08/07/1990GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 7, 1990 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on August 7, 1990, at 7:00 p.m. by Vice -Chairman Dan Buchanan. PRESENT: Dan Buchanan, Vice -Chairman Stanley Hargrave, Commissioner Jim Sims, Commissioner Fran Van Gelder, Commissioner John Harper, City Attorney David R. Sawyer, Community Development Director Maria C. Muett, Assistant Planner Maggie Barder, Planning Secretary ABSENT: Jerry Hawkinson, Chairman Herman Hilkey, Commissioner Ray Munson, Commissioner PLEDGE: Jim Sims, Commissioner PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CONVENED AT 7:10 P.M. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: None. ITEM #1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - JULY 1% 1990 MOTION PCM-90-119 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - JULY 10, 1990 Commissioner Van Gelder made a motion to approve the July 10, 1990 minutes. Commissioner Hargrave second. x MOTION VOTE PCM-90-119 Motion carries. 4-0-3-0. Chairman Hawkinson and Commissioners Hilkey and Munson absent. ITEM #2 DECLARATION OF NUISANCE GINA HOLLEY 22245 FULMAR PLACE G.T. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that this item was removed from the agenda. ITEM #3 TPM-87-03 WILLIS AND OPAL COOK 11917 ROSEDALE AVENUE G.T. AN APPLICATION TO SUBDIVIDE A 3.5 ACRE, R1-20 PARCEL INTO TWO PARCELS The Community Development Director presented the staff report. Commissioner Sims asked if Lot A was okay with a lot line adjustment concurrent with the map. The Community Development Director stated concurrent with the tentative map, as Lot A will be eliminated when the final map is recorded. Commissioner Hargrave asked if the City Attorney was happy with this additional amendment. The City Attorney stated that he has no objections. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked if it would be necessary to adopt Condition 6 independently of a motion to recommend approval of staffs recommendations. The Community Development Director stated that they can do it either way. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED AT 7:15 P.M. C. 2 PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:15 P.M. MOTION PCM-90-120 TPM-87-03 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-120 MOTION PCM-90-121 TPM-87-03 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-121 Vice -Chairman Buchanan brought it back to the Commission. Commissioner Hargrave made a motion to add Condition 6 as outlined by staff to conditions of approval for TPM-87-03. Commissioner Sims second. Motion carries. 4-0-3-0. Chairman Hawkinson and Commissioners Hilkey and Munson absent. Commissioner Hargrave made a motion to approve TPM-87-03. Commissioner Van Gelder second. Motion carries. 4-0-3-0. Chairman Hawkinson and Commissioners Hilkey and Munson absent. ITEM #4 TPM-90-02 CHAUNCEY ELLER 23100 VISTA GRANDE WAY G.T. AN APPLICATION TO SUBDIVIDE A 2.17 ACRE, R1-20 PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS MOTION TPM-90-02 PCM-90-122 o MOTION VOTE PCM-90-122 Commissioner Hargrave made a motion to continue TPM-90-02 to the August 21, 1990 Planning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Sims second. Motion carries. 4-0-3-0. Chairman Hawkinson and Commissioners Hilkey and Munson absent. ITEM #5 CUP-90-06, E-90-04 K & M RC ACCESSORIES 22474A BARTON ROAD G.T. AN APPLICATION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW OF A RACE TRACK AND LIGHTING FOR REMOTE CONTROL CARS IN THE BRSP DISTRICT The Community Development Director presented the staff report. Commissioner Hargrave asked if the applicant submitted a revised site plan yet, to which the Community Development Director responded in the negative. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED AT 7:30 P.M. MIKE BLAKE OWNER, K & M RC ACCESSORIES 22474A BARTON ROAD G.T. Mr. Blake stated that regarding the 30 feet of right-of-way on Britton Way, this is not his property and he can't do anything about it. He stated that a brick wall and coated, chain link fence is way too expensive and not really necessary for this type of business, and he requested 4-6' of regular, chain link fence. He said that the existing parking lot seems to be up to par for the City of Grand Terrace. He said that he would have the north end of the race track landscaped with sod and flowers and trees that the City requests, but curb and guttering is not necessary until Barton Road development comes into this area, as this is a temporary business. He stated that he could put up bleachers for 25% of the people that would show up at the track. He said he would put in low volume speakers in the tower where the drivers are so they 4 could hear the announcer and in the pit area at low volume, so it would not affect any of the neighbors, and if any complaints were made, they would no longer use the speakers. He stated that 7:00 to 10:00 would be appropriate hours, but if there was a power surge or computer breakdown, they may need a one hour grace period. He stated that the lights need to be on after the race for the safety of the people packing up and leaving the parking lot and for clean up, so 11:00 would be adequate for this. He stated that 75 person occupancy is fine. He stated that he submitted prints and all measurements are accurate and to code. He said that his main concern was for the lights for night racing in the summer hours, as his business was turning out about 40 drivers, and the track and the store work hand in hand. He said that it is too hot during the summer, so he was asking for Friday night lighting so the drivers could be comfortable and the kids could have a place to go on a Friday night. He said he has lived here for 28 years, and there is nothing for the kids, and for the past year, he has not had one complaint. He said he is running a clean business, with no drugs or alcohol allowed on the premises. He said he is only allowed an 18 foot light pole, but he has a 24 foot pole, which is the same in the decorative areas in Grand Terrace, and it is high enough so that he can direct the light downward on the track for the lighting to be approximately 20 feet beyond his track and will not affect residents. He stated that his parking lot lights will be halogen lights, which would allow the drivers to pit out of the back of their cars. He stated that the noise will consist of the speakers and of people cheering on their friends, which will not be severe. He stated that the lights will only shine directly on the track, and that the last 8 Friday nights, he put lights up to groom the track for racing for the following day, sometimes until approximately 2:00 or 3:00 a.m., and he has not had one complaint. He stated that the Planning Department recommends that all activities of the track be ceased until everything is done. He stated that without the track, he would not survive, as the track and the store go hand in hand. He said that the area used to be weeds, and the kids of Grand Terrace took rakes and shovels and proved that they want some place to go. He stated that when the Barton Road development occurs, if his track does not meet development standards, he will close the doors. Commissioner Van Gelder asked if he charges admission. Mr. Blake stated that he charges $7.00 to race on Saturdays, but observers do not pay admission. Commissioner Van Gelder asked if the area for the seating would be dirt or asphalt. Mr. Blake stated that the seating would be on sod, and at the entrance off of Britton Way, there would be a flower area. o Commissioner Van Gelder asked how he would control the number of people to a maximum of 75. Mr. Blake stated that he controls this when they sign up. Commissioner Van Gelder asked if they were talking about participants alone or participants and observers. Mr. Blake stated just participants. Commissioner Van Gelder stated that this area doesn't seem large enough for this many people. She asked if the difference of the amplified speaker system from what he uses now. Mr. Blake stated that he uses a bull hom now, but plans to get low volume speakers for the racers. Commissioner Van Gelder asked if he planned to leave the structure the way it is now. Mr. Blake stated that he would paint the tower and put a roof on it. Commissioner Sims asked if Mr. Blake didn't agree with the requirement of dedicating the right-of-way for Britton Way. Mr. Blake stated that it is not his property to dedicate, as he leases it. Commissioner Sims was concerned with the number of people that would be there, and he asked how many people he anticipated would be at the facility. Mr. Blake stated there is a maximum of 10 drivers per race, and his maximum turnout when it was cool was 35-40 drivers. He said the spectators come and go. Commissioner Sims asked if all participants come in a car or if some come on bikes. Mr. Blake stated that the majority come in on their bikes. Commissioner Hargrave was concerned about Mr. Blake's comment that he would leave as soon as development hits the area. He informed Mr. Blake that the development being presented tonight after his project is right next door to him. He stated that bathroom facilities are required and are costly. He asked if he would mind if they continued this to allow him to talk with T staff about what is going on in the area. Mr. Blake stated that would be fine. Vice -Chairman Buchanan was concerned that this use has been on -going without necessary approval. He was concerned about adequate bike parking and dust control, but his biggest concern was that this is in the Barton Road Specific Plan area next to a critical intersection. He asked about dust control. Mr. Blake stated that he waters it by hand every day. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that his understanding of staffs recommendation for 75 maximum occupancy includes participants as well as observers at any time, and asked how this would be controlled. Mr. Blake stated that he has a race director who watches what goes on, but he really doesn't have control over who comes in. Commissioner Sims asked if he was intending to sell food. Mr. Blake stated that this would include hot and cold sandwiches, sealed burritos, cokes, etc. f � Commissioner Sims asked if this would include an operating kitchen. 101 Mr. Blake stated no, that it would be more like a catering or "hot dog stand" situation. Commissioner Sims asked where the restrooms are located. Mr. Blake stated that they are inside the shop. Commissioner Sims asked if there was a drinking fountain outside. Mr. Blake stated that he would like to do that, but at this point he has bottled water inside. Commissioner Van Gelder asked for the dimensions of the track. Mr. Blake stated that it is 48' by 100', which is smaller than average, which would be 80' by 120'. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked for the people in support of the project to come to the microphone. 7 QUENTIN SMITH PROPERTY OWNER 22607 TANAGER G.T. Mr. Smith stated that this property does not face Barton Road, as it is in the rear. He said they rented it to Mr. Blake in January of 1989, and told him if he ever wanted to rent the vacant lot as well, they would rent it at a nominal fee. He stated that he is here to lend support to Mr. Blake, as he has always been fair, kept his word and paid his rent on time. He stated that to comply with all of the conditions, it would take $50,000 to put into the track. He stated that they look forward to the development coming in, and they are ready to cooperate with the rest of their property of 2 1/3 acres. He asked the Commission to consider this project favorably. He stated that if he has to comply with the recommended conditions, he will have to close up and take a terrific beating on his investment. Commissioner Hargrave asked how long the lease if for. Mr. Smith stated that he is leasing to him on a month -to -month basis, but if Mr. Blake gets what he needs out of this, he would like to go on a longer term, which Mr. Smith thought would be 2-3 years. He stated that none of their leases extend more than 2 years from now, and their policy will be 3 years at the very most, and they leave themselves an escape clause, that upon 90 days written notice, either party can cancel. He stated that they would not cancel. Commissioner Hargrave stated that what bothers him is that if someone offered him a fair deal on his property, he would probably take it, which would mean this applicant could be out of that position and out of the money even if he got the conditional use permit. Mr. Smith stated that they don't have to put the clause in. Commissioner Hargrave stated that he made the testimony and he has to go by it, and it has swayed him. Mr. Smith stated that their property taxes on the whole property is in excess of $12,000 per year, and that money comes from people like Mr. Blake, so he doesn't want another vacancy. Commissioner Sims asked how he felt about the condition regarding providing 30 feet of right-of-way along Britton Way. Mr. Smith asked if this was a dedicated street. The Community Development Director stated that this is a private street at this time, and the condition is for an offer of dedication to the City for street purposes. Commissioner Sims asked if the intent is to provide access to the parking lot. The Community Development Director stated that Britton Way will be a public street someday, and this would be required of any development. He stated that the condition is that the property identified in the General Plan requires a 30 foot half -street dedication for Britton Way, and that Mr. Smith owns part of that dedication required to put the street in as a condition of improvement of the Conditional Use Permit. He stated that they recognize that the improvements would be unnecessary at this time as the rest of Britton Way is not dedicated and improved, but at the time when the rest of Britton Way is dedicated and improved, they would inform the property owner that they accept the dedication and that it is time for improvements. He stated that staff recommends that this item be continued so that a detailed, dimensioned site plan that identifies the Britton Way right-of-way can be submitted, and this is not the City's responsibility. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked if staff would require a bond or deferral agreement or if it is just a condition of the Conditional Use Permit. The Community Development Director stated that they can handle it through a revocation of the Conditional Use Permit, but it would be a recorded offer for dedication that would be open to the City, who can accept it at anytime. He stated that a bond can be considered for that. Mr. Blake stated that he would like to withdraw, with permission to stay open until the end of the month. Vice -Chairman verified that Mr. Blake is withdrawing his application for a Conditional Use Permit and Site and Architectural approval. Mr. Blake asked that they don't shut him down until he gets everything straightened out, as the way it is written up by the Community Development Director, he is shut down. The City Attorney stated that, speaking on behalf of staff, he doesn't perceive them as going out tomorrow morning and shutting him down. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that he is not operating in legal conformance 9 right now, so that can't really tell him he can operate for a while, but what is being indicated is that if the situation is being resolved, then it is in nobody's interest to waste time trying to enforce something that is going to take care of itself. He stated that they are only removing the items from the calendar, so the Commission will not be directing staff to go shut him down. Vice - Chairman Buchanan stated that this item will be removed from the agenda for tonight's meeting. 8:25 P.M. TO 8:40 P.M. - RECESS PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:40 P.M. SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD CONVENED AT 8:40 P.M. ITEM #6 SA-90-17 K & M RC ACCESSORIES 22474A BARTON ROAD 1WWV AN APPLICATION FOR SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF A RACE TRACK AND LIGHTING FOR REMOTE CONTROL CARS IN THE BRSP DISTRICT Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that this item was withdrawn by the applicant this evening. ITEM #7 SA-89-07 THE ADVOCATE SCHOOL 11980 SOUTH MT. VERNON G.T. ALTERNATIVE FENCE DESIGN The Community Development Director presented the staff report. Commissioner Van Gelder asked what color the wrought iron would be. The Community Development Director stated that staff recommended black or creme, and the applicant leaned toward creme. Commissioner Hargrave stated that he favored the lighter color to match the 10 MOTION PCM-90-123 SA-89-07 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-123 building. Commissioner Sims made a motion to approve the fence as designed and to be creme in color. Commissioner Hargrave second. Motion carries. 4-0-3-0. Chairman Hawkinson and Commissioners Hilkey and Munson absent. ITEM #8 SA-90-18, E-90-05 MICHAEL PALMER AND ASSOCIATES/M.S. PARTNERSHIP 22488 BARTON ROAD G.T. AN APPLICATION FOR SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW OF A COMMERCIAL/RETAIL BUILDING The Assistant Planner presented the staff report. Commissioner Van Gelder stated that the narrative states that the awnings would be painted, but the drawings represent them as canvass. The Community Development Director stated that all awnings will be blue canvass. Commissioner Van Gelder asked if an evaluation was done on traffic impact on Barton Road and Mt. Vernon Avenue resulting from the proposed development, which was mentioned in the engineer's memorandum. The Community Development Director stated that there was not a specific traffic study submitted to staff. Commissioner Van Gelder asked about a cornerstone to reflect the historical value of the area. The Community Development Director stated that this could be addressed to the Historical Society. Commissioner Sims asked if it was standard policy to have parking lots designed for 10 year design life. The Community Development Director did not know the City Engineer's standard regarding this. Commissioner Sims stated that no traffic index was mentioned. The Community Development Director stated that City Engineer, in referring to the building permits, would refer to the standard that the City requires. He stated that they can condition the project if it is unclear. Commissioner Hargrave asked if staff was comfortable with the south elevation facing Barton Road, as there is a big solid area. The Community Development Director stated that the planting materials and trellis being proposed help break it up, as well as any signs. Commissioner Hargrave asked how much space is there. The Community Development Director stated 17 feet wide. Commissioner Hargrave asked if the applicant has to do a traffic study and bring it back to the City prior to the condition being met. The Community Development Director stated that the applicant would have to do a traffic impact to satisfy the City Engineer, but he would have to clarify this with the City Engineer. Commissioner Hargrave asked if the building's property line comes right up to the sidewalk on the east side. The Community Development Director stated that it does. Commissioner Hargrave asked the distance from the curb to the building face. The Community Development Director stated approximately 12 feet. He stated that staff would like to see the angles softened a little bit. Commissioner Hargrave asked if the conditions cover the specific plan requirements for trash bins. 12 The Community Development Director stated that they would. Commissioner Hargrave asked if he had specific ideas as to how they would treat the west side access. The Community Development Director stated he did not, and they would have to discuss that. Vice -Chairman Buchanan called up the applicant. JOHN RUMSEY MICHAEL PALMER AND ASSOCIATES 1205 J STREET SAN DIEGO Mr. Rumsey stated that the mechanical equipment is located on the roof, and there is a parapet around the entire perimeter that is a minimum of 30" high. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that the fire warden requires roof access at the north and south sides of the building. He asked if the plans address this. Mr. Rumsey stated they currently only propose one roof access ladder on the north side, and indicated this on the colored renderings. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked if they had anything in mind for the access on the south. Mr. Rumsey stated that if it were on the south side, it would have to be visible to the public. He stated that they would have no objection if they would accept interior access. Commissioner Van Gelder asked how many stores would be in there. Mr. Rumsey stated they are planning five. Commissioner Sims asked if they were planning any signs on the building. Mr. Rumsey stated that they will be coming in with a comprehensive sign plan, but they would stick to all channel letters with a typical color scheme on all sides, and they would be approximately 18" tall. Commissioner Sims asked if, in the landscaped area, they planned to put any monument there. 13 Mr. Rumsey stated he doesn't think a monument sign would really be required. The Community Development Director stated that the sign ordinance restricts an individual business tenant to two wall signs. Commissioner Van Gelder asked if there would be signs on the north elevation as there are no doors. Mr. Rumsey stated that there wouldn't be any signage on the north side. Commissioner Hargrave asked about fencing. Mr. Rumsey stated that along the street frontages, they propose a 36" high wall with landscape elements, and he asked if there was a 6' wall requirement along the rear property line. The Community Development Director stated that there is a 6' requirement for Site and Architectural Review, but staff would prefer not to see any wall or fence requirements there. Commissioner Hargrave stated that he would not want to see a wall on the north side of the property as he would like some pedestrian access from the bike shop area to this property. He said they don't want to put a wall on the west side, as this will be developed out. He said perhaps they could put a monument of some type on the north side of the property on the right facing Mt. Vernon. He stated that it doesn't have to advertise the center, but perhaps finish it off with an architectural design. The Community Development Director asked if they would be amenable to just continuing the landscaping solid through there with the agreement that when that access is required, that it be provided. Mr. Rumsey stated that this was fine. Commissioner Hargrave recommended in the meantime a pedestrian walkway. TONY FULLER M.S. PARTNERSHIP 22722 CENTER DRIVE EL TORO Mr. Fuller stated they had done a traffic report for one or both of the projects submitted in the last 4 years, and the report was approved by the City 14 MOTION PCM-90-124 SA-90-18 Engineer and the City, stating there would be no impact, and the site presented was a larger site than what is being proposed today. He stated they are willing to do an update, but they have already spent $5,000 on the traffic report alone. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked about the fire access. The Community Development Director suggested they direct staff and the applicant to work with the fire department to come up with some acceptable design for it. He stated that they would not like to see ladder access from Barton Road. Mr. Fuller stated that they will meet with the fire department and come to an agreement. He stated that they will be investing 1/2 million dollars on this project, and all of their parking lot specifications are approved by a certified engineer, and they have no problem meeting whatever requirements there may be. The Community Development Director stated that they would like to add for clarification purposes that condition #9 states that the applicant shall enter into a reciprocal access agreement regarding access to the property to the west, which doesn't mean they need to sign anything with the property owner to the west, but rather with the City, stating that when the property to the west does develop, access will be provided. Commissioner Van Gelder stated that right now, there is a large difference in elevations between the two properties, and there is a retaining wall on part of that property. She stated that this is between the backs of two buildings and it is not well -lighted, and it is not an appropriate place for access. The Community Development Director didn't recommend access at this time. Commissioner Sims asked if the existing curb and gutter was not at the right location. The Community Development Director stated that it will have to be brought back, but he does not know how much further. Commissioner Hargrave made a motion that Condition #9 address the reciprocal access based upon the Community Development Director's 15 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-124 MOTION PCM-90-125 SA-90-18 C comments with regard to the property to the west. Commissioner Buchanan second. Motion carries. 4-0-3-0. Chairman Hawkinson and Commissioners Hilkey and Munson absent. Commissioner Hargrave made a motion that Condition #10 state that all signage be in conformance with the specific plan requirements.Commissioner Sims second. The Community Development Director clarified that signage is allowable on the north side per the code. Commissioner Van Gelder requested they condition that there be no signage on the north side of the project. Commissioner Hargrave was concerned that people coming down Mt. Vernon would not see signage. Commissioner Van Gelder stated that signs would be on the side. Mr. Fuller stated that they believe most of the spaces will be small, but if the tenant wants to and it is permitted by code then they usually go ahead with it. He stated that with this center, they don't believe they will have a monument sign for exposure, so they are limited and will need whatever signage is allowed. The Community Development Director referred to the colored rendering and indicated capabilities. Commissioner Van Gelder withdrew her recommendation. She asked if the sign would be for one particular shop or the name of the entire complex. The Community Development Director stated that more than likely it would be for the tenant of the particular space. Wei MOTION VOTE PCM-90-125 MOTION PCM-90-126 SA-90-18 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-126 MOTION PCM-90-127 SA-90-18 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-127 MOTION PCM-90-128 SA-90-18 Motion carries. 4-0-3-0. Chairman Hawkinson and Commissioners Hilkey and Munson absent. Commissioner Sims made a motion regarding the design criteria for the parking lot, with a minimum traffic index of 4 be utilized. Commissioner Hargrave second. Motion carries. 4-0-3-0. Chairman Hawkinson and Commissioners Hilkey and Munson absent. Commissioner Buchanan made a motion that the landscaping treatment along the west property line be continuous with access to western property subject to future determination at a time deemed appropriate by staff. Commissioner Sims second. Motion carries. 4-0-3-0. Chairman Hawkinson and Commissioners Hilkey and Munson absent. Commissioner Sims made a motion to approve SA-90-18 as amended. Commissioner Hargrave second. C 17 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-128 Motion carries. 4-0-3-0. Chairman Hawkinson and Commissioners Hilkey and Munson absent. SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD ADJOURNED AT 9:50 P.M. NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD AUGUST 21, 1990 Respectfully submitted, ,��a � _.Ir-_ David R. Sawyer Community Development Director Approved by, Dan Buchanan Vice -Chairman, Planning Commission 18