06/19/2003 C. T Y
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GRAND TER R CE Community and Economic Development
June 19, 2003
The reaular meeting of the Grand Terrace Plannina Commission was called to order
at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace. California, on
June 19. 2003, at 7:00 p.m.. by Chairperson Doua Wilson
DATE: June 19, 2003
PLACE: Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center
22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California
PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairman
Matthew Addington, Vice Chairman
Brian Whitley, Commissioner
Tom Comstock, Commissioner
Robert Bidney, Commissioner
Gary Koontz, Community Development Director
John Lampe, Associate Planner
Michelle Boustedt, Planning Secretary
• Call to Order
• Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Comstock
• Roll Call
22795 Barton Road• Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • (909) 824-6621
1. MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of
May 15, 2003
13.C-17-2003 Commissioner Bidney made a motion to approve
The Planning Commission Meeting minutes dated
May 15, 2003.
Commissioner Comstock seconded the motion.
PC-17-2003 Approved 5-0-0-0
2. CUP-03-04, SA-03-05
TPM-03-04 & E-03-04 Conditional Use Permit NO. 03-04, Site And Architectural
NO. 03-05, Tentative Parcel Map NO. 03-01,
Environmental Review Case NO. 03-04 to construct an
Approx. 13,357 square foot drug store (SAVON) with a
single lane drive-thru Pharmacy and an approx. 3,000
square foot retail shop building and to divide the site into
two parcels, one for the drug store and the other for the
retail shop building.
APPLICANT: Christian Land Services, Inc. on behalf of Jacobson
Family Holdings, LLC (Developer) and Savon Drugs.
LOCATION: 22524 Barton Road (vacant 1.5 acre parcel located on
the northeast corner of the intersection of Barton Road
and Mt. Vernon Avenue).
RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions.
Associate Planner Lampe reported that the Applicant had filed several applications to
construct a 13,357 square foot drug store with a drive thru pharmacy and to construct a
3,000 square foot retail building with off street parking and landscaping, and to divide the
subject site into two parcels: one for the Sav-on Drug Store and one for the retail shop
building. The vacant 1.5 acre irregularly shaped parcel was previously occupied by the GT
Market along with two single family homes to the immediate north of the market. All of the
aforementioned structures were demolished in 1999. Another drug store project was
presented and approved by the Planning Commission in 1998. The surrounding area is
developed to commercial uses to the immediate west in the Village Commercial Category
of the Barton Road Specific Plan.and to the southwest and the south of the subject site.
Properties to the east are Low Density Single Family residential category.
The applicant has indicated that this will be a new theme type of store. It will be a
Renaissance concept with more light and interior within the store. The parking will consist
of a lot for 72 cars on westerly side of the building. Three driveways will provide access to
the property, one each on Mt. Vernon Avenue, Barton Road, and Arliss Drive. The
applicant has asked for full turning movements on the driveways. A letter from the City's
Traffic Engineer indicating that restriping plans will have to be drawn up and implemented
through the planning department for review and approval. The Barton Road driveway will
be treated with colored concrete to enhance the appearance of the parking area and to
facilitate pedestrian movement along the street. The staff has recommended that the same
treatment be applied to the Mt. Vernon driveway location.
A drive thru pharmacy has been proposed on the westerly side of the building. Customers
will be directed through the drive thru with appropriate signage and marking of the
pavement. This will be a single lane drive thru facility with a service window on the westerly
fagade of the building.- A rather detailed discussion was included in the staff report with
regard to how the drive thru facility worked for the pharmacy. Such drive thru features are
found in all new drug stores and provides convenience for customers and give them a
choice of utilizing pick up and drop off without having to exit their vehicles. The applicant
provided a traffic study with a Sav-on store located in north Orange County in which there
was-an average of four cars per hour through the drive thru facility with an average waiting
time of around five minutes.
Along the northerly boundary of the subject site there will be a proposed six-foot split block
wall. This wall will provide buffering and separation between the, commercial development
of the subject site and the single-family homes to the immediate 'north of the site. The wall
will be stepped down to within three feet as it approaches Mt. Vernon so as not to block the
light in the home that lies immediately north of the site. Additional "low screening" walls
have been proposed to screen the open parking from view from the public right of way.
The parking area will be located on the west side of the building; 82.parking spaces will be
required for the project. The Barton Road Specific Plan does allow for a reduction of
parking through various incentives. One would be for lot consolidation. This particular
parcel was created after two single family residential lots were demolished and merged with
the commercial parcel of the GT Market site. Under the Barton Road Specific Plan, the
project is entitled to a reduction of 10% based on this incentive. Additional incentives for
parking reduction are allowed for every 100 square feet for open plaza or public areas such
as the proposed bicycle staging area proposed at Mt. Vernon and Barton Road.
A letter was included in the staff report with regard to the breakdown as to the sales
departments within the proposed store. The staff feels that as none of these departments
are greater than 5,000 square feet, this project would fit into the Village Commercial Zone.
The preliminary landscaping plan for the project was reviewed. Once the project is
approved, the actual landscaping plan will have to be submitted for review. The
landscaping is similar to the former proposed for the Rite Aid project. Approximately 15%
of the site will be landscaped. Included in the staff report was a letter from the landscape
architect stating that in his professional opinion that this proposed project contains more
landscape than one would normally see in a commercial project. The staff is
recommending that additional landscaping be provided along the southerly fagade of the
building to screen and soften the south side of the building and the trash enclosure.
The proposed elevations show that the building will have a rustic motif utilizing clay tile and
exposed rafters, fascia boards, beams and columns with extensive use of river rock and
earth toned colors. The applicant supplied the Commission and staff with colored
elevations of the project. The architect has utilized covered entrance ways, and pop-outs
to give depth to the building. The architect followed a copy of the design guidelines for the
Barton Road Specific Plan.
An application has been submitted for a tentative parcel map. It is being proposed that the
one and a half acre site be divided into two parcels. Parcel One will cover the Sav-on
building and most of the parking to the west, and Parcel Two will cover the retail shop
building and a portion of the parking lot to the west. Staff was advised that the reason for
this parcel map was for tax considerations. The developer will retain ownership of both
parcels, but the Sav-on Corporation wishes to be able to pay its own taxes on the building it
occupies. The parcel map application will be submitted to the City Council for approval.
The Applicant provided Staff with the conceptual sign design. The sign program will be
subject to future review and approval from the Community Development Director.
Two :Resolutions have been included for the Planning Commission's consideration. The
appropriate findings that are stipulated by the City's zoning code along with recommended
conditions of approval, the first Resolution calls for the Planning Commission to approve
the proposed Site and Architectural Review and Conditional Use Permit for the Sav-on
building, drive thru and layout subject to the conditions of approval. The second Resolution
involves a Tentative Parcel Map for the parcel map the Planning Commission recommends
to the City Council that it's body approve the Tentative Map subject to the recommended
Chair Wilson invited the Applicant to speak before the Commission.
Darryl Christian
1472 Franklin Avenue
Tustin Ca
Mr. Christian thanked Mr. Koontz and Mr. Lampe for their assistance in bringing the
application before the Commission. Mr. Christian reported that the 3,000 square foot retail
portion of the building will be owned by the developer. Sav-on has had bad experiences
with retail property leasing. When Sav-on owns their own property, there is no need to rely
upon someone else to be sending the correct documents for tax purposes.
The buildings will be placed on the easterly side of the property. Traffic will be diverted
away from Arliss Drive by limiting the access on the Arliss driveway for employee parking
only. The loading for the drug store will be located on the northerly side of the building.
The proposed parking will consist of 72 full sized parking stalls. The,buildings will be
screened with landscaping to buffer the building view from the street. A single lane drive
thru is proposed for the drug store to allow for patrons to be able to pick up their all ready
filled prescriptions. The architecture'of the building will consist of Renaissance decor. This
is the first proposed building of its kind for the.company. This location would be beneficial
to try out this type of architectural concept. Mr. Christian reported that the architect and the
landscape architect were also present to answer any questions the Commission may have.
Vice Chair Addington asked how the Applicant intends to screen the delivery trucks so they
would not be seen by the existing residences to the rear of the site.
Mr. Christian replied the north side will consist of a retaining wall. On top of the retaining
wall will be a six foot block wall. There will also be a 10-foot wide landscape buffer along
the northerly property line.
Chair Wilson opened up the public hearing for comment.
Leonard Tisdale
12055 Mt. Vernon
Mr. Tisdale reported that he was speaking on behalf of his Mother who lives at the address
just north of the proposed parking area. Mr. Tisdale reported that he has some concerns
with his Mother's property.
He reported that when the old GT Market was-open on the property, people used to shoplift
and hop over the wall to get away from the authorities. Mr. Tisdale is concerned that if
someone were to hop the fence onto his Mother's property, there would be an eleven foot
drop-off and would possibly sue his Mother for injuries. Mr. Tisdale had concerns with
regard to the existing fence. If and when the proposed Sav-on is built, will there be a
security fence left up for added security for the residences just north of the property. Mr.
Tisdale also wanted to know when the delivery trucks will be delivering merchandise to the
stores. If the store is proposed to be open 24 hours, and the delivery trucks come for
delivery after hours, it will disturb the residences. The final concern was for the drainage
on Mt. Vernon Avenue. Mr. Tisdale reported that when it rains, there is a flood in front of
his Mother's house. .Mr. Tisdale talked with City officials in which they had reported that
there was no blockage, but he feels that something should be done for the water drainage.
Raymond Hughes
Corner of Arliss & Miriam Drives
Mr. Hughes wanted to know if the proposed driveway on Arliss would be to serve the
general public and would the applicant have parking lot sweepers cleaning up the parking
lot after hours. The Arliss driveway would only serve the employees of the retail shop
building, and not the general public.
Chair Wilson closed the Public Hearing and brought the item back to the Commission for
comment, and asked the Applicant if he would be willing to work with the delivery times.
Mr. Christian replied that he had no problem with adding a condition that there would be no
deliveries between 10PM and 7AM.
Chair Wilson asked the Applicant what type of parking lot maintenance they are proposing
for the site.
Mr. Christian replied that if differs for every store. He also feels that there should be no
problem with limiting time frame for sweeping.
Vice Chair Addington asked if there will be an eleven foot drop off from the top of the wall to
Mrs. Tisdale's property, and if there were any suggestions as to what can be placed at the
top of the wall to deter anyone from climbing over it.
Mr. Christian responded that the highest point for the wall would be five feet, making it an
eleven foot drop off on the other side of the wall. Sav-on Company has never added an
additional barrier over the top of the block wall: If anything else was added to the block
wall, it would add more height to the other side of the wall.
Chair Wilson asked the applicant what the probability that Sav-on Company would handle
an additional insured indemnity clause for Mrs. Tisdale's property.
Mr. Christian replied that it would have to be deferred to Mr. Timbers, who is present.
Jeff Timbers
8478.Frost wood Street
Anaheim CA
Mr. Timbers replied that he is a representative of the developer on the project. He felt that
it may be negotiable; but if one were to be injured with regard to falling over the block wall,
Sav-on would also more than likely get sued as well. This would take care of such a
concern. In addition, cameras will also be installed in the parking lot, and undercover
personnel will be in the store to minimize such events. Mr. Timbers also remarked that
Sav-on has an extensive "We Card" program with regard to alcoholic beverage sales in the
stores, and alcoholic beverages cannot be consumed within the limits of the store.
Vice'Chair Addington asked Mr. Timbers what types of suggestions would the applicant be
willing to make with regard to the proposed wall.
Mr. Timbers replied that the company is quite willing to work with the Staff for a resolution
to the concern.
Commissioner Bidney asked if the retail stores located adjacent to the proposed drug
stores have already been leased to retailers.
Mr. Christian replied that the developer is currently in 'serious negotiations with a few
retailers, so that the drug store along with the retailers will be opened at the same time.
Commissioner Comstock addressed a concern with the traffic on Barton Road. The
driveway on Barton Road where the traffic would have to make a left hand turn into the
parking lot would pose a problem and was wondering if this issue had been resolved.
Associate Planner Lampe replied that the applicant is being required to revise a striping
plan for that particular segment of Barton Road. This plan is currently in the process of
.being prepared. The City Staff must deem this plan acceptable for restriping this particular
portion of Barton Road.
Commissioner Comstock stated that the traffic eastbound on Barton Road should be limited
from going into the parking lot.
Planning Director Koontz replied that their were meetings with regard to this particular issue
in which part of the resolution was that the only time that the traffic engineer could forsee a
problem was during the PM peek hours with people turning left. Other than that, there
would be no other traffic issues. Should the traffic become an issue, it is the City's right to
stop that traffic flow immediately.
Commissioner Whitley asked if the drive-thru service be a 24-hour service.
Mr. Christian replied that the drive-thru is proposed to be open the same hours as the
store's business hours.
Chair Wilson commented that the drainage issue in question must be addressed by the
City. A properly designed drain can keep all concerned satisfied.
Chair Wilson asked if there was a contingency plan for parking.
Mr. Christian replied that whenever a new Sav-on site is laid out, space is set aside for four
cars per one thousand square feet.
Planning Director Koontz replied that the original Rite Aid plan had fewer parking spaces
than those that are presently proposed.
Chair Wilson asked if the driveway on Arliss Drive would be a left turn only driveway.
Mr. Christian replied that the parking lot for that area will be restricted to employees only.
Planning Director Koontz replied that the traffic engineer had no comments with regard to
the traffic on Arliss Street.
Chair Wilson asked how the driveway will be lined up.
Mr. Christian replied that there are driveway standards which the company follows to
accommodate the delivery trucks.
Chair Wilson closed the public hearing and brought the item back to the Planning
Commission for review and approval.
Chair Wilson suggested that some type of indemnity clause should be included for the
residences adjacent to the subject property.
Vice Chair Addington agreed.
Commissioner Comstock made a motion to include Item Two from Memorandum that was
passed out during the meeting to require that the recommendations of the City Engineer in
grading of the site be included in the Conditions of Approval.
Chair Wilson seconded the motion
PC-18-2003 Commissioner Comstock made a motion to include Item
2, which was included in a memo from the City Engineer.
Chair Wilson seconded the motion
PC-18-2003 Approved 5-0-0-0
PC-19-2003 Vice Chair Addington made a motion to approve SA-03-
05, CUP-03-04, E-03-04, and TPM-03-01 with the
amended conditions to include the indemnity clause for
the adjacent residence on the provision that Staff checks
with the City Attorney; delivery times and parking lot
clean up times will not be permitted after 10 PM.
Commissioner Comstock seconded the motion
PC-19-2003 Approved 5-0-0-0
3. CUP-90-06 (R8) Application to extend the time limit and to expand the
days and hours of operation for the K&M Raceway so as
to continue and expand its operation (Renewal of CUP-
APPLICANT: K&M Raceway, c/o Bobby Haney
LOCATION: 22474 "A" Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA 92313
RECOMMENDATION: Partial approval with conditions
Associate Planner Lampe reported that the applicant has filed an application to continue
operation of the raceway and has requested the days and hours of operation be expanded.
The Applicant has not asked for specific times; however, the Applicant has requested to
add three additional operational days fo'r the raceway and to expand the hours on two of
the days where he is already operating.
The Applicant has reported that.his business is continuing to, grow. The business was
purchased a few months after the last renewal was granted in 2001.
Parking for the raceway is on the adjacent property to the west of the subject site. The
subject building houses a hobby shop. Properties to the south and east of the site are also
commercial uses. The property to the immediate north on the north side of Britton Way is a
location of a proposed dental office and farther to the north is a convalescent home. To the
east of the site are residences along Mt. Vernon Avenue.
The site is located in the Village Commercial Category in the City's General Plan.
Commercial properties to the south and southeast of the site also fall into the same
The original site plan was approved by the City Council in 1990. This plan was also
included in the approval that was brought before the Planning Commission in 2001.
The Applicant has installed some landscaping in the front of the raceway on Britton Way;
however, the irrigation for this landscaping has not been provided.
The two areas of major concern are the noise and the hours of operation. The concern of
the City Council that originally approved this project was the noise and its impact on the
residential area on the east side of Mt. Vernon. There is a condition that was imposed that
noise in the front yards of these homes could not exceed 55 decibels. To make a
determination if this condition was being met, Staff borrowed a noise meter from the County
Health Department.
Staff went to the site at 9pm on two different Friday evenings. It was determined that the
race operated within the 55 decibels as required by the condition. 'The general traffic on
Mt. Vernon measured above 55 decibels. It was noted by Staff that on both occasions the
traffic on Mt. Vernon is much louder than the noise from the raceway. The traffic'would
frequently drown out the noise on the raceway. Certain vehicles would measure almost 75
Over the past two years, the Staff received complaints from the residents on the east side
of Mt. Vernon with regard to the raceway noise. As noted, on two occasions measured the
noise level and sent a letter to the applicant reminding him that he must comply with the
various conditions as imposed by the Planning Commission, including the closing times on
Friday evenings. It is the understanding of Staff that the Applicant has not been staying
open late on Saturday nights because he is opening up at an earlier time, therefore
allowing the races to end earlier in the evening.
The matter was referred to various City Departments and County Agencies to see if anyone
had any comments or concerns regarding the operation. The only comment received was
from the Building and Safety Director in which some minor electrical repairs needed to be
- done on the subject property.
The request for additional days and hours of operation have been reviewed by Staff and it
was determined that at this time Staff cannot support the request since there has been
complaints from the residents across the street.
Staff does recognize that this particular use does serve a needed recreational use for the
community and the surrounding areas. The raceway has been in operation for the past 13
years and has been approved by both the City Council and the Planning Commissions.
Staff is making a recommendation to renew this Conditional Use Permit for a one year
The noise meter that was borrowed from the Health Department showed that although the
raceway conformed to the 55 decibel condition, the noise from the cars are high pitched
and can be irritating to the neighbors. The use of the public address system can also be
bothersome. Staff recommends that at least one hour before closing time, a restriction be
imposed that only electric cars can only be raced on the raceway. The electric cars are
less noisy than the gasoline powered cars.
Staff is also recommending decreasing the irritability from the noise from the public address
system that it should not be used to announce the races after 10 PM. This cut-off time is
consistent with the general intent of the City's Noise Ordinance to limit or restrict unwanted
noise after 10PM.
Lastly, there:have been no complaints with regard to the lighting, but a recommendation
from Staff has been directed to the applicant that the lighting be shielded to direct it away
from the residential areas. The Applicant has agreed to comply with this recommendation
and will take steps to comply.
The dirt field to the west of the subject site is being used for overflow parking. This event
draws quite a crowd and it is recommended that the Applicant either pave the area for
parking or take steps to surface the area to prevent dust or mud tracked on to the street.
Associate Planner Lampe closed his staff report by recommending approval of the renewal
of the raceway and approve the additional time, but along the outlines as presented.
Chair Wilson invited the Applicant to speak before the Commission.
Bobby Haney
28116 Eucalyptus Avenue
Highland CA
Mr. Haney introduced himself as the new owner of the K&M Raceway and thanked the
Commission for letting him apply for the Conditional Use Permit.
Mr. Haney reported that many young adults that do not have much to do come to the
raceway, which provides a safe hobby for them to participate in. The young adults have
been asking if Mr. Haney can open the raceway a few more additional days so that they
may race or practice racing on the track.
Mr. Haney addressed the concerns with regard to the lighting and the public address
system for the raceway. The lighting system covers the large racetrack and steps will be
taken to shield the lights from the residential areas. It has also been noted that the public
address system will be shut off at 10PM. There are three more races after 10PM, in which
those races end at 10:30PM. The problem with the address system is that that drivers
stand so far away from the announcer, that they cannot hear the racing status. To remedy
the situation, Mr. Haney has proposed to shut 2 of the 4 speakers off leaving one inside the
stand and below the racers and spectators feet so that they may be able to hear the status
of the race and to also add monitors so that they may see the race as well.
Mr. Haney reported that the existing condition does not allow him to open the gates before
6 PM, which makes it difficult for the contestants to set up in a timely manner to be ready
and to finish the races in a timely fashion.
With regard to the parking area, the owner of the property was contacted and Mr. Haney
was given the approval to lease the area and improve it.
Mr. Haney is requesting more hours so that the young adults who are currently out of
school will have a safe activity to do during the day. During this time; no public address
system will be used.
Mark Miller
Business Consultant
Highland, CA
Mr. Miller has been hired as Mr.. Haney's business consultant for the following year to assist
in his business development.
Mr. Miller stated that Mr. Haney is willing to work with the City to alleviate any problems or
conditions that the City may have. The request of the Applicant is that the City allows him
to enter the facility earlier to allow the racers to come in and set up.
Penny Manzel
22658 Tanager Street
Mrs. Manzel has been a City resident for the past 13 years, and is in support of the
racetrack in which her middle school and high school age children participate in. The
raceway hobby has become a family sport and her family is happy to be able to participate
in it in the City.
Frank Haney
28145 Eucalyptus Ave
Highland CA
Mr. Haney is supporting his brother, the owner of the raceway. Mr. Haney feels that when
the proposed dental office is built, it will help in screening any noise the neighbors across
� 11
the street. Mr. Haney commented that his brother is working very hard to make this
raceway a successful business and invited the public to the races to see what it involves.
Gil Sullivan
5695 Riverside Avenue
Rialto Ca
Mr. Sullivan has been attending the raceway for six years. His sixteen year old son started
to race at the age of ten. Mr. Sullivan reported that they average 40 weekends per year at
the raceway. as an enjoyable hobby. Mr. Sullivan noted that many improvements have
been made at the raceway, and thanked the City for allowing the track to operate.
Don Smith
12029 Mt. Vernon Avenue
Mr. Smith reported that he was at the previous CUP renewal two years ago, and had stated
his opposition.. Mr. Smith would like to state his opposition to'the racetrack because all of
the race cars are noisy and irritating. Mr. Smith kept a log if the race track in which the
noise would start at 3:00 PM in some instances, and ending 10:30 and 11:30PM at times.
'Mr. Smith feels that the racetrack is dated and has outgrown the attendance of patrons, in
which a public address system must be utilized so that patrons can hear the status of the
races because they are so noisy.
Ron Talbert
2618 Flint Way
San Bernardino
Mr. Talbert reiterated with the public who are in support of the race track. Mr. Talbert has a
young son who has been involved with racing for a few years, and is happy that his son is
participating in a safe hobby.
Leonard Tisdale
Mt. Vernon Avenue
Mr. Tisdale's Mother lives across the street and is in support of the racetrack and takes his
children to watch the races. Mr. Tisdale agrees with the recommendations of staff with
regard to the gas powered vehicles racing at earlier times, and the public address system
Dee Dee Haney
28116 Eucalyptus Avenue
Highland CA
Mrs. Haney is the Applicant's Mother and wanted to let the Commission know that she has
assisted her son with the business to make it more successful and to share and enjoy the
hobby with others.
-- 12
William Lasiter
4366 Newby Drive
Riverside, CA
Mr. Lasiter is in support of the raceway, and feels that this hobby is a better hobby for the
youth rather than playing video games. He feels that a lot of engineering is involved with"
racing which give the young adults a lot of knowledge and experience. The atmosphere at
the raceway is family oriented and is happy to know who his son is racing with.
Andrew Schroder
22821 Barton Road
Mr. Schroder has been a volunteer at the raceway for some time and assisted in building
the track. Mr. Schroder has helped with the improvements and has assisted to try to
alleviate some of the issues by keeping trash and noise to a minimum. He feels the
raceway produces revenue for the City with the eating establishments and is an excellent
family environment.
Chair Wilson closed the public hearing and brought the item back to the Commission for
Commissioner Comstock stated that he takes his son to the racetrack from time to time and
enjoys the hobby. Commissioner Comstock wanted to know who was notified with regard
to the public hearing.
Planning Associate Lampe replied that all owners within the 300 foot radius were notified of
the public hearing.
Commissioner Comstock reported that his son had fallen in. the parking area, and had
injured himself on the dirt portion of the racetrack. He wondered if the lighting in the
parking area had been addressed, for safety issues.
Commissioner Bidney went by the site and felt that the location of the raceway seems
Vice Chair Addington asked where the high pitched whine was coming from, the public
address system or the cars.
Associate Planner Lampe replied that it is coming from the gas powered cars which are
louder than the electric cars.
Vice Chair Addington asked if the Applicant was requesting that the public address system
also be used during the requested extended hours.
Associate Planner Lampe replied that Vice Addington's question would have to be
answered by the Applicant
Bobby Haney
26116 Eucalyptus Ave
Highland, CA
Mr. Haney answered that the requested extended times would include practice sessions
which do not require a public address system. There is not a possibility to race, because a
lot of the racers do not get out on time to participate. The main reason for the extension of
time .is so that the young adults have a little more activity over the summer season. With
regard to Friday's, the 6:30 opening time still poses as a problem for equipment setup and
race completion by 10:30PM.
Commissioner Whitley asked if the dirt lot is owned by another party.
Mr. Haney replied that a Mrs. Smith owns the property, and is in the process of signing a
lease agreement for the property if the permit is extended.
Chair Wilson brought the item back to the Commission for comment.
Chair Wilson asked if the conditions that were imposed over the past 13 years with
exclusion to the time frames have been met over the period of the Conditional Use Permit.
Associate Planner Lampe replied that the Applicant had not put in the irrigation system on
the site, as well as some minor electrical repairs.
Chair Wilson feels that the Applicant should improve the parking area by possibly adding
some type of rock or asphalt to improve the parking areas. Chair Wilson also feels that the
issue with this application is a "good neighbor" problem. Providing that the Applicant
should not follow the rules and conditions of the conditional use permit, his operations
should cease.
Commissioner Bidney: INAUDIBLE.
Commissioner Comstock: INAUDIBLE.
Vice Chair Addington felt that changing the hours of operation strictly for practice time
would seem acceptable to him, but without the operation of the public address system.
PC-20-2003 ' Commissioner Comstock made a motion to approve the
resolution to revise the Friday start time to 5:OOPM.
Vice Chair Addington seconded the motion.
PC-20-2003 Approved 4-1-0-0
Chair Wilson voting no.
PC-21-2003 Commissioner Comstock moved to approve CUP-90-06
(R8) and to include Staffs recommendations.
Vice Chair Addington seconded the motion.
PC-21-2003 Approved 5-0-0-1
Commissioner Bidney abstained
• Information to Commissioners
Discussion of future development of a vacant .79 acre parcel located on the west side
of Preston Street, approximately 200 feet northerly of Palm Avenue, (12056 Preston
Associate Planner Lampe presented a report with regard to the future development of 12056
Preston Street, a vacant .79 acre parcel. The property owner had contacted the Staff with regard to
the property which lies immediately adjacent to a two story apartment complex.
A tract map was filed with the City in 1985. This map showed townhouse PUD type individual lots.
The property owner is now seeking the best use in which he believes would be for residential
purposes. However, five years after the tract map was recorded, the Barton Road Specific Plan
placed the entire area northerly of Palm and westerly of Preston in Office Professional category
which does not allow for residential type uses. A letter from the City Attorney states that there is no
entitlement to build a residential project on the site, because the Barton Road Specific Plan was
adopted five years after the tract map was approved.
The property owner has approached the City on two prior occasions with regard to this parcel. In
1998, the matter was presented before the City Council for discussion. The Council concluded that
the applicant or the property owner would have to file the proper applications and fees to change
the designation from Office Professional to a Residential designation.
In addition, there was an overlay district that was applied to all of the Office Professional zones,
which suspended the non-conforming status for existing residential units in this category. The
applicant along with his attorney had suggested that the City perform a similar action to include
residential tracts recorded prior to the Barton Road Specific Plan was approved.
It is Staffs opinion that a solution would be to provide for a mechanism for residential development
in the Office Professional category through a Conditional Use Permit process. This is will also be in
support of the approved Housing Element in the General Plan which discusses Residential uses in
the commercial category of the Barton Road Specific Plan.
Vice Chair Addington commented that in reading the letter from the City Attorney, the property
cannot be developed as residential use. The revised Barton Road Specific Plan is near to
completion within a month to two months time, and it is his opinion that this project should wait until
after the revised Specific Plan is approved.
Chair Wilson asked if it is Staffs recommendation to amend the Barton Road Specific Plan for this
Planning Director Koontz replied that it is Staffs opinion that it would be the fastest way to possibly
assist with the applicant on this piece of land.
Commissioner Whitley asked would it make more sense to modify the Barton Road Specific Plan to
change the zoning with respect those particular parcels; that way the applicant will not have to apply
for a Conditional Use Permit.
Planning Director Koontz replied that it would be beneficial to the City and the applicant to amend
the Barton Road Specific Plan.
Chair Wilson agreed with the Staffs recommendation to allow for Conditional Use Permits on a
case by case basis for these types of special circumstances. Chair Wilson also added that he feels
that it would be beneficial to let the public participate in the amendment process.
Barton Road Specific Plan recommendations
Planning Director Koontz reported that three of the five Commissioners have provided input
with regard to amending the Barton Road Specific Plan.
EIR for the Outdoor Adventure Center
Planning Director Koontz also reported that the EIR has been started for the Outdoor
Adventure Center, and should be brought before a public hearing in January of 2004.
• Information from Commissioners
Respectfully Submitted, Approved By,
Gary Kdontz, Plarging Director Doug Wilson, Chairperson
Planning Commission