08/16/2001 LITr
r cfiRAti0 TERR CE Community Development
AUGUST 16, 2001
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand
Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on August 16, 2001 at 7:02
p.m., by Chairperson Fran Van Gelder.
PRESENT: Fran Van Gelder, Chairperson
Doug Wilson, Vice Chairperson
Mary Trainor, Commissioner
Brian Whitley, Commissioner
John Lampe, Associate Planner
Michelle Boustedt, CEDD Secretary
ABSENT: Matthew Addington, Commissioner
• Call to Order
• Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Whitley
• Roll Call
• Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by
the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make
written request to be agendized to the Community Development Director.
• This is the time for anyone in the audience to speak on any item, which is not on the
agenda for this meeting.
22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • (909) 824-6621
1. CUP-99-01-A1 Application to extend the time limit for Swertfeger's Equipment, Inc. to
complete Phase I Improvements required by the original approval from
an additional period of time to approximately February 28, 2002.
APPLICANT: Lee and Gay Swertfeger of Swertfeger's Equipment, Inc.
LOCATION: 12438 Michigan Street, Grand Terrace, CA 92313
RECOMMENDATION: Open the public hearing, receive testimony, close the public
hearing and approve the resolution calling for the approval of
CUP-99-01-Al subject to the conditions of approval.
Associate Planner Lampe presented the staff report to the Commission consisting of the request
of the Conditional Use Permit to extend the time limit of some of the Phase I requirements of
Swertfeger Equipment, Inc. to February 28, 2002. In January of 2001, the original Conditional
Use Permit along with the Site and Architectural Review was approved by the Commission to
operate and expand the utility site for truck and trailer manufacturing repair and sales on the
subject site. There were 37 conditions that were imposed on the project and were to be
completed in three phases. The applicant is asking for an extended amount of time for the
requirements of Phase I. The original deadline for the Phase I requirements was July 18, 2001.
Mr. Swertfeger is requesting to extend the time limit to February 28, 2002.
The original Phase I requirements were to: 1., File a parcel map for lot mergers to merge the
three separate parcels into one parcel. 2., Install gated access into the parking area of the front
of the site as soon as possible, and 3., Install landscaping to at least one half of the street
frontage along Michigan Street including an eight foot high wrought iron fence.
The applicant has indicated to staff that some progress was made in property improvements.
Some landscaping has been installed along the frontage and construction has begun on the
wrought iron fence. The applicant has also indicated that he has employed three laborers to work
on improvements to the site full time.
The applicant has also indicated that due to business pressures, and the sudden increase in
business over the passed year, along with loan delays with his financial institution, he needed
more time. Presently, he is working with his engineer to expedite the improvements as required.
Associate Planner Lampe informed the Commission that he had visited the site on August 3,
2001 and observed that some landscaping had been planted along the front of the property with
the inclusion of palm trees, and construction of the foundation for the wrought iron fence along
the front of the property was noted. The interior of the property has also been partially cleaned
up, in compliance with a condition that was imposed in January.
The applicant's engineer has submitted plans for landscaping, grading, and street improvement
' as requested. The applicant has also filed a Lot Merger request with the City. To aid the
applicant and the Commission, Associate Planner Lampe compiled an implementation schedule
as to what had been completed so far. Because of the recent submission of plans and
completion of some of the requirements, staff feels that additional time should be granted for_the
Phase I requirements to February 28, 2002.
Chair Van Gelder thanked Associate Planner Lampe and verified which conditions listed in the
implementation schedule had been completed.
Associate Planner Lampe reiterated which conditions had been completed as of the current time
for Chair Van Gelder, and informed the Chair that the applicant was in agreement with the
implementation schedule as far as completing projects within the time limit outlined.
Commissioner Trainor had a question with regard to the extension dates. Was the only extension
date changing from July 18, 2001 to October 16, 2001?
Associate Planner Lampe explained that the deadline date of October 16, 2001 was considered
to be the deadline date to submit plans for the required improvements. The deadline date to
complete the said improvements was to be extended to February 28, 2002.
Chair Van Gelder opened the public hearing and invited Mr. Swertfeger and Ms. Valenzuela'to
address the Commission.
t ^
Vickie Valenzuela
Thatcher Engineering
345 5rh Street, Suite B
Redlands, CA
Ms. Valenzuela introduced herself and stated that Thatcher Engineering is representing Mr.
Swertfeger for the project site. Thatcher Engineering had reviewed the staff report and the
implementation schedule and is in agreement with the revised dates as proposed.
Chair Van Gelder invited Mr. Swertfeger to come up and address the Commission.
Lee Swertfeger
Swertfeger's Equipment
12438 Michigan Street
Grand Terrace
Mr. Swertfeger introduced himself and explained that because he is the sole owner of his
business, he was unable to perform the improvements by the deadline date of July 18, 2001 and
because of increased business activity.
Mr. Swertfeger reported that his business has had a yearly increase by 25% in the last four years,
{ and grossed $1.2 Million in the Year 2000.
In addition, because of the necessity to promote his truck and trailer business, Mr. Swertfeger is
( required to attend promotional shows and events for advertisement purposes. Swertfeger
Equipment Company is the sole trailer sales and repair business within the State of California;
therefore, Mr. Swertfeger has spent much of his time out of town.
Chair Van Gelder closed the public hearing and brought the item back to the Commission for
PC-23-2001 Commissioner Wilson made a motion to approve CUP-99-01-A1.
Commissioner Trainor seconded the motion.
PC-23-2001 Motion approved 4-0-0-1.
Commissioner Addington absent
2. DU-01-01 Application for Determination of Use allowing for an auto broker type
use in the Office/Professional Category of the Barton Road Specific
Plan (BRSP)
( APPLICANT: VIP Motors, Fred Soeprono
LOCATION: 22737 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA 92313
Associate Planner Lampe reported that the applicant would like to operate an auto brokerage in
the two story office building just three doors west of City Hall. The parcels along this portion of
Barton Road are considered to be Office/Professional, in the Barton Road Specific Plan. The
Barton Road Specific Plan indicates that the Planning Commission has the responsibility of a
Land Use Determination, wherein; this particular use, auto broker, has not been listed in the Land
Use District of the Specific Plan.
The Applicant has filed a Determination of Use so that the Planning Commission can make a
determination if an auto broker business can be permitted in the Office/Professional District of the
Barton Road Specific Plan.
The Barton Road Specific Plan contains three commercial categories. General Commercial:
from Canal Street to the Freeway. Village Commercial, from Canal east to the 7th Day Adventist
Church, and from the church east of Preston Street, is Office/Professional Category. The latter
category includes the site where the applicant wishes to operate his business.
Associate Planner Lampe reported that the applicant also owns the building where he proposes
to utilize a suite on the second floor, which is suite 10. The Applicant plans on brokering
specialized high-end new and used automobiles. Such clients will consist of physicians, lawyers,
judges and executives. Business will be conducted over the phone. The Applicant will search for
the particular requested vehicle over the phone, auctions, car dealerships, and private parties.
When the car is found, the buyer will sign the required paperwork at the office on Barton Road or
by mail. Thereupon, the car will be delivered from the seller directly to the buyer. It is not
applicant's intent to store or display any automobiles on Barton Road.
Staff contacted the Department of Motor Vehicles to find out more information about auto brokers
and the Applicants proposal. The DMV confirmed that the Applicant had paid the appropriate
fees for an auto brokerage business, and has taken the auto broker examination. The DMV also
informed Staff that two parking spaces be set aside for the brokerage business, even though the
Applicant has no plans on parking any vehicles in those spaces.
It is Staffs opinion that the auto brokerage business is essentially an office use type business.
The requirement of the two parking spaces per the Department of Motor Vehicles will not change
the nature of the business.
(y }
Associate Planner Lampe concluded his report suggesting that the auto brokerage business
should be classified under the Office/Professional category. Staff is recommending that the
Planning Commission approve the Application allowing for auto brokerage under the
Office/Professional category within the Barton Road Specific Plan.
Chair Van Gelder asked if there were any questions of Staff from the Commission.
Commissioner Whitley asked if there were a desire to change the use on the property to where
there may be vehicles on display, would it need to come back to the Commission?
Associate Planner Lampe replied that the applicant would have to file a Land Use Application,
which would limit the number of parking spaces associated with this business to no more than
two spaces. An increase in the number would not be permitted.
Chair Van Gelder invited Mr. Soeprono to address the Commission.
Fred Soeprono
22737 Barton Road
Grand Terrace
L '
Mr. Soeprono introduced himself and explained to the Commission his concept of starting the
auto brokerage business. He is interested in assisting professionals such as doctors, lawyers,
executives and the like who are in the need of service of buying or selling vehicles without having
to consult with dealerships. Mr. Soeprono stated that his major sources of contact will be friends
and colleagues. The vehicle would be purchased and delivered to the professional's office or
Mr. Soeprono expressed his interest in conducting the business as strictly an office use and has
no intent of turning the business into a used car lot. Currently, the building, which will have the
proposed business, which Mr. Soeprono owns, is at 25% vacancy. A 700 square foot second
floor unit would be utilized in which a secretary, who will answer phones and process
applications, would occupy the front portion of the unit. The rear portion of the unit would consist
of an office suitable for Mr. Soeprono.
Mr. Soeprono explained that the two parking spaces as required by the Department of Motor
Vehicles will be located at the back of the building and will not be visible from Barton Road.
Chair Van Gelder asked Mr. Soeprono what types of vehicles would he be brokering.
Mr. Soeprono replied that he would be brokering any type of car that the client would request.
( Chair Van Gelder asked staff if the proposed use would generate revenue for the City from the
- brokerage of vehicles.
Associate Planner Lampe replied that the question was brought up to the applicant, and it was his
understanding that if the point of sale were in Grand Terrace, then the City would get a portion of
the sales tax.
PC-24-2001 Chair Van Gelder made a motion to approve DU-01-01 to include the
resolution to allow auto brokerage in office/professional district on the
Barton Road Specific Plan.
Commissioner Whitley seconded the motion.
PC-24-2001 Motion approved 4-0-0-1.
Commissioner Addington absent
• Information to Commissioners
Commissioner Whitley asked a question with regard to the status of the Chevron Station.
Associate Planner Lampe reported that G&M Oil Company, dba Chevron, are currently in plan
check. A demolition permit has been filed, but asbestos has been found inside of the old gas
station structure. A crew has been hired to remove the asbestos, and as soon as it has been
cleared up, a demolition permit will be issued to demolish the building.
• Information from Commissioners
Associate Planner Lampe notified the Commission that due to the illness and hospitalization of
her son, Director Materassi was not able to attend the meeting.
Associate Planner Lampe reported that there have been preliminary discussions with regard to
building a new electrical power plant within the City.
Associate Planner Lampe also reported that real estate broker; George Flower has requested a
copy of the site plan of the Rite Aid Project. Mr. Flower did not want to give any extensive detail,
`1 but has informed Staff that a deal for a new drug store on the site may be in progress.
Respectfully submitted, Approved by,
Patrizia Materassi Fran Van Gelder
Director of Community Chairperson, Planning Commission
and Economic Development