10/21/2004 C,1 T y
GRAND TERR CE Community and Economic Development
October 21, 2004
The reaular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to
order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace,
California, on October 21. 2004, at 7:00 p.m.,-by Chairperson Douq Wilson.
PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairperson
Matthew Addington, Vice Chairperson
Brian Whitley, Commissioner
Robert Bidney, Commissioner
Tom Comstock, Commissioner
Gary Koontz, Community-Development Director
John Lampe, Associate Planner
Jeff Gollihar, Planning Technician
Michelle Boustedt, Planning Secretary
• Pledge of Allegiance led by Chair Wilson
• Roll Call
1. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of August 19,
MOTION PC-25-2004: Vice Chair Addington made a motion to approve the minutes
of August 19, 2004.
Commissioner Comstock Seconded the motion
PC-25-2004 Approved 5-0-0-0
22795 Barton Road• Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • (909) 824-6621
2. SA-04-15, E-04-08 Application for a Site and Architectural and Environmental
Review to construct a single story 5,567 square foot custom
- home consisting of 4,741 square feet of livable space and an
826 square foot three car garage on a .79 acre lot located on
the R1-20 Zone Single Family Residential (20,000 square
feet with an Agricultural Overlay.)
APPLICANT: Samir Musharbash
LOCATION: Assessors Parcel Number 1167-041-01, a vacant lot located
on the southeastern corner of Rosedale Avenue and Palm
RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing; receive the staff report and
testimony. Close the Public Hearing and Approve SA-04-15,
and E-04-08 with Conditions.
Planning Technician Gollihar greeted the Commission and presented his staff report.
The Staff is requesting approval of Site and Architectural and Environmental Review to
construct a new single story 5,567 square foot custom home on a .79 acre lot. The Site
and the surrounding area of Assessor's Parcel Number 1167-041-01 is a vacant lot
located to the southeast intersection of Rosedale and Palm.
Directly to the southeast and northwest corner of Palm and Rosedale, the lots are
20,000 square foot minimum sized lots. To the southwest corner of Palm and
Rosedale, in the City of Colton, the minimum lot sizes are at 10,000 square feet. The
- site being presented is on a citrus grove that contains over 70 dying or dead citrus trees
that have recently been removed.
The subject site is located in the Low Density Residential Category and is Zoned R1-20
with an Agricultural Overlay. Approximate coverage for the proposed residence will be
at 16%, which is well within the 50% maximum coverage allowed in the R1-10 Zoning
The landscape plan shows a sufficient amount of landscaping for the front and side
yard. A final landscape plan will be required and approved by the Planning Director for
issuance of building permits.
The proposed house will be a single story residence with a floor plan consisting of five
bedrooms, four and a half bathrooms, a family room, and living room, a kitchen with a
nook, dining room, a storage room, a laundry room and 445 square feet of covered
patios; and an attached 3 car garage.
The lot is a vacant lot that slopes downward from the front or westerly portion of the
property to the rear or the easterly portion of the property. All water will drain away from
the house at a 2% slope. The land will be contoured to flow to a drain in the rear of the
property where the water will then be directed to the gutter.
Planning Technician Gollihar concluded his staff report.
Chair Wilson asked if the suggested condition of grading and improved drainage
easement currently a required code of all applicants?
Planning Director Koontz .replied that the Staff feels that it should be added in to this
' application to point it out.
Chair Wilson opened the Public Hearing and asked the Applicant to speak.
Samir Musharbash
1007 East Palmdale
Mr. Musharbash has a concern with regard to the condition that was set by the
Department of Building and Safety for a requirement of two street lights. He does not
feel that he should be installing two street lights rather than one street light in the front
of his property.
Chair Wilson asked Staff if they could clarify why the applicant would be required of two
street lights rather than one.
Planning Technician Gollihar replied that the requirement came from Jerry Glander, the
Public Works Director; and at this time, the Staff is unaware why he required two street
Vice Chair Addington added that the only reason that he might see why the Public
Works Director made that requirement was because of the location of the Applicant's
home which will be situated on a corner. Whereas one street light would be required for
each street that the house is located on: one at Rosedale, and one at Palm.
Chair Wilson asked Staff to look into the requirement and amend the condition to
whatever is required through the City.
Planning Director Koontz replied that Staff will work with the Public Works Director to
determine what the appropriate distance is per street light.
Samir Musharbash
1007 East Palmdale
Mr. Musharbash reported that there is already an existing street light across the street
from his property that belongs to the City of Colton.
Chair Wilson explained that the Staff has been directed to work with the Public Works
Director to review the City's current street light plans to remedy the issue.
Vice.Chair Addington asked the Applicant with regard to the Condition of the property
requirement of draining 2% to the street, is the applicant aware that he may have to
bring 4 feet of dirt onto .the property. Also, the grading plan that was submitted by Mr.
Musharbash's engineer is incorrect, and was he aware of that as well?
Mr. Musharbash apologized and informed the Commission that he will speak to his
engineer about the submitted grading plan.
Chair Wilson closed the Public Hearing.
Vice Chair Addington asked Staff with regard to Item Number 16 of the. Conditions of
Approval regarding the NPDES requirements. The last sentence reads that the site will
- need an NPDES permit from the County. Is this because the property is less than one
acre or is this because the structure is over 5,000 square feet?
Planning Technician Gollihar replied that the Condition was set forth because the
property is over 5,000 square feet.
MOTION PC-26-2004: Vice Chair Addington made a motion that based upon
the inconsistencies of the NPDES Requirements and the
incorrectly submitted Grading Plan, he would move for
continuance of SA-04-15, and E-04-08 to the next regularly
scheduled Planning Commission meeting to have the items
addressed along with the street light issue.
Commissioner Whitley seconded the motion.
PC-26-2004: Approved 3-2-0-0
Chair Wilson Voting No
Commissioner Comstock Voting No
• Information to Commissioners
Workshop Item Number 1
2nd Draft of the City's Zoning Code
Associate Planner Lampe presented the third public workshop with updates and
revisions to the City's Zoning Code. A portion of the background of the information that
is being provided to the Commission was the Staff Reports that were supplied at prior
The first workshop was held in February of 2004, and the second workshop was held in
April. In April of this year, the first draft was provided to the Commission. The second
draft is being proposed for the Commission's comments and suggestions.
Eight points were added in to the second draft and are as follows:
Definition of Lot Coverage
• Definition of Usable Pad
' . Hillside Management
Removal of Sheep Grazing language
Requirement of wider driveways on a case by case basis
Required length of parking spaces
Off road vehicles and their uses
Permit Processing for home daycare facilities
Home Occupation Permit Process
Sign Ordinance
Should the Planning Department approve the draft this evening, the Staff will then
prepare the draft for various departments and agencies for review and comment. The
required environmental documentation will then be prepared as required under CEQA
and then on to the City Council. A public hearing is being planned for the final draft of
City's Zoning Code for January, should the Commission approve what is being
presented at this meeting.
Associate Planner Lampe concluded his report.
Chair Wilson asked if the CEQA documentation can be done in house to satisfy CEQA's
Associate Planner Lampe replied that it can be done in house and would probably be
the simplest way to do it.
Planning Director Koontz reported that other agencies that have recently revised their
Zoning Ordinance will be contacted to see what type of approaches they used to create
the final document.
Commissioner Comstock had a question with regard to the Planned Unit Development
section of the Draft. With regard to the hillside requirements, it seems that the structure
height seems a bit high as far as 42 feet in height.
Associate Planner Lampe replied that the current R-1 Zone has a limitation of 35 feet.
This document will provide for more flexibility to have buildings that may fit the terrain a
little better. A higher structure in this particular section would be allowed and only in this
Commissioner Comstock asked if one were to build into a side of a mountain, they
would have to build up?
Planning Director Koontz made a case in point with Dr. McDuffy's property which is
surrounded by the Highlands Apartments. The rear half of the parcel slopes down.
That type of a parcel may be conducive to terracing something down a hill. It is Staffs
wish to give flexibility of design to a builder.
The general consensus of the Planning Commission was for Staff to move forward to
circulate the second draft as presented.
Workshop Item Number 2
New Monument Sign for Potomac West Shopping Center
The owner of the Potomac West Shopping Center on the northwest corner of Barton
and Canal Street has approached the City about constructing a new monument sign on
the corner of Barton and Canal. Currently, there is an existing monument sign that
measures roughly 5 feet by 11 feet.
The existing sign is weather beaten and does not serve the advertising or signage
needs of this particular commercial center. The actual signage portion will measure 60
square feet which is in conformance with the Zoning Code. However, the overall height
Will be 10 and half feet where the Code requires that the maximum height of the sign be
only 8 feet.
Section 1880.100k of the Zoning Code does allow the Planning Commission to modify
any sign standards that they feel are reasonable. The applicant is asking for
concurrence on the part of the Planning Commission to allow for this sign to be 10 and
a half feet rather than the required 8 feet per the Zoning Code.
There are an average of 10 tenants in the commercial center, including the building that
was divided up into four suites that occupies La Pasta Italia and three other businesses.
Because of the division of that building, the signage needs are not currently met.
This particular center has sign`violations in the form of "A" frame signs, illegal banners
and excessive window signs. Most of the businesses have been cooperative with the
City and have cut back on the illegal signage.
The proposed sign will have a base made with river rock with support columns and will
hopefully alleviate the illegal signage that often occurs at this shopping center. It is
Staffs opinion that the allowance of the 10 and half feet would be appropriate to meet
the centers signage needs.
The Staff will make certain that the proposed sign will not be located in the public right-
of-way and will have a planted base four times the size of the sign and it will also be
reviewed by the City Traffic Engineer to assure that there will be no line of sight
Associate Planner Lampe concluded his Staff report.
Chair Wilson wanted Associate Planner Lampe to name the violator for the "A" frame
Associate Planner Lampe replied that there are a couple of violators in the shopping
center. One of the violators is the Terrace Book business, but she has been
cooperating with the City along with the Nail Shop business owner as well. Pasta Italia
has put up signage because they do not have a space to put up signage for their
Chair Wilson asked if there was some type of consensus from the business owners of
that shopping center who will comply and adhere to the Sign Ordinance if this sign that
is presented is approved by the Planning Commission.
Associate Planner Lampe replied that the Code Enforcement Department has sent out
letters Citywide with regard to the Sign Ordinance, and if they should not comply, they
would be subject to a fine. Most of the businesses have complied since the letter has
come out.
Vice Chair Addington wanted to make sure that the Traffic Engineer does review the
proposed sign.
Planning Director Koontz replied that the Staff has been working closely with the sign
company on the sign to make sure that it will be acceptable for the City.
Commissioner Comstock noticed that The Brook Calvary Chapel has been putting up
banners on Saturday and Sundays along with "A" frame type signs throughout the
community. Since they do not have a permanent chapel, what will happen with them?
Associate Planner Lampe replied that the signs are off site signs and will not be allowed
per the existing Code. At current the City is aware of their banners signs, and are
working with them.
Chair Wilson suggested that their signs can be placed under the special events signage
Planning Director Koontz replied that a provision may be added for special event
signage for houses of worship, or special events on the weekends.
Commissioner Whitley asked with regard to the overall height of the monument sign will
- be from the ground elevation, when the planter box is installed, will it make the sign
become higher. Commissioner Whitley also suggested that if Staff were to devise a
type of requirement such as what was used for the Chevron Sign where a visual effect
of a planter may make the sign look less tall than what is being proposed.
Associate Planner Lampe replied that he does not think the sign will be higher than 10
foot in height.
The Planning Commission concurred that the proposed sign is acceptable for the
shopping center.
• Information from Commissioners
Respectfully Submitted, 7Appro
oontz- PYnnin Director Doug Wilson Chairman
Gary g g ,
Planning Commission