05/15/1989GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 15, 1989 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on May 15, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Stanley Hargrave. PRESENT: Stanley Hargrave, Chairman Jerry Hawkinson, Vice -Chairman Dan Buchanan, Commissioner Herman Hilkey, Commissioner Ray Munson, Commissioner Jim Sims, Commissioner Lett Meeting Early Fran Van Gelder, Commissioner ABSENT: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Stanley Hargrave PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP CONVENED AT 6:30 P.M. Presentation of the San Bernardino County Hazardous Waste Plan by Environmental Officer, Pam Bennett. Discussion on rescheduling the July 3, 1989 Planning Commission to July 5, 1989. Discussion on MPA Associates and La Mancha appeal scheduled before the City Council Meeting of May 25, 1989. Discussion on the existing problems that still exist at the Chocolate Forest. Request by Commissioner Buchanan to confirm his mailing address for the Chamber of Commerce Newsletter. Discussion of the April 3, 1989 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes. Change on page 1, should read "Planning Commission Workshop adjourned at 7:00 p.m.". PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP ADJOURNED AT 7:00 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CONVENED AT 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - No comments from the public. 1 ITEM #1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MOTION PCM-89-47 MOTION PCM-89-47 VOTE MOTION PCM-89-48 MOTION PCM-89-48 VOTE Commissioner Munson made the motion to approve the February 6, 1989 Planning Commission Minutes. Commissioner Hawkinson second. Motion carried. 6-0-0-1. Commissioner Buchanan abstained. Chairman Hargrave made the motion to approve the April 3, 1989 Planning Commission Minutes with noted correction on page 1. Commissioner Sims second. Motion carried, all ayes. 7-0-0-0. ITEM #2 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER PAM BENNETT MOTION PCM-89-49 Discussion by the Planning Commission regarding the proposed Hazardous Waste Management Plan as presented during the workshop by Environmental Officer, Pam Bennett. Chairman Hargrave made the motion to recommend adoption al of the San Bernardino County Hazardous Waste Management Plan to City Council for submittal to the State. Commissioner Van Gelder second. 2 MOTION PCM-89-49 VOTE Motion carried. 6-1-0-0. Commissioner Munson voted noe. ITEM #3 TPM-89-2 CONSOLIDATION OF TWO PARCEL LOTS FOREST CITY DILLON 11601 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CA. 90025 The Community Development Director presented the staff report with the conditions and recommendations of approval from the reviewing agencies, the City Engineer and the Planning Department. He also presented the history of the project and the purpose of the map. Commissioner Buchanan asked what initiated the map. The Community Development Director explained that the Phase II conditions, per the outcome of the court case was to submit a map. The settlement was reflected in the conditions of approval earlier by the Planning Commission. Discussion by the Planning Commission as to alternative choices. The Community Development Director explained that legally this body does not have any other choice, the standards have been set. Discussion by the Planning Commission and the Community Development Director that what is being considered is whether the applicant has followed the Subdivision Map Act and did it correctly. Questions whether the court considered density, a subdivision map act or initial map act to approve Phase II. Chairman Hargrave stated that the Planning Commission should take the recommendation of the Planning Director, all of the conditions have been met. The Community Development Director explained that the issues addressed were discussed earlier by the Planning Commission. The density and traffic issues were the main items. This map 3 is in compliance with the Site Plan and the General Plan. Discussion on when the two lots were approved. The Community Development Director explained that Phase I was approved prior to May 1987. The Site Plan under Forest City ownership was denied based on lack of variance on the parking and zoning issues. He explained the variance procedures and the Planning Commission earlier approved the Site Plan with recommendations to City Council for approval. He stated again that Phase H cannot be denied because it was approved earlier. Commissioner Hilkey suggested he would like to see the resolution revised. The Community Development Director clarified the General Plan's density of 12 units maximum and the 20% density bonus. He stated that Phase II was in conformance with the General Plan. Commissioner Hilkey suggested rephrasing the resolution to read "consolidation of parcel lots for single family apartments in compliance with the General Plan." The Community Development Director clarified that there are findings which have to be met to approve the map in accordance with the County and the State. Commissioner Munson asked if a denial could be appealed to the City Council. The Community Development Director strongly urged the Planning Commission to approve. The applicant was mandated under court action to do this consolidation of the map per Planning Commission conditions. Discussion of the court action between Forest City and the City of Grand Terrace. Chairman Hargrave clarified that the Planning Commission is approving the map which is a condition the applicant is meeting. The only questionable or non favored area can be the verbage of the resolution. Discussion on how this project could be approved without the Planning Commission approving the density which is opposed to the current General Plan. 4 The Community Development Director explained that the Planning Commission approved the Specific Plan. Staff recommended approveal at that time and still does. The zoning is okay with the density bonus. The findings are approved according to the Planning Commission findings. Commissioner Buchanan suggested that the wording of the resolution be changed to read "Now therefore... have previously been made". Therefore since these findings were made previously and adjudicated by a court of law. Vice -Chairman asked if it is a problem with the City Attorney would it come back to the Planning Commission. The Community Development Director stated that it would. MOTION PCM-89-50 Commissioner Van Gelder made the motion to recommend approval of TPM-89-2 with conditions of approval as recommended by staff with no changes. Chairman Hargrave second. i L Discussion by the Planning Commission regarding a revision of wording of the proposed resolution. MOTION AMEND PCM-89-50 The Community Development Director made the suggestion that the wording of the resolution be revised to read "...Whereas the issues identified of the following findings have been made previously by the Planning Commission in the approval of SP/CUP 85-8; and ...Now, Therefore be it resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, that the following findings have been made in accordance with the previous approval of SP/CUP 85-8." Commissioner Van Gelder amended her motion to recommend approval of TPM-89-2 with conditions of approval and recommendations by staff including wording revision of the resolution as follows, "Whereas the issues identified of the following findings have been made previously by the Planning Commission in the approval of SP/CUP 85-8; and ... Now, 5 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-50 Therefore be it resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, that the following findings have been made in accordance with the previous approval of SP/CUP 85- 8." Second concurred. Motion carried. 5-1-0-1. Commissioner Hilkey voted noe and Commissioner Buchanan abstained. Commissioner Hilkey wanted to state for the record that his concerns were Planning oriented and not political. ITEM #4 CUP-89-2 JOHN RUFFCORN 23187 GLENDORA GRAND TERRACE, CA. The Community Development Director presented the staff report with the conditions from the reviewing agencies, the City Engineer and Planning Department along with recommendation of approval. Discussion on the condition regarding compliance with California State Law Mandate 6585.1 and 6585.2 which should be corrected to read Government Code. PUBLIC HEARING CONVENED AT 8:20 P.M. MR. JOHN RUFFCORN 23187 GLENDORA GRAND TERRACE, CA. Mr. Ruffcorn asked the Planning Commission if school fees were applicable on his project. Chairman Hargrave stated that school fees were not applicable when dealing with senior age. Commissioner Hilkey clarified that school fees are applicable if the valuation of the project is over $20,000. Z PUBLIC HEARING ADJOURNED AT 8:20 P.M. MOTION PCM-89-51 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-51 Commissioner Hilkey made the motion to approve CUP-89-2 with modification to item #3, changing California State Law to Government Code. Commissioner Hawkinson second. Motion carried, all ayes. 7-0-0-0. BREAK FROM 8:25 P.M. TO 8:45 P.M. PLANNING DISCUSSION RECONVENED AT 8:45 P.M. It was pointed out to Chairman Hargrave that the public hearing portion of Item #3, Forest City Dillon, the Tentative Parcel Map 89-2 had not been convened and needed to be reopened for legal process. Therefore the vote would have to be nullified due to lack of public input. ITEM #3 TPM-89-2 FOREST CITY DILLON PUBLIC HEARING CONVENED AT 8:45 P.M. No public input. PUBLIC HEARING ADJOURNED AT 8:45 P.M. MOTION PCM-89-52 Commissioner Van Gelder made the motion that motion PCM-89-51 (TPM-89-2) be null and void due to error of not opening Public 7 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-52 MOTION PCM-89-53 MOTION PCM-89-53 VOTE Hearing for this item. Chairman Hargrave second. Motion carried, all ayes. 7-0-0-0. Commissioner Van Gelder made a motion to recommend approval of TPM-89-2 with conditions of approval and recommendations by staff including wording revision of the resolution as follows, "Whereas the issues identified of the following findings have been made previously by the Planning Commission in the approval of SP/CUP 85-8; and ... Now, Therefore be it resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, that the following findings have been made in accordance with the previous approval of SP/CUP 85-8." Chairman Hargrave second. Motion carried. 5-0-0-2. Commissioners Buchanan and Hilkey abstained. PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION CONVENED ITEM #5 CUP-89-1 (ANNEX ADDITION) ADVOCATE SCHOOL KENNETH CLARK/ARCHITECT 11980 MT. VERNON AVENUE GRAND TERRACE The Community Development Director presented the staff report with the conditions and recommendations of approval from the Reviewing Agencies, the City Engineer and Planning Department. Discussion of the history of the project from initial phase. Discussion on fencing for the perimeter of the total project. The Community Development Director clarified that this proposal does not alter the original fencing as approved by the earlier original project. Discussion on the location of the fire hydrants and compliance with Fire Warden's Office requirements. Discussion on improvements required by the City Engineer on the original project specifically the street lights and location of same. Commissioner Van Gelder asked if street trees were required The Community Development Director explained that the street trees were required at 40' intervals. Discussion on interpretation of City Code with respect to landscaping. Discussion on why the applicant needs the additional space for classrooms and office area. The Community Development Director suggested that the Planning Commission ask the applicant for an explanation of the detailed uses of the additional annex area. Chairman Hargrave asked why the City Engineer has more specific conditions on this proposal. The Community Development Director explained that there were concerns raised during the construction of the first phase. The City Engineer is now addressing those concerns; drainage and grading. Discussion on the Fire Warden's Office additional conditions for the annex building. Specifically, the requirement of sprinklers in the proposed annex structure. Discussion on the parking requirement for the existing, proposed annex and any future profession that may enter that site. The Community Development Director explained that the parking is adequate for the overall site. The total project was approved under the office builing guidelines. 9 Commissioner Buchanan referred to the plans which reflected one access, at the southwest comer, from the annex into the courtyard. He expressed concern with only one exit being used in case of fire. The Community Development Director explained that should be checked by the Fire Warden's Office. Discussion on what type of vocational schools would be allowed in this annex. The Community Development Director explained that presently staff does not have any controls because the uses in the classrooms would be for homemaking purposes. Chairman Hargrave pointed out that the general purpose of a Conditional Use Permit is to insure that the proposed use will not be detrimental to public health, welfare or safety. Discussion on the previous conditions from the original project, CUP-87-6. The Planning Commission expressed concerns that some vocational uses may exceed acceptable criterion. The Community Development Director suggested that all vocational uses other than kitchen or homemaking should receive prior approval by the Planning Department. PUBLIC HEARING CONVENED AT 9:15 P.M. KENNETH CLARK ARCHITECT ADVOCATE SCHOOLS 11980 MT. VERNON AVENUE GRAND TERRACE Mr. Clark explained that the fire hydrant is located at the corner and the street lighting will be in the middle of the street near the project. With reference to the street trees, five trees have been approved on the original landscaping plans. He did clarify that there will be a stairwell at the end of thebuilding and an exit. The doorway was not shown on the plan. Mr. Clark has been the architect since the conception of the project and provided a detailed history of the project to the Planning Commission. 10 Discussion of school's relationship to the Colton Unified School District and the County of San Bernardino. Mr. Clark explained that they are obligated to comply with the State Building Code. Discussion of enrollment and ages of the children involved in the vocational programs. Mr. Clark explained that there would be approximately 115-120 students of various ages. He also stated that most of the children using the proposed annex would be from the first phase building and not driven in from other locations. Commissioner Van Gelder asked if there would be a Sheltered Workshop Program in the proposed annex. Mr. Clark stated he was certain that would not occur. Commissioner Van Gelder asked if the annex would be used as a Rehabilitation Center. Mr. Clark replied that he was not certain. Commissioner Van Gelder asked if there would be night classes or on Saturdays. Mr. Clark responded no. The Community Development Director explained that the original plans showed the vocational classrooms in the first building. However, those have now been moved to the proposed annex. Discussion on the intent of the fence around the courtyard. The intent being to allow an outdoor space for the children. The Community Development Director suggested an additional requirement since the area fence is too close to the street. He suggested that the playground in the rear be used. Mr. Clark replied that the applicant would be glad to work with staff to redo that area. The Community Development Director explained that landscaping should be done throughout the courtyard area. Discussion on quantity of the offices and classrooms in the 11 proposed annex. The applicant proposes 12 offices and 25 classrooms. Chairman Hargrave asked if staff had looked at using chain link for the courtyard area. The Community Development Director explained that staff will need to look at new landscaping plans for the courtyard. Discussion on the condition from the original CUP which limits the student enrollment to 120. Mr. Clark guessed that the maximum age of the students would be 18 years. Discussion on why proposed additional classroom space. Mr. Clark explained that the applicant would like to offer more vocational classes. Discussion on the proposed annex located in the old church area on the site. Future plans to demolish the old church structure. The Community Development Director referred to the original CUP-87-6 stating that there were only conditions to prevent after hours activity and barricading the parking area. PUBLIC HEARING ADJOURNED AT 9:50 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION CONVENED AT 9:50 P.M. MOTION PCM-89-54 MOTION PCM-89-54 VOTE Commissioner Buchanan made the motion to revise the resolution by replacing zoning R-3 to zoning A-P. Commissioner Van Gelder second. Motion carried. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Sims absent. 12 MOTION PCM-89-55 MOTION PCM-89-55 VOTE MOTION PCM-89-56 MOTION PCM-89-56 VOTE MOTION PCM-89-57 Commissioner Buchanan made the motion to add condition #4 that a revised detailed fencing and landscaping plan of the courtyard area for the proposed annex be submitted to the Planning Director for approval. Vice -Chairman Hawkinson second. Motion carried. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Sims absent. Chairman Hargrave made the motion that the hours of operation for normal classroom functions shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Commissioner Buchanan second. Motion carried. 5-1-1-0. Commissioners Sims absent. Vice -Chairman Hawkinson voted noe. The Planning Commission reached a concensus that the size of the shrubs and trees should be adequate to reflect the traffic noise from Mt. Vernon Avenue. This should be considered by the Community Development Director when the detailed landscaping plan for the courtyard is submitted for his approval. Commmissioner Van Gelder made the motion to not allow the annex building to be used for a Sheltered Workshop nor a Rehabilitation Center. Commissioner Munson second. Discussion on the pros and cons of whether this motion was 13 necessary since condition # 10 of CUP-87-6 provides a restrictive measure. MOTION PCM-89-57 VOTE 3-3-1-0. Commissioner Sims absent. Split vote therefore motion did not pass. MOTION PCM-89-58 MOTION PCM-89-58 VOTE MOTION PCM-89-59 Commissioner Munson made the motion that all vocational classrooms shall be limited to use by students, both full-time and/or part-time enrolled at this location only. The maximum number of students shall at no time exceed 120 students. Chairman Hargrave second. Motion carried. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Sims absent. Commissioner Van Gelder stated that she was opposed to the second floor and not certain the second floor was necessary. Commissioner Van Gelder made the motion to deny the second floor from the application. Commissioner Munson second. Commissioner Munson stated that the applicant needs to justify the additional space. He feels this facility may become something else at a later date. Mr. Clark stated that the headquarters for the Advocate School is in the L.A. Basin. Discussion on reasons for having the offices on the second floor to allow additional vocational classrooms. 14 MOTION PCM-89-59 VOTE MOTION PCM-89-60 MOTION PCM-89-60 VOTE MOTION PCM-89-61 Mr. Clark stated that if the second floor is denied then the vocation classrooms will be cut in half. Motion failed, split vote. 3-3-1-0. Commissioners Hilkey, Van Gelder, Munson voting aye. Commissioners Hargrave, Hawkinson, Buchanan voting noe. Commissioner Sims absent. Commissioner Buchanan made the motion that all proposed vocational curriculum shall be submitted for approval to the Community Development Director prior to operational use. Vice - Chairman Hawkinson second. Motion carried. 5-1-1-0. Commissioner Hilkey voted noe. Commissioner Sims absent. Commissioner Munson asked if any of the students would be driving. Mr. Clark responded that they would not, all students would be transported by vans. Commissioner Munson made the motion that no student parking facilities shall be provided on the subject site. Chairman Hargrave second. 15 MOTION PCM-89-61 VOTE MOTION PCM-89-62 MOTION PCM-89-62 VOTE MOTION PCM-89-63 MOTION PCM-89-63 VOTE Motion carried. 5-1-1-0. Commissioner Hilkey voted noe. Commissioner Sims absent. Discussion on submitting recommendation to City Council to possibly red curb the street in front of the site. Discussion on dressing up the rear area of the proposed annex area with landscaping. Chairman Hargrave made the motion to approve the amended CUP- 89-1 with conditions #4,#5,#6,#7 and #8. Vice -Chairman Hawkinson second. Motion carried, all ayes. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Sims absent. Chairman Hargrave made the motion to approve SA-89-7 per conditons of CUP-89-1. Commissioner Hawkinson second. Motion carried, all ayes. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Sims absent. 16 SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD ADJOURNED AT 10:50 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION ADJOURNED AT 10:50 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, David R. Sawyer, Community Development Director Approved by, i Stanley Hargra hairm Planning Co 'ssion 17