09/19/2002 c'Tr .
h oRAND TER R c Community and Economic Development
SEPTEMBER 19, 2002
The regular meetinq of the Grand Terrace Planninq Commission was called to
order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road. Grand Terrace,
California, on September 19, 2002. at 7:00 p.m., by Chairperson Douq Wilson.
PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairman
Matthew Addington, Vice Chairman
Brian Whitley, Commissioner
Robert Bidney, Commissioner
Tom Comstock, Commissioner
Gary Koontz, Planning Director
John Lampe, Associate Planner
Michelle Boustedt, CEDD Secretary
• Call to Order
• Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Comstock
• Roll Call
• Public address to Commission shall be limited to three.minutes unless
extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer
presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the
Director of Community and Economic Development.
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22795 Barton Road• Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • (909) 824-6621
1. MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of
July 18, 2002
ACTION: Approved 5-0-0-0
2. SA-02-06, E-02-08 Site and Architectural Review to construct a
new garage of approximately 3,140 square feet
in the rear of an existing residence.
APPLICANT: Wayne M. Whipple
LOCATION: 12090 Rosedale Avenue (northwest corner of the
intersection of Palm Avenue and Rosedale
Avenue) in the City of Grand Terrace
RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing, receive testimony,
close the Public Hearing, and approve SA-02-
06 and E-02-08, to construct a new garage.
Associate Planner Lampe reported that the applicant is asking for the approval of the
site and architectural review case to construct a 3,140 square foot garage or
accessory building to the rear of the residence at 12090 Rosedale.
The subject site is presently developed with a single-family residence which was
constructed in 1973. It has approximately 1,700 square feet of living area and
presently has a two-car garage with a driveway that fronts on Palm Avenue. If the
requested garage is approved by the Planning Commission, it is the intent of the
applicant to convert the existing garage into additional living space for his family.
The site is_ a rectangular shaped parcel with a 300-foot frontage on Rosedale
Avenue, and a 135-foot frontage on Palm Avenue, which contains about nine tenths
of an acre.
Properties that are located to the south and td the north are in the City of Colton.
Properties located to the southeast are located in the unincorporated County area.
The surrounding area is developed into single family residential properties. Many of
the properties have accessory-type buildings to the rear. The staff feels that this
proposal is not out of character with the surrounding area.
The Zoning Code requires that any structure of this size requires both a public
hearing and a site and architectural review before the Commission.
The proposed building will be set back about 35 feet off of Rosedale Avenue. The
set-backs of the R-1 underlying half-acre zoning will be met by this project. The
building coverage will still remain less than 15 percent.
Along Rosedale Avenue, there are several large trees that will provide screening for
the building to soften and screen the building. A condition has been applied that the
applicant must provide landscaping plans prior to the issuance of building permits
which will also include the irrigation facilities to make sure that the trees are being
adequately maintained in the future.
The proposed building will maintain a similar appearance to that of the existing
residence for continuity. The original proposal was for a,metal type of roof, but the
applicant has agreed to accept the staffs recommendation of installing a tile roof to
make the building more compatible with the existing architecture in the area.
In conclusion; the Staff is calling for the approval of this request to allow for the
construction of the proposed accessory building based on the findings of the
Resolution that were included in the Staff Report together with the suggested
conditions of approval.
Planning-Associate Lampe announced that both the applicant and the architect were
in the audience to answer any questions that the Commission may have.
Chair Wilson opened up the Public Hearing for comment.
Scott Holland, Architect
Mr. Holland introduced himself as the architect representing the applicant. He
commended Mr. Lampe for the Staff report and was happy to answer any questions
of the Planning Commission.
Vice Chair Addington asked Mr. Holland if the building was proposed to be a metal
or wood-sided building.
Mr. Holland replied that the building is proposed to be a wood-sided building. The
actual structure will be built as metal with wood siding overlay. The structure will
appear to be the same as the residence.
Vice Chair Addington asked why the applicant is proposing to take access into the
garage from the rear of the building as opposed to the front near the street.
Mr. Holland replied that it would be primarily for aesthetics, not having the roll-up
doors visible from the street.
Chair Wilson asked what the age of the existing building was.
Planning Associate Lampe replied that the assessor's records stated that the
residence was built in 1973.
Chair Wilson asked if there was any thought of providing an overhang on the new
garage to match the overhang on the existing residence.
Mr. Holland replied that a two-foot overhang has been proposed to match the
existing structure.
Chair Wilson asked what the intent was to screening the building.
Mr. Holland replied that there are six large trees to screen the proposed building.
Commissioner Bidney wanted to know if the structure would have a separate meter.
Mr. Holland replied that a separate feeder will be installed from the existing meter
from the residence.
Chair Wilson closed the public hearing for review and comment from
Chair Wilson asked if Planning Associate Lampe had visited the site.
Planning Associate Lampe replied that he had visited the site, took a few pictures,
and found that the existing trees will screen the building from the Rosedale Avenue
frontage adequately.
Chair Wilson asked the Planning Associate if he was in agreement with the driveway
plan at the site.
Planning Associate Lampe replied that there will be a proposed circular driveway
that serves the existing house. The City does require an 85-foot frontage for a
circular driveway. The applicant has a 300-foot frontage, which meets the
standards. Also, the circular driveway will be paved.
Chair Wilson asked what the future use will be for the proposed structure.
Planning Associate Lampe replied that there are conditions in the recommendation
that the structure will be used solely for residential purposes with the exception of
applicant applying for a home occupation permit from the City. The City does allow
for limited commercial activity for residential areas as long as the applicant can meet
that criterion.
Planning Director Koontz added that he also shared the same concerns with regard
to the future use of the structure. The Planning Department will require that the use
of the structure be solely used for residential purposes and will carefully review any
future applications for commercial use at the site.
PC-27-2002 Chair Wilson made a motion to approve SA-02-06
and E-02-08.
Vice Chair Addington seconded the motion.
PC-27-2002 Approved 5-0-0-0
3. CUP-02-03, E-02-10 Conditional Use Permit and Environmental
Review to expand an existing mobile home
park and additional four (4) spaces from 62
spaces to a total of 66 spaces. This increase
requires the approval of a density bonus under
the affordable housing provisions of the
Zoning Code and is permitted with a
Conditional Use Permit.
APPLICANT: Grand Terrace Mobile Home Park c/o Marie Doria.
LOCATION: 21845 Grand Terrace Road (northeast corner of
the intersection of Grand Terrace Road and
Barton Road) in the City of Grand Terrace.
RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing, receive testimony,
close the Public Hearing, and approve subject
to conditions.
Planning Associate Lampe reported that the applicant is asking for permission to
expand an existing 62-space mobile home park to a total of 66 spaces to add four
additional spaces.
The Grand Terrace Mobile Home Park is a 4.72 acre parcel located on the northeast
corner of the intersection of Barton Road and Grand Terrace Road, just west of the
1-215 Freeway.
The original part of the park dates back to the late 1930's. This park was a layover
stop for travelers from San Bernardino to Los Angeles. It was later developed into a
mobile home park. The northerly part of the park was approved with an expansion
through a Conditional Use Permit that was heard by the County of San Bernardino in
the early 1960's. This allowed for the park to expand with an additional 20 spaces to
a total of 62 spaces.
The site is fairly level, and is bordered with a wrought iron fence with pilasters.
Since the new owner has taken over, the park has undergone several renovation
projects and improvements as listed in the Commission Staff Report.
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The surrounding area is developed with single-family residential to the west side of
Grand Terrace Road. Also to the west of the subject site is restricted industrial.
Properties to the north include a large vacant parcel and additional .residential area.
To the south of Barton Road is a commercial laboratory and additional commercial
The Grand Terrace Mobile Home Park is one of four existing mobile home parks
within the City. The parks provide about 300 spaces total and help to satisfy the
City's affordable housing needs.
The applicant has indicated that she will be providing additional recreational facilities
for the tenants consisting of a Bar B Que and picnic tables for the use of the
residents. Because the park is still undergoing renovations and clean up, the
applicant is unsure at the present time of where the recreational facilities will be
ultimately located.
It is Staffs recommendation that the Commission adopt a condition of a follow-up
plan for the exact location and size of the proposed recreation area.
One of the major improvements to the park is that a wrought iron and pilaster fence
has been installed and has greatly improved the appearance of the park. The
applicant will be providing parkway landscaping to provide for decorative
landscaping and to screen from the public right- of- way.
As indicated, this application will provide four additional residential units to the City's
Affordable Housing Stock. The maximum allowable density in the R-3 Zone is 12
units per acre. The existing density at the park is presently 13 units to the acre.
With 66 spaces, the final density will be slightly more than 14 D.U.'s per acre.
The redevelopment agency reviewed a certification that was provided by the
Applicant that she is providing affordable type housing. The agency appropriated
$50,000 to provide for street improvements on the southerly part of Grand Terrace'
Road and the Barton Road frontages which will provide for needed additional curbs,
gutters and pave-out.
The State of California has a Title 25 Statute in which the City has been told by the
State that our jurisdiction is limited to looking at the expansions of parks such as
represented by this application. Many of the conditions that are being recommended
are due to the agreement between the City and the Applicant to work together.
Planning Associate Lampe completed his presentation by recommending the
approval of the request for four additional spaces based on the findings that were
included in the Resolution in the Staff Report subject to the attached conditions that
have also been included in the Resolution.
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Marie Doria
Grand Terrace Mobile Home Park
Ms. Doria reported that a letter was included in the Staff Report dated July 16th
listing all the major improvements that have been made to Grand Terrace Mobile
Home Park since she has purchased it.
Ms. Doria states that she is at the park three days out of the week to monitor the
park. She is working at keeping the mobile home park as clean and safe as
possible. She welcomed any questions that the Commission may have.
Commissioner Comstock asked Ms. Doria if she was planning on replacing any of
the older units located in the park.
Ms. Doria replied that she plans on putting in a new mobile home at the front of the
park. She plans on applying for funds available, when they become available,
through the housing authority to aid in purchasing new mobile homes for the park,
and to keep the rents affordable to low-income families.
Commissioner Comstock asked if there was any further information with regard to
Title 25.
Planning Associate Lampe replied that a meeting was held in October of 2001, with
the applicant and the prior owner along with the representative of the State and
County Government. There was a clarification that was made regarding the City's
role in Title 25. The City is limited on what can be regulated with regard to mobile
- home parks. It is the prerogative of the State to regulate such modifications to
mobile home parks.
Planning Director Koontz added that Title 25 does allow the City to take total control
of the mobile home park with respect to building inspections. The City would have to
petition the State and take over all responsibilities for all mobile home parks within
the City. This issue was discussed with City Management in which the end result
was that the City has no desire to take over the County and States responsibilities.
Planning Director Koontz further added that the City is working closely with the
applicant to greatly improve the mobile home park and the streets surrounding the
park as well as providing additional affordable housing creating a win-win situation
for both the applicant and the City.
Chair Wilson asked Ms. Doria what the occupancy was for the park.
Ms. Doria replied that the park was not 100% occupied. Ms. Doria replied that she
has a waiting list at the present time and is not wanting to move too fast, and wants
to have the street improvements completed first and foremost.
Chair Wilson asked the staff if they had any information on a recent motion that
passed from the legislation with regard to historic designation on mobile home parks.
Would this type of a mobile home park qualify for further grant funds for
Planning Associate Lampe replied that this may be something to look into.
There has been some testimony brought up with regard to drainage swells on the
property. There was an observation that was made by the City Engineer with regard
to runoff from the property. The Staff would like to suggest that a condition be added
to the recommendations with regard to complying with municipal storm water
Vice Chair Addington asked with regard to Condition 13. Could the applicant come
back and readjust the condition through the Planning Commission?
Planning Associate Lampe replied that typically if an applicant cannot comply with a
condition the applicant would have to go through another application process.
However, specific language could be added to the condition should the Commission
desire to allow for the Planning Commission's review.
Commissioner Whitley asked what the current income was for affordable housing.
Planning Director Koontz replied that a standard has been set based on the number
of family members and the maximum income.
Commissioner Whitley asked if an issue were to arise with regard to the
enforcement of the suggested conditions, would they be enforceable under Title 25.
Does Title 25 state that the City can enforce some of the requirements?
Planning Director Koontz replied that staff had gone through every one of the
required conditions in detail with the applicant. Each condition relates to Title 25 of
the park, and what requirements that we a can apply to the project.
Chair Wilson closed the public,hearing and brought the item back to the Commission
for comment and approval.
PC-28-2002 Vice Chair Addington made a motion should staff and the
applicant reach an impasse in their discussions with
regard to negotiations on the recreational area that the
applicant will be able to come back before the Planning
Commission for a discussion and resolution.
Commissioner Whitley seconded the motion.
PC-28-2002 Approved 4-0-0-1
Chair Wilson abstained
PC-29-2002 Chair Wilson made a motion to strike Condition 13 with
regard to the recreational area because there is no
recreational area provided at this time.
Commissioner Comstock seconded the motion.
PC-29-2002 Approved 4-1-0-0
Vice Chair Addington voting no
PC-30-2002 Commissioner Bidney made a motion to approve CUP-
02-03 and E-02-10 as per recommendation of the Staff.
Chair Addington seconded the motion.
PC-30-2002 Approved 5-0-0-0
• Information to Commissioners
Future use of CPS Pharmacy Building at 22310 Barton Road
(northwest corner of the intersection of Barton Road and Canal Street.)
Associate Planner Lampe reported that the former CPS Pharmacy building is now
vacant, and the Owner of the building wants to divide the building into four separate
office suites. Three suites would consist of 1,000 square feet, with a fourth at 2,000
square feet.
The building is located in the General Commercial category in the Barton Road
Specific Plan. This category generally does not allow office uses except for the
second story of a two-story commercial building. However, there is some language
in the Specific Plan that if the Commission would make a certain finding on a case
by case review, office type use may be appropriate for some buildings.
The Staff is recommending that this building does meet the criteria to allow for office
type of uses, therefore Staff is recommending that the Commission approve a
motion to find that the criteria for allowing office uses in the ground floor of this
building be allowed.
Vice Chair Addington and Chair Wilson replied that they would be in favor of the
office use to help the economic viability of the site and the city.
Commissioner Comstock felt that the only concern that he would have was if the
owner were to divide the building in any way to change the structure of the building.
Planning Associate Lampe replied that the only proposed modification to the building
would be to install exterior doors for each suite. Should the modifications go
beyond what is proposed, then it would be brought before the Commission for
review and approval.
PC-31-2002 Chair Wilson moved to make a finding that the
proposed use for Office in this particular building is
consistent with the Barton Road Specific Plan.
Vice Chair Addington seconded the motion.
MOTION VOTE: Approved 5-0-0-0.
Rollins Park Renovation Project Update
Planning Director Koontz reported that in April of 2002, the City presented a site plan
for the Rollins Park project for the Commission's review. The intent of the project
was to make the park a world class soccer field for our local leagues. At the same
time other improvements needed to be made subject to conditions of approval.
One of the biggest issues was to go through an environmental process for a Grant
- Application to help construct the park. A Land and Water Conservation Grant was
applied for through the State Parks Department. Approval was received for a
$201,000.00 Grant. The School District through the Redevelopment Agency is
contributing $1.6 Million Dollars to the project, and Park Bond Monies from the 2000
Bond Act in the amount of$165,000, which will give the City about $2 Million Dollars
to build the park.
In May of 2002, after the approval of the project, a Request For Proposal was made
to various Landscape Architects. Community Works Design Group was awarded the
contract and has done a remarkable job of reviewing and improving the concept
On June 10, 2002, a Public Workshop was held at City Hall in which no one from the
General Public had shown up. There were two concerns that were brought forth
during the Planning Commission Meeting that were remedied. The first concern was
with regard to the location of the concession restroom building, and the second
concern was with regard to the frontage view of the park. There was also a concern
along the rear property line of the park where some homeowners felt that they would
no longer be able to view the park from their rear yards, as well as gated access.
Trees and shrubs have been relocated to maximize the views from the rear yards of
residences along the back of the property. The original plan of an increased amount
of foliage along the frontage of the park caused a concern among the general public
with regard to poor visibility of the park. The updated plan for the park proposes
shade trees so as to keep a high visibility from the street.
The City is also working with the School District to contribute with funds so as to
continue the wrought iron fencing into their property line for added security to the
park at night.
The parking lot design has been changed from one entrance to a horseshoe shaped
lot so the parents can drop off children and exit from the second driveway to
minimize congestion. The landscaping in the parking lot has been changed as well.
More shade trees have been proposed along with colored concrete.
The proposed tot lot has also been moved so that parents can watch both soccer
practice and the smaller kids at the tot lot.
The concession building has been moved to be centralized within the park and will
be ADA accessible. The soccer league has proposed to contribute $5,000 per year
for the next seven years so that a meeting room and an equipment room can also be
included in this building.
The plan check is currently being completed, with a target date to start construction
in January of 2003. A grand opening will be planned in June of 2003.
• Information from Commissioners
- Vice Chair Addington asked if the bicycle in front of City Hall was the original bicycle
from a former business within the City, or is it a reproduction.
Planning Director Koontz replied that it was the original bicycle that had been in front
of a former business.
Vice Chair Addington asked if the City could possibly put an information monument
in front of it, so that citizens may be informed of its history.
Planning Director Koontz would have the Assistant City Manager look into it.
Vice Chair Addington wanted to know if a City sign was going to be installed in front
of the new Chevron Station.
Planning Director Koontz replied that a sign has been ordered for the wall and will be
installed in the near future.
Planning Director Koontz asked if the Commission had any objection to possibly
starting the Planning Commission meetings at 6:00 or 6:30 PM.
Vice Chair Addington replied that according to his memory, Chair Wilson's schedule
would probably not allow him to make a 6:00 PM meeting.
Commissioner Whitley.commented that 6:30 PM would be a better time for him as
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Planning Director Koontz advised that the staff will contact Chair Wilson for his
opinion as well.
Respectfully Submitted, Approved By,
Jodi Lampe, Associate Planner OPlaningal
pr, ChVman
Gary Koontz, Cor6ra&ty Development Director