JUNE 5, 1990
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the
Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on June 5,
1990 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Hawkinson.
PRESENT: Jerry Hawkinson, Chairman
Herman Hilkey, Commissioner
Ray Munson, Commissioner
Jim Sims, Commissioner
Fran Van Gelder, Commissioner
David R. Sawyer, Community Development Director
Maria C. Muett, Assistant Planner
Maggie Barder, Secretary
ABSENT: Dan Buchanan, Vice -Chairman
Stanley Hargrave, Commissioner
PLEDGE: Ray Munson, Commissioner
Information from staff to Planning Commissioners.
Information from Planning Commissioners to staff.
Correction to minutes of 5-1-90 Planning Commission Meeting.
Commissioner Munson made a motion to approve the May 1, 1990 minutes.
Commissioner Sims second.
Motion carries. 4-0-3-0. Commissioners Buchanan, Hargrave and Hilkey
Commissioner Van Gelder made a motion to approve the May 15, 1990
minutes. Commissioner Sims second.
Motion carries. 4-0-3-0. Commissioners Buchanan, Hargrave and Hilkey
Z-90-01; E-90-02
The Community Development Director presented the staff report and stated
that this item is a continuation from the last Planning Commission Meeting.
He stated that they had gone through the Barton Road Specific Plan portion
of the ordinance, and would continue pointing out some of the changes they
have included, and that a lot of the changes were format changes. He stated
that the old Title 18 had been an adoption of the county code and had been
amended from time to time throughout its history.
The Community Development Director stated that the first chapter that they
are looking at is the Administrative Professional District. He stated that this
one and the C2 zoning actually had permitted uses and conditionally
permitted uses. He stated that with a conditional use permit, they would have
to come before the Planning Commission and apply for the permit, which the
commission would consider. He stated that sections in the existing code have
been combined into one section in the revision under "Site Development
Standards". He presented the permitted and conditionally permitted uses. He
stated that if someone comes in and their business doesn't fit anything directly
that is listed, they can apply for a Determination of Use, which would come
to the Planning Commission.
The Community Development Director stated that the next district was the
C2 District, with the same type of format changes, but the overall chapter is
basically the same. He stated that the permitted uses were expanded to
include more a detailed listing of different permitted uses. He presented
permitted and conditionally permitted uses, and stated that the Site
Development Standards are the same.
The Community Development Director stated that City Council has directed
staff to create a retail -manufacturing mixed zone for the area between De
Berry and Van Buren Street, west of Michigan and east of the freeway. He
stated that there is one retail district (C2) other than the Barton Road
Specific Plan area and two manufacturing districts: the MR zone which is
restricted manufacturing (light manufacturing), and a M2 zone, which is
slightly heavier than what is allowed in the MR district. He stated that the
City doesn't haven't anything to be termed a heavy industrial zone. He stated
that previously in their manufacturing districts, everything required a
Conditional Use Permit, but they have changed this beginning with the CM
district. He presented the definitions for light, medium and heavy
manufacturing. He stated that creation of products in a light manufacturing
zone would not really bother anyone else. He stated that medium
manufacturing is basically the same, but there will typically not be a finished
product, but rather components that would be put together later, and they
may create a nuisance, odor or noise for other tenants on the same site. He
stated that heavy manufacturing may do that and may affect surrounding
properties. He stated that, in the City's zoning, there are provisions for light
and medium manufacturing, but none for heavy manufacturing, which would
require applying for a Conditional Use Permit.
The Community Development Director stated that the CM zone starts off
with permitted uses, which he listed. He stated that anything permitted under
the permitted uses of the C2 zone can go in the CM district as a permitted
use. He stated that if it needs a CUP in the C2 zone, it is not permitted in
the CM district. He listed the conditionally permitted uses.
Commissioner Sims asked if the Community Development Director was going
over everything for the record or for the Commissioners purposes.
The Community Development Director stated it was for their purposes so that
everyone understands the differences between the manufacturing districts. He
stated that they are looking at the CM zone as a combination of the C2 zone
and the MR zone. He stated that the manufacturing uses that are allowed in
the CM zone are allowed with a Conditional Use Permit.
The Community Development Director stated that the MR district is different
than the existing MR district in that they have the format changes. He stated
that it actually specifies different permitted uses. He stated that they have
similar uses to the CM with a Conditional Use Permit. He stated that they
have been a little bit more particular as to what has to come in for a
Conditional Use Permit as there are homes in the general vicinity. He stated
that the Site Development Standards are basically the same.
The Community Development Director presented the permitted and
conditionally permitted uses of the M2 district. He stated that in other zones,
the Conditional Use Permit is looking at heavier uses or uses that may be a
burden to the permitted uses. He stated that the heavier uses are the
permitted uses as this is the zone for it, but they are conditionally permitting
the lighter uses, as they need to recognize that they are going into the heavier
Commissioner Munson asked if the lot areas, widths and depths are minimum
The Community Development Director stated that they are minimum
standards, but they should keep in mind that any lot that is a legal lot will be
able to develop. He stated that the only other pure district they have is the
Public Facilities District, for which he listed the permitted uses. He stated
that they are not creating any new area or changing any zoning on this. He
stated that the remaining districts are the Flood Plain Overlay and
Agricultural Overlay Districts. He stated that these two districts will sit down
on top of the underlying districts, and all of the regulations still apply for the
underlying districts, with the addition of whatever restrictions, regulations or
provisions that are included in the overlay district. He stated that in our
situation, there are no overlapping, overlay districts. He said that the Flood
Plain District is dictated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, who
comes out with a mapping of where the different flood plain areas are in
town, and Grand Terrace has only one area in the flood plain, which is on the
far northwest portion of town by the river bottom and next to the railroad
tracks. He stated that the Agricultural Overlay District is the same as the one
adopted a year and a half ago.
The Community Development Director stated that the next chapter is
Parking, with one minor change, being that the light standards should not
exceed 18 feet in height measured from the finished grade of the parking
Commissioner Munson stated that there is a residence on Miriam Way, where
they are parking approximately 5 vehicles between their driveway and
property line. He asked how to control this.
The Community Development Director stated that residential parking
regulations are not addressed in the Parking Ordinance, and he can answer
the question by going into Site and Architectural Review.
Commissioner Sims stated that in the older version there was a diagram,
which the Community Development Director said would be included.
Commissioner Munson stated that two or three years ago they had the
insulation people parking their trucks across the street from the Community
Center, and there didn't seem to be anything they could do keep them from
parking those trucks there, and he is concerned this will happen again.
The Community Development Director stated that there were some
nonconforming use rights in that particular instance. He stated that in the
General Regulations section, there is a section defining yards.
Commissioner Munson stated that on Canal Street, there was a May Co. truck
that sat there for two and a half years, and it was an eyesore. He asked how
this would be addressed.
The Community Development Director stated that in the General Regulations
section under yards, it says, "All yards as required by this Title shall be subject
to the following regulations:
A) All front, side and rear yards shall be open and unobstructed
from the ground to the sky unless otherwise provided for in this
B) All portions of any front yard or side yard, which is adjacent to
a street, accept for driveways and walks, shall be landscaped
with trees, shrubs, flowers or other decorative plant materials
and shall be permanently maintained in a neat, attractive and
weed -free manner. In no case shall boats, trailers, commercial
vehicles, recreational vehicles or any miscellaneous material be
stored or parked in any required front yard or side yard which
is adjacent to a street.
He stated that they do have the ability to park on the driveway, but it has to
be an operative, licensed vehicle, and they must park on the pavement and
the property, but not overlapping the sidewalk.
The Community Development Director stated that the Site and Architectural
Review section has some changes. He stated that the major change is that
single family additions will need to go through Site and Architectural Review.
He stated that anything that extends over 10 feet in height will have to go
through Site and Architectural Review, as opposed to anything over 8 feet, as
it is now. He stated that any remodeling or renovation which results in either
a change of use, increase of size or increased capacity will require Site and
Architectural Review, which would include adding a room to a home. He
stated that additional site access, for example, driveway cuts, will also require
Site and Architectural Review. He stated that they reformatted the entire
section to establish guidelines for the review board and for the applicant. He
stated that the 10 foot rule comes into play with a patio cover or an accessory
structure, but they will see any size addition.
The Community Development Director requested a recess, which Chairman
Hawkinson granted.
7:50 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.: RECESS
Chairman Hawkinson called the meeting back to order.
The Community Development Director stated that he prepared an alternative
section for Site and Architectural Review Board, which makes Site and
Architectural Review a formal public hearing process. He stated that staff
recommends this alternative version. He stated that the down side is that this
includes a 300 foot mailing list and property owners' map. He stated that the
individual homeowner who is doing a patio deck which is over 10 feet will
have to provide these things, and the layperson who comes in off the street
can either have a title company do it or do it himself. He stated that this is
the only burden staff foresees.
Commissioner Van Gelder asked what the time frame is required for public
The Community Development Director stated that it has to be published in
the newspaper and must be deposited in the mail 10 days prior to the public
Commissioner Van Gelder asked if they are mailed certified, as then staff
would be sure to know if the notices were sent to the correct names and
The Community Development Director stated that they do not, as they are
not required to do so. He stated that even if someone doesn't receive it, that
doesn't nullify the public hearing. He said that staff would disagree, as it is
not staff's responsibility to make sure that the applicant is putting their project
together correctly, and the mailing list is part of the application. He stated
that the applicant signs a mailing list affidavit saying that the assessor's map
was used and it is the most current data and that it is correct and true, and
this signature releases staffs responsibility.
The Community Development Director stated that other changes on the Site
and Architectural Review chapter include more specifications as far as how
the building permit process works. He stated that expiration of a Site and
Architectural Review approval will expire one year from the date of the
approval, and the Planning Director may extend that up to a period of one
year. He stated that this is the responsibility of the applicant.
The Community Development Director stated that the Manufactured Housing
chapter was slightly changed as they have included the definition and have
reworded it in accordance with the state guidelines, but otherwise it is the
same as the previous chapter. He stated that Second Family Units is basically
the same, but the state law had changed slightly since the time that the
original ordinance had been written. He stated that it is almost entirely the
same with the exception that there was a little bit more definition as to who
could use it. He stated that when they had those determinations, they had
combined the City and the State Ordinance regarding the occupants having
to be 65 years of age, and these types of issues. He stated that this ordinance
has been revised to include these issues as well as the standard condition for
an agreement to be recorded at the County Recorder's office. He stated that
they have established special regulations for the second family unit: The
second family unit shall be used for the sole occupancy for one adult or two
adult persons who are 60 years of age or over; the floor area of the second
family unit shall not exceed 640 square feet or 25% of the main residence's
living area, whichever is lesser; the applicant must be the owner/occupant of
the main residence.
Commissioner Sims asked if a manufactured house was allowed to go into an
area of residential, conventionally built homes.
The Community Development Director stated that the section on
Manufactured Homes allows this, which is dictated by state law. He stated
that state law does allow that it come in for Site and Architectural Review.
Chairman Hawkinson asked if it is permitted as a commercial structure.
The Community Development Director stated that it is permitted as a
commercial structure if it passes through Site and Architectural Review, but
the intent of this ordinance is written toward residential use.
The Community Development Director stated that the General Regulations
chapter has substantial changes, as they have taken out some of the repetitive
areas, for example, street setbacks, which is in the residential zone. He stated
that they expanded other regulations and added swimming pool regulations.
He stated that any body of water that holds more than 18 inches of water
requires a permit and has to be fenced. He stated that he would like to add
a #4 under "Location and Setbacks", that all swimming pools, etc., be setback
from any building a distance of at least 5 feet. He stated that this is a public
health and safety code requirement. He stated that attention should be paid
to #2 under "Locations and Setbacks", which states that no bodies of water
with a depth in excess of 18 inches shall be permitted in a required front yard.
He stated that the next section was on Temporary Manufactured Housing
Installations, which states that the Planning Director can approve modular
homes for construction offices, for example.
Commissioner Sims asked if it would be appropriate to put verbiage in to give
guidance on the type of quality of fencing.
The Community Development Director stated it would be too project specific
to include it in the code itself, and they have that discretion at Site and
Architectural Review. He stated that the section on Visual Screening and
Unsightly Uses states that, "All open storage of motor vehicles, boats, trailers,
building materials, appliances and similar materials shall be screened from
view from all other properties and public streets by a six foot high, solid block
wall, unless otherwise approved by the Site and Architectural Review Board
or City Council", which gives them some flexibility. He stated that if the use
was being operated prior to this code, they have nonconforming rights to
continue as it is, but if they come in and start the use up without the proper
permits after that date, even if they are already operating, they can require
Commissioner Hilkey stated that this came up a year ago when they were
looking at the zoning.
The Community Development Director stated that they had a separate section
on recreational vehicles, and they had to be screened from view. He stated
that the General Regulations section states that in no case shall boats, trailers,
commercial vehicles, recreational vehicles or any miscellaneous materials be
stored or parked in any required front or side yard adjacent to a street. He
stated that they would need a fence and may park this type of vehicle in a
side yard if it is not a street side. He drew a picture indicating what is
Commissioner Hilkey asked that it be reworded.
Chairman Hawkinson asked if staff had attempted to define the difference
between parking and storage.
The Community Development Director stated that this might be part of the
Commissioner Van Gelder stated that storage really means "using less often",
but how often is often.
The Community Development Director stated that they can look into defining
parking and storage and reword these two sections.
Commissioner Sims stated that the way it is written is the way it should be.
The Community Development Director stated that they need to be careful not
to get into a discussion until the public hearing.
Commissioner Munson asked where satellite dishes fall into all of this.
The Community Development Director stated that they don't; it is exactly the
same as before. He stated that he anticipates coming back to the commission
with a separate chapter on satellite dishes and has left room for it.
The Community Development Director stated that the Nonconforming Uses
chapter is the same as before except for the Department Policy, which used
to state that if anything had been vacant for a year, it would lose its
nonconforming status or use status as far as Site and Architectural Review
goes. He stated that this has been changed to 6 months. He stated that it is
incorporated into Section 18.67.030, Nonconforming Use of Buildings.
The Community Development Director stated that the Unlisted Uses chapter
is the same as the existing chapter, which just states when a Determination of
Use or Conditional Use Permit would come in. He stated that the
Conditional Use Permit section establishes the different policies in the same
manner as the Site and Architectural Review. He stated that the section on
Variances does the same thing. He stated that the Minor Deviations section
is done in the same manner, and is much the same as the existing chapter,
except that it is more specific as to application procedures and building permit
processes and appeal processes. He stated that the Amendments section is
very much the same, but it is more specific on the processes. He stated that
the Enforcement section is the same as it had been previously.
The Community Development Director stated that the existing section on
Signs is full of definitions and tables. He stated that in the revision, they
revised the commercial portions of it basically in accordance with the Barton
Road Specific Plan sign restrictions. He stated that the changes added into
the sign ordinance include the establishment of a freeway sign, which is
permitted in the C2, CM, MR and M2 districts within 250 feet of the freeway;
outside of 250 feet, a freeway sign or pole sign would not be allowed and you
would be looking at wall and monument signs. He stated the document states
that if you change your sign, you must come into compliance. He stated that
if a tenant leaves a property and another tenant comes in, the sign can be
used if the tenant gets a business license and opens up for operation prior to
60 days from the last tenant; if it is over 60 days, it must be brought up to
code. He stated that the definitions are the same as in the Definitions
section, and are included just for convenience. He stated that the Submittal
Process talks about how you apply for sign permit and what is required. He
stated that the Planning Director approves sign permits, and if it is appealed,
it goes to the Planning Commission. The Building Permit Process states that
if the Planning Department approves a sign application, then it is sent over
to the Building Department who will prepare a permit when needed. He
stated that Enforcement talks about the City's Code Enforcement Officer
enforcing all the provisions of this chapter. He stated that Architectural
Compatibility states that the design of a sign should match the design of a
building; Construction and Maintenance states that it should be built
according to the U.B.C. and shall be maintained to look nice. He stated that
the next section is the General Standards section, which he read through.
This section states that there can be no moving parts.
Commissioner Hilkey asked about the Union 76 ball
The Community Development Director stated that this would be
nonconforming because he was already there, but if he wanted to change it,
it could no longer rotate. He stated that the Site and Architectural Review
Board may approve a sign which does not strictly adhere to the provisions of
this chapter.
Chairman Hawkinson stated that this body grants variances
The Community Development Director stated that this body grants variances
to the Title 18 on normal variances, but the findings have to be made. He
stated that this is difficult for a sign.
Commissioner Van Gelder stated that they will have to look up every sign in
town and see when they put it up.
The Community Development Director stated that when they go into
enforcement of the Sign Ordinance, they will do a property -by -property
inspection/inventory, then check the records to see which have permits and
which don't, and those that don't will receive letters, and if in fact no permits
were issued, they will have to be brought up to code.
Commissioner Hilkey asked if the landscaping has to appear near the sign.
The Community Development Director stated that landscaping will be around
the base of the sign.
Commissioner Hilkey asked if the ratios are acceptable someplace else.
The Community Development Director stated that the monument and
directory sign are based on other ordinances (Rancho Cucamonga).
Commissioner Hilkey asked about political signs.
The Community Development Director stated that the Political Sign section
states the requirements, but there is very little that can be done about them,
as enforcement is very difficult. He stated that they try to set a guideline for
getting a permit, but there is no charge for one.
The Community Development Director stated that the On -Site and Off -Site
Subdivision sections are the same as the existing sections.
Commissioner Van Gelder asked about apartment signs
The Community Development Director stated that this probably falls under
the Prohibited or Illegal Sign portion. He stated that there are provisions for
apartment signs and temporary signs, but if it becomes a permanent sign, they
can go out and enforce the Sign Ordinance.
Commissioner Van Gelder stated that there is a difference between a wooden
sign and a fabric sign.
The Community Development Director stated that banners are covered in this
section. He stated that the next section is Specific Standards, and they have
changed the format of the tables to make it more convenient readable and
handout manner. He proceeded to present the tables.
Commissioner Hilkey asked if it would be sent to the Chamber of Commerce
for their input.
The Community Development Director stated that they have not commented
in the past except to City Council. He suggested opening the public hearing
on the entire document and at that point make their decisions. He stated that
they could either close the public hearing entirely and go on to discussions or
close the public hearing on all chapters but the sign ordinance, and continue
it until the next meeting so the Chamber and anyone else can make their
Chairman Hawkinson declared a recess.
9:32 P.M. - 9:42 P.M.: RECESS
Chairman Hawkinson called the meeting back to order and opened the public
Mr. Luna stated that he owns the piece of property on Barton Road by the
railroad tracks. He stated that he has a machine that recycles aluminum, but
with the current zoning, he doesn't think he could do it; however, he feels this
is the best site for this machine as there are no houses in the area. He stated
that they spent $8 million to build the machine, and it creates no pollution.
He stated that he is trying to get permission for this machine.
Chairman Hawkinson stated that they couldn't speak to that tonight, other
than saying whether or not it is a permitted use.
Mr. Luna stated that his operation would be quieter and cleaner than lumber
yards, so he can't understand why he can't be fitted into that type of use.
Commissioner Sims asked what zone he is in.
Mr. Luna stated that he is in MR, and he was never notified it was switched.
The Community Development Director stated that he could come before the
Planning Commission under Determination of Use. He stated that they would
consider this medium manufacturing, which is a Conditional Use Permit item
in the M2 zone. He stated that in the MR zone, he would have to convince
the Commission under Determination of Use that it is a light manufacturing
Mr. Luna stated that it is quieter than a lumber yard and would be a benefit
to Grand Terrace, as they would manufacture the machine for worldwide
distribution, and Grand Terrace would be on the map, as Washington D.C.
has already contacted him.
Mr. McMeans stated that he would like to relocate to Grand Terrace, being
that is their major service area. He stated that he was encouraged to here
about the CM zone, which fits their needs. He stated that the C2 zone fit
their needs from the office standpoint, but pipe and fittings are quite large,
and C2 did not allow for outside storage, which the CM zone does, so he
would like to see it put into effect and in the locations that the Community
Development Director has outlined. He stated that when he moved to Grand
Terrace and got his R.V., the first thing he did was rent a space to put the
R.V., as he did not feel that he should have something hanging out into the
Chairman Hawkinson closed the public hearing with the exception of the Sign
The Community Development Director stated that this would be all chapters
but 18.80.
Chairman Hawkinson brought it back to Commission. He stated that he
would like to adopt the Site and Architectural Review portion that includes
the public hearing portion.
Z-90-01, E-90-02
Commissioner Van Gelder made the motion to repeal the existing Title 18
and adopt the proposed revision and recommend the Negative Declaration for
approval to the City Council. Commissioner Sims second.
Chairman Hawkinson stated that he would like to see the public hearing
portion to be included with Site and Architectural Review. Commissioners
Van Gelder and Sims concurred.
Commissioner Hilkey asked about the boats and what the intent is.
The Community Development Director stated that it was as he explained it,
with an R.V. not allowed to be parked in front yard or side yard adjacent to
a street, whether fenced or not, and if it is in a rear yard or side yard not
adjacent to a street, it can be stored, but it must be fenced.
Commissioner Sims stated that in the Visual Screening section, it says that it
must be screened by a 6 foot high solid block wall unless otherwise approved
by the Site and Architectural Review Board.
The Community Development Director stated that on the fencing, this is the
case, but on whether or not you can park it in the front yard or side yard
adjacent to a street, there is not. He stated that Section 18.73.200, Visual
Screening of Unsightly Uses gives them the flexibility, as Site and
Architectural Review Board and City Council can vary the 6 foot high block
wall requirement. He stated that Yards, a separate section, states that all
portions of any front or side yard adjacent to a street, except for driveways
and walks, shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs or other decorative plant
materials and shall be maintained, and in no case shall boats, trailers, R.Ws,
etc. be stored or parked in any required front or side yard adjacent to a street.
The Community Development Director stated that it can be changed to,
"...parked in any required front yard (fenced or unfenced) or unfenced side
yard which is adjacent to a street".
Commissioner Van Gelder stated that parking in the side yard could be
unpleasant for the neighbors on an inside lot.
Commissioner Sims stated that normally there is a fence in between the two.
Commissioner Van Gelder stated that this is only 6 feet high, and R.Ws are
Commissioner Hilkey stated that he has a problem with 18.73.200.
The Community Development Director stated that they can restrict the intent
of this section to commercial properties or non-residential properties. He
stated that the major intent was for open storage yard facilities, but technically
it does apply to residential districts also.
Commissioner Sims stated that they should address commercial uses as
requiring the block wall, and set something for non-commercial uses.
Commissioner Hilkey asked if it could be changed to reference a 6 foot high
block wall for commercial applications and an appropriate wall for residential
The Community Development Director stated that they can reword it to say,
"...from all other properties on public streets by six foot high, solid block wall
for non-residential properties, and a six foot high, solid fence for residential
properties, unless otherwise approved by the Site and Architectural Review
Chairman Hawkinson suggested revising the motion.
Commissioner Van Gelder stated that she included any changes in her
The Community Development Director suggested noting any changes and
then revising the motion.
Commissioner Sims also asked for the changes in 18.73.210, stating, "...a front
yard (fenced or unfenced) and an unfenced side yard".
The Community Development Director stated that this is Section 18.73.210
(B), "In no case shall boats, trailers, commercial vehicles, recreational vehicles
or any miscellaneous materials be stored or parked in any required front yard
(fenced of unfenced) of unfenced side yard which is adjacent to a street".
Commissioner Van Gelder stated that this is included in the motion.
Motion carries. 5-0-2-0. Commissioners Buchanan and Hargrave absent.
Chairman Hawkinson stated that E-90-02, the Negative Declaration for the
proposed revision of Title 18 was the next item.
The Community Development Director stated that the motion included the
recommendation of the Negative Declaration to the Council.
No items scheduled.
Respectfully submitted, Approved by,
David R. Sawyer er aw {' on
Community Development Director Ch ' an, Planning Commission