10/18/2001 �Ranv reRR cE Community Development Department GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES-OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 18, 2001 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called.to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road; Grand Terrace, California, on October 1%. . 2001 at 7:05 p.m., by Chairperson.Fran Van Gelder. PRESENT: Fran Van Gelder, Chairperson Matthew Addington, Commissioner Brian Whitley, Commissioner Patrizia Materassi, CEDD Director John"Lampe, Associate Planner Michelle Boustedt, CEDD Secretary ABSENT: Doug Wilson, Vice Chairperson Mary-Trainor, Commissioner 7:05 P.M. CONVENED SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW-BOARD/ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING • Call to Order • Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Addington • Roll Call • Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the. Chairman- Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Community Development Director. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: NONE This is the time-for anyone in the audience to speak on any item, which is not on the agenda for this meeting. 1 " 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • (909) 824-6621 ITEMS: 1. MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of September 20, 2001. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. MOTION: PC-28-2001 Commissioner Addington made a motion to approve the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes dated September 20, 2001. Commissioner Whitley seconded the motion MOTION VOTE: PC-28-2001 Motion approved 3-0-0-2. Vice Chair Wilson absent Commissioner Trainor absent 2. TPM-01-02 SA-01-09 & V-01-06 & E-01-05 Divide the subject parcel of 2.5 acres into two separate parcels of 1.1 acres and 1.4 acres and a site and architectural review to construct a two-story, 2,406 square foot single-family residence on one of the new westerly parcels, and a variance to modify the required street frontage for one or both parcels (the westerly parcel) To modify the required distance to the rear slope from the back of the proposed residence. APPLICANT: James G. Lintern LOCATION: Vacant 2.5 acre parcel at the end of Palm Avenue immediately south and west of the end of Palm Avenue in the City of Grand Terrace. RECOMMENDATION: Open the public hearing, receive testimony, close the public hearing, and recommend the approval to the City Council of Tentative Parcel Map No. 01-02; approve Variance Case No. 01- 05, subject to the approval of the Tentative Parcel Map by the City Council; and approve Site and Architectural Review No. 01-09 subject to the approval of Tentative Parcel Map by the City Council; and approve Environmental Review Case No. 01-05 to divide the site into two separate parcels and to construct a 2,406 square foot, two story residence on one of the proposed parcels and with a variance to modify the required street frontage and the required distance to a rear slope. 2 Associate Planner Lampe reported that the applicant is requesting permission to divide a 2 '/ acre parcel into two separate parcels of 1.1 acres and 1.4 acres in size for the site. Also, a site and architectural review to construct a two-story, 2,406 square foot single-family residence on the 1.1 acres parcel which is the westerly end of the property. Also proposed, is a request for a variance to modify street frontage requirement for the said westerly parcel; also to modify for required distance to a rear slope from the back of the proposed residence. The location of the property is at the end of the Palm Avenue cul-de-sac. This project site is located in the R-120 zoning district,.which is single-family residential with a minimum required area of 20,000 square feet. Properties to the immediate north of the subject site are also zoned R-120. The area to the south and southeast of the subject site is zoned RH, which is hillside residential. The Grand Terrace General Plan designates the subject property as well as the surrounding properties to the northwest and east of the subject site is low density residential, with a density range of 1 to 5 units per acres. The properties to the south and southeast are hillside low density residential. The proposed request is consistent with the General Plan. The westerly parcel of the proposed two new parcels will consist of 1.1 acres in size and the easterly parcel will be 1.4 acres in size. Both parcels will more than exceed the minimum required area for the underlying R-120 zone, with parcel 1 (the westerly parcel) equaling 240% of the minimum. Parcel two (the easterly parcel) is 304% of the minimum. Access to the parcels will be provided by the existing private streets off of Palm Avenue. This private drive also provides access to three other residences to the immediate north of the subject Y site together with the Riverside Highland Water Tank, which is visible from City Hall. These proposed parcels will meet all of the development standards for the underlying R-120 zone with the exception of the westerly parcel, (parcel 1) which will not meet the. minimum street frontage requirement. The zone does require a 50-foot frontage on a dedicated, street. The easterly parcel does meet this requirement. The tentative parcel map illustrates the preliminary grading plan for both parcels. As noted before, the pads were created a number of years ago. The westerly parcel where the new home is proposed will be modified to some extent, but not to a great deal. The pad on the easterly parcel will not be modified in the preliminary grading`plan. A geotechnical report was submitted by the Applicant was reviewed by the City Engineer, who concluded that the site does contain safe, stable building sites. Drainage for both pads will be to the south off of the subject site, the adjacent parcel to the immediate south. A letter is on file from the property owner in his willingness to accept drainage from this project. Prior to issuance of building permits to construct any residential structures on this property, a formal grading plan will have to be submitted so that the city could formally review and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. 3 The applicant has also filed a request for a site and architectural review case. The applicant is requesting permission to construct a 2,400 square foot two-story home on the westerly parcel. (1.1 acre parcel) The applicant will be purchasing the westerly parcel from the current owner if the tentative map is approved by the City Council. It is the applicant's intent to build the home for the applicant to live in. In addition, the proposed home will meet all of the standards of the R-120 zone. The second story will project over a covered patio will be within 14 feet of the edge. The first and second story floor plans that was included in the conditions packet shows that the residence will have a family, dining room. sitting room, one bedroom, one full bath, an office, and a workshop on the first floor. A master bath, bedroom, dressing room, a third bedroom and a covered deck area on the second floor. The appearance of the proposed residence is a Spanish Mediterranean style home with a red tile roof. Walls would be stucco with the use of various architectural features to enhance the appearance of the new home. Staff believes that this is a reasonable request to divide this property. The proposed new parcels will be similar in size and shape to existing parcels to the immediate north of the subject site. Commissioner Addington asked Associate Planner Lampe when the aerial photo of the subject site that was presented before the Commission was taken. Planning Associate Lampe anticipated Commissioner Addington question by answering that the picture was taken four years prior. The photograph shows that the pads were overgrown, and since that time, the vegetation that was growing in the pads has been cleared. Commissioner Addington asked if the grading was done with a permit from the City, and was the grading done in a cut situation or a filled situation. Planning Associate Lampe replied that to his knowledge, there were no permits issued for the grading that has been done to the area, and a geotechnical report that concluded that each pad represents a build able location, but there is no illustration as to which part was filled and which part was cut. Chair Van Gelder opened up the Public Hearing and invited the applicant to speak before the Commission. Jim Lintern 22570 Eton Drive Grand Terrace Mr. Lintern thanked the Commission and was happy to answer any question that the Commission would have for him. Mr. Lintern reported that the geotechnical report that was submitted to him reported that the pads were built in 1969. {' Chair Van Gelder if the Commission had any question of Mr. Lintern. 4 Commissioner Addington replied that he had a question for the architect. Ken King Civil Engineer 10 East Vine Street Redlands Mr. King reported that he had first looked at the property about 20 years ago with Mr. Sharp, the current owner. Mr. Sharp was thinking about building on the property over the years, and had finally made a decision not to. When Mr. King had first visited the property, it was grown over, but it had been graded. There is very little fill on the property, so it looks to be that it has been cut. Mr. King feels that the property was graded around 1969, but there is no proof to support that speculation. Commissioner Addington asked Mr. King if the slope showing on the tentative map if the slope was proposed showing on the property to the south? If so, has there been any discussion with the property owners that there are plans to grade on their property? Mr. King replied that the slope showing on the south is a proposed slope and also that Mr. Sigestadt is aware of the grading plans on his property, and has no objections to the slope easements. Mr. Sigestadt has already given a drainage acceptance letter and has been very cooperative. Chair Van Gelder closed the public hearing and brought the items back to the Commission for discussion and action. Chair Van Gelder discussed the condition on page 6, the conditions prior to final parcel map approval. Chair Van Gelder asked if there were any conditions that the Commission would like to discuss. Commissioner Addington wanted to add to Condition Number 13, that the water service and fire flow should be constructed with a Uniform Plumbing Code, as well as the Riverside Highland Water Company and the County Fire Department. Chair Van Gelder asked if the Commission had any changes to the Conditions prior to grading. Planning Associate Lampe reported to the Chair that Condition 17 eludes to the question about the off-site grading. Commissioner Addington felt that Condition 17 should be written and recorded. Associate Planner Lampe replied that staff had no objection to the suggestion of Commissioner Addington. 5 t Chair Van Gelder asked the Commission if they wanted to discuss the conditions at the time of development of the parcel. Commissioner Addington suggested that Item 21 and Item 32 should add the Uniform Plumbing Code. Chair Van Gelder stated that Item 32 should be reworded due to the condition's appearance to have an option. Commissioner Addington suggested that Condition 32 be reworded as, "The landscaping plan shall include." Commissioner Whitley expressed his thoughts with regard to Condition 32, the Mediterranean style in which the applicant has requested Palm trees as well as other shade bearing trees, such as olive trees would be a suggestion to fit in with applicant's style. MOTION PC-29-2001 Commissioner Addington moved to approve the conditions of approval as amended for the applicant's project Chair Van Gelder seconded the motion. MOTION VOTE: Motion approved 3-0-0-2. PC-29-2001 Vice Chair Wilson absent Commissioner Trainor absent MOTION PC-30-2001 Commissioner Addington moved to approve TPM-01-02 SA-01-09, V-01-06, and E-01-05, with the appropriate recommendations to the City Council. Commissioner Whitley seconded the motion. MOTION VOTE: PC-30-2001 Motion approved 3-0-0-2 Vice Chair Wilson absent Commissioner Trainor absent 6 7:35 P.M. CONVENED PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION • Information from Commissioners Commissioner Addington had a question for Staff with regard to Tract Number 15231 on the tentative parcel map and wondered if that tract was still in existence. In his eight years of service as a Commissioner, he felt that this map would have been brought up for extension. Director Materassi replied that she did not think the map was ever finalled. There were portions of the property that were discussed when the open space element application was brought before the Commission for approval. Director Materassi advised Commissioner Addington that she would check the records to be certain. To her knowledge, the City Engineer had surveyed all approved and finalled maps about five years ago, and this map was not one of them. Commissioner Addington asked for the status of the Chevron Station. Associate Planner Lampe reported that the demolition permit has been pulled and the plan check is under the process of being finalled. Commissioner Addington asked for the status of the former Rite Aid Site. Director Materassi reported that Rite Aid is no longer the applicant for the site, so the developer is currently in negotiations with Sav-On. Sav-On is currently in the process of considering 100 sites for new stores. The owner of the lot has been given until November 10t" to find a tenant; the deadline is within a few weeks. The owner has agreed to have the City build a cedar fence and the owner will pay for the cost of the fence to improve conditions for the neighbors. • Information to Commissioners Director Materassi reported that the department is putting together a workshop with CALED Association to come and assess, the City's economic development program. The targeted date was towards the end of November, however, many of the City Council members will not be able to attend at that time, so the target date has been moved forward to the first week of December. CALED will interview the City Council as well as the Planning Commissioners and staff. CALED will then take their findings and give the City an economic recommendation according to the City's needs. Chair Van Gelder asked how the CALED Workshop would differ from any other workshop that has been held in the past. 7 Director Materassi replied that the other forums were public forums to share ideas with the general public, property owners, and the business community within the city. The CALED Workshop would consist of experts that would advise us. This workshop would also be more cost efficient, since the city would not be hiring any consultants for this task. 'Chair Van Gelder asked if the CIP Priorities had been established at the last City Council Meeting. Director Materassi advised the chair that due to the length of time it took for the closed session of the City Council Meeting, the item was postponed for the next City Council Meeting. The Measure I and the RTIP was supposed to be approved together, but the City Council preferred a different format. Director Materassi reported that Supervisor Hansberger has approved $50,000.00 to do improvements along Barton Road. These funds would be available for businesses within Grand Terrace to do landscaping, lighting, or facade improvements. The grant may be 100% grant, or possibly 80-20, depending on what the business owners is doing and how their needs would meet the goals of the program. Director Materassi is currently designing the program and is working closely with the City Manager. Once the program design is completed, it will go to the Planning Commission and the City Council. Chair Van Gelder felt that Director Materassi should advise that the program design come before the Planning Commission before the City Council. �~ Director Materassi .notified the Planning Commission that a potential developer has been found for the industrial area of the 40-acre parcel. Currently, we are trying to find a developer that will accept our goals for the area. Commissioner Addington wanted to know where the 40-acre parcel was. Director Materassi informed the Commissioner 'that the 40-acre parcel was once Lucky Farms, west of Pico Park to the power plant, just north of the lumberyard. Commissioner Addington asked if the zoning for this 40-acre parcel was zoned .all commercial? Director Materassi replied that the parcel was all industrial zoned, which is in the General Plan. The zone for this parcel would be ideal for the city, with the exception of a few uses such as larger warehouses, because it would bring in more jobs to support the retail base, and bring taxes from potential "end user" suppliers of construction materials. Commissioner Addington advised the Director if the developer decides that he does not want to develop this. parcel of land, to advise the Commissioner, and he will assist in finding another developer. 8 - Director Materassi- appreciated the Commissioner's assistance and also advised that the developer had mentioned that a company consisting of 70 employees is looking for 6 acres of land. This company builds panels for manufactured houses and is looking for a new location between San Bernardino and Riverside. The land needs to be prepared in order to provide for companies such as this. We need infrastructure within the area - a Commercial Subdivision and a Specific Plan. Chair Van Gelder asked about the old Blue Mountain Coffee House building. Director Materassi informed the Chair that the deal between the real estate agency and the current owner of the building may have fallen through, so Jim Harrigan, the economic developer is working closely with Director Materassi to focus on that particular building along with a pad located at Vivienda and Barton Road, and a pad that is located at the southeast corner of Barton and Michigan. Jim Harrigan is also working on Town Square for the development to take place. The owner of the Stater Brothers Center does not want assistance from Jim Harrigan for new tenants. Mr. Harrigan is currently-working to get business close to the freeway in the CM zoned area as a first priority. An RV dealer is currently under negotiations with the City. ADJOURN PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION AT 7:56 P.M. NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD ON-NOVEMBER 16, 2001 Respectfully submitted, Approved by, <1 )VU Pattizia Materassi Fran Van Gelder Director of Community Chairperson, Planning Commission and Economic Development 9