11/18/2004 Community and Economic Development Department GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINTUES OF REGULAR MEETING CALIFORNIA November 18, 2004 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planninq Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road. Grand Terrace, California. on November 18. 2004, at 7:00 p.m.. by Chairperson Doug Wilson. PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Chairperson Matthew Addington, Vice Chairperson Robert Bidney, Commissioner Tom Comstock, Commissioner Gary Koontz, Community Development Director John Lampe, Associate Planner Jeff Gollihar, Planning Technician Michelle Boustedt, Planning Secretary ABSENT: Brian Whitley, Commissioner 7:00 P.M. CONVENE SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING • Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Bidney • Roll Call PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: NONE ITEMS: 1. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of October 21, 2004 MOTION PC-27-2004: Vice Chair Addington made a motion to approve the minutes of October 21, 2004. Commissioner Bidney Seconded the motion MOTION VOTE PC-27-2004: Approved 4-0-0-1 Commissioner Whitley Absent 2. SA-04-15, E-04-08 Continuation of Application for a Site and Architectural and ,r- Environmental Review to construct a single story 5,567 square foot custom home consisting of 4,741 square feet of livable space and an 826 square foot three car garage on a .79 acre lot located on the R1-20 Zone Single Family Residential (20,000 square feet with an Agricultural Overlay.) 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, Califol nia 92313-5295 • 909/ 824-6621 APPLICANT: Samir Musharbash LOCATION: Assessors Parcel Number' 1167-041-01, a vacant lot located on the southeastern corner of Rosedale Avenue and Palm Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing; receive the staff report and testimony. Close the Public Hearing and Approve SA-04-15, and E-04-08 with Conditions. Planning Technician Gollihar greeted the Commission and presented his Staff Report. At the previous months meeting, the Staff had presented the proposed residence. It was the.Commission's decision to continue the item on the basis of three reasons. With regard to Condition Number 7, it was suggested by the Building and Safety Director that the Applicant was to install two street lights. The revised Condition now reads that the Applicant would be required to install one street light rather than two. The Preliminary Grading Plan has been revised and resubmitted as well as an NPDES storm water prevention plan that has been submitted. Planning Technician Gollihar concluded that the revised application for SA-04-15 and E- 04-08 is in compliance with the Municipal Code and meets all the findings in the Zoning Code regarding the proposed residence. Chair Wilson opened the Public Hearing and asked the Applicant to speak. Samir Musharbash 1007 East Palmdale-Azusa Mr. Musharbash reported that he spoke to Planning Technician Gollihar, in which he felt that everything should be approved. He is planning to start building his residence in January of 2005. Chair Wilson asked the Applicant if he had any objections to any of the Conditions that have been presented before the Commission. Mr. Musharbash replied that with regard to the street light requirement, he would be more than happy to furnish the street light. Vice Chair Addington asked the Applicant 'if a licensed engineer had been hired to submit his grading plan for the proposed residence. Mr. Musharbash replied that his engineer was licensed. Chair Wilson closed the Public Hearing. MOTION PC-28-2004: Commissioner Comstock made a motion to approve SA-04- _ 15, and E-04-08. Commissioner Bidney seconded the motion. 2 MOTION VOTE PC-28-2004: Approved 3-1-1-0 Vice Chair Addington Voting No Commissioner Whitley Absent i Planning Director Koontz assured Vice Chair Addington that his concerns with regard to the grading issue will be looked at closely, and Staff will make every effort to work with the Applicant on it. 3. TPM-04-03/E-04-07 Applications for a Tentative Parcel Map and Environmental Review to subdivide Assessor's Parcel 276-421-06 into four parcels. The site is Zoned R1-20 (single family residential minimum 20,000 square feet) with an (AG) Agricultural Overlay. APPLICANT: A &A Surveying and Mapping LOCATION: 22595 Grand Terrace Road, APN: 276-421-06, on a 2.65 acre lot at the southwest corner of the intersection of Grand Terrace Road and Vista Grande Road in Grand Terrace, CA. RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing,. receive testimony and close the public hearing and approve subject to conditions. Planning Technician Gollihar presented his Staff Report. The Applicant, A & A Surveying and Mapping, is requesting approval of the Tentative Parcel Map Number 16831 to subdivide the subject site into four R1-20 (Single Family Residential, minimum 20,000 square foot) parcels. The subject area is a 2.65 acre lot which is Zoned R1-20 (Single Family Residential with a minimum 20,000 square feet). To the east and north of the subject site, the Zoning is R1-20. To the west and south of the subject site, is Zoned R1-10 (Single Family Residential with a minimum of 10,000 square feet). Within a 600 foot radius, there are 61 lots that average..84 acres. There are 5 large lots within the 600 foot radius that average 2.83 acres. 'The remaining 56 lots average .67 acres per lot, which is consistent with the lot size of the new parcels. There are also 56 homes within the 600 foot-radius with one home ranging over 4,000 square feet, two under 1,500 square feet, 20 homes ranging from 2,000 square feet and 36 homes averaging over 2,000 square feet. The subject site is located in the LDR (Low Density Residential) category of the General Plan. It is zoned R1-20 (Single Family Residential - minimum 20,000 square feet), with an agricultural overlay (AG). The proposed subdivision is consistent with both the City's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The surrounding area is also.located in the "LDR" category of the General Plan and is also zoned R1-10 and R1-20 with an agricultural overlay (AG). The proposed subdivision is for a single parcel to be split into four parcels. Parcel Number 1 is 20,789 square feet or 0.48 acres. Parcel Number 2 is 27,656 square feet, or 0.63 acres. Parcel Number 3 is 31,544 square feet or 0.72 acres. Lastly, Parcel Number 4 is 28,920 square feet or 0.66 acres. 3 The proposed parcel split is Categorically Exempt per the California Environmental Quality Act, Article 19, Section 15313, and Class 15'- Minor Land Division of four or fewer parcels. This application has an unresolved issue with regard to an existing easement. Parcel Number one contains a 100 foot easement which divides the parcel into two small usable pads. This in turn makes each pad difficult to build upon and restricts future development that would be consistent with the surrounding developments. Therefore, Staff is presently in agreement with the City Engineer's recommendation that Parcel Number 1 remain a portion of Parcel Number 2. Planning Technician Gollihar concluded his Staff Report. Chair Wilson opened up the Public Hearing. The Applicant and the Engineers were not present to speak. Chair Wilson closed the Public Hearing. Vice Chair Addington asked if the application was for three or four lots. Planning Technician Gollihar replied that the application was for four lots, but if the Commission so wished; the application can be made for three lots instead. Vice Chair Addington asked if parcels three and four of the lots would be considered for custom lots or would the pads be custom graded. Planning Technician Gollihar replied that the pads would be graded when new homes are proposed to be built on those lots. Vice Chair Addington asked if the Developer had a strategy on dealing with the NPDES issues that may be involved'. Planning Technician Gollihar replied that at this time, there was no discussion With regard to NPDES issues. Commissioner Bidney asked if the Application was to be approved for four lots, or three lots. Planning Director Koontz replied'that if the Commission so wishes to make a motion subject to the Conditions as written, it would be for three lots. Should the Commission wish to have four lots on the property, Condition Number One Would need to be deleted. Chair Wilson asked if the City has legal access to the fourth parcel, considered the fact that it is cut by a one hundred foot easement. Planning Director Koontz replied that either of the usable pieces of the property do have direct access on to a public street. The problem is that they are divided by a large area that cannot be developed. The Applicant has been asked to show where a house pad can be placed on the piece of property. How the residence may be accessed may be an entirely different issue. 4 Chair Wilson felt that it would be wise to know whether there will be adequate access to the pad to allow for the split of the lot into four lots. Planning Director Koontz replied that the Metropolitan Water District will allow private access over their rights of way. There are cases in,Grand Terrace whereas there are private drives over their easement, but a building cannot be built over their easement. The Application process must be followed with the Metropolitan Water District prior to building. Chair Wilson asked if the'Applicant was open to have three lots made on that parcel instead of four. Planning Technician Gollihar replied that it was discussed, and the Applicant's wishes were to obtain four lots rather than three. Planning Technician Gollihar forewarned the Applicant that it may be the decision of the Commission to only have the lot split into three parcels. MOTION PC-29-2004: Vice Chair Addington made a Motion to Continue TPM-04-03 and E-04-07 to address the legal access to the property along with resubmission of a proposed parcel map showing three parcels on it. The third issue to show physical to Parcel Numbers 3 and 4. Also, how the Applicant will handle the post construction BMP's for the project. Chair Wilson seconded the motion. MOTION VOTE PC-29-2004: Approved 4-0-1-0 Commissioner Whitley absent 4. SA-04-16/SA-04-17 TTM-04-04/E-04-09: The project will consist of a total of 42 condominium units to be sold to individual home buyers. The project will consist of attached type town homes in fourteen residential buildings. It will be developed as a condominium type of subdivision. A Tentative Tract (TTM-04-04, County No. 17264) has been filed for this development as it is a condominium project. There will be two models, each of about 1,500 square feet with a two car garage. Each unit will .have three bedrooms and two and one half baths. The townhouses will be two stories in height, and the,project will be secured with security gates and fencing. It will also have recreational facilities that include a swimming pool,, Jacuzzi and play areas for children. (The development plans are available for public review at City Hall.) APPLICANT: Syed Raza Associates (Architect) on behalf of Grand Canal, LLC. 5 LOCATION: Approximately 3.6 acres, presently developed with two residential structures and citrus groves, located on the east side of Canal Street, approximately 350 north of the _ intersection of McClaren Street/Terrace Pines Drive and Canal Street (Street address is 11993 Canal Street). RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing, receive the Staff Report and testimony, close . the Public Hearing and Approve the Resolution calling for the approval of SA-04-16, SA-04-17 and E-04-09 and recommend to the City Council the Approval of TTM-04-04 supported by the required findings and subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval. Associate Planner Lampe greeted the Commission and presented his Staff Report. The Applicant is requesting approval to construct 42 Condominium Townhomes on 3.6 acres located immediately east of Canal Street and the 50 foot wide Gage Canal right-of-way north of McClaren and Terrace Pines intersection on Canal Street. The frontage along Gage Canal is about 450 feet. The maximum average depth is 550 feet. The notice indicates that the site is located 350 feet north of the intersection of McClaren Street. The surrounding area is developed as the Highland's Apartments to the north of the subject site. There is a private remedial school site in one location to the east and also the Terrace Pines Condominiums to the south of location. The density of the apartment project to the north which is approved by a Specific Plan is about..17 units to the acre. The density of the project to south is about 12 units to the acre. The proposal of the this project which is Zoned R-3 is 11.8 units to the acre. The Zoning in the area to the west is R1 Single Family on the west side of Canal Street. Along McClaren Street there are developed duplexes in the area.in an R2 Zone. Under the City's Subdivision and State Map Act, it is subject to a requirement that a Tentative Map be-filed. Canal Street is designated as a local collector on the Circulation Element of the General Plan. Because of its proximity or adjacent location to the Gage Canal, it has a modified width of 50 feet from a local collector street standard of 60 feet. The Gage Canal does have a right of way of 50 feet; this information was obtained by the City of Riverside Public Works Department. ' The recommendation from the Building and Safety/Public Works Department indicates that they would like for the storm drainage to run to the south down to Barton Road due to the greater capacity of that storm drain to flow on to Barton_Road. The applicant's engineer has indicated that they would be more than willing to work with the Building and Safety Department on this. An application has been filed with a site plan consisting of fourteen different residential buildings consisting of two to four units per building. Each building will be constructed in a typical townhouse type of configuration. All buildings will consist of two stories in height. The interior access will be provided by 24 foot wide driveways. A 25 foot wide driveway will be the main entrance and exit off of Canal Street. The Condominiums will 6 be electronically gated and at the northerly end of site there will be a fire department access only gate. The project does conform to the setback requirements of the R3 Zone. There is a 25 foot setback along the frontage of the Gage Canal right-of-way. The Applicant has made a modification at the easterly area of the property line, whereas, the rear yard has been set back to 16 feet, which can be granted by the prerogative of the Planning Director. This modification will allow for adequate back up distance for the parking in front of the garages and will allow for the project to be developed under the density that is allowed by the Zone. The parking provided for the project will consist of a two car covered garage for each unit, and two open parking spaces on the front of each garage. A total of four parking spaces, plus twelve guest parking spaces that will be located in various locations throughout the site for the convenience of visiting guests. The fencing will consist of block walls along the northerly, easterly and southerly portions of the site. At this time there is an existing block wall along the southerly side next to the existing Terrace Pines condominium project. The site plan shows that there will be recreational amenities consisting of a pool area in the central portion of the site along with a Jacuzzi and covered gazebos along with a tot lot. Two floor plans are being introduced for the project. Building Type A consists of 1,483 square feet. A ground floor consisting of garage, living room, dining room, kitchen and a 1/2 bath. The second floor will consist of the master bedroom with two bedrooms and two full baths. Plan B, the larger unit will contain 1,536 square feet with a similar floor plan as Type A. The elevations submitted show the front, side and rear of the architectural style of the project, reflecting a contemporary design with emphasis on articulation to break up the massing of the buildings together with extensive use of earth tone colors for roof, stucco, wood siding, trim and window shutters. The Staff feels that this is an attractive development which will be complementary to the existing multi-family apartments to the north and Terrace Pines Town homes to the south of the site. The Applicant has submitted a preliminary landscape plan. The Staff has suggested that a requirement be added to the condition on the landscaping that the accent trees or canopy trees be at least 24" box in size. A detailed landscaping plan around the pool area was also submitted. A tentative map has been.filed for this project. The map shows a total of 42 individual residential lots averaging 1,750 square feet in size. In addition, there are 17 common area lots that consist of recreational and open space areas. The City of Riverside submitted comments with regard to this condominium project in which their right of way is 50 feet in width and they have the underlying fee title. Staff is - recommending that as part of conditions of approval that the final map be drawn to show the correct width of the Gage Canal right of way. When the street is improved with the required curb and gutter, there will be an eight foot construction easement that will run along the westerly part of the Gage Canal right of way where the street 7 improvements will be constructed. We will also require that Two telephone poles moved to beyond the curbline. A.conceptual grading plan was also submitted showing the overall fall and grade of the site flows through the front of site. In compliance with the Commission's policy with regard to residential projects such as this one, the Applicant has prepared an NPDES Compliance Study, showing how the project would comply with NPDES requirements. Associate Planner Lampe concluded that the Staff does make the recommendation that the Planning Commission approve the 42 unit development, with appropriate findings and recommendations as presented in the staff report. Chair Wilson opened up the Public Hearing. Syed Raza-Architect Syed Raza,Associates 12600 Central Avenue - Chino Mr. Raza stated that he was the architect that prepared the plans for the project, and was happy to answer any questions that the Commission may have. Vice Chair Addington asked if there will be grading or retaining walls along the northerly portion of the project Mr. Raza replied that the plan is to follow the grade of the project. Chair Wilson asked if the fire department had reviewed the plans with regard to the 25 foot road width within the project. Mr. Raza replied that the Planning Departments standards were used. Using the 25 foot width will allow for driveways with adequate depth in front of each residential project. Associate Planner Lampe replied that a set of plans were submitted to the fire department, and the Doug Crawford, the plan checker replied that 24 foot would be acceptable if posted for no parking. Vice Chair Addington asked the Applicant if a parking analysis had been done for the project. Mr. Raza replied that 12 extra parking spaces were provided, and that was about the extent of the analysis. Commissioner Comstock had a question with regard to the storage of each resident's trash containers. It seems that there is not enough room for a homeowner to store their trash containers other than inside of the garage which may be undesirable. If a homeowner were to put their rather large trash receptacles in one side of the garage, there would not be enough adequate space to fit a secondary vehicle. Has the applicant come up with an alternative? Planning Director Koontz replied that typically one side of ones garage is full of other things other than a vehicle. Driveways have been provided for the residents that do not 8 have enough room to park two cars, so there is still adequate on site parking for three vehicles. Mr. Raza added that a space for the trash containers has been created in the left hand portion of the garages as illustrated in a floor plan. The space that has been allowed will more than adequately fit the trash receptacles. Jerry Ronnebeck-Engineer Ronnebeck Engineering 133 E. Bonita San Dimas Vice Chair Addington asked Mr. Ronnebeck what his thoughts were for post construction Stormwater Best Management Practices. Mr. Ronnebeck replied that if an on site storm drain system is installed, there is a product called "Storm Chamber" where water can be captured and the sediment is filtered out prior to reaching the public right of way. Chair Wilson invited the public to speak for or against the project. Bobbie Forbes 11850 Burns Avenue Ms. Forbes feels that this is a perfect project for the City. Also, where will the outdoor amenities be located? Associate Planner Lampe pointed out the tot lot area to Ms. Forbes. The R-3 Zone has an open space requirement of 40%. It is noted in the staff report that based on the calculations; the project does meet that requirement. Each unit will also have a private yard area. Syed Raza.-Architect Mr. Raza wanted to commend the Staff for their efforts, and would also like to comment that these residences are aimed towards first time buyers and to keep the units within the specified square footage, the bedrooms had to be located upstairs. Mike Darnell 22271 Carhart Mr. Darnell states that he lives on Carhart. He would like to know what the Applicant's plans are for as far as overflow parking into Carhart. Associate Planner Lampe replied that the project has almost twice the required parking by code. So at this time, there does not seem to be a problem with overflow parking for the project. Commissioner Comstock asked if there will be off site parking allowed on Canal Street. Planning Director Koontz replied that at current, there is no parking requirements or restrictions. If one were to restrict parking along the street, they may petition that from the City Council. 9 Commissioner Comstock asked if there are any pedestrian gates planned besides the two driveway access gates for the project. Planning Director Koontz replied that the primary entrance will be the lower entrance. The community will be gated, and if anyone would like access, they will have to go through whatever electronic system that will be installed. The northerly access gate will be for fire access only. MOTION PC-30-2004: Commissioner Comstock made a motion to approve SA-04- 16, SA-04-17, TTM-04-04 and E-04-09, with the Conditions approved by Staff. Associate Planner Lampe asked the Commission if he could modify Condition Number 13, relative to the Landscaping Plan to add a requirement that the canopy trees be a minimum of 24 inch box in size. Also Condition Number 7 which refers to the memorandum from the Building and Safety Department where the date reads November 2, 2004, and it should read November 9, 2004. Chair Wilson asked Commissioner Comstock if he concurred with these changes. Commissioner Comstock concurred. Chair Wilson seconded the motion. MOTION VOTE PC-30-2004: 4-0-1-0 Commissioner Whitley Absent ADJOURN SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 8:20 Pm CONVENE PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION Information to Commissioners Workshop Item: Status of Applications for: SP-04-02, SA-04-02, SA-04-03, SA-04-04 SA-04-05, SA-04-06, and TTM-04-01, E-04-01 as filed by Massaro and Welsh, Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors. The Planning Commission has requested that the Staff move forward in bringing the Item back to the Commission for discussion. It is requested that this Item be placed on the next scheduled Planning Commission Meeting. Street Improvements on Canal Street have been completed, except for the power pole located on Canal Street. The power pole will be removed within the coming weeks. 10 • Information from Commissioners Commissioner Wilson reported that he may not be at the next regularly scheduled meeting, which is December 16. ADJOURN PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION 8:32 PM NEXT PLANNING .COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD ON DECEMBER 16. 2004 Respectfully Submitted, Approved Bi, Gary K6ontz, PlanniVg Director Doug Wilson,Z$airman Planning Commission 11