11/16/2006 110 Community and Economic Development Department
November 16,2006
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order
at the Grand Terrace Civic Center. 22795 Barton Road. Grand Terrace. California. on
November 16. 2006 at 7:00 n.m..by Chair Wilson.
PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairperson
Matthew Addington,Vice Chairperson
Tom Comstock, Commissioner
Darcy McNaboe,Commissioner
Brian Phelps, Commissioner
Gary Koontz, Community Development Director
John Lampe,Associate Planner
Richard Shields,Director of Building and Safety
Richard Garcia,Assistant Planner
Jerina Cordova,Planning Secretary
• Call to Order
• Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Phelps
• Roll Call
• Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by
the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written
request to be agendized to the Director of Community and Economic Development.
1. MINUTES: Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of
September 21, 2006
MOTION PC-29-2006: Vice Chair Addington made a motion to Approve
Commissioner Mc Naboe Seconded
MOTION VOTE Approved 5-0-0-0
22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • 909/ 824-6621
2. TPM-06-03,E-06-12: TPM-06-03 (TPM 18333 - County Surveyor
Number), and E-06-12 - Divide the subject site
into four separate lots in conformance with the
R1 -7.2 Zone
APPLICANTS: Edmundo Illabaca for Zapata Real Estate
LOCATION: 22000 and 22034 De Berry Street (two parcels
totaling 1.06 acres on the north side of De Berry
Street about 500 feet westerly of Michigan Street.)
RECOMMENDATION: Open the public hearing, receive testimony, close
the public hearing and recommend to the City
Council the approval of Tentative Parcel Map
No. 06-03 (TPM 18333) and approve
Environmental Review Case No. 06-12 to divide
the subject site into four separate lots.
Chair Wilson: Do we have a Staff Report
Planner John Lampe:Yes. Mr. Chairman and members of the commission.
_ The subject property, consist of two parcels. The entire site is about 1.06 acres
located on the Northerly side of De Berry Street about 500 feet Westerly of
Michigan. The site has a frontage of 320 feet on De Berry with a maximum
depth of 207 feet NS
There are presently two houses on this site the westerly house and another on
the easterly portion of the site. The house on the westerly portion was
constructed in 1924. The existing topography of the site slopes down away
from De Berry Street. There is an East West drainage that runs along the
Northerly boundary of the subject property. The drainage will run west.
Chair Wilson:Any questions of staff before we open the public hearing?
Vice Chair Addington: John I wanted to thank you for giving us a complete
submittal package. Thank your for addressing the NPDS comments. The
question that I have is:
Vice Chair Addington:
Q: On lots 1, 2, 3,and 4,will there be cross lot drainages met on those and if so
do we need to condition it for you?
Planner John Lampe:
A: Yes, I think there will be such a requirement but we feel that the Public
Works recommended condition that they have to file for the precise grading
plan and have it approved. I think that will cover that issue without having to
have a specific condition to require the cross drainage.
Vice Chair Addington:
Q: The second question I have is, "Would the existing buildings out there on
parcel 1, the existing barn and parcel 4 the existing deck, those are right up
against the property line, since this is a new development creating new lots, how
does the existing structures fall in line with the set backs?"
Planner John Lampe:
A: The only one that I was aware of was lot 1. There is a structure on this
location. That is an existing situation so I think that is a non conforming
situation. The other structure in the back, we could add a condition that the
applicant would have to remove the structure to conform with the set backs for
an accessory structure or seek a modification of the standard.
Vice Chair Addington:
Q: What is the recommendation of the staff?
Planner John Lampe:
A: I think we should ask the applicant what their desire would be to satisfy that
Vice Chair Addington:
Q: If it is a non conforming structure at this time,with the new development it
can move forward as a non conforming structure?
Director Koontz:
A: Yes. That is how we are interpreting this. Now if either the structures were
to burn down, the cannot be built in the same place, they would have to abide
by the zoning set backs, but since the one house was built in the 1920's and the
west property line is not moving, that really isn't in play in this development.
Its only really the one on parcel 4. We looked at it and spent a lot of time
staring at it. By the time we were done,we were no that concerned about it. It
is a pre existing condition.
Vice Chair Addington: Thank you. I appreciate your input.
Chair Wilson:Any further questions of the Staff?
Commissioner Phelps: What caused the configuration at parcel 1167-161-27?
What feature caused this shape?
Director Koontz: It is a drainage course.
Chair Wilson: So it runs along the drainage course and that is the legal
description of the property?
Director Koontz: Yes. If you look at the ariel photo you could see it as a
defined drainage course,right along there.
Chair Wilson: Yes,I thought it looked like that.
Chair Wilson: Any other questions
Commissioner Comstock: Has the applicant arrived?
Director Koontz:Yes
Commissioner Comstock: Okay I have a question for him later.
Chair Wilson: If there aren't any further questions from the staff, I will open
the public hearing and invite the applicant to come forward and speak on behalf
of his project or his proposal. You are welcomed to come to the podium.
Zapata Real Estate Investments, Inc.
Edmundo Mabaca (applicant): I am the applicant for this Tentative Parcel
Map. I am just going to give you a little history. This here is Mr. Zapata (points
to owner) who is the owner of the two existing lots. This parcel map started as
just being the westerly lot. He bought this lot and he asked me to help him
divide the lot into two. He had the chance to buy the lot next door. We
proceeded, first we did two separate parcel maps, then we spoke with the
people from the City (City of Grand Terrace) and we thought it would be better
to request this tentative parcel map for dividing the two existing lots into four.
We have done everything that we have been required. It is a very simple map.
We just decided to keep the existing houses in lot number one and four. We are
looking to divide it into to two new building sites. The owner first had the idea
not to build in lots number two and three, but after the grading plans were
required, it's going to be ready to build after all the permits are issued and the
grading plan is approved.
Chair Wilson: Any questions for the applicant?
Commissioner Comstock: Yes. In looking in some of the other parcels out
there, I've notice that that they divided the parcels with chain link fencing. Are
there any plans to divide the parcels with the fencing?
Edmundo Illabaca (applicant):Yes
Vice Chair Addington: No questions. I would like to thank you for giving us
a full and complete application with extra exhibits,it makes our decisions easier.
To the staff regarding the fencing. We are at the parcel map stage right now
Would the fencing be part of this application or the application for the new
homes in the architectural review.
Director Koontz: Typically that would be part of the "Site and Architectural"
for the new houses.
Chair Wilson: Any further questions for the applicant?
Chair Wilson: Okay thank you,we will now invite the public to participate to
whatever comments. Seeing no takers we will close the public hearing
Please vote.
MOTION PC-30-2006:
Vice Chair Addington made a motion to Approve
Commissioner Phelps Seconded
PC-30-2006 :
Approved 5-0-0-0
3. SA-06-17,E-06-14: SA-06-17, E-06-14 to construct a two story
addition of 1,146 square feet of living area at
22154 Pico Street, Grand Terrace.
APPLICANTS: Mandry Construction for property owners Terry
and Valerie Futch
LOCATION: 22154 Pico Street(APN# 1167-281-52)
RECOMMENDATION: Open the public hearing, receive testimony, close
the public hearing, and approve SA-06-17, and E-
06-14 to construct a two-story single family
residential addition of 1,146 square feet.
Chair Wilson: Do we have a Staff Report?
Assistant Planner Richard Garcia:The applicant,Mandry Construction is
proposing to construct a two-story single family residential addition of 1,146
square feet of living area at 22154 Pico Street. The addition will be attached to
the rear of the existing single story home of 1,440 square feet.
1.The aerial photo accurately depicts the subject site as a one-story single family
home. The surrounding area is developed as R1-7.2 single family residential to
the North, South and East. There is Church building on an 111-7.2 lot to the
2. The site plan indicates the location of the residence. The proposed addition
will contain 1,146 square feet of living area and will have a new upstairs master
bedroom,master bathroom,guest bedroom,loft, and walk in closet. The first
floor will contain an additional living room, a game room, a craft room, a half
bathroom,and a linen closet. The addition will conform to all development
standards for residential development in the R1-7.2 zone. The house will be set
back 5 feet from the existing swimming pool and 34 feet from the rear property
line. Lot coverage will amount to 35%.
3. The front and rear yards of the resident are presently landscaped. The
applicant proposes to retain all of the front yard landscaping,including a mature
tree, shrubs,turf and decorative rock.
4. The first floor plan illustrates a new game room,craft room, dining room,
living room, a half bathroom,and a walk-in linen closet.
5. The second floor plan illustrates a new master bedroom,master bathroom,
loft,walk-in closed, and guest bedroom.
6. The front,rear,left and right elevations show exterior embellishments in the
form of 6"wood trim around the windows to match existing trim,3 layer
stucco,and a sliding glass door in the rear.
End of Overheads
Assistant Planner Richard Garcia: This project is a Categorically Exempt
Class 3 project per the California Environmental Quality Act. This project shall
comply with the NPDES requirements, and a Water Quality Management Plan
Agreement shall be required as a condition of approval.
Staff recommends that the planning commission approve the proposed two-
story addition under SA-06-17 and E-06-14 as called for by the attached
Resolution of Approval.That concludes my presentation. Thank your for your
Chair Wilson: Any questions of staff/commission,Before we open Public
Director Koontz: Can I make a correction?
Chair Wilson: Yes
Director Gary Koontz: Concerning the NPDES this kind of project,is exempt
(from our understanding) from NPDES.
Chair Wilson: Any questions of staff/commission,Before we open Public
Building& Safety Richard Shields: I would like to make a response to my
conditions that are attached to the Staff Report. They were Building&Safety
conditions, and after reviewing them right now and determining the size of the
project. This project will require street improvements be installed (Curb&
Gutter) and a new drive approach. That is something that isn't stated on the
conditions of approval and it needs to be added.
Chair Wilson: Has that been discussed with the applicant?
Building& Safety Richard Shields: No,I just noticed it right now, and that
is why I am bringing it up.
Chair Wilson: Thank you.
Vice Chair Addington: I have a question. Can you put attachment 4 back up
on the overhead?
The one with the picture of the house.
Rich,looking at the picture, there are improvements already there.
Building& Safety Richard Shields: Oh,that's why. Good point, curb&
gutters existing. Okay my mistake.
Chair Wilson: Thank you. Good catch Vice Chair Addington.
We will now open the Public Hearing and invite the applicant up to speak if he
chooses or his representative.
Mandry Construction
8356 Lakeside Drive
Riverside, California
ROY MANDRY(applicant): Mr. and Mrs. Fletch would like to put this room
addition in. They have been in the community for about 20 years and they feel
they want to stay for a long time. Plus they feel that it is a positive upgrade.
We are trying to make the project match the house that is already built. When
you look at it you will not see an "Added-On Box". The footprint is not going
to change that much from the existing house,just a little to the one side.
Chair Wilson: Refresh for me what the total square footage is going to be by
the time we get done adding this?Is it in excess of 2,300 square feet?
Assistant Planner Richard Garcia: 2,586
Building& Safety Richard Shields: It is 1,434 right now.
Chair Wilson: Thank you. Any other questions for the applicant.
Vice Chair Addington: I do have a comment. I would like to thank you for
your elevations you provided. On the front elevation,I wanted to thank you
for the windows that were added,it's a nice architectural feature that will be
seen from the street.
Chair Wilson: Thank you,any other questions for the applicant?
We will now invite the remainder of the public to come to the podium and state
their opinion or whatever comments they may have on this particular case.
Seeing no takers,then we will revert back to the Commission and we will close
the Public Hearing and go right to the Planning Commission for an action.
Vice Chair Addington: I have a question, since no one from the public spoke
up, so I would like to ask this question.
Often when we have two-story room addition,we have people objecting
because it is now two-story's,was there an analysis done for the neighborhood,
is there already two-story homes and does the square footage of the proposed
house compare to the existing homes.
Assistant Planner Richard Garcia:Yes I did review the neighboring homes.
-- To the South,there is a home at 1,900 square feet it is single story home. I did
not see any two-story homes. Because of the configuration,it would not
impose any privacy issues on the homeowners. To the West there is a church,
set back several hundred feet. It seems to be a vacant lot, but it is actually once
parcel and there is a Church on it. This would be the largest.As I said,there is
a 1,946 square feet to the South.
Vice Chair Addington: Were the surrounding neighbors notified.
Assistant Planner Richard Garcia:Yes notification was mailed out,as
required by law. I did not get any responses,neither positive nor negative.
Commissioner Comstock: I live down in that area. You folks have one of the
nicest houses (directed to Mr. &Mrs. Futch). There are other two-story houses
on Pico Street,not too far away from this structure. It is not like we are putting
a two-story structure among only one-story structures.
My question is and I was reading in the packet regarding the five foot setback
from the swimming pool. I realize that is code but that seems awfully short for
distance between the swimming pool and the new addition. Five feet is zoning
code on that?
Building& Safety Richard Shields: Actually Commissioner,there is no
distance requirement. You can have that wall in the pool if you'd like. I have
seen it in different jurisdiction i.e.,Rancho Mirage when I used to work there,
they actually had the pool inside the home.As long as the pool is reinforced to
withstand the surcharges of the footing,there is no set back requirement. Now
if there is a window in that set back then the window must be tempered. So
five foot is plenty of room for walk around.
Commissioner Comstock: I was just looking at it and it seemed awfully close.
I was just making sure we did it right that way.
Mandry Construction
8356 Lakeside Drive
Riverside, California
ROY MANDRY(applicant): Where we are putting the room addition. The
footprint is not changing on that room. In other words we are demolishing the
top and we will be going up. That wall is staying right where it was
Chair Wilson: Thank you,we had closed the Public Hearing,but we made an
exception for the addition information. I would just like to state that one of the
Goals for the General Plan is that we upgrade our housing stock. I greatly
appreciate this application. It definitely does that.
Any other questions or comments?
Commissioner Comstock: I move for approval of SA-06-17 and E-06-14
Vice Chair Addington: Seconded
Chair Wilson: We have an Approval and a Seconded,please vote.
MOTION PC-31-2006:
Commissioner Comstock made a motion to Approve
Vice Chair Addington Seconded
Approved 5-0-0-0
4. APPLICANTS: City of Grand Terrace - Department of
Community Development
PROPOSAL: Workshop and briefing on a first "draft" of the
"Amateur Radio Antenna (HAM) Ordinance" for
the City of Grand Terrace (Z-06-02)
LOCATION: City-wide
RECOMMENDATION: Provide any comments on the proposed "HAM'
Ordinance and to determine if the "draft" is
ready for public release.
Chair Wilson: Do we have any staff comments?
Planner John Lampe: Earlier this year the City Council was presented with
a petition, amongst other things, asking for a "moratorium" on any proposed
amateur radio antenna structures exceeding 20 feet in height.
The petition, as you may guess, was initiated as the result of an application
by Mr. And Mrs. Ehlert to allow for a 75 foot high amateur radio antenna
structure in the Southeasterly area of the city.
In response to the petition the City Council instructed the staff to prepare a
permanent ordinance regulating "Amateur Radio Antenna Structures" in
Grand Terrace
Staff has prepared a Draft Ordinance for the Commission's review and
comment. Tonight we are asking for your input so that we may refine the
proposed Ordinance for public review
Once the public review is completed, it is staff' intention to set the matter for
a public hearing before the Planning Commission.
Some of you may remember from the some of the information we gave you
in the public hearing regarding the proposed 75 foot that the regulation
Amateur Radio Antenna Structures"'has had a long history.
Over twenty years ago the FCC issued an order that local governments could
regulate amateur installations to insure the safety and health of persons in the
community but could not enact regulations which are so restrictive that they
would preclude effective amateur communications.
In 2003, then Governor Davis signed a State law, Assembly Bill 1228, which
in effect implemented the 1985 FCC order into State Law and which
mandates that any proposed ordinance regulating amateur radio antenna
structures "Shall allow those structures to be erected at heights and
dimension sufficient to accommodate amateur radio service with the
minimum practicable regulations to accomplish the local governments
legitimate purpose".
Staff believes that the"Minimum Practical Regulation"mandated by State
Law falls within two main areas, i.e. public safety and aesthetics. Public
safety can be regulated through the requirements for a building permit to be
required for these structures. The person that would make that decision
would be the City's building official. Secondly, for aesthetics, we have
focused on the potential visual impacts related to size, height and location for
the HAM radio structure on a piece of property. In preparing the draft
ordinance the staff was obligated to take into consideration State Law on this
matter. We also reviewed numerous existing amateur radio antenna
ordinances, especially those that had strong aesthetic list of regulations but
were fairly easy to understand and administer.
The proposed Draft that was given to you to look at,proposes to add a new
chapter to the City's Zoning Code with nine separate sections to regulate
ham radio antenna structures
The first section has to do with the Purpose of the Ordinance. It sets out that
the main purpose of the Ordinance is to provide protection to public health and
safety and to minimize adverse aesthetics impacts to the community. Secondly
the Ordinance will be regulating a Land Use so it would be a good idea to
have definitions. We have several definitions that will be used in the
Ordinance so that there will be common understanding of what is proposed
We have also provided Development Standards that any antenna that would
be permitted as a matter of right. Someone could come in and as long as
they can show that they meet all of the development standards. They can get
an approval to have the antenna. The standards are called out in Section
Further, we have gone on to indicate how someone could come in and get an
antenna approved that does conform to the development standards of the
Ordinance. As part of that process we would notify the immediate adjacent
neighbors of what the proposed project entails. As long as no neighbor
objected to the proposal and as long as the antenna met all of the standards of
the section of the Proposed Section Ordinance, the planning department
could go ahead and issue the Land Use application for the antenna. There
would still be an obligation that it would need to be reviewed by the Building
and Safety department to.make sure whether to require a building permit or
not. If someone were to come in and propose an antenna that did not meet
the standards i.e., height, locations, setbacks, etc., they could go through a
process by which they could get a Conditional Use permit and that would
require a public hearing before your body to consider the proposed project.
Whether it be, a height that would exceed 35 feet or whatever the situation
would be that they would not be within development standards of the code.
Each case where you would have a Conditional Use Permit application
would be based on case by case situation. However the application does
require that certain things be submitted including a Site Reception study so
that we have some quantitative way of knowing what the issues are regarding
the reception and height of the proposed tower.
We have also set out the acquired findings that the Commission would have
to make before the Conditional Use Permit could be granted relating back to
the requirement of State Law and also the specific conditions on any
structure over 35 feet, it would have to be such that when it is not operating it
would have to be lowered to height of no more than 35 feet. This seems to
be a common requirement in most ordinances where they do allow the
antenna to be raised a higher height for transmission purposes, but when it
was not used it would have to be lowered to a height of 35 feet.
Lastly, we have also included some provisions to take care of existing
situations where we do have few antennas in the City that have existed for a
long time; this provides for their non-conforming status.
I would like to go back to the Land Use Application., if I didn't make it too
clear about the Land Use Application. If the neighborhood objected to that
then it would come forward before the Commission to have it reviewed.
There would not be additional filing fees for that application.
This is a "Draft" prepared mainly for discussion tonight; I would like to
welcome any comments from the members of the Commission.
Chair Wilson: Has this proposed document been reviewed by the City
Planner John Lampe: No, our game plan is to get some information from the
Commission and make sure we are going in the right direction to prepare a
Proposed Ordinance that would include the "Whereas" the reasons for the
Ordinance, do the Environment Review and then submit it to the City Attorney
for review.
Chair Wilson: In your opinion,this is a defensible document?
Director Gary Koontz: The document is based on existing Ordinances we
took from other cities, so we are reasonably comfortable that if the other cities
got them passed then we could have a pretty good shot at doing it as well. But
we will be submitting it to the City Attorney to get his opinion on it.
One thing you may want to think about, when we talked about the infamous
"Lark Street Antenna" was the size of the array itself being 35' x 32'. One of
the things we would like to ask is do you want to consider any kind of
horizontal dimension of an array. That if it exceeds a certain size dimension
wise it would be something you looked at it would immediately go to you. The
question is how big is too big?
Chair Wilson: Commissioners,I open the floor to you.
Vice Chair Addington: How was the height of 35 feet established?
Planner John Lampe: That is the basic height limit for the R1 zone. Basically
what we are saying is anything that conforms to the basic underlined height
limit of the R1 zone and as long as it meets the other development standards of
the Ordinance,it could go through the Land Use process, not requiring a public
Vice Chair Addington: From our experience with Mr. Ehlert (I don't know
how to pronounce his name). Would that have worked if it was at a lower
height? Could he have made that work at a lower height?
Director Gary Koontz: You conditioned it for twenty feet (directed towards
Vice Chair Addington.
Vice Chair Addington: I know what we conditioned it for. What I am saying
is I am concerned about this 35 foot height even though it is allowed in our
Director Gary Koontz: We are not experts at this HAM radio operation. That
is one of those things that we need to have someone provide certain
justification for height then we could include that.
Vice Chair Addington: Three to five feet of the ridge line or the high point of
the roof,not including the chimney a possible height limit.
Director Gary Koontz: Bear in mind that you are giving preferential treatment
to two-story houses.
- Vice Chair Addington: Two-story houses are only what? 25 feet
Director Gary Koontz: But if you have a one-story house you can only go up
you know a lot less. So if someone has a two-story home they can have a
higher antenna.
Vice Chair Addington: Okay,good point.
Director Gary Koontz: Or if you wanted to say take the typical roof elevation
of a two-story house then we can go up from there, then we can say the
maximum height is X.
Vice Chair Addington: Okay
Director Gary Koontz: But if you say okay 10 feet above a two-story house,
that still is about 35 feet.
Chair Wilson: A general "Rule of Thumb" among "Old Developers" (and I
am one) is that 35 foot elevation difference between ground levels is a good rule
of thumb to make sure that you are not in the middle of somebody else's eye-
view. Ordinarily we try to stagger the height of our pads in a hill side division.
35 ft. elevation difference from the bottom to the top to the next level.
Vice Chair Addington: Under B. Number Permitted. One amateur radio
structure and one whip antenna shall be permitted on each building. "And" as
oppose to "or".
What is the need or desire of HAM radio operators to have or need both?
Planner John Lampe: This seemed to be a fairly common provision in the
Ordinances that we looked at. In not being an expert at RAM's, I guess some
use"whip" antennas for CB communication and that kind of thing.
Vice Chair Addington: Okay
Planner John Lampe: We were looking at Ordinances that seemed to allow
this kind of configuration,this number.
Vice Chair Addington: Then a couple of pages back, top of the page
18.72.070 paragraph C.1. We have a maximum of extended height of 35 feet
with the exception of"whip" antennas.
So does that mean they can go higher than 35 feet?
Planner John Lampe: Yes. The idea is not to have had a maximum height
level. That would be determined on a "Case by Case" basis. They do have to
submit certain reports and studies as part of the hearing process. A common
requirement of the Ordinances we looked at is that they do allow for higher
structures than 35 feet but make the provision that when the antennas are not
being used,they have to be lowered to a resting height of 35 feet.
Vice Chair Addington:That is all of my questions.
Commissioner Comstock: In looking at the development standards the
permitted height, maximum 35 feet then we go over to the Conditional Use, if
we are going to have a structure above 35 feet. I am wondering if we have a
maximum height in our zoning code. Are we or should we open the door to
have structures about 35 feet.
Planner John Lampe: Just remember we are between a rock and a hard place
with this Ordinance. We have to comply with State Law. Rather than just
setting forth a maximum height so you can't go over that height. We are
suggesting that the height of the tower when in it's used, if it's over 35 feet has
to be determined in the hearing process. The applicant would have to do a site
reception study and you would have to make a case on why you need that
height in order to operate the antenna.
Commissioner Comstock: I am not certain that I am in favor or that. If we
have a zoning code that says a maximum height of 35 feet then we need to keep
it at 35 feet and not open the door for people down the road.
I realize that it cuts out certain types of antenna structures such as the Ellert
Antenna which works at the optimum height of 75 feet. But I am also looking
at 7,200 feet lot size with neighbors. Anything higher than 35 feet is going to
dramatically affect the aesthetics of the neighboring property owners as well
as the values too.
Director Gary Koontz: Let us contact the City attorney and see what the legal
issue is with restricting it to the 35. Or not. We will get back to you.
Chair Wilson: Not all lots are 7,200 square foot lots. In this instance if we
could "De-Narrow" our observation, there may be a 10 acre lot that doesn't
mind having a HAM Radio Antenna next to it. We have to provide for those
circumstances in this Ordinance.
Director Gary Koontz: With the "Lark Street Antenna", if that had been
placed on a 5 or 10 acre lot you may have looked at it differently.
Chair Wilson: Correct
Commissioner Comstock: Another question that I have is on the
Development Standards letter:
C Sitting
9(a)No portion of the antenna structure or mast is located within any required setback area
Can you give me a definition of what our setback area is?
Planner John Lampe: The typical R1 lot you have 20 ft rear yard setback and
on the side you have 5 feet or 10 feet on the garage side of the property.
Commissioner Comstock: Okay to be clear,20 ft back from the property line
from the rear and 5 to 10 on the sides.
Okay that is
Director Gary Koontz: Let us clarify that. The structure itself, the antenna
foundation, cannot be within that. Now,if there is an array on top like on Lark
Commissioner Comstock: That is what I am concerned about. We keep a
minimum setback distance from neighboring or joining properties.
Director Gary Koontz:We need to make sure that we all agree that the setback
is for the tower, structure itself, or is it for the array (if there is an array)?
Planner John Lampe: The definition `B" defines as follows:
Antenna structure and refers colleefivey to an antenna and its supporting mast or tower, if
Commissioner Comstock: So that would be any part of the antenna?
Planner John Lampe: Yes, any part.
Vice Chair Addington: I would be in favor of adding the word "ARRAY" to
this. To clarify it.
Director Gary Koontz: That is fine.
Vice Chair Addington: Should we be concerned that should they decide to
erect a 45 foot tower, that should we have decided that should it fall down that
when it does falls should it stay on their property and not be so close to their
neighbor's property that it could fall into the neighbors yard. Things fall down.
This is Southern California we have a lot of earthquakes and wind.
Chair Wilson:Building&Safety would you like to comment on this?
Building & Safety Richard Shields: I am not sure that would be something
we would want to do. We build houses that currently that have 5 foot setbacks
on each side creating a 10 foot between both buildings. In a seismic event there
is a possibility that the building could fall over onto the next building.
We can make it very stringent. We can put some language that would provide
an area for the tower to fall. I think on a small lot it would be difficult.
Chair Wilson: Let me add a bit of information. Technically, it will take
building and safety review for the accessory structure for seismic and wind load.
We should have a reasonable amount of prevention from a turnover event as a
result of that.
i Building & Safety Richard Shields: As an example, for a structure that was
15 to 20 feet high, my requirement would be structural engineering that would
take into consideration that we were in Seismic Zone 4 and the exposure would
have to be looked at the location and the exposure of building to wind load. So
all these determining factors would then be calculated to design a footing that
would withstand a great seismic event or 100 mile wind.
Vice Chair Addington: What about the guide wires, the anchor portion in the
ground can it be within the setback.
Planner John Lampe: Some Ordinances do allow for that. This Ordinance
does not. If you would like us to put that in there for guide wires.
Vice Chair Addington: I think it would be nice for clarification that the
anchors themselves cannot be within the set backs.
Chair Wilson:Any further comments from the commissioners?
Commissioner Comstock: I am looking at the third page, top of the page.
Letter B.
B. In processing the submitted application, The Community Development Director shall
notify, by first-class mail, the immediate adjacent properly owners....
How close are we defining immediate? I know that when we have other kinds
of projects we have to notify with in a 300 foot radius and notify. I am
wondering if we should put that in as well.
Director Gary Koontz: Immediate would be any parcel that touches the
property line. But if you want to put any additional distance that would be fine.
Commissioner Comstock: I am talking about a Conditional Use Permit. Is
that automatically at 300 feet?
Director Gary Koontz: Yes. State Law and CEQA but this is not that kind of
permit it is more of a discretionary permit. This is more like a Home
Occupation Permit. We notify the immediate surrounding property owners and
that is it. If you want to extend it out,you can as far as you want
Commissioner Comstock: Well like the case we had earlier in the year. The
people's view was dramatically affected by the antenna that was assembled and
put up.
I am wondering if we might want to have the ability for other property owners
who are fairly close by to have some input or able to contact the city.
Vice Chair Addington: I concur with Tom on this one. There should be a
300 foot notice.
There were a lot of people whose homes were 2-4 homes away complaining
when that antenna went up
Chair Wilson: I would support a 300 foot area as well.
Commissioner Comstock: Lastly, I know that the size of the antenna was one
of the biggest complaints earlier in the year with this conditional use permit. I
don't know how we could go about limiting the size of that proportionally to
the property. That Yagi antenna appeared to me, to be as large or almost as
large as the house. Covering a large portion of the lot and I am in favoring of
limited the scope of the breadth of that antenna array in some way.
Director Gary Koontz: Let us go back and do some research on some of the
other Ordinances that have already been approved. To see if there is any
language that we can pull out of those.What I recommend is to look at that and
talk to the City Attorney and then we will come back for a second workshop to
respond to your comments and questions.
Chair Wilson:Any other comments for staff?
Commission: No.
Chair Wilson: I believe you have your comments on the HAM radio. Do any
- of you have any other comments for staff
• Information to Commissioners
Director Gary Koontz: We have a couple of items tonight. The first one is if
any of you have looked at our Budget this year, you will notice that there is a
line item for some consulting work to start work on a General Plan update. It
is that time. What we are doing is we have already started working on it. The
goal of this is that we have gone back,we have looked at the existing elements,
we have looked at the current law and there are some things we need to correct.
We are going to update the background data, we are going to address the new
requirements, and we are going to consolidate all the elements in a single
formatted document.
Right now we have several different books floating around. So far, to date, we
have reviewed all of the existing documents which means "I have read every
piece of the General Plan word for word". We have gone through and
summarized and evaluated all the existing goals, objectives, and policies in each
of the elements. I have this huge list Element by Element to try and compare
how things all match up.
We have identified the goals and policies that really don't apply anymore. Some
of which were done back in the late 80's and 90's. The direction was either it
was already done or it can't be done for whatever reasons.
I have also looked at using the same format, where we are going to have a
consolidated document. Everything is going to be in the same order. We are
looking now at having a format that is going to have the Standard Seven
Required Elements plus one extra. This will include Land Use, Circulation,
Open Space & Conservation, Public Health & Safety, Public Facilities &
Services (which we don't have now), Noise Element (we will not format noise
element too much since it was just approved), and Housing.
In the Housing Element we are working with SCAG on our Regional Housing
Number Allocation, the new numbers will be out in July of 2007. Those are the
numbers that are used to update the Housing Element and we have got until
July 2008 to update that.
We may be lagging on the Housing Element on that, but I want to get the rest
of it in order and approved.
The goal right now is to basically be very close to having a new adopted
General Plan. The direction that we are moving in is we are going to have a
series of Workshops. If we need more than one then we will have them. We
will have workshops in front of the Planning Commission and City Council.
We are going write a full EIR. I have already sent out RFP's. I have received
proposals back at the beginning of this month. We will be hiring a consultant
soon to get going on the background data and working on the EIR concurrently
with the General Plan.
Concurrently with that, we are going to look at also writing a new Zoning
Ordinance so that when the General Plan is adopted, we have the Zoning
Ordinance going right behind it. A year or so ago we spent at a lot of time on
workshops, looking at updates of the Zoning Ordinance. We are going to use
that as a base. From that as the General Plan moves forward, if we need to
manipulate that around to address new issues in the General Plan we are.
Plan on over the course of the next six months we are going to spending a lot
of time talking about different sections of it and what to keep and what needs
to be done. Basically just working through the whole thing. That will be our
task for 2007.
Lastly, Our next scheduled meeting is December 21', which is the Thursday
before the Christmas Holiday. We have a couple small items we can take; it is
nothing that can't wait until January. So it is an issue of, Do you want to have a
meeting, or do you want to hold off until January?
Chair Wilson: Do we have a consensus (directed towards the Planning
Commission: All answered "I will be here on the 21"" Commissioner
Comstock added he will not be here on the 7`t'.
Chair Wilson: If you find it necessary to have a hearing at that time use your
discretion,if it is not absolutely necessary,then I can't see any point in that.
Director Gary Koontz: right now there is one minor project we would like to
have another one that is ready to go. It is not like this is something that is
crucial and very detailed and complex.
Chair Wilson:Just use your discretion
• Information from Commissioners
Vice Chair Addington: How is the name change going for our pharmacy?
The have the old names covered up but they do not have new names up yet.
Director Gary Koontz: You had to ask? It is moving along. It is very
complicated. CVS has been inundated trying to build new stores and convert
the Sav-On's. The have done things that we have had to catch them on and
say"step back, lets do it the right way". The have had banners, flags for a
few days that were in violation of our Zoning ordinance. They are not there
Rich and I have had to go in and spend time with the manager and contractor
to make sure that they were doing things right, with permits. It all gets done
in the end.
The Reader Board that was in front, one of the issues was that we were
supposed to have access to that. Something got lost in Sav-on and they
forgot about that. Well we have access now!
Vice Chair Addington: So community messages will start to show up then?
Director Gary Koontz: Yes.
Commissioner Phelps: I would like to thank you for that, Gary!
Vice Chair Addington: My neighbors all want to know, "How's Miguels?"
Building& Safety Richard Shields: Over the last month and a half,they
have submitted two grading plans that Building&Safety has taken in and
turned around and approved both of those. In an effort to assist both
developers in getting that project going,we expedited that. Minor changes but
there were changes. Right now we are currently waiting for a Lot Line
adjustment. I think we are in plan review with the Lot Line adjustment.
Director Gary Koontz: We received that. We actually tried to Record it a
couple days ago,but the Recorder's office rejected it because of the way the
Notary Seals were stamped.
Building& Safety Richard Shields: So we are going through some technical
difficulties with the Recorder,but we are right there with probably the 41h
grading plan review. Staff moved very quickly. So as soon as we get the Lot
Line Adjustment it would be legal to issue a building permit at that point.You
know the building plans had been approved for quite some time, so I could
issue those soon after the grading is complete and I get it passed. We will be
seeing some movement over there real soon.
Director Gary Koontz: There have just been so many details between the
Master Developer and Miguels and its just one little thing after another.
However,we are determined.
Building& Safety Richard Shields: I would like to do it before the code
changes in 2008. (laughter in the background)
Commissioner Comstock: Speaking of which,are there any expiration on any
of those building approvals?
Building& Safety Richard Shields: The building approval is good for a year,
but if there has not been any code changes,through the state,then there is not
reason why we should go in and re-approve it again. Our next code change,
because the State is so far behind with building codes 1997 was the last one,we
will just go ahead and extend that.When they are ready we will give them the
Chair Wilson: I have a question. The Use on the corner of Barton and Mt.
Vernon, CVS the only concern I have,is I don't remember us approving the
right to retain trailers in the parking lot for an extended period of time,what is
that about?
Building & Safety Richard Shields: That is or was construction purposes.
What they have done was they moved in all of their work equipment for the
interior. But those trailers will be out very soon.
Commissioner Comstock: I have noticed ESSCO is proceeding forth with
their building. Another question. I know that the Master Developer with the
Town Square Project, had been at one time in negotiations for the last of the
parcels. Has there been any progress on that?
Director Gary Koontz: There is nothing going on with that property. The
project now is being designed with the Plan B without that property.
Commissioner Mc Naboe: But it is being designed?
Director Gary Koontz: Yes that is what we are going through now is the
"Redesign" of the property.
Commissioner Comstock: Well maybe I can insert an opinion. I have talked
to several people in the community about that very issue. Everyone that I have
-- talked with is strongly in favor of trying to incorporate the Stringfield property
in with the rest of the design. I would maybe encourage someone to talk with
the developer and see if we can get the two of them back together to negotiate
if possible. It would look a lot better of a project to have all of the parcels
together. Instead of having one long narrow strip of land that is elevated Eight
Feet above there rest of the parcels and some portions with a large wall and all
of the rest. I would surely make a nicer looking parcel for the City.
Director Gary Koontz: I don't think you would hear anyone at this table
arguing at that fact. The issue that we are dealing with is,the City Council made
policy about that property regarding eminent domain and only the City Council
can take action on it.
Chair Wilson: The issue would be better directed toward the City Council at a
City Council Meeting.
Director Gary Koontz: If you desire we can take that comment.
Commissioner Comstock: I am not really wanting to take property by
Eminent Domain, I am just saying let's get back to negotiations with it, and see
what we can do. Maybe both parties have changed a little, in their views, and
they can see for the betterment of the City.
I don't know! I can see that you are smiling. There is a lot of information that
I don't know about.
Director Gary. Koontz: I have had way too many meeting with all parries
involved over the subject and there is a lot that can be discussed concerning
that. It is a very difficult subject.
Chair Wilson: Any other items from the Commission?
Vice Chair Addington: Is Mr. Demitri moving forward?
Building & Safety Richard Shields: Yes. I have Mr. Dimitri's plans in Plan
Review. I should get those back hopefully by tomorrow. Hopefully approved
without any corrections. He is ready to go. He has already contacted Edison
and has moved the Power Poll and he is getting the telephone lines moved. He
is ready.
Commissioner Comstock: Wonderful
Director Gary Koontz: Also, the Greenbrier project that you approved up on
Mt. Vernon, the Small Lot, Single-Family surrounded by the islands, that
project is moving forward as well.
Vice Chair Addington: Is that the Greystone Homes?
Director Gary Koontz: Yes
Chair Wilson: Any further discussion?
ON December 7, 2006
Respectfully Submitted, ApproveA-9
Gary L. Koontz, Planning Director Doug Wilson, Chairman
Planning Commission