12/18/2003 Community and Economic Development
(AIIFORNIA Department
22795 Barton Road
Grand Terrace
December 18, 2003
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Plannina Commission was called to
order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace.
California. on December 18. 2003, at 7:00 p.m.. by Chairperson Douq Wilson.
PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairman
Matthew Addington, Vice Chairperson
Brian Whitley, Commissioner
Robert Bidney, Commissioner
Tom Comstock, Commissioner
Gary Koontz, Community Development Director
John Lampe, Associate Planner
Michelle Boustedt, CDD Secretary
• Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Whitley
• Roll Call
1. MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of
November 18, 2003
PC-34-2003 Commissioner Bidney made a motion to approve the
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes dated November
20, 2003.
Commissioner Comstock seconded the motion.
PC-34-2003 Approved 5-0-0-0
2. SA-03-14/CUP-03-07/
E-03-11: Site and Architectural Review Case No. 03-14,
Conditional Use Permit No. 03-07 and Environmental
Review Case No. 03-11 to construct an approximately
3,000 square foot, fast-food Mexican restaurant with a
drive-thru and outside patio eating area (Miguel's Jr.).
APPLICANT: MJSC Holdings LLC, Mr. Javier Vasquez, CEO
LOCATION: 22193 Barton Road in the City of Grand Terrace
RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing, receive the staff report and
testimony, close the Public Hearing and approve the
Resolution calling for the approval of SA-03-14, CUP-03-
07, and E-03-04 subject to the recommended conditions
of approval.
Associate Planner Lampe presented the staff report for the proposed Miguel's site.
An aerial photograph was shown to present the 3,000 square foot fast food
restaurant with drive thru and outside dining area.
The parcel is located on the south side of Barton Road about 600 feet easterly of
Michigan Avenue.
Fast food is a permitted use for the site under the Barton Road Specific Plan.
However, a drive-thru does require the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit. The
subject site is a one-acre rectangular shaped parcel with a 220-foot frontage on
Barton Road with a depth of 198 feet. The easterly half of the property is developed
with single-family residences, and is presently owned by the Applicant. The westerly
half is presently vacant, and is owned by the City's redevelopment agency. A lot line
adjustment will be issued once the project is approved for a property exchange
between the redevelopment and the applicant.
The surrounding areas are developed with commercial uses to the west and the
northwest of the subject site. To the north is an urgent care center; to the northeast
are scattered residences which are non-conforming under the Barton Road Specific
Plan. The adjacent parcels to the east and the south of the site are located in
Master Plan One in the Barton Road Specific Plan. Under the provisions of the
Master Plan One, the Applicant will be required to participate in the master
developmental plan with other owners of adjacent parcels.
The development agreement was presented before the last City Council Meeting in
which the Council did approve.
Exhibit One for the proposed restaurant is the site plan. The building will be located
on the northeast corner of the site. Also shown on the plan is the proposed drive
thru that will wrap around the building and will consist of a 10-car stacking space at
the window location, with a 4-car stacking space at the menu board. The city traffic
engineer has recommended that the turning radius at the corners of the drive-thru
will be a minimum of 30-feet.
In addition, the north side of the building will provide a pull-out area at the end of the
drive-thru along with a pedestrian walk-way to gain access to the front of the
Parking allotment will be for 51 cars, which exceed the parking standards and meet
the requirements of the Barton Road Specific Plan Zoning Code. Access to the site
will be provided by one driveway which will measure 28 feet in width. The traffic
engineer feels that the proposed width of the driveway is adequate.
The floor plan of the restaurant shows serving counter and seating consisting of
booths and tables. The service window is shown along with the entrance ways from
the westerly and northerly sides of the building.
24% of the site will be landscaped and is shown to be acceptable under the Barton
Road Specific Plan. The total number of proposed trees exceeds the requirement
under the Specific Plan. An additional amount of trees that will be planted along
Barton Road and in the interior of the site.
The elevations of the building are proposed to be neo-mission style with prominent
roof-tiled towers and stucco with tile. The building will have an extensive use of
columns, arches, pilasters, and the roofing. The tower structures have been added
to the northerly side of the building. The overall height of the building does conform
to the development standards in the Barton Road Specific Plan. All signs will have
to be approved by a sign program and will be review administratively by the Staff.
Associate Planner Lampe concluded his report.
Planning Director Koontz added that the development agreement was unanimously
approved by the City Council with one minor change. The City has been guaranteed
reciprocal parking, utility and access easements. All costs associated with the Lot
Line Adjustment that is required will be the responsibility of the applicant. A clause
has been added that the Lot Line Adjustment will not occur until the City is 100%
confident that the restaurant will be built.
Chair Wilson invited the Public to comment with regard to the project.
Javier Vasquez-CEO
1920 Frontage Road
Mr. Vasquez greeted the Commission and stated that he was the applicant as well
as the CEO for Miguel's Jr. Restaurants. Mr. Vasquez was excited to have the
proposed Miguel's restaurant to be the first drive-thru restaurant in the City. The
small existing Miguel's restaurant has done very well in the city and is in hopes of
continuing to do well at the new proposed location.
Vice Chair Addington asked what type of lighting will be utilized for the exterior of the
Mr. Vasquez replied that wall sconces will;be used at the top of each pillar on the
building. The current store in Corona is similar in the nature of what the lighting will
look like.
Planning Director Koontz added that the Corona location has been visited by the
City Manager, as well as Associate Planner Lampe and himself.
Chair Wilson wanted to know what the proposed parking lot lighting will look like.
George Castaneda
625 South Poplar
Brea, CA
Mr. Castaneda reported that they are proposing to meet the,photometric studies that
are required for the parking area. The latest project located in south Corona has
met all lighting requirements for the City.
Vice Chair Addington if any neon lighting will be used on the building.
Mr. Castaneda replied that no neon lighting will be used on the building, but perhaps
on the signage.
Mr. Vazquez replied that the neon lighting used for the proposed sign will be serve
as backlighting for the sign, creating a halo effect.
Mr. Castaneda reported that the proposed lighting on the building will consist of wall
sconces that will be directed towards the building.
Chair Wilson asked Mr. Vasquez asked what the width of driveway will be.
Mr. Castaneda replied that the drive approach will consist of 30 feet.
Associate Planner Lampe replied that the City's Traffic Engineer had review the
approach and felt that it was adequate.
Jim Anderegg
12175 Rosedale
Grand Terrace
Mr. Anderegg reported that his parents own the property to the east of the proposed
restaurant. Mr. Anderegg was concerned about the elevation of the restaurant
because of the water run-off from the Anderegg property to the proposed site.
Planning Director Koontz answered that the entire front of the site will be raised to
street level. In the grading plan, the water will be caught and directed out towards
the street.
Chair Wilson closed the Public Hearing and brought the item back to the
Commission for discussion.
Commissioner Bidney asked if any grading will be done in the rear portion of the
property for improvement.
Planning Director Koontz replied that the City is not proposing for anything to
happen to the back portion of the property until the entire project is developed. The
area is land locked. The project has peaked the interest of a master developer and
will be meeting with the City within the next couple of weeks. The overall concept of
the City is that the proposed project becomes the first phase of the overall town
square project within the area.
Vice Chair Addington asked staff that based upon grading for the area, is the
applicant willing to accept any future storm flows as the rear piece of property .
develops in the future.
Planning Director Koontz replied that as part of the access of the utility easements,
drainage will be included for the piece of property.
PC-35-2003 Commissioner Addington made a motion to approve
SA-03-14, CUP-03-07 and E-03-11.
Commissioner Comstock seconded the motion.
PC-35-2003 Approved 5-0-0-0
• Information to Commissioners
Planning Commission Polices and Procedures Workshop
Planning Director Koontz requested direction from the Commission
regarding what types of studies the Commission would like as part of the
Land Use application process.
The Commission generally agreed that a policy should be established for
traffic studies to be prepared for projects that are located on any street that
operates at a Level of Service of "D" or below. Affected projects should be
those associated with commercial, industrial, or high density residential
development. Individual single family homes are exempt. A preliminary
hydrology analysis and NPDES plan should be performed for. projects of one
acre or more so that the City is assured that they are in compliance with all
NPDES standards and area drainage requirements.
Planning Director Koontz reported that Frank Heyming of Heyming & Johnson
had submitted a letter to withdraw the 69 unit apartment project on DeBerry
Street and Reed Avenue. Mr. Heyming desires to develop the property and
has requested that Staff to ask the Planning Commission for a development
scenario that they feel is appropriate for the site.
The Planning Commission generally agreed that either a townhouse project
with a homeowner's association or•a planned unit development of possibly
small residential lots with a homeowner's association may be appropriate and
might be acceptable to the community.
Planning Director Koontz reported that at the last Planning Commission
meeting, a majority of the citizens were against apartment projects. Director
Koontz asked the Planning Commission for suggestions on what remaining -- -
multi-family parcels they considered appropriate for apartment type
Vice Chair Addington asked staff if the City is within the requirements of the
State Housing Element. If the City has met those requirements, we should
keep things just the way they are or to possibly re-zone the pieces of land for
other uses. Staff acknowledged that they would research the subject and
report back to the Commission at a later meeting.
• Information from Commissioners
Vice Chair Addington suggested to the Commission and to Staff that the
Outdoor Adventures .Center may end up to be a controversial item, and if
possible, could the Planning Commission meetings be moved up to an earlier
Chair Wilson felt that he would possibly be able to move the meetings up to a
half hour. Staff noted that such a change required approval from the City
Chair Wilson reported that an individual asked him what the zoning was for
certain portions of Blue Mountain. He reported that he had informed the
individual to come in to City Hall and obtain a zoning map for the information.
Respectfully Submitted, Approved B ,
Gary K ontz, Pining Director Doug Wilson, Chairman
Planning Commission