06/19/1989GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 19, 1989 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on June 19, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Stanley Hargrave. PRESENT: Stanley Hargrave, Chairman Jerry Hawkinson, Commissioner Dan Buchanan, Commissioner Herman Hilkey, Commissioner (arrived late) Ray Munson, Commissioner Jim Sims, Commissioner Fran Van Gelder, Commissioner David Sawyer, Community Development Director Karen Stevenson, Assistant Planner Maria Muett, Planning Secretary ABSENT: John Harper, City Attorney PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Stanley Hargrave PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP CONVENED AT 6:30 P.M. * Discussion on Planning Commission Minutes, May 15, 1989 and June 5, 1989. * Discussion on the need to adjourn this evening's meeting to the next Planning Commission, July 5, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP ADJOURNED AT 7:00 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CONVENED AT 7:00 P.M. Item # 1 Planning Commission Minutes May 15, 1989 June 5, 1989 MOTION PCM-89-67 Commissioner Munson made the motion to approve the May 15, 1989 1 Planning Commission Minutes with noted changes. Chairman Hargrave second. MOTION VOTE PCM-89-67 Motion carried, all ayes. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Hilkey absent. MOTION PCM-89-68 Vice -Chairman Hawkinson made the motion to approve the June 5, 1989 Planning Commission Minutes with noted changes. Commissioner Buchanan second. MOTION VOTE PCM-89-68 Motion carried, all ayes. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Hilkey absent. Item #2 SP-89-1 Specific Plan for 23 3 bedroom apartment units Tom Wall 22085 Newport Avenue Grand Terrace, CA. The Community Development Director presented the staff report with the conditions and recommendations of approval from the City Engineer, Reviewing Agencies and staff. Discussion by the Planning Commission regarding the location of the guest parking areas on the site plan. Vice -Chairman Hawkinson expressed concern that the Planning Commission is presupposing that each unit has one vehicle. Discussion on the Municipal City Code guest parking requirement; one parking space per four (4) units in the guest parking area. 2 The Community Development Director explained that staff is requiring two more parking spaces in order to meet the Code. Commissioner Sims asked if the laundry facility on the side of Building A was for the entire complex. The Community Development Director explained that it would be for those tenants who did not use the laundry hookups in the individual apartments. Discussion regarding the landscaping in the 25' setback area of front part of the complex. Discussion regarding a soundation wall to eliminate or reduce the noise from the freeway. The Community Development Director explained that it was staff's recommendation that the decible levels be reduced in this area. It may become the responsibility of the applicant to test the noise level and may need to seek the aid of the Environmental Health Services. Commissioner Hilkey asked how the 1,118 square footage liveable area was calculated. The Community Development Director explained that "liveable area" was calculated per the planning method from outside wall to outside wall less the storage areas, decks and garages. Discussion regarding "liveable area" defined as established by City Council. Commissioner Hilkey expressed his concern that lighting is needed on the outside for security purposes. Also, the height of the patio walls can be a major safety problem. Discussion on the noise level and code enforcement of same. The Community Development Director explained if the noise level is higher than 45dBA then the applicant won't be able to open the complex. Chairman Hargrave asked for an intepretation of the City Engineer's requirement of a sewage collection. Discussion on slopage of the area away from Newport Avenue also on the feasibility of City maintained pumps. 3 PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION ADJOURNED AT 7:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING CONVENED AT 7:30 P.M. Tom Wall 22085 Newport Avenue Grand Terrace, CA, 92324 Mr. Wall stated that he has no desire to do pumping on sewer and hopefully that can be handled by grading. He estimates that the patio fences will be between 36" or 42". He has only put up one soundage wall and does not know what it would take to lower the dBAs. He is willing to put in lighting where needed. The laundry area is for the whole complex. Chairman Hargrave asked what the cost and location of a street light would be. The Community Development Director explained that it needs to be worked out with Southern California Edison. Discussion on the City Engineer's concern with sewer availability. Discussion of the air conditioning units and location. Commissioner Van Gelder asked if there would be one unit per apartment and if a Site and Architectural Review would be needed. The Community Development Director explained that a Site and Architectural Review would be required and it has been conditioned that " they shall be screened for view." Discussion on alternate areas in the complex for two additional guest parking spaces to meet the Code. The Community Development Director stated that if the two trash areas near the guest parking were rearranged then that would meet the parking requirement without adding the two additional parking spaces. Chairman Hargrave asked if the landscaping had been chosen. Mr. Wall replied that they have not selected a detailed plan as yet. 91 u Chairman Hargrave asked about the composition of the renderings. Mr. Wall stated that river rock composion is shown but would prefer Palos Verde stone. The roofing material is a composition plate imitation and will last 30 years. Commissioner Munson stated that due to an increase in traffic this project will cause then Council should propose increased fees to the applicant. Dusty Fulcom Grand Terrace Mobile Estates Assistant Manager Mr. Fulcom expressed his concern with the lighting along the west wall. He stated that most of the residents of their mobile park on that side are Senior Citizens. In response to the discussion of the sewer problem, he believes the sewer goes out the southeast corner of the mobile home park. At the southend there is an 8" line that goes to the southwest comer. Discussion on the parking for additional vehicles either in the street or limited guest parking area which may require monitoring. The Community Development Director described the playground area with respect to the mobile home park. He stated that the lighting design is a concern with staff also. Discussion on the height of the wall that separates the two projects. One is 6-8 feet high and the west side 5'. Mr. Fulcom explained that the living coaches are 3-6' from the wall. Discussion of traffic flow from the mobile home park, onto Canal Road and up Barton Road. Discussion of alternate recommendation from Mr. Fulcom for lighting design. He suggested keeping the patio lighting below the wall level. PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING ADJOURNED AT 8:15 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION AT 8:15 P.M. Chairman Hargrave asked for specifications of the conditions 5 by either continuing this meeting or additional discussion. The Community Development Director listed additional conditions. He stated that he had overlooked two of the parking spaces which had been on the site plan. He stated that they do have the required six and proposed keeping condition #6, " ... Guest parking", which now would give them two additional parking spaces above the 6. Addition to condition #8, " ...all heating and air conditioning equipment shall be ground mounted and screened from view and located within the structure, said equipment shall be identified on the required landscaping and lighting plan". Addition condition #9, "...the applicant detailed lighting and irrigation plans to be shall submit approved by a the Planning Director. Said lighting shall be in accordance with the proposed Parking Ordinance, which the Council is now considering." That addresses how the lighting is to be handled since standards cannot be higher than 15'. This addresses the issue of the lighting shining into residential areas. Addition condition #10, "...the north elevations shall be improved to provide architectural features to be approved by the Planning Director. Addition condition #11, "...the applicant shall be required to pay a fee into the Canal Street and Barton Road Signal Light Fund in the amount equal to the rate paid by properties previously assessed." Addition condition # 12, "...the fencing materials to be used by the individual patio areas shall not exceed 36" in height and shall be identified on the required landscaping and lighting plan." The Community Development Director stated those were the additional conditions he has come up with after listening to the discussion. Chairman Hargrave asked if the Planning Commissioners if they felt strongly about the lighting and landscaping issues, would they be properly addressed by the additional conditions. no Commissioner Buchanan asked if they would see this project again under the Site and Architectural Review. The Community Development Director replied no. Discussion on the lighting, irrigation and landscaping plans to be submitted to the Community Development Director with consideration to their concerns. The Community Development Director stated that they could condition that it be done prior to submittal to City Council. Discussion on additional private parking areas and code enforcement. Discussion on additional windows for the sides of the complex facing the street. The Community Development Director explained that can be addressed under the landscaping and lighting plan and revision of the northern elevation prior to submittal to the City Council. Staff can work on this to reflect the concerns expressed by the Planning Commission. Discussion on the location of the playground equipment at the rear end of the complex. Chairman Hargrave suggested that the barbecues be situated in a common area instead of stringing them out. Chairman Hargrave referred to page 16 of the Specific Plan regarding double pane glass, 5/8" drywall with use of R-19/R R-11 insulation which could be used as far as the mitigation goes. Discussion regarding arbors which can be drawn out on landscaping plans. Discussion on what it would take to make this a secured complex. The Community Development Director responded that it could be conditioned that there be security fencing. Concensus agreed upon by the Planning Commission to select the Palos Verde composition. The applicant submitted to the Planning Commission and staff a letter from the Riverside Highland Water Company regarding the 7 location of two fire hydrants; one at the curb and one 150' away. Commissioner Van Gelder expressed her concerns that the security lighting is not sufficient and additional parking is inadequate. She requested of the developer to make the access to the project secure. Discussion on alternate security access plans. The Community Development Director stated that security gates could be done to be aesthetically pleasing. He did point out that the security gate area could interfere with the 25'setback and any adjustment could hinder this project. The gate needs to be a separate structure. The Community Development Director explained that he would study alternate changes in the building locations and turning radius to accomodate a security access. Vice -Chairman Hawkinson stated that the area of the trash enclosures should be relocated to the laundry facilities to accomodate extra parking. The Community Development Director agreed as long as the access for the disposal trucks was sufficient. He stated that one possibility is that a portion of the turn around area, instead of grass, that there be some type of additional guest parking in that area. Two more additional parking spaces can be added to the outside of the guest parking spaces. Chairman Hargrave suggested revising the barbecue area to accomodate additional parking. The Community Development Director explained that they would make the adjustments on the parking recommendation to end up with 8, but would work with 9 depending on how much landscaping could be removed. Conditions # 1 through #5 will remain the same. The Community Development Director summarized condition #6 with revised wording, " ...three additional parking spaces." Condition #7 will remain the same. Condition #8, will remain the same with addition of "...said 8 MOTION PCM-89-69 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-69 equipment shall be identified on the required landscaping and widening plan." Condition #9, "the applicant shall submit a landscaping, lighting and irrigation plan to be approved by the Community Development Director. Said lighting shall be in accordance with the proposed off street parking ordinance." Condition # 10, "the north elevations shall be improved to provided additional architectural features and two additional windows, to be approved by the Community Development Director." Condition # 11, "the applicant shall be required to pay a fee into the Canal Street/Barton Road Signal Light Fund in an amount equal to the rate paid by property previously assessed." Condition # 12, "the fencing materials to be used for the individual patio areas shall not exceed 36" in height and shall be identified on the required landscaping, irrigation and lighting plan." Direction from the Planning Commission that "a revised landscaping, lighting and irrigation plan and revised northern elevations be prepared and submitted prior to consideration by the City Council for this item." Concensus agreed upon by the Planning Commission to do away with the community laundry room. Discussion on rephrasing condition #8 for flexibility to allow roof mounted air conditioners or heating units. The Community Development Director pointed out that the Planning Commission is recommending these conditions to the City Council. Commissioner Hilkey made the motion to approve SP-89-1 with recommended changes. Vice -Chairman Hawkinson second. Motion carried, all ayes. 7-0-0-0. 6 Item #3 GP-89-1 Housing Element MOTION PCM-89-70 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-70 Staff has asked for continuance of this item indefinitely. Chairman Hargrave made the motion to approve stafi's recommendation for continuance of GP-89-1. Vice -Chairman Hawkinson second. Motion carried, all ayes. 7-0-0-0. Chairman Hargrave adjourned the Planning Commission to July 5, 1989, Wednesday, at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, David R. Sawyer, Community Development Director 10 Approved by, Stanley Hargrave Chairma Planning Commission