05/05/1994GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 5, 1994 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California on May 5, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. by Vice -Chairman Jim Sims. PRESENT: Jim Sims, Vice -Chairman Matthew Addington, Commissioner Leeann Garcia, Commissioner Moire Huss, Commissioner Ray Munson, Commissioner Fran Van Gelder, Commissioner Doug Wilson, Commissioner Joann Lombardo, Interim Community Development Director Maggie Alford, Planning Secretary Larry Mainez, Planning Technician ABSENT: None. PLEDGE: Matthew Addington, Commissioner 6:30 P.M. RECEPTION FOR DAN BUCHANAN AND LEEANN GARCIA 6:45 P.M. CONVENED PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION The Interim Community Development Director stated that Hood Communications is close to addressing the permanent water servica-issue. She also stated that staff is working on a telecommuting study grant. She informed the commission that the sign moratorium is now over. Commissioner Wilson expressed concern that there is only one speed limit sign going up the hill into the City of Grand Terrace. Commissioner Addington welcomed new commissioner, Leeann Garcia, on behalf of the commission. Commissioner Van Gelder asked if the City Entry sign was going to be built. The City Engineer stated that the brickwork at Barton and Mt. Vernon is complete and the work at Barton and Michigan is complete with the exception of the monument sign. 7:00 P.M. ADJOURNED PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION 7:00 P.M. CONVENED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: None. ITEM #1 PRESENTATION OF COMMENDATION FOR DAN BUCHANAN Vice -Chairman Sims presented a commendation to Dan Buchanan, past Planning Commission Chairman. Mr. Buchanan expressed his appreciation to the commission. ITEM #2 ELECTION OF NEW CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN MOTION PCM-94-11 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN MOTION VOTE PCM-94-11 Commissioner Addington made a motion to nominate Jim Sims as Chairman. Commissioner Munson seconded. Commissioner Munson closed the nominations. Commissioner Wilson seconded. Motion carries. 6-0-0-1. Vice -Chairman Sims abstained. Chairman Sims opened the floor for nominations for Vice -Chairman. 2 MOTION PCM-94-12 ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN Commissioner Van Gelder made a motion to nominate Doug Wilson as Vice - Chairman. Commissioner Huss seconded. MOTION PCM-94-13 ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN MOTION VOTE PCM-94-12 MOTION VOTE PCM-94-13 Commissioner Munson made a motion to nominate Matthew Addington as Vice -Chairman. Chairman Sims seconded. Chairman Sims closed the nominations. Motion carries. 4-3-0-0. Chairman Sims and Commissioners Addington and Munson voted no. Motion fails. 3-4-0-0. Chairman Sims and Commissioners Addington and Munson voted yes. ITEM #3 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 17, 1994 MOTION PCM-94-14 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 17, 1994 MOTION VOTE PCM-94-14 Commissioner Addington made a motion to approve the March 17, 1994 minutes. Commissioner Van Gelder seconded. 3 Motion carries. 6-0-0-1. Commissioner Garcia abstained. ITEM #4 DU-94-02 FABRIQUE CLEANERS 22400 BARTON ROAD, SUITE 12 G.T. AN APPLICATION FOR DETERMINATION OF USE FOR A DRY CLEANING PICK-UP AND DELIVERY AGENCY The Interim Community Development Director presented the staff report. STEPHEN MUNSHI 22400 BARTON ROAD, SUITE 12 G.T. MOTION PCM-94-15 DU-94-02 MOTION VOTE PCM-94-15 Mr. Munshi stated this business is for pick-up and delivery only, stating that there would only be one truck associated with the business and it would be parked in the back of the center in a designated spot. Commissioner Huss made a motion to approve DU-94-02. Vice -Chairman Wilson seconded. Motion carries. 7-0-0-0. ITEM #5 TTM-88-02R2/E-94-05 BARNEY KARGER/RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER PICO/BLUE MOUNTAIN COURT G.T. AN APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND TENTATIVE MAP REVISIONS FOR A 15 LOT SUBDIVISION AND ONE RESERVOIR LOT IN THE R1-20 ZONE 4 The Interim Community Development Director presented the staff report. GENE MCMEANS RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER 1450 WASHINGTON COLTON, CA 92324 Mr. McMeans stated that reservoir was built in 1988-1989, stating it is 24' high, with 12' in the ground. He mentioned that there is a 6' wall, so there is only 6' of exposure. Vice -Chairman Wilson asked if they had an emergency plan in place. Mr. McMeans said they have an overflow, bottom drain and the outside skin is oversized. 7:46 P.M. OPENED PUBLIC HEARING No comments. 7:46 P.M. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING MOTION PCM-94-16 TTM-88-02R2/E-94-05 MOTION VOTE PCM-94-16 Vice -Chairman Wilson made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of TTM-88-02R2. Commissioner Van Gelder seconded. Motion carries. 7-0-0-0. ITEM #6 SP-94-01/E-94-06/LL-94-02 AZURE HILLS SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH/COLE & FRICK ARCHITECTS 22633 BARTON ROAD G.T. AN APPLICATION FOR A SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT, LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FOR AN EDUCATIONAL CENTER WITHIN AN EXISTING CHURCH AND SCHOOL SITE 5 The Interim Community Development Director presented the staff report, indicating that changes to the staff report were in front of the commission. Commissioner Sims expressed concern regarding rooftop equipment. Commissioner Van Gelder expressed concern with regard to the maximum number of students being set at 200. Vice -Chairman Wilson expressed concern regarding the parking issue. GERALD COLE COLE & FRICK ARCHITECTS 4195 CHESTNUT RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 Mr. Cole said that there will be an additional 100 parking spaces, and they will encourage parishioners to park in this area. He then stated that the rooftop equipment will not -be visible above the roofline. With regard to the student population, he stated that the 200 figure applies to future expansion. He said at this time, there are 94 students for four classrooms. JACK BOOKER 11785 MT. VERNON G.T. Dr. Booker stated that he is a member of the church and the Board of Elders. He stated there is a need for the school and spoke in favor of the project. He said that the school is for grades K through 6. 8:17 P.M. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Discussion regarding parking along Center City Court. 8:23 P.M. TEMPORARILY ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 8:23 P.M. CONVENED SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD MOTION PCM-94-17 SA-94-03 Discussion regarding height of slumpstone block wall next to lunch area. 0 MOTION VOTE PCM-94-17 MOTION PCM-94-18 SA-94-03 MOTION VOTE PCM-94-18 MOTION PCM-94-19 SA-94-03 Chairman Sims made a motion to amend Condition 9 to read, "All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be located at a distance from the edge of the building so as not to be visible from the pedestrian level or from adjacent roadways". Commissioner Van Gelder seconded. Motion carries. 4-2-0-1. Vice -Chairman Wilson and Commissioner Munson voted no. Commissioner Addington abstained. Discussion continued regarding the student enrollment issue. Dr. Booker said they have to abide by standards, and the present limit is set at 130. Commissioner Van Gelder made a motion that Condition 17 be amended to, "Enrollment to be limited to a maximum of 135 students". Chairman Sims seconded. Commissioner Munson suggested deleting Condition 17 altogether, since standards have to be abided by anyway. Commissioner Van Gelder amended her motion to delete Condition 17. Chairman Sims concurred. Motion carries. 6-0-0-1. Commissioner Addington abstained. Commissioner Huss made a motion to amend Condition 5 to clarify that slumpstone block wall shall be 6' on the west and south sides of Parcel 2, with the exception of the section adjacent to the school yard play area on the south 7 MOTION VOTE PCM-94-19 side, which shall be 8' high. Commissioner Van Gelder seconded. Motion carries. 6-0-0-1. Commissioner Addington abstained. 9:10 P.M. ADJOURNED SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD 9:10 P.M. RECONVENE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MOTION PCM-94-20 SP-94-O l/LL-94-02/E-94-02 MOTION VOTE PCM-94-20 Vice -Chairman Wilson made a motion to add at the end of Condition 25, "...and to coordinate and facilitate appropriate mitigations to effectively reduce already overcrowded parking facilities". Commissioner Huss seconded. Motion carries. 5-1-0-1 Addington abstained. MOTION PCM-94-21 SP-94-O l/LL-94-02/E-94-02 MOTION VOTE PCM-94-21 Commissioner Munson voted no. Commissioner Chairman Sims made a motion that the portion of Condition #3 stating, "Lighting standards of 15 feet are recommended" be deleted. Commissioner Munson seconded. Motion carries. 6-0-0-1. Commissioner Addington abstained. 0 MOTION PCM-94-22 SP-94-O l/LL-94-02/E-94-02 MOTION VOTE PCM-94-22 Commissioner Munson made a motion to approve SP-94-01, L1r94-02 and E- 94-02. Commissioner Van Gelder seconded. Motion carries. 6-0-0-1. Commissioner Addington abstained. 9:18 P.M. ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD ON MAY 19, 1994. Respectfully submitted, Qyo�v,J Joann Lombardo Interim Community Development Director 05-12-94:ma c:\wp51\planning\minutes\05-05-94.m E Approved by,