04/15/2004 �— Community and Economic Development Department
April 15, 2004
The regular meetina of the Grand Terrace Planninq Commission was called to
order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road. Grand Terrace.
California. on April 15. 2004. at 7:00 a.m., by Chairuerson Doug Wilson.
PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairman
Matthew Addington, Vice Chairperson
Brian Whitley, Commissioner
Tom Comstock, Commissioner
Gary Koontz, Community Development Director
John Lampe, Associate Planner
Michelle Boustedt, CDD Secretary
ABSENT: Robert Bidney, Commissioner
• .Pledge of Allegiance led by Vice Chair Addington
• Roll Call
1. MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of
February 19, 2004
MOTION PC-06-2004: Vice Chair Addington made a motion to approve the
Planning Commission minutes dated February 19, 2004.
Commissioner Comstock seconded the motion.
22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, Cdlifornia 92313-5295 • 909/ 824-6621
PC-06-2004 Approved 3-0-1-1
Chair Wilson abstain
Commissioner Bidney Absent
2. MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of
March 18, 2004
ACTION: Vice Chair Addington made a motion of Staff to review
the minutes and to list the recommendations, if any,
along with the motion vote for Item Number One prior to
approving the minutes of the meeting.
Commissioner Whitley seconded the motion
Approved 4-0-1-0
Commissioner Bidney Absent
• Information to Commissioners
Workshop Items:
• Possible Variance for a 4-unit apartment building.
Associate . Planner Lampe reported that the workshop item is for a
potential variance for a four unit apartment building.
The parcel is located in the southeasterly corner of the intersection of
Newport Avenue and Grand Terrace Road.
Mr. Shen, a representative of his client has contacted the Planning
Department with regard to building a proposed two story apartment
building with sub-terrainean parking.
The project would consist of four apartments. Each apartment would be
about 1,400 square feet in size with three bedrooms. The subject site
contains slightly more than 9,700 square feet.
The site is located in the R-2 or Low Medium Density Zone in the City.
The maximum density in the R2 Zone is 9 units to the acre.
In addition, there are large areas of R-3 Zoning surrounding the proposed
site. To the east, lies the Grand Barton Mobile Home Park. To the south
of the subject site is the Sycamore Mobile Home Park. The area to the
immediate east of the site is developed with a tri-plex, along with a single
family residence.
The four-plex that is located just to the south of the subject site contains a
density of about 15 units to the acre. The tri-plex to the immediate east of
the site has 17 1/2 units to the acre. The applicant is proposing to obtain
a variance to the R2 density. If the proposed four is divided by the size of
the lot, the overall density averages more than 18 units to the acre, which
is twice than the allowable density for the R-2 Zone. Therefore, the
applicant would have to seek a variance to modify the density of the R-2
Zone, along with the required site and architectural review for the
proposed project.
The applicant has requested a reading from the Planning Commission to
see if the Commission would be willing to entertain a request for such a
variance. Background information has been provided along with the
required findings of the Zoning Code to approve a variance in the staff
It is Staffs recommendation that the Commission reviews the potential for
a variance for the proposed project and indicates if such a variance would
be allowed. Mr. Shen is present and is willing to answer any questions.
Chair Wilson invited Mr. Shen to come forward and speak before the Commission.
Mr. Eric Shen
WD Partners
Mr. Shen introduced himself and thanked the Commission for allowing him
to speak before the Commission.
Despite the request for a variance for the proposed location, Mr. Shen
feels that the project will enhance the overall architectural quality in the
general area. Mr. Shen also feels that should this project be accepted,
that it would conform to the existing tri and four-plex projects surrounding
the site.
Mr. Shen wanted to clarify that a proposed parking garage would be
partially underground and would not be subterranean.
Planning Director Koontz remarked that the area could almost be re-zoned
as R-3 because of the R-3-zoning to the south and R-3 zoning to the east.
If the Commission so desires, the entire area can be re-zoned to R-3.
Commissioner Comstock had a question with regard to the 12 foot
setback that is required by the City. He drove to the site before the
meeting, and does not see how the project would fit with the 12 foot
_ easement setback.
Planning Director Koontz replied that the project would fit within the
required setbacks.
Commissioner Comstock replied that the area does not seem to have
enough space for a yard or common open area.
Planning Director Koontz replied that the issue with regard to yard space
- would have to come up if and when the architectural review process goes
before the Commission. At this point, all the Staff is interested in is if the
Commission would be willing to entertain such project in the area.
Chair Wilson asked if the project would be for rentals or for sales.
Mr. Eric Shen
WD Partners
Mr. Shen replied that two units would be for rent, and two units would be
occupied by family members.
Vice Chair Addington commented that he did not have any objections with
regard to the density of the proposed project.
Commissioner Comstock commented that he would not speak for or
against the project, and would not mind seeing the project go before the
Commissioner Whitley asked how many units would be allowed at an R-3
Planning Director Koontz replied that it would be a maximum of 16 units to
the acre.
Commissioner Whitley asked if the entire section were to be re-zoned to
R-3 would it assist the City in their efforts with the State required housing
Planning Director Koontz replied that if the City can show that it can offer
additional higher density affordable type housing, it can benefit the
Housing Element. Should the project move forward, the Staff would have
to make a finding that this is a unique situation that would allow this type
of density? The City Attorney would also have to be involved to make
sure that the City would be taking the required steps for the project.
Commissioner Comstock asked Mr. Shen if any of the neighbors have
been approached with regard to the project.
Mr. Shen replied that his clients would like to get feedback from the
Commission prior to approaching the surrounding property owners. Mr.
Shen also remarked that when he was doing his initial assessment of the
site, the owner of the two-story residence across the street had
approached him and asked what he intended to do with the site. The
property owner's response was positive, and he felt that it would enhance
the value of his home.
Commissioner Comstock remarked that if a zone change were to be
executed, it would make the process of approving this project in the future
a lot simpler.
Chair Wilson concurred with Commissioner Comstock's comments.
• Briefing on the "First Draft" of the City's Zoning Code (Title 18 of the
Municipal Code).
Planning Director Koontz reported that Associate Planner Lampe has
gone through the comments and directions from the Commission with
regard to changing some of the key issues and will continue to work on
the Zoning Code.
Associate Planner Lampe reported that this is the first draft of the Staffs
effort to update the current Zoning Code. A list of potential revisions and
deletions was presented to the Commission at the meeting in February
with the purpose of updating the code, making it easier for everyone
including the public, staff, Commission and Council to work with.
The purpose of this workshop is to bring to the Commission's attention to
the fact that the update to the Zoning Code is currently being worked on;
and it is Staffs intention to refine the document over the next couple of
months to prepare it for the Public Hearing process. The final draft will be
presented to both the Commission and the City Council.
Additional definitions will be added to the code as it is worked on. A
definition was added with regard to the Recreational Vehicle Ordinance.
An R-3.20 Zone was added to the Zoning Code to assist the City to:
meeting its housing allocation as called for by the Housing Element.
The Zoning Code was found to be deficient in not possessing a Planned
Unit Development provision. Standards have been added for multi-family
development relative to maximum percentage for open space and building
coverage or setbacks. Additional standards for multi-family projects were
incorporated and added into the Code.
Various provisions for the City's commercial and industrial zones for the
permitted and conditional uses are listed in a proposed land use matrix.
The matrix is proposed for the City's commercial and industrial zones for
ease of use and to determine what types of uses can be designated in
each area. The matrix will be reviewed and refined within the next couple
of months.
Much of the City on the west side is over 50% slope. An Open Space
Element was approved by the City about four years ago. The revised
code is proposing a hillside management overlay district, which would be
applied as an overlay over the existing zoning and would mean that any
project would have to conform to the development standards and
regulations proposed under the hillside management district.
Chair Wilson asked Associate Planner Lampe a question with regard to
this particular item. He felt that this would be a good idea to have this type
of an overlay. Some type of a prominent features map would also have to
be utilized to make areas blend in properly. For instance, the recent
construction of the Lintern Residence might have been more acceptable
had the residence blended into the niche of the hill rather than on the top
of it. A simple primary and secondary ridge line preservation map should
be utilized for the ease of staff and of the general public.
Associate Planner Lampe thanked Chair Wilson and was glad to hear his
suggestion of utilizing a prominent features map for the proposed overlay.
New provisions have been included in the recreational vehicle ordinance
which the Commission considered earlier this year and was adopted by
the City Council. The Ordinance will become effective in just a couple of
Modifications to standards are being proposed to include provisions for
compact parking. A requirement has also been added to the landscaping
standards for parking lots to provide some minimum shading requirements
as suggested by one of the members of the Commission. This will greatly
improve the appearance of the City's parking lots.
The Site and Architectural Review chapter has been reviewed with the
idea to make it easier to both administer and interpret and try to get.rid of
redundant and arcane language.
The manufactured housing provisions have also been modified to conform
to State law.
It has been discussed that certain items need to be codified so that it can
be easily shown to both citizens and developers what they can and cannot
do with their property, such as development standards for drive-thrus,
appropriate driveway approach widths, and specification for chain link
fencing, mini-warehouses, overhead decks and balconies. Sun rooms
patio covers and other enclosures have also been included. New
swimming pool enclosure standards have also bee added to conform to
state law.
Planning Director Koontz reported that Code Enforcement is having
problems with some of the larger rural lots and the operation of off-road
motorcycles on home made race courses. At this point, the City must
come up with some sort of regulation with regard to noise effecting
neighbors, and their use on private property.
A new chapter has also been added with regard to a new landscape
ordinance. Amongst many stipulations, landscaping plans for major
projects must be prepared by a licensed landscape architect.
' Chair Wilson wanted to add that it should state that the landscape plans
can also be prepared by a licensed contractor with a C Class license
should also be allowed to prepare such plans.
Associate Planner Lampe also reported that several matters in the code
have been turned over to the City Attorney. The City Attorney was also
asked if it would be possible to modify or eliminate the amortization
schedule for non-conforming uses. Currently, there is a provision in the
non-conforming portion of the code which states that there is only so much
time to use a non-conforming use and then use must be removed.
Commissioner Whitley asked with regard to the Adult Entertainment
Ordinance, were there any allowed locations within the City in which those
types of business are permitted?
Associate Planner Lampe replied that there are areas west of the freeway,
which could accommodate "adult" uses. In addition, another one of the
areas that would have been considered zoned for such businesses is now
the site for the proposed high school.
The existing Home Occupation Ordinance was also revisited and has
been incorporated into the zoning code.
Lastly, some provisions have been added to the enforcement section of
the code to strengthen the City's ability to deal with code enforcement
Chair Wilson thanked Associate Planner Lampe for all of his efforts to
work on the items.
Vice Chair Addington asked what is the derivation of the five percent slope
to meet the set-back requirements for a usable pad?
Associate Planner Lampe replied that he could not find a ready source for
this definition other than the existing Zoning Code for the City in which it
talks about any site containing slopes must meet the setback
requirements of the.underlying zone to the toe or top of any slope 5% or
greater on the site.
Vice Chair Addington liked the comment, but thought it would be best that
it would be best to double check the code.
Planning Director Koontz replied that a lot of research was performed with
regard to taking a look at other City Municipal Codes. Some of the
language was borrowed from some of those codes.
Vice Chair Addington asked if gross site area was defined under site
Associate Planner Lampe replied that it was not defined, but Staff would
give additional consideration to the definition to the definition of gross site
Vice Chair Addington remarked with regard to the drive-thru ordinance.
When six vehicles are cued into a driving aisle and a site is extremely
small, there will be a problem with the drive-thru and the parking aisles, in
which the drive-thru customers will be blocking the parking stalls.
Vice Chair Addington made a suggestion with regard to the driveway
approach widths. A minimum width of 15 feet for a one way driveway, and
24 feet for a two-way driveway, would work for a lower a.d.t. volume
street. But on the streets that have more traffic such as Barton and Mt.
Vernon Roads, he suggested 30 feet.
Planning Director Koontz replied that this ordinance is for a minimum
width. If he so desires, the staff could actually change the minimum
Vice Chair Addington wanted clarification with regard to Home Occupation
Permits. He has been told in the past that if one person were to have a
business out of their home, an accountant would not be allowed to work
on a business owner's taxes once per year.
Planning Director Koontz replied that when a business owner has
customers coming in on a daily basis, then the city would have a problem
with it. But if someone such as an accountant were to come into the
business owner's home to work on their annual taxes, then it should not
be considered a problem.
Planning Director Koontz pointed out an additional item. An issue of home
based day care has come up recently where many of the home child care
facilities are in violation. A large child care agency is allowed to have up
to 14 children, whereas, a small child care is allowed up to 8 children..
There are some home child care businesses that have a permit from the
State, but only have about 6 to 7 children. If anyone would want to have a
large home day care facility, then a Conditional Use Permit should be filed
with the City.
Planning Director Koontz reported that a request may be coming before
the Commission with regard to consideration for a senior citizen housing
Commissioner Comstock felt that the requirement for shower facilities for
some of the industrial type of uses is unsettling, along with the provision of
on-site video conferencing for office uses with 1,000+ employees.
Associate Planner Lampe replied that this section of the code came from
another portion of the Municipal code related to the trip reduction
ordinance which was adopted by the City a few years ago.
Commissioner Whitley remarked with regard to Item Seven on the list, the
compact car parking allowance. He is not in favor of it because whether a
person has a compact car or not, they go ahead and park in that space
Planning Director Koontz replied that the compact car space can be
shortened that way larger vehicles cannot park in that area.
Chair Wilson appreciated the efforts of the Staff with regard to the re-draft
of the zoning ordinance.
• City Project Updates
Planning Director Koontz reported that the Outdoor Adventures Center is
moving forward. The CEQA review process will end on April 22, 2004. A
letter of support was received from SCAG. A special Planning
Commission meeting will be held on May 6, with a Power Point
presentation and the project will be reviewed in detail.
The Town Square Project is also moving forward. It is expected that a
Site and Architectural Review will be submitted within the next six months.
Miguel Jr.'s will be a part of the project.
The Rollins Park lawn has been planted. The fields are being completed
and the fields should be planted in early May.
The Mount Vernon Avenue and Canal Street improvements are on
schedule. Edison has been requested to move the power poles in the
• Information from Commissioners
- None
Respectfully Submitted, Approved By,
L-yn -,,j e,7�o J
Gary Kdontz, Ph ning Director Doug Wilson, Chairman(
Planning Commission