05/18/2000GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 18, 2000 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California on May 18, 2000 at 7:05 p.m. by Chairwoman, Fran Van Gelder. PRESENT: Fran Van Gelder, Chairperson Doug Wilson, Vice -Chairperson Mary Trainor, Commissioner Maryetta Ferre', Commissioner Patrizia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Craig Neustaedter, Transportation Consulting Engineer John Lampe, Planner Pat Lunsford, CEDD Secretary ABSENT: Matt Addington, Commissioner Approximately 15 property owners and business owners attended. 7:05 P.M. CONVENED SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Trainor Roll Call Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Community Development Director. C PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: None PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES May 18, 2000 Page 2 ITEM#1 E-00-02 BARTON ROAD BEAUTIFICATIONITRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT WORKSHOP CITY OF GRAND TERRACE BARTON ROAD COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR Staff report was presented by Community and Economic Development Director Patrizia Materassi. She explained there are two reasons for this workshop: 1. To present the staff report, including information from the City's contract traffic engineer, Craig Neustaedter, present at the meeting; and get input from Planning Commissioners and the public; and 2. To gather support for two major City projects. A. A long-term project for the beautification of Barton Road; B. A short-term project dealing with traffic mitigation measures for traffic improvement in the area of Barton Road in front of Bank of America, Town and Country Center and the Stater Bros. Shopping Center. The long-term project for Barton Road Beautification is expected to take approximately 3 to 6 years. The Barton Road Beautification idea was a recommended by the General Plan Task Force 5 years ago. Members of the community formed the O task force to assist staff in the City's General Plan Update. After 3 years of study and discussion by the Task Force they made 8 major recommendations for the City's future, in addition to a City Vision. The main messages in the Vision are to protect what the City has (quiet low density residential neighborhoods with low crime) and strive for sustainable growth, which is long-term solvency for the City. That solvency includes the vision of development of a City Center. The idea of a planted median was to enhance the appearance of Barton Road to attract businesses and pedestrian traffic for the City Center. Tree height is recommended to be Y2 the width of Barton Road. The Strategic Action Plan, adopted by resolution by City Council to guide implementation of the General Plan, calls for a median in Barton Road as part of the City Center and Barton Road Beautification Plan. The General Plan Open Space Element says some of the City's open space is to be used to improve the City's identity. The Barton Road median was included to enhance the City identity. In the Air Quality Element the idea of planting trees is supported to improve air quality. The Circulation Element indicates a median on Barton would increase pedestrian safety by organizing traffic flow. A dialog was started by adoption of the Strategic Action Plan to explore methods by which the City can survive and support itself independent of State revenues. A program of subsidies or loans to businesses to improve landscaping, parking layout, building facade is being studied. Director Materassi asked for support for Barton Road Beautification from Planning Commissioners, residents and business owners in the audience. Staff would like suggestions of what citizens would like to see in a median; also, to know how the City can help businesses. She invited anyone interested in attending future workshops to give their name to the planning secretary. Again, she PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Page 3 May 18, 2000 said staff needs public input from business and property owners. It needs to be a joint effort. Director Materassi said the short-term project resulted from many complaints of residents, customers of local businesses and parents using the City's Child Care Center. Safety concerns were raised and City Council requested a study by the City's contract traffic engineer, Craig Neustaedter. This project also relates to a median on Barton Road from Canal to Mt. Vernon. Mr. Neustaedter was asked to propose some mitigation measures to improve safety in that area of Barton Road. When City Council received Mr. Neustaedter's study and report on suggested mitigation recommendations they asked staff to get Planning Commission recommendations and public input. No decisions will be made by the Planning Commission, just recommendations. Another public hearing will be held by City Council in the future before they make a final decision about a median. Craig Neustaedter introduced himself as the City's traffic engineering consultant. He said he was asked to do a traffic study on the 1100 ' long section of Barton Road from Canal to Mt. Vernon. He explained there are too many driveways in too short of a distance, resulting in many traffic conflicts. Following his review he developed two possible plans for the City to gain access control and improve safety in that section of Barton Road. He distributed plans to Planning Commissioners to review. Plan #1 calls for re -striping and signage. Plan #2 calls for construction of a raised median and would provide more positive traffic control for cross traffic on Barton Road. Mr. Neustaedter said his direction at this meeting is to discuss the most problematic segment of Barton Road, between the westerly Bank of America driveway and the driveway to the loading dock for Stater Bros. Market. He showed overhead transparencies to demonstrate the area of the short-term project, and explained there are 8 ingress/egress lanes in a very short distance. Mr. Neustaedter illustrated the 10 conflicting movements possible. He characterized it as an "insane" traffic pattern and said the City is trying to gain some control over the situation by introducing some type of median control. He explained 6 of those movements could be eliminated with implementation of either the proposed double double yellow striped median or a raised median. He explained a double double yellow striped median is legally enforceable as a raised median. If either a double double yellow striped median or a raised median is installed in the subject area of Barton Road traffic will be restricted to only the following movements: 1. Southbound left turn from Town & Country Center; 2. Southbound through movement from Town & Country Center; 3. Eastbound Barton Road left turn into Town & Country Center; 4. Westbound Barton Road left turn into Bank of America; PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES May 18, 2000 Page 4 The following turning movements would be eliminated: 1. Northbound through movement from Bank of America into Town & Country Center; 2. Northbound left onto Barton Road from Bank of America; 3. Northbound through movement from Stater Bros. loading area; 4. Northbound left onto Barton Road from Stater Bros. loading area; and 5. Westbound left from Barton Road into Stater Bros. loading area. 7:25 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED Chairwoman Van Gelder explained each speaker must fill out a "Request to Speak" form and will be restricted to 3 minutes. Barbara Pfenninghausen 22111 Ladera St. Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Ms. Pfenninghausen said it is a privilege to speak before the Planning Commission. She said when she was a council member about 10 years ago they struggled with the same problem. She asked if there is a high rate of accidents in the subject area. Mr. Neustaedter said he reviewed a 2 year period and found at least 5 collisions, 3 which would be correctable with right-of-way controls. He explained the information is based on the Switters Reports, which the Sheriff's Dept. files with the CHP. The Sheriffs Dept. is required to file reports with CHP when an accident involves an injury or fatality. He said there is a likelihood there have been other accidents involving property damage only. They would not be included in the Switters Reports which he reviewed. In response to a question from Ms. Pfenninghausen, Mr. Neustaedter said it may be possible to collect property damage reports from the Sheriffs Dept. but it is an extremely time consuming and labor intensive process. Each traffic collision report must be reviewed. Ms. Pfenninghausen said she believes the City has a liability issue now existing if we now have this information and choose to do nothing to make that area of Barton Road safer. She said she has never seen an accident in the subject area in the 25 years she has lived in Grand Terrace. She said it may be difficult to plan a comprehensive beautification program for Barton Road because it may create a difficult traffic situation for residents on the north side of Barton Road if the median is extended west of Canal to Michigan. She agreed it appears there is a serious situation in front of Bank of America but suggested we may need to get more detailed information about additional property damage accidents not included in the Switters Reports. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Page 5 May 18, 2000 Rex Edmundson 22111 Newport, Space #164 Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Mr. Edmundson said he has a business at 22476 Barton Road. He said he has had his barber business in Grand Terrace for 45 years. He said he goes to Bank of America at least 1 or 2 times each week. He has seen 1 accident since Bank of America has been there. He said the proposed median would cut off eastbound Barton Road traffic to his business. He said if the City doesn't want to help businesses he will move to Colton on Washington where there is no median. He asked if staff has done a study in other areas of the impact of a median on businesses. Mr. Edmundson said he owns another parcel on Barton Road west of Canal. He said it is rented as residential and there is no way he will be able to develop it if there is a median on Barton Road. Mr. Edmundson said he is ashamed to say he lives in Grand Terrace when he sees the gray building at the northwest corner of Barton Road and Mt. Vernon. He concluded by saying a median from the 1-215 freeway to the east City Limits would push traffic from the freeway all the way through town. Mr. Neustaedter responded to Mr. Edmundson's inquiry about a median study by saying he could not tell Mr. Edmundson what economic impact a median would have on his business but he said he has dealt with access control issues for 20 years. There are frequently complaint from retail shop owners about medians but he knew of no instance where median installation resulted in a business failure in the vicinity of the project. Barney Karger 11668 Bernardo Way Grand Terrace, CA 92313 He said he has been building in Hesperia for 15-20 years. About 5 yrs. ago the City began installing medians and his experience is that businesses do move when medians are installed. Two real estate office he knows of in one particular shopping center went out of business and a third moved to another city. "No governmental agency every does anything right!" He stated no business should every get a subsidy from the City. Businesses with either make it on their own or they won't. Likewise, no property owner should ever be given anything free. Mr. Karger said he goes to the Bank of America 6 to 10 times per month. He has never seen an accident and has never had a problem in front of the Bank of America. He said there is no reason for a median; he referred to "Hitler and his salami gang". Mr. Karger acknowledged there is traffic during the morning and evening rush hours, but "the rest of the time a blind man can cross the street and not worry about the traffic." He offered to cross the street with a blindfold and white cane. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES May 18, 2000 Page 6 Mr. Karger opposed placing trees in a median because of City liability. He said trees on the sides of streets are fine but doubted the City would care for them. He said several years ago he offered to personally plant trees on the east side of Mt. Vernon from Barton Road to Pico St., but the City would not accept the responsibility to water them. 7:45 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED Chairwoman Van Gelder explained the purpose of the meeting is to come up with ideas to send forward to the City Council. Chairwoman Van Gelder said: 1. The double double yellow striped median would be valueless; a median must be raised to be effective; 2. The area in consideration is a major accident waiting to happen; 3. The City has a responsibility to make our streets as safe as possible; and 4. A planted median would add to the aesthetics of the City. Commissioner Trainor said she has seen many "very near misses" between vehicles turning from westbound Barton into the Bank of America and eastbound traffic turning into the Town & Country Center. She said there is awareness, courtesy and consideration necessary and it doesn't always happen so tempers often flare. Commissioner Trainor said she grew up in a small family business and appreciates how important it is for the careful and thoughtful planning of the placement of left turn lanes in a median. She said since the City is aware there is a problem at the subject location she feels we now have an obligation to act to improve the traffic safety. She agreed with Chairwoman Van Gelder the double yellow painted line may be more confusing and it still permits violation. She asked if Mr. Neustaedter had some information on striping vs. a raised median. Mr. Neustaedter said the raised median is much more effective. Legally the double double yellow striping has the same standing as a raised median - encroachment into that area is prohibited. A greater level of enforcement would be necessary to implement the striping option vs. raised median. Mr. Neustaedter recommended used of the raised median if at all possible. Commissioner Wilson said everyone would have to agree the planning was poor regarding the driveway placement when these driveways were approved by the County before incorporation. He observed there are several driveways very close to our main intersection (Barton Rd. and Mt. Vernon), but he said there should be a way to provide access to some of the small shops on the north side of Barton east of the short-term project area. He suggested comments be limited to the short-term project area in front of Bank of America, Town & Country Center and the Stater Bros. loading area PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES May 18, 2000 Page 7 driveway. He suggested trying to help the traffic safety issues at the subject location to see if it actually does make a difference. The businesses on the north side of Barton would probably not be affected. Commissioner Wilson agreed with the other Commissioners and staff there is no practical use for the double double yellow lines. He said he has seen Arizona -type median used effectively. He described the Arizona -type median as a raised, rounded median with rock, similar to a huge speed bump. He said he is definitely in favor of trying the short-term project. More than 1 citizen has asked him about the safety of Barton Road in front of Bank of America. He reiterated it was not current staff or Planning Commission Members who approved the problem area. Commissioner Ferre' asked staff if a raised median is to be installed, if it would be planted or with rocks. Director Materassi said the potential funding available would provide for a raised median with only ground cover. Planting with trees would require the city to pursue funding and a landscape contract. Commissioner Ferre' said she shops in Grand Terrace and is uncomfortable driving in the subject area because of traffic safety concerns. She said she is in favor of trying something to resolve the problem. oChairwoman Van Gelder asked if that was sufficient direction from the Planning Commission. Director Materassi responded in the affirmative. 7:55 P.M. ADJOURNED SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 7:55 P.M. CONVENED PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION • Information from Commissioners Chairwoman Van Gelder asked Director Materassi what happened at the 5-11-00 Economic Development Workshop with City Council. She said she was prepared to watch it on Channel 3, but it was not televised. Director Materassi said she thought it was going to be televised. She apologized for the inconvenience. She told Commissioners she would mail each a copy of the staff report prepared for the workshop. — Chairwoman Van Gelder asked staff about the Rite Aid project. She noticed the construction trailer is now gone from the site. Director Materassi said the developer is trying to secure another tenant. The bank does not want to loan money for a Rite Aid store, based on the financial instability of Rite Aid. — Chairwoman Van Gelder expressed concern about the parking situation in the Town and Country Center. It is very difficult to find a parking space. Director Materassi said there is also parking in the back of the center. The area behind center on the west side is also for the shopping center. She suggested the property owner may want to install a sign referring motorists to the rear for additional parking. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES May 18, 2000 Page 8 Commissioner Wilson asked what type of business is going to be in the old Sprouse Ritz building. Director Materassi said the building is being split into 2 spaces. One tenant will be a beauty salon/supply store relocating from Colton named Bailey's Beauty Salon. Commissioner Trainor asked about the old gas station site at the SW corner of Barton Rd. and Mt. Vernon. Director Materassi said the Jack in the Box restaurant people decided it could not work at that location. The property owner in escrow has now proposed another gas station for that site, although at this time there has been no application filed. She pointed out gas stations are not a permitted use in the BRSP village core area. When the City Manager recently asked City Council Members about what they thought of the idea Council felt if the BRSP standards can be met they would consider approval of the gas station at that site since that corner is such a difficult property to find a tenant for. Director said although it is possible for a gas station to meet the standards it would be very difficult. — Commissioner Ferre' asked staff about the time line for the Hollywood Video store. Director Materassi said the building permit has been issued and they are moving very quickly - probably within 2 months. 8:00 P.M. ADJOURNED PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD ON JUNE 16, 2000. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, Patrizia Materassi Fran Van Gelder Community and Economic Development Director Chairperson, Planning Commission 05-24-00:pp w:\planning\minutes\05-18-OO.min