considering for the years that we have listened to the residents
surrounding this subject site, I will take a shot here at making a recommendation, if clarification
needs to be made on the recommendation to make it correct, I would appreciate a correction
from staff. I here by would like to make the motion that if the applicant has not completed all
the requirements within 60 days from today's motion, excluding the fire sprinkler system, the
Planning Commission may consider the revocation of the CUP and move forward to a public
Chairman Wilson — I would like amend that to include the roll up doors, so I think what we
should probably do is exclude the 12,000 square foot building from that.
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Vice Chairman Addington — I would agree to that, I would like to amend my motion
Chairman Wilson—Do we have second on that?
Commissioner Comstock—I second that motion.
Chairman Wilson—So we have motion on the floor and a second. Do we have any discussion?
Commissioner McNaboe—Just a clarification. So that's sixty days to complete items two, three
and four on our list and at the end of that sixty days what happens? We come back and we say
these have not been done yet?
Vice Chairman Addington—If they have not been completed we listen to report from staff and
at that point we would move into a public hearing for the project or the relocation of the CUP. Is
that correct?
Director Powers—We can make a report back to the Commission in 30 days. We would like the
matter turned over for public hearing as quickly as possible if there has been no compliance. So
if it has not been completed by the sixty day we would like to schedule that public hearing.
Vice Chairman Addington—O.K., thank you.
Senior Planner Molina — If I may just a point of clarification, our Code does states that the
Planning Commission would conduct a public hearing and they would make a recommendation
whether to revoke the CUP or not and that gets forwarded to the City Council so the ultimate
decision would be the Councils.
Vice Chairman Addington—Thank you, I appreciate the clarification.
MOTION PC 32-2009
Vice Chairman Addington makes motion that if the applicant has
not completed all the requirements within 60 days from today's
motion, excluding the fire sprinklers system and roll up doors for
the 12,000 square foot building, the Planning Commission may
consider the revocation of the CUP and move forward to a Public
Second by Commissioner Comstock.
Motion carries 3-1, with Commission McNaboe voting No and
Commission Bailes Absent.
Chairman Wilson—You know what you got to do Mr. Swertfeger, please do so.
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2.2 SUBJECT: Planning Commission Procedures Manual
RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and direct staff on any additional changes to the Planning
Commission Procedures Manual.
Chairman Wilson—Do we have a staff report?
Director Powers — Yes, Chair Wilson, thank you. I am going to introduce you to Katie
Chamberlain she's going to be giving this report for us this evening. She is new with our staff
and has been working really hard on this handbook for you and she's the one that's most in the
know about the topic.
Katie Chamberlain — Good evening Mr. Chairman and members of the Commission. The item
brought before you and this evening is the update and revision of the Planning Commission
Procedures Handbook. As discussed in the September 3, 2009 meeting that Handbook is
outdated and in need of an update. Staff has reviewed and revised the document and is bringing it
before you tonight for discussion and review. Also included in your packets are Attachment A,
the redline version of the Planning Commission Handbook, Attachment B a list of various
reference websites that may be of benefit to the Commission, and also Attachment C with a
League of California Cities Planning Handbook for your reference. It is recommended by Staff
that the Planning Commission discuss the Handbook revisions and provide input on any
- .. additional changes to staff. That concludes my report.
Chairman Wilson—Everybody get a chance to actually review through these various items.
Commissioner Comstock—Very thorough, you did a good job.
Chairman Wilson—Any discussion with staff in relation to any of the items.
Commission McNaboe—I have one item. On page 9, there is an agreement issue between item
E and item F. With the changes, you have the Chairman declaring the Public Hearing is
concluded and that there is more questions and answer and rebuttal but then in item F the
Chairman is declaring the Public Hearing closed. I think that the issue was changing the audience
participation portion of the Public Hearing being concluded for that is what is being struck out,
the audience participation portion of it. I think it doesn't agree and fall in line with item F. I'm
not sure why the choice was made to strike that portion.
Senior Planner Molina — Mr. Chairman, if I may. I understand what Commission McNaboe is
indicating. Typically once the audience participation is closed that in essence closes the Public
Hearing. To make it in agreement what Staff would recommend is to strike out paragraph F
because in essence you close the Public Hearing and the discussion is back between the members
of the Commission and any member of staff. So that's what is suggested and then if the
Commission agrees then we can make that change.
Vice Chairman Addington—I could concur with that recommendation.
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Chairman Wilson — Any other questions Commissioner McNaboe. Vice Chair Addington you
had several items.
Vice Chairman Addington — Yes, thank you. On page 5 there is wonderful quotation from
Thomas Jefferson, I recommend we keep that quotation. On page 19 under 7.4 the last paragraph
under reconsider, in case of a reconsider a 1 yes, 1 no, 3 abstain vote may pass a motion to
reconsider, is that out of Roberts Rule of Order or where did this come from? I have never heard
of a 1-1-3 passing?
Senior Planner Molina—We believe it is out of Roberts Rules of Order but we will verify that
because if you look at the original wording that is when there was a seven member board and so
it was tie basically. We will verify, in case of a tie it would pass as a motion. What we will do is
verify that this is proper voting tally.
Vice Chairman Addington—O.K. I would appreciate that, that one was a little confusing to me.
On page 20 in the last motion in red it read in the third line, "then in a full commission shall be
automatically reconsidered to the next council meeting", is this a Council or Commission? Was
that a type or is this meant to go to the Council?
Senior Planner Molina—It is a typo.
Vice Chairman — Then on page 21, were making a change "the Planning Commission at the
first meeting following June 30th of each year shall select one member to service as Chairman
and one of it's member to service as Vice Chairman". Why is it recommended we change this
from a two year to a one year term?
Senior Planner Molina — The Municipal Code is written this way and so we wanted to be
consistent with the procedure established in the Muni Code for the administration of the Planning
Vice Chairman — Well that answers the question. I appreciate that I didn't know the Municipal
Code said that. Also on attachment B on the link to the introduction to Robert's Rule of Order, I
typed that link in and that did not go anywhere. If you can get that link to me I would greatly
appreciate it. Those were my comments. Thank you for your time.
Chairman Wilson — I know this is going to be quite a bit out of character for me but I am
noticing a tendency toward gender specific, is there some place in this document do we have
something that refers to how we handle the terms Chairman as Chairperson or anything like that
Director Powers — No Chair Wilson we do not. I think it's appropriate to modify that same
Chairman Wilson — Thank you. I just think it's appropriate in relation to any of these kinds of
situations. Commissioner Comstock did you have any questions or comments?
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Commissioner Comstock—No.
Chairman Wilson — I am hearing none other. Bring this matter back to the Planning
Commission for further discussion or direction?
Senior Planner Molina — Mr. Chairman what staff was looking for is if the Commission is in
accordance with the changes they have asked us to make. The motion would be to direct staff to
make the revisions and bring it back to the Commission as an action item for approval.
Commissioner Comstock—So moved.
Vice Chairman Addington—I will second that.
MOTION PC 33-2009
Commissioner Comstock made motion to direct staff to make
the discussed revisions and bring the item back for Plannign
Commission approval.
Second by Vice Chairman Addington
Motion carries.4-0,with Commission Bailes absent.
Director Powers — The first thing is on the very last line of your agenda it states that your next
meeting would be held November the 4th, that's actually a Wednesday. For the record that will
be on November the 5th. I also wanted to share with you our progress on the Compass Blueprint
Project. If you recall it was SCAG that provided the funding for the project. We did interview the
consultants that responded to the proposals last week and we have selected a company and they
are in the process of negotiating the contract and completing that with SCAG so we can get
started very quickly.
Vice Chairman Addington—Which project was this, I'm sorry.
Director Powers — We had applied to SCAG for the Compass Blueprint Project to update the
Barton Road Specific Plan and to include more regional traffic issues as opposed to just Barton
Road. We have selected a company call Hogle Ireland. I was very pleased with there proposal
and they should be kicking that off very soon.
---, Chairman Wilson—Any other items to the Commissioners?
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Vice Chairman Addington — The only one I have is the medical center building that was to go
in at Preston and Barton Road, I take it that project has just died out?
Director Powers — The developer is not able to reduce the cost of development to the point
where revenue earned from either sales of condominium offices or leases justify the construction
of the project at this point.
Vice Chairman Addington — As I was walking by there the other day, before the rains, it
looked like their storm water quality measures were failing. You may want to have someone go
out and look at that.
Chairman Wilson — First off I'd like to find out what kind of progress we are making on our
affordable efforts because I know we did have an entity that was interested in providing some of
the affordable that we owe ourselves, and I believe there has been a great deal of discussion. I'm
hoping they are close to an application. It is not necessary to give a full report at this point but if
you no know some information on it I would be glad to hear it.
Director Powers — Chair Wilson and Commissioners you are correct, they are close to an
application. They've also conducted some inquiries and plan to apply for HOME funds to assist
with the funding of the project. Most recently I have asked the developer to provide a written
scope of development and schedule for the project so we can start to prepare a draft development
Chairman Wilson—That is good news.
Commissioner Comstock—Which project is was that?
Chairman Wilson — We got about 3 or4 likely parcels in the City that could be identified as
affordable items and we are actually in the process of almost crafting our definition on how
affordable is going to work within the city because right now the top end of our density is 12
units to the acre and that does not pencil real well with an affordable cushion. It's a whole new
world, it's like a whole underlying situation that is really technical and has to do with public
funding and so on and partnership with the City to be able to meet these requirement s just like
every jurisdiction. I will note that Dr. Ha's project has been measurably cleaned up and I would
applaud that effort and I would like to applaud staff and in particular Rich Shields as I look back
in the notes in the minutes he had commented that he would make sure that things get cleaned up
over there and whoever's efforts are responsible for including Rich, I appreciate that effort. But
do we have any update in relation to Dr. Ha? I think I know the answer to a lot of things but I
would like to know where the City is with him.
Director Powers —It's still primarily an economic consideration of course that has caused some
delay. In addition to that Dr. Ha and his project managers are still negotiating with Walgreen's
over some site and building design issues. I am sure it is related to financing.
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Chairman Wilson — I got a really snazzy hand out from Fresh & Easy and I really appreciate
that except all it tells us is that the entire world is getting their benefit of their expansion other
than us. I do know that there are a lot buildings that have been built from as far as Coachella
Valley all the way to Rialto and some of those buildings have been occupied and I do know that
was part of their overall plan and I am painfully we're aware of the economic condition and how
it affects expansion in any business environment. I am hoping that we within this next year will
be able to*see some kind of game plan from Dr. Ha that he can advise us how we are going to be
moving towards being the premier project that would show us coming out of the economic slump
and I would applaud any action towards that. The next item of course, almost as equally as
painful, is the status of the Jacobsen project.
Director Powers —It's the same as last time I was able to give you an update and that is that the
developer is trying to match revenues with cost of development.
Chairman Wilson — Is there any possibility that we can utilize outside help in re-phasing the
project so at least the anchor Stater Bros. market might be able to go forward and be able to
maybe save some of the other infrastructure improvements so that it is financial feasible so we
may be able to move forward with project.
Director Powers—And we have done that with them.
Chairman Wilson—Do we have a time line available one of these days?
Commissioner Comstock — One question in relation to Jacobsen project. I know that on the
lower end of Michigan there is an abandoned house there that has broken windows and different
things and I know this because my son has been in that house and I have told him he's not
suppose to be in there. His friend used to live there but the lower half along Michigan where the
trailer courts used to be,and where that house is, it is an unsightly mess and I was wondering if
we can get that house knocked down and kind of clean up the lower end there and make it look
like someone cares.
Director Powers —Yes Commissioner we have been working on that. Barrie Owens is working
Chairman Wilson — We have a house in our hillside area that has some prominent lighting at
night that is not a happy situation as far as I am concerned and I have asked Director Powers to
look into that file and how the approval went primarily because I think there is a problem with
the shielding of the lighting as well as,the way the landscaping is incongruent with the
surrounding hillsides so we are really kind of digging into that to determine what is going on
with that. It sticks out like a sore thumb and I am not happy the way that worked out.
The other item is I've had a discussion with Rich Shields regarding the traffic on Barton Road
and Preston at peak hours and I've gained the understanding that there are approximately 10 cars
stacked on each side of Preston, on each side of Barton, I'm sorry on Preston, say around the 8
o'clock hour or what we call the witching hour in the morning and unfortunately it has caused a
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situation where you get a lot of fool hardy individuals trying to turn around the traffic and pass
on the right hand side and I know my wife has reported she has had three instances in the last
two weeks where she just about got clobbered in the intersection. To Mr. Shield's credit he
introduced last week an item in relation to the financial incentives that are suppose to be taking
place from the federal level to go in and replace some of the loops that are in Preston and take
care of some electrical malfunction that might take place there as well as repave a portion in that
area and try to restage some of the timing of those lights. I am aware though that part of the
problem is surrounded by the fact that there is some kind of a congruency that is taking place
with the SANBAG over all regional circulation and to that I would say that we don't care if it's
going to cause a problem where we are endangering some of our citizens. I say we ditch that
concept and head towards a more intelligent implementation. If necessary we get the traffic
consultant involved to try to solve that problem once the funds are made available so that we can
solve that entire difficulty. I do not want to see anybody endangered there, least of all my wife
and I think its worth investigated and getting solved. I know there is more than person that is not
happy with it. I just bring that up so that we know there is ongoing problem and an ongoing
solution being figured. I also know that there was some discussion at a recent Council Meeting in
relation to the traffic circulation surrounding the Senior Center and more prominently the ancient
problem with the elementary school. I am hoping there is some good progress made soon in
relation to that and that the school district is going to step up and solve their problem because it's
been an ancient problem and as our Mayor identified it's been at least 25 years that the school
has had that problem and has not solved it. If necessary I think I would recommend to the City
Council that we enact a legal-proceeding with the school district if they fail to step up and solve
�r the problem because it's very dangerous and my granddaughter goes to that school and I would
rather not see anybody get injured. That's everything on my plate. Any other comments from the
Commissioners if not then we will close Information from the Commissioners.
Respectfully Submitted, Approved By,
Jolde P6wers Doug Wilson, Chairman
Community and Economic Planning Commission
Development Director
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