06/05/1989GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 5, 1989 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on June 5, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Stanley Hargrave. PRESENT: Stanley Hargrave, Chairman Jerry Hawkinson, Vice -Chairman Dan Buchanan, Commissioner Herman Hilkey, Commissioner Ray Munson, Commissioner Jim Sims, Commissioner Fran Van Gelder, Commissioner David Sawyer, Community Development Director Karen Stevenson, Assistant Planner Maria Muett, Planning Secretary ABSENT: John Harper, City Attorney PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Herman Hilkey PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP * Zoning Revision Update - Commercial, Manufacturing, Signage, Definitions and Housing Update. * Status of SA-89-04, Mr. Ruben Luna, site plan revision has not been submitted to the Planning Department as yet. * Discussion on moving the July 3rd Planning Commission Meeting to July 5, 1989. Commissioners Van Gelder and Sims may be absent. * Status of San Bernardino County's Hazardous Waste Management Plan. City Council passed the motion that it be submitted to the State for its review. * Discussion by the Commission the need for revision of code to have more control. regarding the Sign Ordinance and enforcement and the need for staff * Discussion on Chocolate Forest and status of Code Enforcement by staff. 1 * Discussion of the April 17, 1989 Minutes with noted correction on page 4. * Discussion on Nuisance Abatement Status at 22558 Cardinal Avenue, Charles Hartzell. Mr. Hartzell has complied with the infraction enforcement. All of the illegal structures are down and materials have been removed. * Discussion on the time table for the Barton Road Specific Plan. * Discussion on the Riverside Highland Water Tank building status. The permits have been approved and construction has started (Parcel Map # 11821). The final map (Parcel Map # 14078) for Barney Karger's map has not been submitted for final or design guidelines. * Discussion on the status of Bob Keeney's Commercial Project at La Crosse and Barton Road. Mr. Keeney has decided to try and construct the RV Park again. The Community Development Director explained that the CUP for the previous RV concept is still valid because it is less than one year. PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP ADJOURNED AT 7:00 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CONVENED AT 7:00 P.M. Public Participation - Advocate School Board introduced their board members and offered additional information pertaining to their original phase and the annex phase of their project in the City. ITEM #1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 17, 1989 MOTION PCM-89-64 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-64 Commissioner Van Gelder made the motion to approve the April 17, 1989 Planning Commission minutes with noted change on page 4. Commissioner Buchanan second. Motion carried, all ayes. 7-0-0-0. 2 ITEM #2 CUP-88-14R1 DOMTAR GYPSUM 21516 MAIN AVENUE GRAND TERRACE The Community Development Director presented a staff report that suggested a continuation of the item until July 5, 1989 which would allow a 30 day trial period for hours of operation from 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Discussion on quantity and location of residential and business properties near the site. Commissioner Buchanan suggested that a specific notification of a trial period be sent to the property owners of a 300 square foot radius or more. The public would then have the opportunity to contact staff by phone or written word for complaints. PUBLIC HEARING CONVENED AT 7:40 P.M. FRANK GARZA AND MR. ADELAN 44 Highland Avenue Highgrove, CA. Mr. Garza stated that as residents they have difficulty coping with the industrial uses near their area. Increased noise and traffic congestion are the primary problems. He is opposed to the business starting up at 5:00 a.m. He suggested the applicant work until later hours such as 7 or 8 p.m. MR. ALAN ZIEGLER DOMTAR GYPSUM 21516 MAIN AVE. GRAND TERRACE, CA. Mr. Ziegler stated they wish to start early operations because their customers wish to beat the heat, hope to increase their early morning truck routes to four (4) and ten (10) total for the day. Discussion on the history of the business and central headquarters for the distribution center. Chairman Hargrave suggested the applicant operate under the earlier hours of 5:00 a.m. during the summer months and then operate under the normal schedule starting back in September. PUBLIC HEARING ADJOURNED AT 7:45 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION CONVENED AT 7:45 P.M. MOTION PCM-89-65 Discussion on the process for change in the hours of operation. The Community Development Director stated that if the complaints are substantial on the Conditional Use Permit then a revokation and public hearing would be necessary. Discussion on what would be a substantial quantity of complaints to alter the variance. Concensus by the Planning Commission that staff should make a special mailing to all residents and businesses in the area to obtain a significant public reaction to the trial test period. Commissioner Buchanan made the motion to continue the request for modification to CUP-88-14R1 with a 30 day trial period from June 6, 1989 to July 5, 1989. Also directing staff to permit the applicant to operate from 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and further to prepare a letter identifying the action period of continuance and the next hearing. The next hearing indicating trial period and advising the residents if they experience any problems or noise between 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. they should appear in person at the July 5, 1989 Planning Commission or submit in writing or contact staff by phone prior to July 5, 1989. If in the opinion of the Planning Director any problem of noise becomes severe than the Planning Director has the power to suspend and rollback the hours of operation to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. If a problem, then the item can be placed on the June 19, 1989 Planning Commission Meeting. Chairman Hargrave second. Discussion of the feasibility of the applicant obtaining a signed petition from the residents. It was decided to allow staff to do the mailout. PUBLIC HEARING RECONVENED AT 8:05 P.M. PER CONCENSUS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MR. GARZA 4 n Mr. Garza requested that the new mailout letter point out the hours of operation since the first letter did not indicate that. Also, to allow the residents the opportunity to say yes or no to the trial period. PUBLIC HEARING ADJOURNED AT 8:06 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION CONVENED AT 8:06 P.M. MOTION PCM-89-65 VOTE Motion carried. 5-2-0-0. Commissioners Hawkinson and Munson voted noe. PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION ADJOURNED AT 8:10 P.M. SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD CONVENED AT 8:10 P.M. ITEM #3 ABLE INDUSTRIES 21516 MAIN AVENUE GRAND TERRACE The Assistant Planner, Karen Stevenson, presented the staff report with the conditions and recommendations of approval submitted by the Reviewing Agencies, the City Engineer and the Planning Department. Commissioner Sims asked if there were any plans to widen the private road to accomodate truck traffic. The Community Development Director stated that there were no plans at this time. Discussion on the setbacks of this project, zoning of MR and allowable uses. Commissioner Sims expressed his concern that the pullout traffic onto the private easement are a traffic hazard. 5 The Community Development Director explained that this is a private easement. The City Engineer addressed those issues and he did not make any conditions to improve the area. Discussion on the tenants of the proposed building. Able Industries will occupy building # 1 and at this time the tenant of building #2 has not been selected. Discussion of the property owners surrounding the site. Southern California Edison owns the property to the south. Gage Canal owns the property that serves as access to the canal and it is up to them to maintain that area. Discussion on the proposed parking surrounding buildings # 1 and #2. The Community Development Director explained that there will be an AC (asphaltic concrete) paving on the parking lot. Discussion on the new zoning revisions taking place and the effect on this site. Presently in the MR and M-2 Zones everything needs a CUP now. The new code will be set up with allowable and need CUP uses. Discussion on condition #6, block wall and alternative of chain link also. Commissioner Buchanan referred to the fence divider near building # 1 parking area. The Community Development Director responded that the fence is existing and will remain. He also mentioned that the access will be changed. Staff will condition so that the landscaping is maintained properly. If the landscaping is not taken care of then that will be grounds for revokation. PUBLIC HEARING CONVENED AT 8:35 P.M. FRED MILLIKEN ABLE INDUSTRIES 21496 MAIN AVENUE GRAND TERRACE The intention of their project is to have their own business location. There will be 3.4 acres to be used for their purpose. They will have office hours of operation. The entrance is 300 feet from the bridge and they plan to light the area for 6 security. They prefer to landscape to allow property visibility. They are not licensed for hazardous materials only pipe materials. They do not use heavy equipment but may do periodic maintainence. They anticipate that some gravel areas will be necessary. Discussion by the Planning Commissioners why they chose a dark blue siding for their building. The applicant responded that the color of the submitted rendering was not indicative of the siding they were planning to use. They want a blue and white since it is their company color. Discussion by the Planning Commissioners that they felt it was a standout color. The Community Development Director responded that the color was not that important for the area. The metal structure is appropriate for this building area. The metal building will not be seen from the public roadways. The wooden trims will be seen. O PUBLIC HEARING ADJOURNED AT 8:50 PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION CONVENED AT 8:50 P.M. MOTION PCM-89-66 Commissioner Hilkey asked of the applicant's plans to install lighting. The City Engineer does not require lighting out there. Discussion on any type of conditioning to prevent any lighting problem to the surrounding residential areas. The Community Development Director explained that the site is back away from the residential main areas. There are general standards of the City for lighting requirements. Commissioner Hilkey made the motion to approve SA-89-6 as conditioned by the Planning Department. Vice -Chairman Hawkinson second. Discussion by the Planning Commission regarding landscaping 7 maintainence. The Community Development Director stated that this issue is covered in the conditions of the project. MOTION PCM-89-66 VOTE Motion carried, all ayes. 7-0-0-0. SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD ADJOURNED AT 8:55 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:55 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, David R. Sawyer, Community Developm 7ntDirector P.C. Meeting 6/5/89 Approved by, Stanley Hargrave Chairm Planning Commi sion z