09/04/2003 r
I Community and Economic Development
(ALHORNIA Department
22795 Barton Road
Grand Terrace
California 92313-5295
(909) 824-6621
September 4, 2003
The reaular meetina of the Grand Terrace Plannina Commiss_ion:was called to
order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center. 22795 Barton Road. Grand Terrace.
California. on September 4. 2003. at 7:05 P.m.. by Vice Chairaerson Matthew
PRESENT: Matthew Addington, Vice Chairman
Brian Whitley, Commissioner
Robert Bidney, Commissioner
Tom Comstock, Commissioner
Gary Koontz, Community-Development Director
John Lampe, Associate Planner
Michelle Boustedt, CEDD Secretary
Steve Berry, Assistant City Manager
Barrie Owens, Code Enforcement Officer
ABSENT: Doug Wilson, Chairman
• Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Whitley
• Roll Call
• Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless
extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation,
please make written request to be agendized to the Director of Community
and Economic Development.
1. MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of
July 17, 2003
PC-25-2003 Commissioner Bidney made a motion to approve the
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes dated July 17,
Vice Chair Addington seconded the motion.
PC-25-2003: Approved 2-0-1-2
Chair Wilson Absent
Commissioner Whitley abstained
Commissioner Comstock abstained
NOTE: Due to the sizeable attendance of the general public, Planning Director Koontz,
requested that the workshop item was moved up to follow Item Number One of the
Planning Commission Meeting. The Planning Commission granted the request.
Public workshop to solicit preliminary Commission and Public comment regarding
the proposed amendments to Section 18.06.626 and 18-06-030.D.6 of the
Municipal Code to reflect the proposed RV/Utility Trailer Parking Ordinance.
Assistant City Manager Berry gave a presentation to the Planning Commission with
regard to the proposed amendments to Sections 18.06.626 and 18.06.030.D.6 of the
Municipal Code to reflect the proposed RV/Utility trailer parking-Ordinance.
.Among the Grand Terrace Citizens that had spoken before the Commission were:
Chuck Collier Thelma Winkler Bill Warren
22715 Kentfield 12570 Mt. Vernon Ave. 11773 Holly St.
Michael Sendbeck Ben Nichols Betty Guzman
22770 Kentfie/d St. 12730 Oriole 23202 Glendora Dr.
The Planning Commission advised Staff to make the following considerations:
Include Class B vehicles with the proposed Ordinance.
Possibly revising the setback standard to 12 feet instead of 10 feet.
Consider allowing trailers to be parked on impervious surfaces.
Especially for trailers that do not have NPDES issues.
Reconsideration of RV sewer hook-up for clean out purposes.
Consider parking RV trailers for four consecutive days per owner's trip
Simplify the Item U so that a layperson may be able to understand what
the Code means.
Should the Council approve the fee, clarify the per recreational vehicle
fee of$49.00.
2. SA-03-07 Site And Architectural NO. 03-07, to construct a 15 unit
residential project consisting of one and two story homes.
APPLICANT: Paul Majos of Terrace Homes.
LOCATION: An approximately 4 acres, vacant parcel located on the
northwest co rner. of the intersection of Van Buren Street and
Reed Avenue in the City of Grand Terrace.
RECOMMENDATION: Open-the public hearing: Receive testimony and Approve Site
and Architectural Review Case No. 03-07.
Associate 'Ple.nner:.�Lampe- presented his report '.for the applicant who is: requesting.
approval of the site and architectural review application to construct 15 homes on 15 lots
that were recently approved under tentative map tract 16474. The Applicant recently
purchased the-property from the City.
The subject property is a 4 acre vacant parcel located on the northwest corner of
intersection of, Van Buren and 'Reed Street. The site has a maximum east/west
dimension of 320 feet and a maximum north/south dimension of 630 feet.
Existing access to the site is provided by Van Buren Street to the south of the subject
property, which is a 66 foot wide local collector street. Reed Avenue, to the east of
subject site which is at present a 40 foot wide level street, and Cardinal Street, which runs
to the east and west of the subject site extended through the subject site is 60 foot wide
local street.
The surrounding area is developed with single family homes. Most of the homes within
the area are single story homes, but there is a scattering of double story homes within the
neighborhood. The site does lie within the low density category of the City's General Plan
which is R-1 7.2. The surrounding area is also zoned R-1 7.2.
Lot sizes range from 7,200 square feet to 9,800 square feet. The front yard set-backs will
vary throughout the project from 22 to 28 feet. This is permitted by a provision in the
City's Zoning Code to eliminate or reduce a row effect where all of the residences will be
lined up with the same 25 foot set-back.
- 3
The location of block walls and fences will be located on the exterior of the project, while
the interior portion of the backyards are proposed to be wood fenced. A detailed fencing
plan has been requested from the Applicant as part of the approval.
Cardinal Street will be extended from east to west through the top portion of the project.
Additional dedication will be required along Reed Street to widen the street out. This
dedication is part of the subdivision approval. The final map is progressing through the
mandatory plan check requirements and will be going before the City Council for approval
and for recordation.
The Applicant has also issued street improvement plans which are also in plan check for
the final map. A grading plan was submitted as part of the plan check for the final
subdivision map and has been provided to the Planning Commission for review.
The Applicant has completed a preliminary landscaping plan. The landscape will consist
of one street tree per lot meeting the Municipal Code requirements and in addition one
accent tree.
There are two basic floor plans for the project. Plan A will be the single-story model.
Plan B will consist of two stories. Plan A will measure approximately 2,700 square feet of
living area with three bedrooms, two and a half baths, office, 3 car garage, and a
courtyard with a fountain or spa.
The elevations for Plan A will consist of two different front faeades. Vista Style and a
Montego style, both consisting of a strong Spanish influence with exposed rafter tails, use
of clay pipe accents and stucco trim accent around the windows. A portion of the roof
over the front entrance will be about 20-feet high.
Plan B is the two-story model which will be.similar to Plan A consisting of three bedrooms,
2 1/2 baths, office, and three car garages. The Plan will consist 2,200 square feet of
living area-. Similar,front facades will be available for this Plan as well.
Craig Neustaedter, the City Traffic Engineer reported that it is his opinion that the
completion of Cardinal Street would not increase the traffic on to Pascal Street, just west
of the subject site.
Associate Planner Lampe concluded that it is Staffs recommendation that the Planning
Commission approve the submitted site and architectural review based on the findings
and subject to the recommended conditions of approval in the Resolution of Approval.
Vice Chair Addington asked how many floor plan models will be provided for project?
Associate Planner Lampe replied that there wil be two basic floor plans and that all of the
homes in the immediate surrounding area have less square footage than what is
proposed for the project.
Vice Chair Addington opened Public Hearing.
Paul Majos, Applicant
556 Silverado Way-Anaheim
Mr. Majos greeted and thanked the Commission for considering his project. Mr. Majos
was happy to answer any questions that the Commission had for him.
Vice Chair Addington asked the Applicant why he did not consider a third type of floor
Mr. Majos replied that it would not be financially feasible. If a third floor plan were to be
added, it would have to be smaller than the already proposed floor plans. It was the
intent of the Applicant to keep the square footages of the proposed homes as large as
Commissioner Comstock asked if a block wall would be built along the length of Reed
Planning Director Koontz replied that the block wall would be built along the length of
Reed Street and was previously approved in the Tentative Map Application.
Vice Chair Addington thanked the applicant and asked if anyone else would like to
comment with regard to the Item.
Debra Glaze
22245 Cardinal Street
Ms. Glaze concern was in regard to the drainage in the area.
Planning Director Koontz replied that the area is being re-graded to eliminate any
drainage issues and the area will be graded back towards the cul-de-sac.
Ms. Glaze asked what the working hours for construction will be. She reported that there
was machinery for soil testing running at about 6:30 am, posing a disturbance to the
Planning Director Koontz replied that the hours of construction shall be between 7 am till
6pm, Monday-Saturday excluding holidays. Should construction start prior to those times,
Code Enforcement will be called.
Mary Stockstad
22246 Cardinal Street
Ms. Stockstad asked how far the property lines will be away from the proposed block
Associate Planner Lampe replied that the Ordinance requires a 10-foot side yard set-back
next to the garage.
Ms. Stockstad feels that the traffic will be impacted on Pascal Street. Also, Pascal Street
is very dark in the evening and feels that this could be a hazard for children.
Vice Chair Addington replied that when the Tentative Map was brought before the
Commission, the traffic issue was brought forth. Although the recommendations from the
Traffic Engineer did not warrant for traffic signs, an allowance was made that should there
be any traffic issues that have arisen out of this project; traffic calming measures could be
Ms. Stockstad asked if there would be any way of installing sidewalks and lighting for
Pascal Street.
Planning Director Koontz replied that she would have to make a presentation-before the
City Council about such a request.
Alma Ayala
22236 Cardinal Street
Ms. Ayala's concerns are with the water runoff that collects near her property. Ms. Ayala
wants to know who will be responsible for the clean-up of this area in the future. Ms.
Ayala is,also concerned that because she lives on the corner of Pascal and Cardinal that
the increased traffic will cause a safety concern for the children in the neighborhood.
Planning Director Koontz replied that on Pascal Street there is an open channel that
should be maintained by the City. As for the traffic impact, the Traffic Engineer had
composed a study in which there was no warrant for a stop sign. Should there become a
problem; the City Council may request the Traffic Engineer to do another study to post a
_ stop sign. This evening's Public Hearing is solely for the site and architectural review of
the proposed 15 homes. Ms. Ayala is more than welcome to make a presentation before
the City Council with regard to her concerns with the traffic.
Donna Cooley
22285 Mavis Street
Ms. Cooley asked if the proposed homes will be built on the same level as the other
existing homes. Will her back yard be level with the proposed homes back yards?
Planning Director Koontz explained that the entire City is based on a hillside, making
everything terraced. There will always be a grade elevation between one home and the
next, as far as how steep the grade level will be, on the west side, there will be a 2 to 3
foot elevation between each home.
Vice Chair Addington asked the Applicant what the starting time of construction will be.
Mr. Majos replied that construction times will be from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. The proposed
length of construction will be for about six months.
Vice Chair Addington closed the Public Hearing and brought the Item before the
PC-26-2003 Vice Chair Addington made a motion to approve SA-03-07, to
'r construct a 15 unit residential project consisting of one and two story
'-- homes.
Commissioner Comstock seconded the motion.
PC-26-2003: Approved 4-0-1-0
Chair Wilson Absent
MEETING 8:15 pm
• Information to Commissioners
NOTE: Due to the sizeable attendance of the general public, the workshop item was moved
up to follow Item Number One of the Planning Commission Meeting.
Public workshop to solicit preliminary Commission and Public comment regarding
the proposed amendments to Section 18.06.626 and 18-06-030.D.6 of the
Municipal Code to reflect the proposed RV/Utility Trailer Parking Ordinance.
Assistant City Manager Berry gave a presentation to the Planning Commission with
regard to the proposed amendments to Sections 18.06.626 and 18.06.030.D.6 of the
Municipal Code to reflect the proposed RV/Utility trailer parking Ordinance.
The Planning Commission advised Staff to make the following considerations:
Include Class B vehicles with the proposed Ordinance.
Possibly revising the setback standard to 12 feet instead of 10 feet.
Consider allowing trailers to be parked on impervious surfaces.
Especially for trailers that do not have NPDES issues.
Reconsideration of RV sewer hook-up for clean out purposes.
Consider parking RV trailers for four consecutive days per owner's trip
Simplify Item U so that a layperson may be able to understand what the
Code means.
Should the Council approve the fee, clarify the recreational vehicle fee of
$49.00 per vehicle.
Planning Director Koontz reported that the Outdoor Adventures Center EIR Scoping
Session has been completed.
r There will be an up and coming CUP Application for Keystone Schools to expand their
teaching facility.
The proposed negotiations for the new high school site are moving forward.
Planning Director Koontz handed out a portion of the Planning Commissioner's guidelines
with regard to ex-parte communications, and how important it is to follow the Brown Act.
• Information from Commissioners
Respectfully Submitted, Approved
1 --
Gary Koontz, PI ing Director Doug Wilson, Chairman
Planning Commission