03/18/2004 A' Community and Economic Development Department CALIFORNIA GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINTUES OF REGULAR MEETING March 18, 2004 The reaular meetina of the Grand Terrace Plannina Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center. 22795 Barton Road. Grand Terrace. California, on March 18. 2004. at 7:01 a.m.. by Chairperson Doua Wilson. PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairman Matthew Addington, Vice Chairperson Brian Whitley, Commissioner Robert Bidney, Commissioner Tom Comstock, Commissioner Gary Koontz, Community Development Director John Lampe, Associate Planner Jeff Gollihar, Planning Technician Michelle Boustedt, CDD Secretary ABSENT: None 7:01 P.M. CONVENE SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOA_ RD/ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING e Pledge of Allegiance led by Vice Chair Addington • Roll Call PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: None ITEMS: 1. SA-03-15, E-03-13 ` Continuation of an Application for a Site and Architecture, and Environmental Review to construct a new single- story, 3,425 square foot custom home with 2,507 square feet of livable space and a 918 square foot 3 car garage, on a .41 acre lot located in the R1-10 Zone (single-family residential minimum 10,000 square feet) with an agricultural overlay. 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • 909/ 824-6621 APPLICANT: Vincent and Joan Vollucci LOCATION: The lot located on the southwest corner of Barton Road and Grand Terrace Road located at 23083 Grand Terrace Road. RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions of approval. Planning Technician Gollihar presented his Staff report. As requested by the Commission, the staff has re-conditioned the item, and are requesting approval of SA-03-15 and Environmental Review 03-13 which was continued from last month's regular meeting. The proposed residence is located on Parcel 3 of Parcel Map 176. It is a .41 acre vacant lot, located on the southwest corner of Barton Road and Grand Terrace ti Road. The lot is located on the General Plan Zone of Low Density Residential, otherwise known as R1-10, Single Family Residential with a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. The lot consists of approximately 17,860 square feet with an Agricultural Overlay. A drainage and preliminary grading plan shows that there was some pre-existing grading that was done. It is Staffs recommendation that the lot be-re-graded. The site plan consists of a three car garage, and the residence adding up to approximately 3,420 square feet. The previous issue with regard to the proposed residence was in reference to the recommendations brought forth by the Building and Safety Department. The Item in question was number 8, in which the Building and Safety Director suggested that the re-grade be done. The other item was the extension of the sidewalk from the Bike Lane Staging area continuing on up Grand Terrace Road in front of the residence. Because there were no future proposals to build sidewalks in the area by the City in the future, the Building and Safety Director removed the item with regard to the extension of the sidewalk. With regard to the landscaping plan between the property of Mr. Lee and Mr. Volucci; it was decided that there will be no trees planted at the rear of the proposed property to keep from blocking the views from Mr. Lee's residence. With the previous month's issues being resolved, staff has found that the proposed residence as presented meets all municipal codes for this application. Planning Technician Gollihar concluded his presentation. Chair Wilson opened up the Public Hearing for comment. Doug Goodman-Civil Engineer Goodman &Associates 22989 Skyview Drive- Colton 2 Mr. Goodman reported that he was very much opposed to the condition with regard to re-grading the existing slopes that are located adjacent to Barton and Grand Terrace Road to make them 2 to 1 slopes. Mr. Goodman states that should the applicant be required to do so, a large portion of what is now usable yard for the Volucci's and could create a situation where the top of the slope would be much too close to the structure. As the plan stands now, a geotechnical engineer has identified that the slopes in the existing condition are stable enough to be left just so. Mr. Goodman added that he had met with the Building & Safety Director in which he was given a couple of options on the re-grade that would bring the slope steeper. Mr. Goodman feels that this is a very unreasonable and unnecessary condition. Chair Wilson replied that should the feature that currently exists at the front of the property, "slope slump" may occur. Should this happen, a liability issue could occur. The code does require that no more than a 2 to 1 slope be used. Mr. Goodman replied that the conceptual landscape plan shows that the slope be planted. The applicant is not proposing to touch the existing slopes, and the slopes have been stable for many years. Mr. Goodman spoke with the geo technical engineer earlier in the afternoon, and he assured Mr. Goodman that he would be willing to provide a letter with regard to the slope issue. Bill Cloud-Architect �y 1574 Elizabeth Street Redlands Mr. Cloud stated that he has lived in the area for 54 years. As far as he could remember, the slope has remained just the way that it is today. The trees that were removed were to provide a very important function to provide shade during the summer months. Vice Chair Addington asked Mr. Cloud that the plans are showing that the view of Mr. Lee's residence will not be blocked, and should the trees be planted, they will grow to a certain height then stop? Mr. Cloud replied that no trees are being proposed to be planted at this point. Commissioner Bidney commented that he does not see why there should be an issue with regard to Mr. Lee's view. If someone were to purchase a piece of land and the proposed home would block the view of the neighbor that is all part of the building business. Mr. Cloud maintained that the view has been worked out between both neighbors. Commissioner Bidney asked in relationship to the grading issue, should a soil engineer comply with the requirements and leaves the slope alone, it would look visually appealing rather than a retaining wall. Chair Wilson closed the Public Hearing and brought the item back to the Commission. 3 Vice Chair Addington had some minor wording and date corrections with regard to the Conditions of Approval. Also, with regard to the Fire Department conditions, the fire department is asking for a hydrant marking. Does the applicant have to bring in ^` a fire line onto the property to get to the rear of the house? Planning Director Koontz replied that the conditions set forth by the fire department are deemed standard. That would be a determination of the fire department. Should the fire department need a fire plug, then the findings would not be considered to be approved on the Staff level. Vice Chair Addington asked with regard to the driveway. At current, it measures as a 5 to 1 slope. Does the City have a code with maximizing the steepness of the driveways? Planning Director Koontz replied that the issue was discussed, and it was found that typically a driveway max is about 15%. If the Fire Department did not have an issue with the driveway slope, then it was not an issue at all. There are some driveways located in Honey Hill Drive that do have the same percentage of driveway grade. Vice Chair Addington asked with regard to the possibility. of installing a six-foot retaining wall rather than leaving the existing slopes up in front of the proposed residence. At current, Vice Chair is in agreement with the Building & Safety Director's recommendation to remove the slope from the public right-of-way. Planning Director Koontz replied that there is a graffiti problem within the City. Should a wall be installed, it may get graffiti. The other issue is that because the slope is in the public right-of-way, some sort of a maintenance agreement between the city and the homeowner that he would ultimately be responsible for the slope. Chair Wilson commented that he was in agreement with Vice Chair Addington's suggestion with regard to an agreement between the city and the land owner that the slope would be the responsibility of the homeowner. Planning Director Koontz replied that he believes that something can be devised by staff to the applicant. Doug Goodman 22789 Skyview Drive Colton Mr. Goodman commented that there has been an existing irrigation system that is a part of the Lee residence. The irrigation system was done in such a way that the swale that is on top of the lot drains through the driveway. This is the same concept that is in mind for the proposed residence. Chair Wilson invited recommendations of the Commission. MOTION PC-05-2004: Commissioner Bidney made a motion to approve SA-03- 15 and E-03-13 as the conditions stand. Chair Wilson seconded the motion. 4 MOTION VOTE: PC-05-2004 Approved 4-1-0-0 Vice Chair Addington voting No ADJOURN SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 7:45 PM CONVENE PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION • Information to Commissioners Planning Director Koontz updated the Planning Commission with regard to the following items: Outdoor Adventures Center Barton Road Bridge - CALTRANS Town Square Project Sav-On De Berry/Reed Street Project: Barney Karger Project initial review Mt. Vernon/Canal Street & Barton Road/Grand Terrace Road Project Rollins Park Zoning Ordinance • Info from Commissioners: De Berry Signal - The Commissioners are very happy with the DeBerry and Mt. Vernon Avenue traffic signal ADJOURN PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION 8:02 NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD ON APRIL 22. 2004 Respectfully Submitted, Approved y, Gary Koontz, �fdnning Director 1-"�Doug Wilson, ChairK n Planning Commission 5