09/18/2003 I , I II
Community and Economic Development
(ALIfORNIA Department
22795 Barton Road
Grand Terrace
California 92313-5295
September 18, 2003
The regular meetinq of the Grand Terrace Planninq Commission was called to
order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center. 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace,
California, on September 18. 2003, at 7:00 p.m., by Chairperson Douq Wilson.
PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairman
Matthew Addington, Vice Chairperson
Brian Whitley, Commissioner
Robert Bidney, Commissioner
Tom Comstock, Commissioner
Gary Koontz, Community Development Director
John Lampe, Associate Planner
Michelle Boustedt, CDD Secretary
• Pledge of Allegiance led by Chair Wilson
• Roll Call
• Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless
extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer
presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the
Director of Community and Economic Development.
1. MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of
September 4, 2003
PC-27-2003 Vice Chair Addington made a motion to approve the
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes dated September
4, 2003.
Chair Wilson seconded the motion.
ACTION: Approved 4-0-0-1
Chair Wilson Abstained
2. BRSP-03-01/E-03-08 A proposal to revise the,current Barton Road Specific
Plan in order to simplify its administration, to encourage
quality commercial development along the Barton Road
corridor, to reformat the document to current State
guidelines for Specific Plans, and to reflect changes in
the community since its original adoption.
APPLICANT: Community Development Department of Grand Terrace
LOCATION: Properties generally along an approximately 1.3 mile long
corridor on both sides of Barton Road extending from the
1-215 Freeway on the west to the intersection of Barton
Road and Victoria Street on the east.
RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing and receive testimony. Close
the public hearing and recommend to the City Council
that it Approve and Adopt the Ordinance amending the
Barton Road Specific Plan under BRSP-03-01 and
Approve and Adopt the Negative Declaration for this
proposal under E-03-08.
Planning Director Koontz gave a presentation highlighting the Barton Road Specific
Plan's major topics. The original- plan was approved in 1990. A couple of minor
revisions had been made since that time, related to specific projects.
The original plan focused upon upgrading the appearance of the Barton Road
Corridor and to promote the development of a true downtown for the City.
The Barton Road Specific Plan boundary begins from Barton Road and Victoria
Street headed east to Barton Road and Preston Street.
Land Uses vary from schools, churches, the civic center, single family residential to
multi-family residential, offices and general commercial. '
- The plan consists of 4 master planning areas. Planning Area 1 is the area south of
Barton Road and the 1-215 Freeway. Planning Area 2 is the north portion of Barton
Road and the 1-215 Freeway around Vivienda Avenue. Planning Area 3 consists of
the area of Barton Road and Mt. Vernon Avenue. Planning Area 4 was utilized to
focus on the specific intersection of Barton Road and Mt. Vernon Avenue, also
known as the downtown area of Grand Terrace.
Planning Area 1 is designated for General Commercial Uses. Planning Area 2 is
designated for Village Commercial to promote the downtown concept. Planning Area
3 is designated for an Administrative Professional type of use.
There has been some concern with regard to the properties owned in Planning Area
3 due to the fact that most of the area is surrounded by single family and multi family
residential uses.
The plan was reformatted and special attention was made to the Master Plan Areas.
The development standards were reviewed as well as the Sign Ordinance.
Commissioner Addington had requested the staff to obtain the most recent specific
} plan guidelines from the Office of Planning and Research. The draft plan has now
been formatted to meet the guidelines so as to meet State Law Regulations.
_ It is Staffs opinion that the only area that requires a master plan is Planning Area 1
or the'-."Town Square Project Area". This area is located at the southwest corner of
the 1-215 Freeway. Four of the lots are currently owned by the City, and is noted as
possibly being a neighborhood shopping center.. Most of the lots are difficult to
develop, but feel that it is a necessity to make it a Master Plan by the
Redevelopment Agency.
Planning Area 4 has been deleted because the area has been built out. Planning
Areas 2 and 3 already have some development occuring in them. Staff feels that
those areas can be developed as projects which will have easy access from parcel
to parcel to provide consistency. It is the staffs recommendation that projects would
be reviewed administratively on a case by case basis and inform the Planning
Commission on an advisory basis to determine whether or not these areas will need
to be developed as master planned areas.
Planning Area 3 involves many types of uses that include multifamily type of
components. Lots fronting on Preston and Palm have an allowance of multi-family
development. It is Staffs opinion to process these applications through a Conditional
Use Permit before the Commission. Barton Road frontage needs to be maintained
solely for commercial development.
The Development Standards, Conditional Use Process, Public Hearing Process,
have all been revised and drafted to provide ease to Staff and Applicant. Also, the
Land Use Matrix was revised and placed as an Appendix to the draft so it will be
easily accessible.
The Zoning criteria was left unchanged. It is Staffs opinion that it does not require
any changes and feels that it sets good zoning criteria for setbacks.
Planning Director Koontz closed his presentation and invited any questions or
comments from the Commission.
Chair Wilson opened up the Public Hearing for comment.
Tony Petta
11875 Eton Drive
Mr. Petta felt that the area known as "The Triangle" should be master planned and
integrated for development.
Mr. Petta's main concern was the area closest to City Hall. He feels that zoning for
the area is.too stringent. He owns a small office building just next to City Hall, and
has found that people were interested in leasing the space, however, it was not
feasible because of the zoning of the property.
There are a few apartments located close to Barton and Palm whereas there are two
parcels of land. Mr. Petta feels that those areas should not be zoned for multi-
family. Doing so could raise concern for a mixture of multi-family housing with office
commercial zoning.
Charles Haddy-Developer
2209.W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach
Mr. Haddy is proposing to develop some apartments adjacent to an existing
apartment project on Preston Avenue between Barton Road and Palm Avenue. Mr.
Haddy has been working with the Staff for six months. Because this piece of
property is part of the Barton Road Specific Plan, it has been difficult to develop.
Mr. Haddy feels that there has to be some type of a surge between multi-family and
commercial. Most of the time, the surge starts with single-family residence, to low-
density to medium density and so on.
The current Specific Plan limits that particular area. There should be some type of
transition to help to develop those properties.
Mr. Haddy is hoping that the draft is accepted and moves forward so that he may
develop the piece of property in the area.
Chair Wilson asked Staff if a CUP is required to develop multi-family housing along
the west portion of Preston Street.
Planning Director Koontz replied that the City Attorney was approached with regard
to development of that particular piece of property under multi-family. At current,
Specific Plan does not allow for multifamily development in that portion of town; and
the City Attorney has advised not to develop the piece of property as such.
Rex Edmunson
22111 Newport Avenue
Mr. Edmunson is concerned with regard to the parking or lack thereof at the
Starbuck's building, also known as the La Mancha Building. He feels that the
parking has imposed upon his barber shop parking due to lack of parking spaces for
the La Mancha Building. Mr. Edmunson feels that this was poor planning on City
Staffs part when the building was first built, and feels that this is something that
should be made aware of for future reference.
Tony Petta
11875 Eton Drive
Mr. Petta claimed that he owned quite a few parcels within the Barton Road Area
towards Palm Avenue. Mr. Petta has resisted selling these large parcels of land to
developers who were interested in purchasing the land to develop multi-family
residences, and will continue to resist because Mr. Petta feels that the parcels of
land should be developed into something that the City could be proud of.
Mary Lou Williams
Barton Road
Mrs. Williams stated that she lives in Master Plan Area 2 on the north side of Barton
Road just next to Dr. Darwin's dental office. Mrs. Williams's concern is that the City
is forcing them to give reciprocal access. Dr. Darwin wanted them to sign a piece of
paper, forcing them to give this access to him. She feels that this is not fair to
surrounding property owners. Her particular area has not had any traffic problems,
but surrounding areas have cause traffic problems. Mrs. Williams feels that a 200
foot reciprocal access should be adequate for property owners.
Chair Wilson closed the Public Hearing and brought the item back to the
Commission for comment.
Vice Chair Addington commented that he was in favor of the mixed use in the AP
area. Vice Chair Addington replied that he was not quite ready to approve the draft
BRSP as presented.
Commissioner Comstock had the following comments: There are not very many
uses for some particular parcels. He would like to see more flexibility to relax the
office standards. Also, keeping Barton road free from Multifamily housing seems
very acceptable. Pedestrian traffic should also be limited from Mt. Vernon Avenue to
Michigan Street. Commissioner Comstock liked the idea of the commercial
development of the area at Barton Road up to Preston Street.
Commissioner Bidney commented that the Plan seems to be moving forward but
feels that it is best to receive more input from the citizens.
Commissioner Whitley commented that the Staff seems to be doing a great job at
revising the Specific Plan. Simplifying the feasibility for the areas such as the
general commercial areas full development will be a benefit for the City and its
Planning Director Koontz asked the Commission for assistance with regard to re-
�� writing the Matrix by providing suggestions for the Office Professional category.
Chair Wilson feels that the area west of the elementary school should be included in
the Specific Plan. Chair Wilson is in favor of the pedestrian areas and the bikeway
paths should be integrated with the pedestrian paths.
Planning Director Koontz responded that the adjacent land uses for Planning Area 1
with regard to commercial uses, and how to integrate them can also be added into
the Specific Plan. Any additional suggestions for the draft plan can be sent to Staff
to further revise the draft and can be presented before the Commission at the next
PC-28-2003 Motion was made by Chair Wilson to continue Item and
receive additional input from the general public along with
the Planning Commission.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bidney
PC-28-2003: Approved 5-0-0-0
• Information to Commissioners
• Information from Commissioners
Respectfully Submitted, Approved l3v
Gary Kol6ntz, Plannfg Director Doug Wilson, Chairman
Planning Commission