11/20/1997GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 20, 1997 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California on November 20, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson, Fran Van Gelder. PRESENT: Fran Van Gelder, Chairperson Matthew Addington, Commissioner Gerry Ellis, Commissioner Doug Wilson, Commissioner Mary Trainor, Commissioner Don Larkin, Commissioner Patrizia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Craig Neustaedter, Transportation Engineer Consultant Larry Mainez, Associate Planner OABSENT: Moire Huss, Commissioner Pat Peterson, CEDD Secretary 6:20 P.M. CONVENED WORKSHOP: SESSION 1 Presentation by Director Patrizia Materassi on Economic Development, League of California Cities Conference in August, 1997. Director Materassi referred the Commissioners to her memo dated September 11, 1997, included in their meeting packet immediately following the agenda. She found two of the most important concepts to be as follows: - the secret of creating a city center Create a "place -oriented" city center instead of "theme -oriented". In other words create a center which relates to unique physical characteristics of the community. Retail businesses have cycles but the City center will survive if it reflects civic needs of the community. An effective city center allows interaction among people. - best strategy for economic development Study existing businesses, specifically industrial clusters to determine which businesses may be recruited to help existing clusters grow. Planning Commission Minutes November 20, 1997 2 Summary by Chair Fran Van Gelder on League Conference she attended entitled "The Economic Development and Downtown Revitalization Conference" in August, 1997. Chairwoman Van Gelder said this was the best conference she has attended in her years as a Commissioner. She said she came home with some good ideas which she hopes can eventually be implemented. She referred Commissioners to her outline in the meeting packet. She explained a joint resolution among cities avoids competition among duplicated businesses in adjacent cities. She said the idea of support and cooperation among the community, City Council, Chamber of Commerce and local businesses was heavily stressed. She asked Commissioner Mary Trainor if local businesses look at one another as competition or pull together for ideas, suggestions to promote each other? Commissioner Trainor said her impression is that few businesses in Grand Terrace compete with one another. One goal should be to help those businesses who have potential but are under performing. Four components of Economic Development are: 1. Physical Resources O 2. Fiscal Resources 3. Human Resources 4. Management Resources Think of Grand Terrace not as a snapshot but a moving picture Council needs to be involved with recruitment of businesses She suggested special events in the city to bring foot traffic to a new City Center - Chairwoman Van Gelder said she would like to meet with Mayor Matteson and Chamber President, Mary Trainor to discuss some of the ideas she got from the conference and determine their interest in trying some of these suggestions. Director Materassi said she is now responsible for an Economic Development Division. She will present an overview of the proposed program at the next meeting. Commissioner Trainor, who also attended the conference, said there was an emphasis on partnerships between cities, chambers of commerce, the community and businesses to pool resources and energy to accomplish common f - goals. She welcomed the opportunity to meet with Chairwoman Van Gelder and Mayor Matteson to discuss ideas gleaned from the conference. Planning Commission Minutes November 20, 1997 3 Director Materassi said the City Council approved the resolution to adopt the General Plan Task Force Action Plan for the next 20 years. This document will be used to update the General Plan and for budgetary planning. A copy of the resolution was given to each Planning Commissioner present. Chairwoman Van Gelder asked Director Materassi if she had any specific goals from the Strategic Plan that she would like to accomplish during the City's 20th Birthday Celebration in 1998. Director Materassi responded she would like to have the market analysis study completed, initiate the economic base analysis to determine a market niche, work to build the City image, and continue to work on the economic development program. The update of the General Plan will continue as case load permits. An investigation will be done to estimate the cost of hiring a consultant to complete the draft elements in a more expedient manner. Director Materassi gave each Commissioner a copy of the Regional Transportation Plan as prepared by SCAG. This document proposes 20-year funding for transportation in the region. The only provision for San Bernardino County is for truck lanes. Director Materassi introduced consultant Craig Neustaedter who attended the Omeeting to present the new proposed Circulation Element for the City. 6:50 P.M. ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP - SESSION I 7:00 P.M. CONVENED SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD/ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING * Call to order Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Larkin Roll Call * Chairwoman Van Gelder introduced and welcomed Don Larkin, the newest member of the Planning Commission. Commissioner Larkin said it is an honor and a privilege to be a member of the Planning Commission. Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Community and Economic Development Director. 4 Planning Commission Minutes November 20, 1997 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: NONE ITEM #1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 16, 1997. MOTION PCM 97- 54 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 16, 1997. Commissioner Trainor made a motion to approve minutes from the Planning Commission Meeting of October 16, 1997. Seconded by Commissioner Ellis. Commissioner Addington said he believed the minutes were too brief and summarized. Director Materassi said she was not at the October 16, meeting but will review the minutes of this meeting to be sure the important arguments are recorded. She said the Commission may wish to consider having the secretary produce another type of minutes instead of summary minutes. MOTION VOTE PCM 97- 54 Motion carried. 4-1-1-1. Commissioner Addington voted "no", Commissioner Ellis abstained and Commissioner Huss absent. ITEM #2 DRAFT CIRCULATION ELEMENT PLAN ITEMS #1, 2, 3 & 4 PRESENTATION REVIEW AND CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL OF WORK DONE BY TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANT CRAIG S. NEUSTAEDTER, OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING AND PLANNING (TEP), presented four technical memos as the basis for the Circulation Element update. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY-WIDE Director Materassi told the Planning Commission that transportation consultant, Craig Neustaedter, was there to present highlights of the four memorandums prepared thus far as a base for the update of the Circulation Element. An executive summary has r- been prepared based upon those four memoranda. This information was presented to the Commission prior to commencement of drafting of the element. Mr. Neustaedter introduced himself as the consulting traffic engineer retained by the City to produce a Circulation Element for the City. His work on this project began in Planning Commission Minutes November 20, 1997 5 March, 1997, and will conclude when the Circulation Element has been drafted. He said he hopes to not only share the results of his studies thus far on this project but to also gather information from the Commission Members. State law recommends update of the elements of the General Plan of each City every five years. The City of Grand Terrace is overdue for update of its General Plan. The purpose of the General Plan is to provide overall guidance of the policies and programs, goals and objectives of the community as implemented in the long term. He explained the scope of his work will include production of five memoranda addressing various issues. Upon acceptance by City staff then he will draft the actual Circulation Element to be included in the General Plan. Four of the five technical memoranda were discussed at the meeting as follows: Memoranda #1 - Issue Identification Mr. Neustaedter said he reviewed minutes, files and records complied and retained by the City regarding the General Plan Task Force, Planning Commission and City Council where issues were identified and discussed concerning the Circulation Element. Following are the four key issues identified as concerns of the Task Force and City OCouncil: 1. Circulation impacts on the City arterials due to the upgrading of Pigeon Pass Rd. 2. Roadways needed to provide access to the City's primary general commercial and industrial area. (West of Michigan and east of the 1-215 freeway) 3. 1-215 access; bottleneck as Barton Rd. crosses over the 1-215 freeway 4. Alternative transportation modes including bike lanes, pedestrian system, shuttles and fixed -route buses. Discussion related to Memoranda #1 Commissioner Addington inquired about the status of the Traffic Impact Fee. Mr. Neustaedter said the technical data needed to develop the Impact Fee is approximately 2/3 completed. Staff continues to work with him to provide needed data. A draft fee policy should be ready approximately mid -January. Commissioner Wilson asked for a broad picture of the proposed improvements. Mr. Neustaedter said the fee program will include a list of approximately eight intersections which will be recommended for signalization based on Caltrans warrants. Another improvement will be the extension of Commerce Way to provide access to the general commercial/industrial area. Main Street improvements will also be proposed. Improvements to Iowa, although not in the City, need to be addressed to accomplish improvement of the Commerce Way access. Expanding Barton Rd. to four lanes on the east side of the City is proposed. Improvements at the intersection of Barton Rd. and Michigan are proposed. Widening of the Barton Rd. 1-215 freeway over crossing will be Planning Commission Minutes 6 November 20, 1997 one of the most costly improvements proposed. Barton Rd. west of 1-215 is also considered sub -standard so improvements are proposed. Memoranda #2 - Summarize Existing Circulation and Traffic Conditions in the City The San Bernardino East Valley Traffic Model provided data to evaluate existing and future conditions. Traffic counts and other data concerning existing roadway configuration were also utilized to identify the most congested locations of the circulation system reflected in the General Plan as follows: 1. 1-215 corridor through the City 2. Barton Rd. over crossing 3. Barton Rd. from Honey Hill Dr. to the northeast City limit 4. Mt. Vernon from Grand Terrace Rd. to the north City limit 5. Michigan St. from Barton Rd. to DeBerry Discussion related to Memoranda #2 Commissioner Addington asked if the traffic service levels (LOS) were computer - generated or consultant -generated. He noted there does not seem to be congestion on Barton Rd. at the northeast City limit consistent with level F. Mr. Neustaedter said the model may be actually underestimating traffic conditions as indicated by comparison of the model counts to actual ground counts, where that can be accomplished. OCommissioner Wilson asked Mr. Neustaedter what the threshold is for a collector road. He responded the traffic counts on a residential collector such as Observation would be 350-400 vehicles at a peak hour. Memoranda #3 - Base Line Travel Demand Analysis Base line is the existing City Circulation Element as reflected in the San Bernardino East Valley Traffic Model. Horizon year for the model is 2015. The base line assumes build out of the circulation plan as set forth in the General Plan as well as build out of projected development. He summarized the analysis by saying it succeeds fairly well, with a few "hot spots" including 1-215 freeway, Michigan from Barton Rd. to Commerce Way, Mt. Vernon from Grand Terrace Rd. to the north City limits and Mt. Vernon from Barton to DeBerry. Thirteen changes were recommended to the Circulation Element based upon the analysis as noted on Table E. Discussion related to Memoranda #3 Commissioner Addington asked what the plan is for Mt. Vernon from Grand Terrace Rd. down the hill toward Colton. Mr. Neustaedter responded that a four lane road is warranted by the forecasting. Due to geo-technical aspects involved this improvement f would be very costly. Director Materassi said she will review the current budget to determine if the funds are available to review this project further for a cost comparison of making the geo-technical improvements but retaining Mt. Vernon as a two lane road to Washington St. Planning Commission Minutes 7 November 20, 1997 Director Materassi reiterated the improvements to Mt. Vernon from Grand Terrace Rd. to Washington would be so costly that in her opinion it may be better for the City to spend the money on Barton Rd. in Honey Hills for the connection to Washington. She suggested from a planning perspective it may be good to alter Mt. Vernon to make it more like a residential street. This could be accomplished by installing a median with landscaping on Mt. Vernon south of Grand Terrace Rd. to decrease traffic approaching the 2-lane "funnel" of Mt. Vernon going down the hill to Washington. Mr. Neustaedter said such a study would likely show there will continue to be a problem in that area, but the extent of the problem can then be measured. The cost vs. benefit ratio will need to be weighed by the City. Commissioner Trainor asked Mr. Neustaedter about the traffic volume and peak hours over Pigeon Pass. He referred to Figure A, indicating Mt. Vernon is projected to have approximately 24,000 vehicles per day in 2015, which would mean a LOS of "E". Her question will be addressed in more detail in Memorandum #4. Memoranda #4 -1-215 Access and North -South Corridor Figure 4, which addresses Commissioner Trainor's concerns shows additional traffic on ^ the City's circulation system if the North -South Corridor becomes a reality. Traffic on 1 Mt. Vernon from Barton Rd. to DeBerry is projected to increase by almost 5,000 vehicles per day, which would move the LOS to "F" (gridlock). Improvement of the 1-215 access from Iowa to the general commercial/industrial area was also reviewed. It was determined the cost of such a project would far outweigh the benefits achieved by the City. He recommended the Iowa interchange be deleted from the Circulation Element and emphasis be placed on extension of Commerce Way to Main St., and realignment of the Main Street intersection with Iowa. He reviewed the studies conducted by SANBAG, including the traffic mitigation analysis and the North - South Corridor study. Cost of this proposed improvement is approximately $9.4 million. He further recommended continuing to work with City of Colton, SANBAG and Caltrans to ensure that when the Iowa/LaCadena interchange improvements are made with the widening of 1-215, the bottleneck at Iowa and Main St. is addressed and improved. He said the City will need to be diligent in pursuit of mitigation measures of significant impacts of the North -South Corridor plan. Discussion related to Memoranda #4 A discussion took place as a result of a question from Commissioner Wilson to differentiate the alternatives of the Iowa interchange extension and the extension of Commerce Way and improved access via Main St. to the 1-215 access at Iowa. Director Materassi stated that Colton and Caltrans allowed two huge freeway billboards to be installed in the right-of-way at Main Street and Iowa, at the intersection we propose to realign. Realigning this intersection is almost as effective for Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes 8 November 20, 1997 circulation as a new connection to the Iowa interchange. Commissioner Addington asked if the City of Moreno Valley has the roadway capacity for the additional traffic which may be created by the North -South Corridor. Mr. Neustaedter said he is the City Traffic Engineer for the City of Moreno Valley, and generally the City has supported the North -South Corridor in concept. A portion of Pigeon Pass would have to be expanded to four lanes from the current two lanes. Of the three proposed improvements, (Pigeon Pass, San Timoteo Canyon and Reche Canyon) the most effective in terms of providing capacity where there seems to be the greatest demand is Pigeon Pass. The overflow of 1-215 would be accommodated. 8:45 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED 8:45 P.M. COMMISSIONER TRAINOR LEFT THE MEETING 8:45 P.M. A discussion took place where it was clarified by Director that a motion of conceptual approval by the Planning Commission was needed so the meeting was re -convened. 8:45 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE -CONVENED MOTION PCM-97-55 Commissioner Addington made a motion to have the traffic model re -analyzed showing cost of retaining Mt. Vernon as a two-lane roadway from Grand Terrace Rd. to the north City limits instead of four -lane as the model currently shows. Motion seconded by Commissioner Larkin. Commissioner Larkin said from a circulation perspective the object is to move traffic through the City as quickly as possible, but from the business standpoint that may not be best. Also, he asked about the impact of development of the proposed mixed -use City Center on the Circulation Element. Chairwoman Van Gelder echoed Commissioner Larkin's concerns about moving traffic smoothly versus traffic calming alternatives. Director Materassi said that one of the issues to be addressed in the Circulation Element, Item 4 of Memoranda #4 is the evaluation of Alternative Transportation modes such as pedestrian and bicycle paths, etc. This item is not included in these memos because it does not require technical studies, however, it will be discussed and included in the Circulation Element test itself. Also, the discussion of a median on Barton Road will be addressed in the Circulation Element. Responding to Commissioner Larkin, Director Materassi said that Barton Road is being reduced from six lanes (currently in the General Plan) to four lanes and a study was conducted by Mr. Neustaedter and shared with the General Plan Task Force showing Planning Commission Minutes 9 November 20, 1997 that reducing lanes on Barton Road would create LOS F (gridlock) immediately, not in future years. The General Plan Task Force chose the median over the reduction of lanes or diagonal parking or other capacity reducing alternatives in order to calm traffic and make Barton Road more attractive. Director stated that impacts of proposed City Center are not part of Mr. Neustaedter's contract however, she will check the budget and report back to the Commission. Other traffic calming alternatives for residential streets are also not part of the current contract but will be considered for inclusion. Commissioner Larkin added input regarding deletion from the Circulation Element of the streets east of Mt. Vernon. He is concerned that once traffic signals are installed at intersections it would divert traffic into smaller streets. He gave the example of DeBerry intersection, once with a signal it would increase traffic on Observation Drive. His opinion is that traffic would then be diverted to Observation by motorists to avoid the signal. He recommended considering inclusion of Observation in the Circulation Element. AMENDED MOTION PCM-97-55 Q Commissioner Ellis amended the original motion to include the impacts of development of the mixed -use City Center and impacts of proposed signalized intersections on other residential streets not included in the Circulation Element and the impact of deletion of the residential streets east of Mt. Vernon from the Circulation Element. First and second each concurred with amendment of the motion. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-55 Motion carried. 5-0-0-2. Commissioners Trainor and Huss absent. Director Materassi said she will evaluate the Planning Commission's recommendations in light of the current contract and budget to determine if these additional studies can be accomplished or if a simple evaluation of issues by Mr. Neustaedter can satisfy concerns expressed. 9:05 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED } -A 9:05 P.M. RE -CONVENED PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP - SESSION II Information to Commissioners, requesting their input. Planning Commission Minutes November 20, 1997 10 Measure I Capital Improvement Plan Presented by Community and Economic Development Director, Patrizia Materassi. Measure I, 5- and 20-Year Capital Improvement Plan must be adopted every year. One half of the $100,000 received annually is used for maintenance of Grand Terrace roads. Several projects have been removed from the previous Measure I Capital Improvement Program. Five smaller scale projects are proposed for the current program which is feasible without outside funding. No changes were recommended by the Planning Commission. RTI P Regional Transportation Improvement Plan (RTIP) Presented by Community and Economic Development Director, Patrizia Materassi. This plan lobbies SANBAG and SCAG for large sums of monies for five major projects. There were no questions from and no changes recommended by the Planning Commission. NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD ON DECEMBER 18. 1997. Respectfully submitted, ,xVUJ". Patrizia Materassi, Director Community & Economic Development 12-30-97:pp C:\office\wpwin\wpdocs\planning\minutes\11-20-97.min Approved by, Fran Van Gelder, Chairwoman Planning Commission