06/02/1994GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING JUNE 2, 1994 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California on June 2,1994 at 7:00 p.m. by Vice -Chairman Doug Wilson. PRESENT: Doug Wilson, Vice -Chairman Matthew Addington, Commissioner Leeann Garcia, Commissioner Moire Huss, Commissioner Ray Munson, Commissioner Fran Van Gelder, Commissioner Maria C. Muett, Associate Planner Maggie Alford, Planning Secretary ABSENT: Jim Sims, Chairman PLEDGE: Ray Munson, Commissioner 7:00 P.M. CONVENED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Commissioner Huss reminded everyone about Grand Terrace Days on June 12. She stated that the children from the Grand Terrace Child Care Center have been building a float. She also mentioned that this will be the last day that the committee for the Grand Terrace School District will be collecting signatures. ITEM #1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - MAY 19, 1994 MOTION PCM-94-27 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - MAY 19, 1994 Commissioner Van Gelder made a motion to approve the May 19, 1994 minutes. Commissioner Addington seconded. MOTION VOTE PCM-94-27 Motion carries. 5-0-1-1. Chairman Sims absent. Commissioner Munson abstained. ITEM #2 TPM-94-01/E-94-08. RICHARD K. CHURCHWELL 23081 GRAND TERRACE ROAD G.T. AN APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP TO SUBDIVIDE 4.9 ACRES INTO THREE PARCELS IN THE R1-10 DISTRICT Commissioner Addington stated that he would be abstaining from this item due to a potential conflict of interest. The Associate Planner presented the staff report. Vice -Chairman Wilson asked the City Engineer if he saw a future problem with access to the remainder parcel. The City Engineer said there was a realignment in the lot line from the original lot, and the reason for that is that the existing driveway, as it is now proposed, will provide service to Parcel 2. He said Parcel 3, if developed, would have to take access adjacent to the driveway for Parcel 2, taking into consideration that there would have to be a separation, full curb face, between the two driveways. He said Parcel 3 has adequate frontage to provide access on the northerly end, and basically what they are creating is no parking along this area with the driveways there. He said with respect to the remainder parcel of the original tract, the only access that is available to that parcel at this point in time the frontage on Arliss Drive. Vice -Chairman Wilson asked if they approve this particular access scheme, if they will be landlocking anybody else in the immediate vicinity. The City Engineer said he didn't believe so. He said the parcel adjacent to the south has frontage along Barton Road, but it is a potential problem with respect to providing an access to Barton Road, as it would involve consideration of potential traffic problems, visibility problems and grading. He said legally, they now have access. 7:36 P.M. OPENED PUBLIC HEARING RICHARD CHURCHWELL 807 N. LA CADENA COLTON 2 Mr. Churchwell stated that a family has made an offer on the house located on the subject property, which he has accepted. He said this is the third time this project has come to the Planning Commission. JOE WELCH 22926 ARLISS DRIVE G.T. Mr. Welch asked about access to the remainder parcel. The Associate Planner stated that the remainder parcel is not being reviewed at this time, and staff has not been directed by the applicant as to his plans for the remainder parcel. TONY PETTA 11875 ETON DRIVE G.T. Mr. Petta expressed concern regarding this map superseding the previous map, which was approved at the same time as his map south of the subject property. He said he believes the City Engineer said technically there is access on Barton Road. The City Engineer said they are addressing the remainder parcel and the property to the south. He said the property to the south does have an access at this time from Victoria. He stated that with respect to the remainder parcel, he believes that when the tracts were being considered initially, one of the conditions was that they be considered as two maps. He said he really can't say what this will do to the remainder parcel or the parcel to the south, as it isn't his job to plan someone else's land, but the potential for access for the remainder parcel is the remaining southerly 30' of Arliss, so it isn't landlocked. He said for the balance of the parcel to the south, the existing access is Victoria, and the planning of that parcel would remain with any potential future development. Mr. Petta said the City Engineer did point out there was access on Barton Road. He asked if he was suggesting that there is a possibility that access could be obtained from Barton Road. The City Engineer said he can't say that until he sees the configuration, and what he is saying right now is that the access to Mr. Petta's property is Victoria. Mr. Petta said there is a 60' access off of Victoria, and technically, Victoria goes through to Barton Road. He asked, provided that certain conditions were met with regard to drainage, if the City Engineer is saying that potentially there is a possibility of obtaining access to some of those parcels 3 to certain lots that might be created on his parcel. The City Engineer said they are trying to plan a subdivision as it has been submitted at this point in time, so it would not be in order for him to make any commitments at this time. He said if Mr. Petta's engineer submits something, it can be evaluated and conditions can be set, but he can't speak before the Planning Commission and say that there is potential access to Barton Road. Vice -Chairman Wilson said the job of this commission is to review Parcel Map 14685, and the remainder parcel is a separate review process and really can't be discussed at this time. He felt it would be out of line to offer an opinion or review the remainder parcel or access to the southern portion. Mr. Petta said he has no objection to the parcel map, but he is an adjoining property owner, and this will negate what went on previously when the previous maps were processed. He said there is a possibility either parcel map may be developed on an individual basis. He stated that the two tract maps were approved on the basis that a street would go from Victoria on through to Grand Terrace Road. He said with the previous map out of the picture, this will affect the tract map to the south. He said the provision made at that point was that should one tract map develop prior to the other, then the other tract map would give an easement whereby a temporary cul-de- sac could develop on the adjacent property, allowing the tract maps to develop on an individual basis. Mr. Churchwell agreed, provided that the same would be provided for him. The City Engineer suggested a motion be made to this effect. DEAN JOHNSON 23013 BARTON ROAD G.T. The Associate Planner read written comments submitted by Mr. Johnson into the record. Mr. Johnson objected to the proposed project, stating that this would create safety, congestion, noise and infrastructure problems. JARED P. ANDREWS, SR. 23048 VICTORIA STREET G.T. The Associate Planner read written comments submitted by Mr. Andrews into the record. Mr. Andrews object to the proposed project, stating it would create traffic, noise pollution, light pollution, safety concerns, cost for more traffic lights, speeding and a necessity for more police. O 4 ROBERT WUNNER 22959 GRAND TERRACE ROAD G.T. Mr. Wunner said he owns the property to the north and he has no objection to the proposed project. 8:15 P.M. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING MOTION PCM-94-28 TPM-94-01/E-94-08 Commissioner Van Gelder made a motion to: amend Condition #3 to read, "Ibe subject property shall be annexed to the City's existing Lighting and Landscaping District'; include in Condition #5 the recommendation by the City Engineer's Department of covenant for future improvements; delete "if possible" from Condition # 11; and add as Condition # 16 that agreement shall be made between subject property owner and property owner to the south to provide mutual easement for temporary turn around within 100' right-of-way of the California Aqueduct. Commissioner Garcia seconded. MOTION VOTE PCM-94-28 Motion carries. 5-0-1-1. Chairman Sims absent. Commissioner Addington abstained. MOTION PCM-94-29 TPM-94-01/E-94-08 MOTION VOTE PCM-94-29 Commissioner Huss made a motion the delete the last sentence in Condition # 13, which reads, "Clustered gangboxes shall not be allowed". Commissioner Van Gelder seconded. Motion carries. 4-1-1-1. Commissioner Munson voted no. Chairman Sims absent. Commissioner Addington abstained. MOTION PCM-94-30 TPM-94-01/E-94-08 0 Commissioner Van Gelder made a motion to recommend approval to City Council TPM-94-01/E-94-08 as amended. Commissioner Munson seconded. MOTION VOTE PCM-94-30 Motion carries. 5-0-1-1. Chairman Sims absent. Commissioner Addington abstained. 8:27 P.M. ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD ON JUNE 16, 1994. Respectfully submitted, eAplproved ;;0�4 � �i Maria C. Muett Doug Wilson Associate Planner Vice -Chairman, Planning Commission 06-03-94:ma c:\wp51\planning\minutes\06-02-94.m 6