01/15/2004 i
I ! 11 Community and Economic Development
(ALIFORNIA Department
22795 Barton Road
California 92313-5295 MINTUES OF REGULAR MEETING
(909) 824-6621 January 15, 2004
The reaular meetina of the Grand Terrace Plannina Commission was called to
order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center. 22795 Barton Road. Grand Terrace.
California. on January 16. 2004. at 7:00 mm.. by Chairperson Doua Wilson.
PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairman
Matthew Addington, Vice Chairman
Brian Whitley, Commissioner
Robert Bidney, Commissioner
Tom Comstock,Commissioner
Gary Koontz, Community Development Director
Steve Berry, Assistant City Manager
Michelle Boustedt, Planning Secretary
v Pledge of Allegiance led by Vice Chair Addington
v Roll Call
1. MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of
December 18, 2003
PC-01-2004 Vice Chair Addington made a motion to approve the
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes dated December
18, 2003.
Commissioner Bidney seconded the motion.
PC-01-2004 Approved 5-0-0-0
2. Z-03-01, E-03-12 Public Hearing on Zoning Amendment Case 03-01
(Recreational Vehicle Parking Ordinance) and
Environmental Review Case No. 03-12 (Negative
Declaration and Initial Study ) to modify Sections
f 18.06.626, 18.73.200 and 18.73.210 of the Zoning Code
and to add Section'18.60.030 D.6 to the Zoning Code.
APPLICANT: City of Grand Terrace
LOCATION: City-wide.
RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing, receive the Staff Report and
testimony, close the hearing and recommend the
adoption- of .the proposed RV Ordinance to the City
Council. -
Assistant City Manager Steve Berry presented the staff report for the newly revised
Draft of the RV Ordinance.
The RV Ordinance issue originated when the Code Enforcement Department began
to. receive calls from citizens who were not happy when they found that non-
motorized vehicles or fifth wheels were not granted the same types of rules and
regUlations that the motorized or Recreational Vehicles were granted in the City.
At current an RV is allowed to park in the front of a property on an approved surface.
Fifth wheels.or non-motorized vehicles are not allowed to be parked in the front of a
The Council reviewed the current Municipal Code and decided to start a re-write of'
the Grand Terrace Municipal Code to allow all recreational vehicles the same
privileges as non commercial vehicles, which includes motor homes, fifth wheels,
boats, trailers, wave-runners, etc.
The City Council requested that the staff form a recreational vehicle task force to aid
in feedback from the citizens to make changes in beautification and safety purposes.
A set-back issue.for parking a recreational vehicle in the front of a property was also
raised in which it was recommended that a 10 1/2 foot set-back policy be set by the
City Traffic Consultant.
The RV Ordinance has been re-drafted with the feedback that was given by the
Commission in the November 20th meeting for this meeting. The Staff is
recommending that the Commission review the changes and additions to the
Ordinance, accept the public's input and recommend the Ordinance be passed on to
the City Council.
Assistant City Manager Berry concluded his report by informing the Commission the
if the Ordinance is approved by the City Council, there will be a second reading of
the Ordinance at the next scheduled City Council Meeting and it will be adopted
taking effect 30 days thereafter.
Chair Wilson allowed the Planning Commission members who own Recreational
Vehicles to speak out to avoid any conflict of interest to the item.
Vice Chair Addington announced that he owned a recreational vehicle and it is
currently stored in his back yard.
Commissioner Whitley disclosed that he too owned a recreational vehicle and stores
it at his residence.
Chair Wilson opened up the Public Hearing for comment.
Ray Donaldson
22696 Arliss Drive
Mr. Donaldson states that he has owned a recreational vehicle for every year that he
has lived in Grand Terrace, which is 28 years. Mr. Donaldson asked if there was a
grandfather clause in effect with regard to recreational vehicles being parked at
residences. Also, because his setback is only 9 1/2 feet, is there a set-back
adjustment allowance.
Assistant City Manager Berry replied that the set-back requirement is from the curb
face or street edge to the driveway. Having a sidewalk has no bearing and should
be considered for the safety of vehicular traffic as well as pedestrian traffic.
Planning Director Koontz replied that the concern in question is with regard to a
public safety issue according to the City Traffic Engineer: Under normal
circumstances, if a set-back is in question, then a Minor Deviation is filed. But
because of the public safety issues, it would be difficult for Staff to adminstratively
approve, and would have to be presented before the Planning Commission and
possibly the City Council.
Vice Chair Addington added that he concurs with the Traffic Engineers findings with
regard to public safety.
Chair Wilson remarked that if Mr. Donaldson wanted to apply for a minor deviation,
he would be more than welcome to do so, but the traffic safety issue would pose as
a predominant item.
Chair Wilson asked if the Staff new how many existing conditions were known with
regard to a set-back issue.
Planning Director Koontz replied that he was unaware of any existing issues, but
each issue would be reviewed on a case by case basis based upon each individual
lot, the setbacks and the size of the recreational vehicle in question.
Robert Kellum
22680 Tanager Street
Mr. Kellum asked how long the RV Ordinance has been in existence.
Assistant City Manager Berry replied that the RV Ordinance has been in place since
the City's Incorporation, and has been unchanged.
Chair Wilson added that in his 10-year tenure as Planning Commissioner, it has not
been changed.
Mr. Kellum states that he has lived in the City for 10 years. He appreciates the new
changes that have occurred in the City for the past few years and feels that a
change in the Zoning for RV's would be a step backwards. He strongly opposes that
any type of recreational vehicles should be allowed to park in front of residences.
Mr. Kellum states that his neighbor has had a recreational vehicle parked in the
driveway for three years and has not moved since. The construction of the
residences in his neighborhood would allow for homeowner's to improve a side yard
area to create a convenient parking:area to conceal the recreational vehicle from the
front of a homeowner's property.
Bill Warren
11773 Holly Street
Mr. Warren states that at most part, the RV task force along with the City staff has
made great efforts to get a lot of the issues at hand resolved.
Mr. Warren feels that the cab-over campers guideline impacts and subjects
residents to a different set of rules and guidelines. If a resident who drives a vehicle
that tows and un-motorized vehicle on a daily basis and happens to beat work,
while the recreational vehicle is parked in front of a residence, the recommendation
may impose an economic issue on those residents.
Chair Wilson closed the Public Hearing and brought the item back to the
Commission for discussion.
Vice Chair Addington remarked that the Staff has been working very hard on the
item, and the work is greatly appreciated. With regard to the parking issue, Vice
Chair Addington feels that the proposed changes to the Ordinance reflect an RV
friendly City. Vice Chair Addington added that if the proposed Ordinance does pass,
he is in direct violation because of the surface that his recreational vehicle is
currently parked on. Overall, Vice Chair Addington is in favor of the drafted
Commissioner Whitley commented that the Staff has done a good job of re-drafting
the Ordinance. The City Council's desires to make the code uniform to both
motorized and non-motorized vehicles have been met by the Staff, as well as safety
and set-back considerations.
Commissioner Comstock commented that if Mr. Kellum who spoke before the
Commission during public comment should have any concerns with regard to his
neighbor, he should feel free to contact the City Code Enforcement Officer.
Commissioner Comstock also commented that the staff has done a good job of
revising the RV Ordinance as far as the set-back requirements.
Commissioner Bidney remarked that although the Staff has done a good job in re-
writing the RV Ordinance, he is not in approval with the non-motorized vehicles
being allowed to park in front of a residence. Allowing this would invite more parking
of motorized and non-motorized vehicles in front of residences bringing forth
unsightly residences within the community.
Chair Wilson has commented that he is in disagreement with the aesthetics portion
of the Environmental Review, and commented that his vote will reflect his decision.
PC-02-2004 Commissioner Addington made a motion to approve
Z-03-01, E-03-12 to set a Public Hearing before the City
Council with the revised draft Ordinance as presented.
Commissioner Whitley seconded the motion.
PC-02-2004 Approved 3-2-0-0
Chair Wilson Voting No
Commissioner Bidney Voting No
• Information to Commissioners
Outdoor Adventures Center update:
The Specific Plan has been completed and the EIR will be completed and will
be sent out within the next two to three weeks.
Planning Director Koontz reported that Vice Chair Addington advised that he
will be available for the April 15th Public Hearing for the Outdoor Adventures
Zoning Ordinance Revision:
Planning Director Koontz replied that the Planning Staff is currently working
on the Zoning Ordinance. A workshop will be scheduled for the February
Planning Commission meeting. A reformatted draft is being worked on, and
would like input from the Commission to finalize the draft.
Town Square Project:
Planning Director Koontz reported that the city has been contacted by a
developer who is interested in the Town Square Project.
• Information from Commissioners
Chair Wilson asked if the Planning Commission had any influence over the
local animal ordinances in relation to zoning.
Planning Director Koontz reported that the City Council had just approved a
new animal control ordinance within the last 30 days. The City has
contracted with the City of Colton Animal Control-and the City has held their
first animal clinic where licensing, rabies shots and Avid chips were offered at
a very reasonable price to residents.
Commissioner Comstock asked a question with regard to the Traffic
Engineers letter recommending using the SANBAG policy for the city to
mandate as far as 250 cars per peak hour trip on a CMP Arterial. Has their
been any discussion to revise the current policy to possibly using 100 cars
per peak hour on a CMP Arterial?
Planning Director Koontz replied that the entire issue was brought up when
the 69-unit apartment complex was proposed. The letter that was presented
to the Planning Commission is what the traffic engineer had come up with.
Should the developer want to go forward with the Town Square Project, then
a traffic study will need to be done, and some guidelines can be set by the
Commission if they wish. Discussion can be made at one of the next couple
of Planning Commission meetings.
Respectfully Submitted, Approved By,
Gary eoontz�.#fanning Director ou ilson,tliafrman