11/20/2003 • I 'I I'
I I I Community and Economic Development
22795 Barton Road
Grand Terrace
November 28, 2003
The requiar meetinq of the Grand Terrace Plannina Commission was called to
order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road. Grand Terrace.
California, on November 20. 2003. at.7:00 a.m., by Chairperson Doua Wilson.
PRESENT: Doug Wilson,Chairman
Matthew-Addington, Vice-Chairperson
Brian Whitley, Commissioner
Robert Bidney, Commissioner:
Tom Comstock, .Commissioner
Gary Koontz, Comrunity Development Director
John Lampe, Associate Planner
Jeff Gollihar, Planning Technician
Michelle Boustedt, CDD Secretary
® Pledge of Allegiance led by Chair Wilson
0 Roll Call
1. MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of
October 16, 2003
PC-32-2003 Vice Chair Addington made a motion to approve the
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes dated October
16, 2003.
Commissioner Bidney seconded the motion.
PC-32-2003 Approved 5-0-0-0
2. Public Workshop:
City RV Ordinance Continuance of the September 4, 2003, Public workshop
to solicit preliminary Commission and Public comment
regarding the proposed amendments to Section
18.06.626 and 18-06-030.D.6 of the Municipal Code to
reflect the proposed RV/Utility Trailer Parking Ordinance.
Assistant City Manager Berry introduced himself and gave the Commission some
background information with regard to the City's current Municipal Code in which
citizens are allowed to park motorized recreational boats and trailers to park on
private property in view as long as they meet City Guidelines. All non-motorized
travel trailers or fifth wheels must be in working condition behind a six-foot fence and
-- are prohibited from being stored in a residential front yard. Such trailers must have
current registration and shall be parked on improved surfaces such as concrete or
brick. Gravel or dirt is not considered an improved surface. At the current time, the
recreational vehicles are allowed to park on the parkway so long as the vehicle is not
blocking the pedestrian right of way.
The Code Enforcement Department had received several complaints with regard to
RV and travel trailers parked in view. Many residents felt that because certain
recreational vehicles can and cannot be parked in front of a residence, citizens felt
that it was unfair and that the parking ordinance should be re-written to
accommodate all recreational vehicle users.
The public was and has been invited to participate in workshops with regard to
changing the current municipal code. The Planning Commission suggested that the
following items be reviewed and revised with recommendations presented at this
Planning Commission workshop.
It was the concern of the Planning Commission on whether an RV owner would be
given the choice to allow for an RV to become inoperable. Staff has recommended
that the RV owners will be permitted to register the RV as non-operable as long as
the RV is stored in compliance with the municipal code.
Class B motor homes have also been added as well as van conversions which were
also added as a Class B vehicle. To make sure that the recommendation complies
with the current ADA requirements in which the 10 1/2 foot set back
recommendation does meet the-.State's ADA requirement.
As for the pervious and non-pervious surfaces, there is nothing stated in the code
with regard to surfaces. Non-pervious surfaces can often create displacement of
gravel or rock on to public streets causing a trip hazard on the public right of way.
It is also Staffs recommendation that sewer connections should not be allowed for a
recreational vehicle owner to clean out their vehicles because of storm water
Visitor or family parking has been changed so that a visitor or a family member may
park their RV on residential property for a period not to exceed one month per year.
No Recreational Vehicles can be parked on the street for more than 72 consecutive
hours. This does comply with the California State Vehicle Code.
The new ordinance also states that electrical hook-ups are prohibited except for
loading and unloading and for the charging of batteries for no more than 48 hours.
As far as RV parking near intersections, it has been agreed that no RV's should be
parked on a public street if it is within 50 feet from an intersection or within 50 feet of
any crosswalk.
The staff has changed the proposed ordinance to allow for a second driveway based
on the size and type of lots.
It was also agreed that RV's should not be parked directly in front of a swing up
(� garage door. Parking an RV in front of such a garage door could prohibit an
inhabitant or the fire department to lose access into or out of a residence.
It has also been proposed that two recreational vehicles may be stored in the front of
a residence. More than two would not be visually appealing.
Staff has expanded the definition of recreational vehicles to include camper shells
and cab-over campers.
In summary, the revised proposed ordinance will allow non-motorized recreational
vehicles the same privileges as a motorized recreational motor vehicle. The
proposed ordinance will allow the residents to park their motorized recreational and
non motorized recreational vehicle in front of their residences and will not require
any type of screening.
Assistant Manager Berry concluded his report and requested that the Commission
review the changes and additions and provide direction to Staff on whether the
proposed revised ordinance is deemed acceptable enough to be set for a Public
Hearing for another Planning Commission meeting.
Prior to opening up the Public Hearing, Chair Wilson asked if the Commission
wanted to express any position in relation to recreational vehicles.
Vice Chair Addington wanted to be on the record by stating that he does own a
recreational vehicle and is in storage at his residence at this time.
Commissioner Whitley expressed that he does have a recreational vehicle currently
stored in his yard behind a six foot fence.
Chair Wilson opened up the Public Hearing.
Ray Donaldson
22696 Arliss Drive
Mr. Donaldson stated that he has a recreational vehicle. Mr. Donaldson has a
concern with the limit on time to charge a recreational vehicle. He charges his
recreational vehicle all year long. If the vehicle is not charged, a special component
in the vehicle needs to be charged often. Failing to charge the recreational vehicle
can cause power loss to a refrigerator or any other electrical item in the vehicle and
can be very expense to repair.
Mr. Donaldson also made a comment with regard chalking the recreational vehicle.
He states that his vehicle contains hydraulic jacks so that the vehicle does not roll
Gene Carlstrom
21992 De Berry Street
Mr. Carlstrom says that he has been RV'ing since the mid 1980's. The City contains
many homes where a backyard is not accessible to RV's. It is his understanding that
the proposed Outdoor Adventures Center would bring the City much more revenue.
\` Should the City become too aggressive with the ordinance, it could pose as a
detriment to the City. As long as the recreational vehicle is not blocking pedestrian
view, then the RV ordinance should allow for a citizen to park their vehicle either in
front of or to the rear of their residence.
Thelma Winkler-Beech
12570 Mt. Vernon
Mrs. Beech is in agreement with the proposed changes to the ordinance; however,
she stated that she was unable to comply with one of the proposed changes in that
one of her vehicles is parked on gravel. Mrs. Beech is wondering why the City is so
adamant in screening RV's specifically if a homeowner has more than two RV's.
She does not see it financially feasible to lay cement down to park her fifth wheel
and is wondering if the City can make an exception to this rule.
Michael Sendbeck
22770 Kentfie/d Street
Mr. Sendbeck stated that he had taken measurements on one of the City streets
with regard to the 10 1/2 foot setback. Some of the residences do not have a 10 1/2
setback, so how is it that the City came up with this particular measurement?
Betty Guzman
23202 Glendora Drive
Mrs. Guzman feels that limiting the RV's to two does not seem feasible, especially if
some people would like to have more than two recreational vehicles and have more
than one acre of land to accommodate the vehicles.
Chair Wilson closed the Public Hearing and brought the item back to the
Commission for discussion.
Vice Chair Addington was concerned with regard to the new provisions of the cab-
over campers. Vice Chair Addington feels that these cab-over type campers should
be able to be removed from a truck and stored in the rear yard.
As for the gravel parking, Vice Chair Addington feels that 1' to 1 1/2" gravel should
be acceptable.
Chair Wilson agreed with Vice Chair Addington with regard to considering a 1 1/2 "
gravel as an acceptable surface to park a recreational vehicle on. If possible, adding
a slurry mix to help the surface condition.
Commissioner Whitley added that there is a necessary distinction as far as gravel in
a front yard or in a rear yard. He seems to feel that a gravel surface in a front yard
should not be allowed, but gravel in the rear yard should be considered acceptable.
Also, ,an aggregate limit should be made as far as more than two recreational
vehicles allowed at a residence. Commissioner Whitley feels that two may be
parked in the front yard and if more are owned, others should be parked in the rear
Chair Wilson feels that in regard to wheel chalks, some measure must be taken to
prevent a vehicle from rolling down a hill, but feels that no special provision is
necessary to make sure that the wheels are chalked.
Commissioner Bidney commented that 15% of people in Grand Terrace own RV's
and 85% that do not have RV's. He is objecting to the situation where people who
don't own RV's will be looking out of their windows at the next door neighbors RV.
Commissioner Bidney feels that the 1 1/2" gravel should be an acceptable surface to
park an RV on.
Commissioner Comstock commented that there are some children who may as a
prank, yank the chalks away from the wheels of RV's thereby having them roll down
a hill. With regard to the cab-over campers, they should be stored in the rear of
residences rather than stored in the front of the residence unattached to a vehicle.
Chair Wilson commented that he feels that a provision is needed within the
ordinance for a case by case analysis for each resident. Thereby allowing an
administrative review process, possibly using a conditional use permit or some type
of variance.
Chair Wilson asked Assistant City Manager Berry how Grand Terrace compares with
surrounding City's with regard to the RV Ordinance.
Assistant City Manager Berry replied that Grand Terrace is proposed to be RV
friendly. At current, the Cities of San Bernardino, Fontana, Redlands, Loma Linda
and Rancho Cucamonga do not allow RV's to park in front area of residences at all.
Because the item was considered to be a Public - Workshop, the Planning
Commission made no motions for the item, and moved on to the next item.
3. SA-03-10/E-03-07 Applications for a Site and Architecture and
Environmental Review to construct a new 2-story, 3,865
foot custom home, with 3,425 square feet of livable
space and a 440 square foot 2 car garage, on a .51 acre
lot located in the R1-20 Zone (single family residential
minimum of 20,000 square feet), with an agricultural
APPLICANT: Bill Kazaltes
LOCATION: The lot located one east of Blue Mountain Court on the
south side of Pico Avenue, APN: 1178-211-10.
RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing, receive the Staff Report and
testimony, close the hearing and approve the Resolution
calling for the approval of SA-03-10, and E-03-07
supported by the findings and subject to the
recommended conditions of approval.
Planning Technician Gollihar greeted the Commission and presented his staff report.
Mr. Kazaltes has requested the approval of construction of a single family custom
home. The correction to the square foot of the home is proposed to be smaller than
3,865 square feet with a 560 square foot two car garage.
The lot is a vacant lot at Blue Mountain Court at the south side of Pico Street. The
general plan zoning is for low density residential zoned R120. It is also surrounded
by low density residential within the zoning code. The subject site is a pre-existing
graded lot which will require some alterations. A large berm will be graded down to
a 2 to 1 slope. A retaining wall will also be installed at the site.
The residence will be 3,700 square feet covering 18% of the lot which is well under
the 40% maximum coverage. The floor plan is a two story residence. The second
floor will have a game room over the two car garage.
The architecture is similar to California Ranch Style. The landscaping meets the
requirements, and a landscape plan will need to come before the Planning
Department for final review and approval of the application.
Planning Technician Gollihar completed his Staff report in which the Staff is
recommending approval of the proposed single family residence.
Gene Carlstrom
21992 De Berry Street
Mr. Carlstrom feels that the contractor's proposal for a single family home will be
considered to be a very nice addition to the area.
Chair Wilson turned the item back to the Commission for discussion.
Vice Chair Addington asked with regard to the east side of the property where the
A/C unit will be installed, it seems as though there is only a two foot clearance
between the A/C unit and the wall. Has it been cleared by the fire department?
Planning Technician Gollihar replied that this is permitted by the building code.
There may be some consideration to notch out the retaining wall to allow for more
Vice Chair Addington asked what type of fencing is proposed for the residence.
Planning Technician Gollihar replied that a block wall will be installed.
PC-33-03: Motion was made by Commissioner Comstock to
approve SA-03-10 and E-03-07.
Motion was seconded by Chair Wilson
PC-33-03: Approved 5-0-0-0
• Information to Commissioners
Planning Commission Polices and Procedures Workshop
Planning Director Koontz requested direction from the Commission
regarding what types of studies the Commission would like as part of the
Land Use application process.
The Commission generally agreed that a policy should be established for
traffic studies to be prepared for projects that are located on any street that
operates at a Level of Service of "D" or below. Affected projects should be
those associated with commercial, industrial, or high density residential
development. Individual single family homes are exempt. A preliminary
hydrology analysis and NPDES plan should be performed for projects of one
acre or more so that the City is assured that they are in compliance with all
NPDES standards and area drainage requirements.
Planning Director Koontz reported that Frank Heyming of Heyming & Johnson
had submitted a letter to withdraw the 69 unit apartment project on DeBerry
Street and Reed Avenue. Mr. Heyming desires to develop the property and
has requested that Staff to ask the Planning Commission for a development,
scenario that they feel is appropriate for the site.
The Planning Commission generally agreed that either a townhouse project
with a homeowner's association or a planned unit development of possibly
small residential lots with a homeowner's association may be appropriate and
might be acceptable to the community.
Planning Director Koontz reported that at the last Planning Commission
meeting, a majority of the citizens were against apartment projects. Director
Koontz asked the Planning Commission for suggestions on what remaining
multi-family parcels they considered appropriate for apartment type
Vice Chair Addington asked staff if the City is within the requirements of the
State Housing Element. If the City has met those requirements, we should
keep things just the way they are or to possibly re-zone the pieces of land for
other uses. Staff acknowledged that they would research the subject and
report back to the Commission at their December meeting.
• Information from Commissioners
Vice Chair Addington suggested to the Commission and to Staff that the
Outdoor Adventures Center may end up to be a controversial item, and if
- possible, could the Planning Commission meetings be moved up to an earlier
Chair Wilson felt that he would possibly be able to move the meetings up to a
half hour. Staff noted that such a change required approval from the City
Chair Wilson reported that an individual asked him what the zoning was for
certain portions of Blue Mountain. He reported that he had informed the
individual to come in to City'Hall and obtain a zoning map for the information.
Respectfully Submitted, Approved By,
2 1 r Vi(�G
tannin V Gary Koontz, g Director Doug Wilson, Chairman
Planning Commission