05/15/2003 c►TY
GRAND TER R CE Community and Economic Development
May 15, 2003
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to
order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace,
California, on May 15, 2003, at 7:00 p.m., by Chairperson Douq Wilson
PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairman
Matthew Addington, Vice Chairman
Brian Whitley, Commissioner
Tom Comstock, Commissioner
Robert Bidney, Commissioner
Gary Koontz, Community Development Director
John Lampe, Associate Planner
Jeff Gollihar, Planning Technician
Michelle Boustedt, Planning Secretary
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Comstock
• Roll Call
• Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless
extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer
presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the
Director of Community and Economic Development.
1. MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of
April 17, 2003
- i
22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • (909) 824-6621
PC-115-2003 Commissioner Whitley made a motion to approve the
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes dated April 17,
Commissioner Bidney seconded the motion
MOTION VOTE: Approved 4-0-0-1.
PC-1;5-2003 Commissioner Addington abstained.
2.CUP-03-031E-03-02 Applications for a Temporary Conditional Use Permit and
Environmental Review to re-occupy a .75 acre site for the
purpose of selling Manufactured Homes to the public.
APPLICANT: Maple Ridge Mobile Homes, Representative Van Taylor
LOCATION: 12142 La Crosse.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions.
Planning Technician Gollihar presented his staff report with regard to the Maple
Ridge Mobile Homes. Mr. Van Taylor is applying for a new expirational Conditional
Use Permit for an additional five years. The original Conditional Use Permit was
approved in 1997 with a Determination of Use along with an Environmental Study.
The General Plan Designation is for a C2 General Commercial Use through a prior
Determination of Use, it was determined that outdoor sales of a mobile home are
similar in use found in the Municipal Code 1833.030A. This use is for motor homes
and some sorts of trailers sales, which is permitted with a Conditional Use Permit.
The lower portion of the parcel consists of parking spaces. On the upper portion of
the parcel, a pad has been graded for display of mobile homes. All pads within the
parcel are existing for use of sales and display.
The 'sales office and outdoor sales will be consistent with the last adopted General
Plan'and the conditions necessary to secure the purpose of the use, and are made
in part with a Conditional Use Permit.
An issue was resolved with regard to a water meter. There were two water meters
oper'ating,. in which a sub meter was used for irrigation of the display pads. All
issues were resolved with the Water Company and complies with the Municipal
Planning Technician Gollihar completed his report by concluding that it is Staff's
recommendation to approve the Conditional Use Permit along with the Resolution.
j Chair Wilson invited the Applicant to come and speak before the Commission.
Terry McDuffee
Property Owner
1478 West Cypress
Mr. McDuffee thanked the Commission and Staff, and was happy to answer any
questions or concerns of the Commission.
Mr. McDuffee stated that Maple Ridge Mobile Home Sales had come across some
difficulties with regard to a decline in sales. The office was closed for a period of
time, but continued to pay rent. Maple Ridge informed Mr. McDuffee that they were
trying to negotiate with a new supplier and had to close a couple of their offices, but
have re-emerged and are looking forward to improved sales.
Commissioner Addington asked Mr. McDuffee if all of the improvements that were
there five years ago, still exist?
Mr. McDuffee replied that nothing has changed. The office and sign has not
changed. Some of the landscape needs to be cared for, but other than that, nothing
has changed.
Commissioner Addington asked the Staff how the long the extension would continue
. Planning Technician Gollihar replied that the extension would be for an additonal five
Planning Director Koontz replied that there would be no reason for an additional time
other than five years and that the local Congressman has been asked for funds to do
improvements for the entire interchange area. It seems positive that some funds will
come through for the future improvements.
Chair Wilson asked if the Chair wanted to entertain a motion on the item.
PC-16-2003 Commissioner Bidney made a motion to accept Staffs
recommendation as presented.
Chair Wilson seconded the motion.
MOTION VOTE Approved 5-0-0-0.
1 ,
• Information to Commissioners — Draft Noise Element
Associate Planner Lampe presented his report with regard to the Noise Element.
Associate Planner Lampe reported that the noise element is the most technical of all
of the City's General Plan.
By definition, noise is sound that is annoying which is detrimental to human physic or
physiology. Some sounds have more of an adverse impact than others; the most
annoying being the loudest and highest pitched. Noise which is inappropriate to our
activities becomes obtrusive and annoying.
It has been noted that noise is becoming an ever increasing problem in the urban
environment in the United States. Some authorities have noted that the overall noise
level has increased on the average of one decibel every year over the last couple of
decades. In terms of perceived noise, it is translated to seven times increase to the
background noise level.
The EPA states that permanent hearing loss may occur with exposure to extreme
noise levels over 70 decibels,over a period of time. It has been estimated that 10% of
the population has experienced hearing loss due to exposure to loud noises.
Noise also interferes with public safety and communication and lowers the quality of
life effecting.economic values of property that are in areas exposed to high noise
The effects of noise have become so serious, that there is a widespread public
interest in movement to control and reduce unnecessary noises. The State of
California has mandated that a Noise Element be a part of the City's General Plan.
There are seven mandated elements of the General Plan. The Noise Element is one
of the elements along with the Land Use, Housing and Circulation Elements of the
General Plan.
The City has been engaged with updating portions of the General Plan, including the
Open Space Element, Circulation Element and the Housing Element. The draft Noise
Element is the latest effort to update the City's entire General Plan.
The State of California prepared Noise Element guidelines to require the City to
analyze and modify noise levels through field measurements and technical data
collections relating to mobile and stationary sources. These must be collected and
analyzed to develop policies and programs that would minimize and reduce the
excessive noise in the community.
Because of these technical requirements, the City felt obligated to seek professional
help with an acoustical consultant, Wieland Associates to make recommendations.
The collection of data by the consultant is the basis for the draft Noise Element as
It was noted that the most significant noise producing activity within the City involves
transportation activities. The major portion was the 1-215 Freeway through the
westerly part of the city along with the Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad. Various
arterial streets such as Barton Road and Mt. Vernon Avenue also produces significant
noise levels.
As part of the State's guidelines of the requirements for preparing the Noise Element,
the consultant made projections for over the next fifteen years on the increase of noise
levels around the community.
There are stationary noise sources within the City, but are not as significant as the
transportation noises that were found; primarily the lumber yard,that is immediately
adjacent to a residential area.
Based on the data that was collected, the guidelines call out that the element should
propose various goals, objectives, policies and programs to reduce or eliminate
excessive noise within the community. The Element does propose three main goals
as to what can be done to reduce noise throughout the community. The first goal was
to control transportation noise. Goal two was to control non-transportation noise
relating to manufacturing or construction activity. Lastly, to prevent or mitigate
excessive exposure to noise to existing residential and commercial uses to provide
mitigation measures for new development so that new development is not exposed to
excessive noise.
To carry out the goals and objectives, the Element did propose to guide the City in
future decision making; the draft has forty different policies to guide with the idea of
reducing noise.
In conclusion, the staff will make any changes as suggested by Commission. A Public
Hearing will be made with regard to the Noise Element later this summer.
Vice' Chair Addington asked how the Noise Ordinance will effect the future
development of Grand Terrace and the future development of the Outdoor Adventure
Planning Director Koontz replied that since the Ordinance pertains to high intensity
commercial use, such as motorcycles and personal watercrafts, other noise sources
would not be affected. There will be an extensive noise analysis included in the EIR
for the OAC.
Commissioner Comstock felt that there is a conflict with regard to promoting the OAC
and Caltrans attempting to build a fifteen foot wall to mitigate noise from the freeway.
Planning Director Koontz replied that residential areas will be regarded for the noise
mitigation and not the commercial areas.
Commissioner Comstock asked if there will be any type of plan implementation as to
noise complaints from residents.
Planning Director Koontz replied that this is a general guideline on how the City will
develop and deal with excessive noise issues.
Commissioner Whitley asked if the element will be an expansion of what the City
already has.
Associate Planner Lampe replied that there is a hazard element, which reflects the
requirement of State Law.
Commissioner Bidney asked if this was a mandatory requirement of the State or was
the City doing this on its own.
Planning Director Koontz replied that this is mandated by the State.
Chair Wilson felt that the draft was to the Commission's satisfaction and requested
that the Staff move forward with the process of formalizing the Noise Element.
Barton Road Specific Plan Revisions
- Planning Director Koontz reported that the Barton Road Specific Plan revisions have
been completed and would like to see comments from the Commission by the Next
Planning Commission meeting. r
Chair Wilson asked if there will be any comments anticipated by the business
Planning Director Koontz replied that there is an expectation of substantial feedback
from the business community and feels that it would be the Staff and the
Commission's best interest to be on the same page prior to holding a public workshop
with the finalized plan.
Northeast corner of Mt. Vernon and Barton Road
An application will be submitted for another drug store at the former proposed Rite Aid
site. The applicant's would like to move forward quickly, and should have a
completed submittal to staff by the next Planning Commission Meeting.
Van Buren Tract
Staff has sent out RFP's for the future development of the Van Buren tract. Six
proposals were presented to the City Manager and Staff. A Site and Architectural
Review from the winning bidder should be submitted in June of this year.
• Information from Commissioners
Vice Chair Addington asked if the School District was being cooperative with regard to
finding a site for a proposed high school within the city.
Planning Director Koontz replied that the last meeting with the School District was held
the last Monday before the Planning Commission meeting, and seems to be running
slowly, but smoothly.
Respectfully Submitted, Approved By,
Gary Koontz, Pl6arfing Director Doug Wilson, Chairperson
Planning Commission
60n Lampe, Asdociate Planner