01/16/2003 c►TY
GRAND TER C Community and Economic Development
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to
-order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center,22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace,
California, on January 16,2002, at 7:00 p.m.,by Chairperson Doug Wilson.
DATE: January 16, 2003
PLACE: Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center
22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California
PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairman
Matthew Addington,Vice Chairman
Brian Whitley, Commissioner
Robert Bidney, Commissioner
Gary Koontz, Community Development Director
John Lampe, Associate Planner
Jo Verhelle,Execu. Asst., City Manager's Office
ABSENT: Tom Comstock, Commissioner
• Call to Order
• Pledge of Allegiance led by Chairman Wilson
• Roll Call
• Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless
extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer
presentation,please make written request to be agendized to the
y Director of Community and Economic Development.
• This is a time for anyone in the audience to speak on any item,which is not
on the agenda for this meeting.
22795 Barton Road• Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • (909) 824-6621
1. MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of
December 19,2002
RECOMMENDATION: Approval with one correction to the 6th
page, 5th paragraph, first line changing ac
dyke to A.C. dike.
MOTION: Vice-Chairman Addington made a motion to
PC-01-2003 approve the Planning Commission Minutes
dated December 19, 2003 with one spelling
The motion was seconded by Commissioner
MOTION VOTE: Approved 4-0-1-0
PC-01-2003 Commissioner Comstock- absent
2. SA-02-11 &V-02-01 Site and Architectural Review to
& E-02-15 construct two, one-story single family
residences of approximately 1,929 square
feet each with 1,472 square feet of living
area and a 457 square foot attached
garage and to modify the required side
yard from 10 feet to 7 feet for each
APPLICANT: Al Aguirre and Associates
LOCATION: 12539 Vivienda Avenue (A of an acre parcel
on the easterly side of Vivienda
approximately 200 feet south of Van Buren.
RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing,receive
testimony close the Public Hearing, and
approve subject to conditions.
Associate Planner John Lampe reminded the Commissioners that this site was subject to a lot
split proposal approximately a year ago that proposed to split the property into two halves. That
the lot split was approved and recorded last October. The developer is proposing to develop a
house on each of those new lots. Vivienda is a 60 ft. wide local street with curb, gutters and
sidewalks and is located in the low-density residential category of the general plan. The
surrounding area is also single family residential. The zoning of the site and the surrounding
area is R-1 7,200 sq. ft. The proposal to construct the two single-family homes is consistent with
both the City's General Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. John presented overhead slides.
_ depicting House"A"on the northerly parcel and House"B"on the southerly parcel showing the
houses being essentially the same, as seen from Vivienda, except for having reverse floor plans
and,slightly different front facades. The site plan shows that the set back from what is
designated as the front property line is 25 ft. and that as may be recalled, as part of the parcel
map approval there was excess right—of-way that was vacated by the City as part of the lot split.
The applicant has been asked to submit a revised site plan, if this project is approved, showing
the actual front property line and the right-of-way on Vivienda Street. This means that when the
house is adjusted,the set back from the front property line will be slightly more than what is
shown here. We are also asking to modify the required side yard set back next to the garage.
The normal set back is 10 ft for this zone and the modification would apply to both lots. John
reminded the Commissioners that there was a variance granted when the lots were split,to
modify the standard width of 60 ft. to 55 ft.
The grading plan shows that drainage would flow around the buildings out to the street. The
applicant will be required to submit grading plans for a grading permit as part of the plan check
process together with a soils report. The grading will be the same for both lots.
The landscaping for the lots proposes at least one tree and some shrubs in front of the house with
the rest of the site to be in turf. The Code requires a tree also be planted somewhere in the
parkway along Vivienda Ave. The applicant will be required to submit landscaping plans as part
of the approval.
The floor plans show that the homes will consist of living room, great/family room,kitchen,
three bedrooms and two bathrooms for both houses except one will be reversed.
A colored materials board was submitted with the application and the board was passed around
to the Commissioners and the Commissioners were directed to the display boards that show the
elevations of the two houses.
Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission approve the site and architectural review
application to construct these two single family residences and to modify the required 10 ft. side
yard set back to the requested 7 ft. for each residence. Based on the findings in the attached
resolutions that were part of the staff package together with the suggested conditions of approval
that were incorporated in the resolutions of approval.
Chairman Wilson opened the Public Hearing for comment.
Chairman Wilson invited the applicant to come to the podium. The applicant was not present,
but the owner Bob Chagolla, Chagolla Construction, 35575 Balsa, Yucaipa,reminded the
Commission that he was from Grand Terrace and has done work for the City in the past. Mr.
Chagolla feels that the project is consistent with the neighborhood.
Vice-Chairman Addington questioned Mr. Chagolla on the request for the modification in the
side yard set back in view of the fact.that a variance in width was granted so that two lots could
go on the site. Vice-Chairman Addington feels that with more and more variances being
granted we will end up not being consistent with the surrounding neighborhood. Vice-Chairman
Addington suggested taking 3 ft. off the living rooms and adding that to the rear of the homes to
maintain the total square footage and keep the set back at 10 ft.
Mr. Chagolla is concerned that that modification would narrow the house to the point of not
being consistent with the neighborhood.
Chairman Wilson asked about the garage-to-garage design rather than house to house and Mr.
Chagoll said that it was for privacy. Chairman Wilson further asked why the single story was
chosen and Mr. Chagolla said that it was to be consistent with the neighborhood as there weren't
too many 2-story homes around that neighborhood.
Vice-Chairman Addington is concerned that we are granting so many variances that we will not
be consistent with the surrounding area as all of the other lots are 60 ft. and recall that the lots
have 10 ft. side yards. Vice-Chairman Addington requested to know what the discussions with
the client were regarding the variance request for 7 ft. instead of 10 ft.
Associate Planner Lampe recalled at the public hearing there was some opposition to the
variance to modify the width of the parcel from the Commission and also from a resident who
was concerned about the house looking too narrow from Vivienda. The primary concern was
that the house would look too narrow.
Vice-Chairman Addington is concerned that if someday someone wants to put in a pool it would
be hard to get equipment through a 7 ft. side yard and Mr. Chagolla, 35575 Balsa, Yucaipa
responded that regarding pool access that you can get a bobcat through a 7 ft. area and
everything else is usually pumped in or hand walked through. Chairman Wilson advised the
owner to reserve an access easement for the future that would work for both houses.
Commissioner Bidney commented that he would rather see a wider house and less side yard as
long there is room for a bobcat to go through the side yard. The wider house has more aesthetic
value and feels that the variance is acceptable.
Commissioner Whitley asked if the proposed houses are consistent with the width of the other
houses in the surrounding neighborhood and Associate Planner Lampe feels that most of the
houses in the neighborhood do conform with the set back requirements but he could not verify
that each home utilizes the maximum allowable on each lot.
Chairman Wilson said that a 10%reduction in the side yard is not an unusual request for a
variance. In this case, it is because of an in-fill and the lot had to be split so it appears that the
best thing has been attempted so that the house do not appear to butt together.
MOTION: Commissioner Bidney made a motion to
PC-02-2003 approve SA-02-11 &V-02-01 &E-02-15 with
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Whitley
Chairman Wilson asked for some discussion before the vote, as his understanding is that the
configuration of the frontage is not exactly the way it is shown on the map at the current time.
Associate Planner Lampe informed the Chair that there is a condition that the owner submit a
revised site plan showing the extra right-of-way that was vacated as part of the parcel map
approval. Chairman Wilson also inquired what Staff felt regarding the position of the houses
once the map is adjusted to reflect the correct location of the right away. Associate Planner
Lampe responded that the owner should still maintain the minimum front yard set back and
Director Koontz added that he does not see the houses changing at all.
Commissioner Whitley wanted it noted that this is a unique situation and that we want to keep
side yard variances to a minimum.
MOTION VOTE: Approved 3-1-1-0
PC-01-2003 Commissioner.Comstock-absent.
Vice-Chairman Addington-no
3. TTM-02-01 & E-02-18 Tentative Tract Map to subdivide a 4.65
acre parcel into 15 lots and with one
remainder lot
APPLICANT: Grand Terrace Redevelopment Agency
LOCATION: 22268 Van Buren Street(4.65 acre parcel on
the northwest corner of Van Buren and
RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing,receive
testimony,close the Public Hearing, and
approve subject to conditions.
Prior to the staff report Director Koontz gave the Commission an overview of what the City's
intentions were regarding this project. Director Koontz referred to today's newspaper in which
there is an article stating that we will be doing a low-income housing project. This is absolutely
not the case. The City staff has been considering this property since it is one of the last
remaining developable parcels in the City. They also had concerns regarding how it might be
developed. These concerns were presented to the City Council and after consideration, it was
decided that the Redevelopment Agency would buy the property so that we could control the
process and the quality of the homes ultimately developed. Any profit made from the sale of the
land will be used to help fund economic development projects such as the Outdoor Adventure
Center. We contracted with an engineer to do the preliminary engineering for us and the intent is
to build the best possible housing we can get in this area. It will not be low or moderate income
housing and there will be no subsidies. It is our intent that once the project is approved by the
City Council,we will send out Requests For Proposals to qualified developers. It is up to them
to present us with the quality and style of house that we desire for this in fill project. Director
Koontz reminded the Commission that any housing that is proposed for this would come back
for Site and Architectural Review,the sale of this property would be a public hearing before the
City Council, and the public would be notified of what is going on throughout the process.
Associate Planner Lampe stated that the applicant is requesting approval of the said tentative
tract map. It is intended to hopefully receive approval from the Planning Commission, send the
map to the City Council and then to sell the property to a qualified developer The site covers
approximately 4.65 acres. The site is 320 ft. wide and 620 ft. length in the north/south
dimension. It has 525 ft. of frontage on Reed Ave to the immediate east of the subject site. The
site is presently vacant with the exception of an existing single-family house in the southwest
corner that is owned by the original owner who wanted to retain ownership of the house. Access
is-via Van Buren St.,which is a 66 ft. wide local collector. Reed St. is a half-width street with a
40 ft. right-of—way. Cardinal St. terminates at the easterly boundary of the property and
continues again at the westerly boundary. The site is designated Low Density Residential on the
General Plan and is zoned R-1 7,200. The proposed project falls within the density parameters
of the General Plan and the standards of R-1 zone.
There are 15 lots and 1 remainder lot. The lot sizes will range from a minimum of 7,200 to a
maximum of a little over 9,200 in size and the average square footage of these lots will be just
over 8,300 sq. ft. The remainder lot has about 28,800 sq. ft. Access to the site will be provided
by connecting Cardinal Street through the site. The construction of a new street through the
location will be 60 ft. wide with full improvements. Reed Ave., along the easterly boundary,
will also be improved, as well as the Van Buren frontage. Preliminary grading shows the lots
adjacent to Reed will have pad elevations of approximately 5—7 ft.below Reed and separated
from Reed St. by a 2 to 1 slope. The westerly lots will back up to a low retaining wall as part of
. the grading scheme of this site. As part of the conditions of approval, Staff is recommending
that a perimeter wall or fence be required on the westerly, northerly and easterly boundaries and
on the northerly and easterly boundaries of the remainder lot. This project is exempt from the
California Environmental Quality Act it is a Class 32 categorical exemption under CEQA
guidelines. The Staff is recommending that the Commission recommend to the City Council the
approval of the Tentative Track Map based on the findings of the resolution of approval subject
to the recommended conditions of approval as incorporated in the resolution of approval.
Chairman Wilson opened the public hearing for comment.
Donna Cooley,22285 Mavis St. said that her property is next to the property on the northeast
side and is concerned about drainage and wants to know if there will be a waltalong that portion
of the development and if that property will drain onto her property.
Director Koontz replied that all lots are designed to drain to the street. There are no side or rear
lot drains and a wall or fence will be provided along all the perimeters.
Vice-Chairman Addington inquired if we were accepting off-site drainage if it comes to this area
since Ms. Cooley says that her drainage is east to west. Vice-Chairman Addington further
inquired if our Lot 1 is 5 ft. lower which means it would have off-site water coming in.
Director Koontz replied that he thinks there is a swale along the side that directs everything to
the street and off this property and that we plan to take care of all the flooding problems.
Debbie Glade,22245 Cardinal St., is concerned about drainage also. Ms. Glade's back yard
currently floods from the water coming off of that property.
Planning Director Koontz stated that that area has been designed by elevating that area and
bringing the drainage back down to the cul-de-sac. Chairman Wilson explained to Ms. Glade
that drainage should not be going toward her lot at all.
Ms. Glade's other concern is the fact that Cardinal will be connected making it a through street
that will have lots of traffic since it is logical to come down Pascal. She suggests bringing the
traffic in off of Van Buren. Director Koontz replied that the street pattern should not change that
Ms. Glade would like to know who owns the property now since there is a lot of dirt bike riding
that goes on that property and the surrounding residents get all the dust preventing even the
opening of windows. The Sheriffs Dept. referred her to the property owner and said there was
nothing the residents could do about it.
Director Koontz stated that the City owns the property and it is unlikely that it will be vacant
long enough to put up a fence. The City Code Enforcement Officer is starting an investigation
on this entire issue and asked the resident to contact Barrie Owens at the City offices and she will
�.- contact the Sheriff if necessary.
Chairman Wilson pointed out that we are obligated to make sure that dust as well as mud, etc. be
Vice-Chairman Addington questioned lots 5 and 6 back up against Ms. Glade's lot and are about
2V2- 3 ft..higher than hers. We are not going to be creating any drainage problem for her in the
future but are we going to propose a retaining wall or a swale to Cardinal.
Director Koontz pointed out on the plans that a retaining wall up to 3 ft. high is planned for so
that the drainage goes to the street.
Chairman Wilson suggested that during the excavation for the wall,the home owner get involved
with a drainage solution since it is so close to the property line and further suggested that a pipe
or box drain be considered as long as it is kept clean.
Director Koontz pointed out that since the City owns the property we can make sure that all of
these items are done correctly.
Mary Stockstad, 22246 Cardinal St. has a concern is access to this property from Cardinal St.
since there are many children that live in this area and requests that the access be off of Van
Buren instead of Cardinal. She feels that the traffic increase will have a great impact on the
already established neighborhoods of Reed, Pascal and Mavis,which have all been there for 30-
_ 40 yrs. The streets are unlighted and narrow.
Ms. Stockstad is also concerned about the close proximity of the house to her property line and
would like to know if the set back is 10 ft.
Chairman'Wilson commented that he thinks the minimum set backs are 5ft. and 10 ft. but we
won't know exactly until we see the plans.
Ms. Stockstad is concerned that a 2-story house would obstruct her mountain view and she is
requesting a single story house be built next to hers and that block walls be put in. Chairman
Wilson stated that block walls were probably going to be the way to go. Director Koontz stated
that Lot 4 next to Ms. Stockstad's is 80 ft. wide which leaves plenty of room for side yards and
that in regard to the street pattern.
Ms. Stockstad requested traffic calming devices be installed on Cardinal if the access is going to
be off of Cardinal. Director Koontz replied that he saw no problem with installing traffic
calming and speed bumps to keep traffic traveling at a reasonable speed, if warranted.
Chairman Wilson asked if traffic circulation studies were done when the City was looking at this
property and if the studies showed any other possibilities as far as Cardinal Street access.
Director Koontz said that every possible conceptual plan was looked at. After careful study,the
present design is the only one that fits everything and that the speed limit would be 25mph.
Chairman Wilson inquired if there was a master circulation plan for the City and what was
envisioned for this property from that plan. Associate Planner Lampe indicated that the master
circulation plan only addressed Van Buren St. Chairman Wilson suggested that we take our
master circulation plan and addend it for any of the remainder parcels in consideration of future
Director Koontz stated that this particular parcel is one of the only in-fill parcels remaining the
City and the circulation plan only deals with the major streets;usually four lane streets that are
arterial highways. Typically,residential streets that are 60 ft. or less do not show up on the
master plan of highways.
Chairman Wilson asked about the actual circulation(traffic count) on a cul—de-sac such as on
Cardinal. Director Koontz will refer the question to our traffic engineer. Associate Planner
Lampe stated that our traffic engineer pointed out in the report that he did not feel that there
would be any significant impacts to Pascal with putting Cardinal through because there is no
congestion on Van Buren that would causing traffic to use Cardinal through to Pascal.
Chairman Wilson asked if there would be stop signs used to interrupt the flow. Director Koontz
will present this back to the traffic engineer and inform him that there are concerns about speeds
and circulation in this area and have him come up with a plan regarding signs and traffic
calming, from a professional point of view.
Donna Cooley, 22285 Mavis St. asked that if the City has any control over the types of homes
that are built on the property that 2-story homes not be built up against the existing single story
Chairman Wilson said that the Planning Commission will have a chance to see the plans with
opportunity to view what is in mind for this development.
Les Glade, 22245 Cardinal St. asked if the 3400t retaining walls would replace the 6-foot fence
that is already there. Mr. Glade is concerned because he has a dog that needs to be kept inside.
Chairman Wilson stated that these circumstances would require cooperation among neighbors
whether it is the City or two neighbors trying to do something. The 3-foot wall will be on the
City's side.
Mr. Glade stated that he thinks that the quickest way to the freeway is down Pascal, down De
Berry, down Michigan to Barton Rd. and if everyone works out of the area he feels that they
won't go from the Michigan stop sign to the Van Buren stop sign to work their way back to the
neighborhood when you can get into the neighborhood quickly via another way.
Vice-Chairman Addington suggested that Lot 9 is smaller than the rest of the lots and probably
would not accommodate a nice size house. Vice-Chairman Addington suggested that lots 14 and
15 be reduced from 120 ft. to 110 ft and give that extra 10 ft. to Lot 9 to allow for a larger house
to be built there. Director Koontz replied that the City agrees with that observation.
Chairman Wilson was looking for the net area on each of the lots from 9-13 and commented that
because of the elevation differences.the 121 ft. to the front property line it really is not because
of the 2 to 1 slope that eats up quite a bit of the property making it realistically about 100 ft.
Chairman Wilson further suggested that perhaps retaining walls needed to be considered so that
the homes are not left with tiny back yards.
Director Koontz said that the map shows standard grading and a 2:1 slope, However,to
maximize the lots a developer who wants to put nice homes on the lots that could accommodate
pools, etc. there may be a need for retaining walls.
Chairman Wilson asked if the minimum pads could be specified on the tentative maps.
Commissioner Bidney asked if the Fire Department had commented on the Cardinal St.
connection about the flow of traffic and that the Fire Department,Police Department and
ambulances would have very good access.
Director Koontz commented that the Fire Dept. likes all the access it can get.
MOTION: Vice-Chairman Addington made a motion
PC-03-2003 that Lots 14 & 15 be reduced in length from
120 ft. to 110 ft. and that the extra 10 feet be
given to Lot 9.
Commissioner Whitley seconded the
MOTION VOTE: Approved 4-0-1-0
PC-03-2003 Commissioner Comstock-absent
Motion: Chairman Wilson made a motion that
PC-04-2003 pc this resolution be modified to include
consideration for traffic control in relation to
the residential aspect of the street and that
stop signs and ordinary traffic controls be
conducive to the current closed residential
Vice-Chairman Addington seconded the
MOTION VOTE: Approved 4-0-1-0
PC-04-2003 Commissioner Comstock—absent
MOTION: Chairman Wilson made a motion to
PC-05-2003 include the net useable lot widths and lot
depths on each one of the lots on the
tentative map and that there would be a
minimum width and-depth itemized for best
use. Also,that any proposed retaining walls
to maintain those widths and depths on the
Vice-Chairman Addington seconded the
MOTION VOTE: Approved 4-0-1-0
PC-5-2003 Commissioner Comstock—absent
MOTION: Vice-Chairman Addington made a
PC-6-2003 motion for approval of TTM-02-01 &E-02-
18 with the conditions as amended.
Commissioner Whitley seconded the
MOTION VOTE: Approved 4-0-1-0
PC-6-2003 Commissioner Comstock- absent
Chairman Wilson invited the public to attend the next meeting when the plan lay out is
• Information to Commissioners
Gary Koontz informed the Commissioners that the plans from Keystone School have not
been submitted as yet and it appears that we will not be able to schedule that item for the
February hearing. It probably will not be on the agenda until March. If any
Commissioners are interested in visiting the site before the Keystone plans are on the
Commission's agenda you have plenty of time to do so.
• Information From Commissioners
Chairman Wilson commented on the fact that the newspapers are giving the Outdoor
Adventure Center quite a bit of"press"which is understandable. Chairman Wilson
invited the Commissioners to convey any information they might have in the public
Vice-Chairman Addington complemented the City and Steve Berry on the landscaping
that has been done on Barton Road. It looks very nice and is an improvement to the City.
Vice-Chairman Addington further asked if there were plans for other landscaping in the
City. Planning Director Koontz replied that Assistant City Manager Steve Berry does
have plans for a lot of landscaping to go on in the City.
Planning Director Koontz also reported that we are in the process of bidding out the
Rollins Park project construction contract. That bid will be opened on the 30th of
January and we will be breaking ground in the later part of February.
Vice-Chairman Addington commented on the fact that the Rollins Park project did not
have to come before the Commission but that he would very much like to see a plan
nevertheless and Gary will bring it to the next meeting and pointed out that the color plan
is displayed in the hallway of City Hall as well.
Planning Director Koontz informed the Commissioners that we are in the process of
doing a conceptual master plan for Petta Park(located by the Senior Center). Next week
we have a public workshop on this project. Written notices have gone out to all the
surrounding property owners. The information will be compiled and presented to the
Commission before going to the City Council.
Chairman Wilson inquired about the property at the corner of Mt. Vernon and Barton and
if there was anyone interested in purchasing that site. Planning Director Koontz reported
that we are getting close to doing something positive with the site. Chairman Wilson
further asked if it would be a multi-use situation or will we just look at best proposed use
and Director Koontz replied that the discussions were still regarding some sort of drug
Chairman Wilson commented on the bridge on Barton Road and he wondered if the City
Council would be willing to sit down with Stater Bros. representatives and determine
how best to come to an agreement on how that is all going to work eventually.
Director Koontz replied that the public works department is actively involved with the
City of Colton and Cal-Trans in the re-design and re-construction of the bridge. It is
hoped that Cal-Trans will start working on this project very soon.
Respectfully Submitted, Approved By,
Lampe Associate Planner Doug Wilson, Chairman
Gary Koontz, Community
Development Director