07/17/1989GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINIITES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 17, 1989 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California on July 17, 1989, at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Stanley Hargrave. PRESENT: Chairman Stanley Hargrave Commissioner Dan Buchanan Commissioner Herman Hilkey Commissioner Ray Munson Commissioner Jim Sims Commissioner Fran Van Gelder ABSENT: Vice -Chairman Jerry Hawkinson PLEDGE: Commissioner Herman Hilkey PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP CONVENED AT 6:30 P.M. Information presented to Planning Commissioners from staff. Information presented to the staff from Planning Commissioners PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP ADJOURNED AT 7:00 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CONVENED AT 7:00 P.M. Public Participation - No comments from the public. ITEM #1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINIITES OF JULY 5, 1989 MOTION PCM-89-81 Commissioner Buchanan made the motion to approve the July 5, 1989 Planning Commission Minutes. Chairman Hargrave second. 1 MOTION PCM-89-81 VOTE Motion carries, 5-0-1-1. Commissioner Van Gelder abstain and Vice -Chairman Hawkinson absent. ITEM #2 GP-89-1 HOUSING ELEMENT The Community Development Director requested that this item be continued indefinitely due to the delays in the Residential Zoning action by the City Council. ITEM #3 DU-89-1 GENERAL ASSEMBLY ROOM TERBEST AND ASSOCIATES 21900 BARTON ROAD G.T. The Community Development Director presented the staff report with the conditions and recommendations from the City Engineer, the Reviewing Agencies and Planning Staff. Discussion on the permitted and non -permitted uses in the zone, C-2, and explanation no. #3 "General Assembly Room is not a permitted use when it is not part of a restaurant facility." Explanation that any use which is not listed as a permitted use is not permitted, but may be permitted with a Conditional Use Permit. Discussion on explanation #5, "...on -site consumption of alcoholic beverages only when in connection with a restaurant facility and if the restaurant receives a Conditional Use Permit." The Community Development Director explained that if the General Assembly Room is being approved then the on -site consumption of liquor would not be allowed unless it was in association with the restaurant use. If the Planning Commission would like to have the alcoholic beverage as an option for the General Assembly Room then it could be added on. Commissioner Buchanan asked if the Planning Commission chose to add the option of alcoholic use would approval still be needed by ABC (Alcoholic and Beverage Control Department). 2 The Community Development Director stated that would be correct and the project would be subjected to ABC Is administrative process. Discussion on the letters submitted by the applicant (Terbest and Associates) which indicates that they are not proposing to put in a kitchen facility. Most of the food service for the activities would be provided by a catering service. Discussion on item #5 and its implication that a restaurant facility would have to be at the location of the proposed general assembly room location. Discussion on the code with reference to alcoholic beverages and the two alternatives. As a permitted use, a liquor store may provide off site sale of alcoholic beverages without a Conditional Use Permit. A restaurant is a permitted use if no alcoholic beverages are served. If alcoholic beverages are to be served it would require a Conditional Use Permit. Commissioner Van Gelder expressed concern with alcoholic beverages being served, crowd control, loud music, and code enforcement. Chairman Hargrave asked the applicant to present his proj ect . MR. TERBEST Mr. Terbest presented the project and projected uses to the Planning Commission. He explained that the City of Grand Terrace does not have a facility to accomodate installation dinners, civic functions, or community services, such as weddings. He has always had a desire to provide the City with such a facility. This project has been a long term plan between himself and the developer/Bob Keeney. Discussion on the enforcement and control of the various activities anticipated for the facility. Services to be provided in the facility include D.J. business, food catering, security and administrative management. Mr. Terbest responded to the inquiry regarding the serving of alcoholic beverages. He stated that if ABC approves the license then they will have it properly controlled. They are not intending to have it as a permanent type of liquor facility. 3 Discussion on the reaction of the proposed facility from the other tenants. Mr. Terbest replied that the contact they have had with the tenants has been positive. Discussion regarding any noise that may emit from the patio area or the facility itself. Mr. Terbest anticipated that they will comply with all of the City Ordinances including the noise ordinance which indicates a 10:00 p.m. deadline. They do not intend to have late crowds but perhaps an occasional New Year's Eve Party or St. Patrick's Party. Discussion on the soundproofing in the facility. MR. BOB KEENEY 12129 MT. VERNON GRAND TERRACE, CA. Mr. Keeney stated that they had not planned on anything other than R-11 insulation on the walls and R-19 on the ceilings. If the Planning Commission desired they would be agreeable to upgrading to R-30 on the ceilings. Discussion on whether or not it is adviseable to discuss proposed conditions of the project. The Community Development Director explained that conditions are considered under the Conditional Use Permit process. This meeting this evening deals with Determination of Use only. PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION MOTION PCM-89-82 MOTION PCM-89-82 VOTE Commissioner Buchanan made the motion that the Planning Commission make the determination that the General Assembly Room, which may or may not include on -site consumption of alcoholic beverages be a permitted use in the C-2 Zone subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Commissioner Hilkey second. Motion carries, all ayes. 6-0-1-0. Vice -Chairman Hawkinson absent. 4 The Community Development Director pointed out to the applicant that the next meeting for the Planning Commission will be August 21, 1989. The deadline for that meeting in submitting a Conditional Use Permit will be July 26, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD CONVENED ITEM #3 SA-88-1R 20/20 RECYCLING CENTER 22441 BARTON ROAD G.T. The Community Development Director presented the staff report with staffs recommendation to remain the same with respect to the location of the igloos in the rear of the Stater Brothers complex. Chairman Hargrave asked the applicant to present his proj ect . PUBLIC HEARING CONVENED BOUDEWIJN P. HANRATH 1731 POMONA ROAD CORONA, CA. 91720 Mr. Hanrath explained that his company was requesting modification of their original Site and Architectural Review SA-88-1 was to relocate the 20/20 facility in such a fashion that it could be located within the view of the customers in the shopping center. The present location inhibits their company trucks from moving about in the service area. Due to the poor visibility of this site it is rated as one of the lowest in the State of California. Discussion on whether or not approval has been given by Staters Brothers and Viking Corporation to relocate the igloos. Mr. Hanrath explained that the approval could be obtained in writing. Discussion on the recyling process of the materials at the site. Discussion on what type of equipment is needed to come 5 MOTION PCM-89-83 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-83 MOTION PCM-89-84 in and remove the recycleable materials and the proposed location, near the northeast entrance of the shopping complex, what traffic hazards may occur. Discussion by the Planning Commission and its support of the 20/20 Recycling Program but its concern with the safety aspects of the new proposed location. Discussion on alternate locations such as the rear area of the liquor store, or the south/east end towards the back of the auto shop or the south east entrance of the shopping complex. The Community Development Director explained the reasons for staff's recommendation of leaving the recycling igloos at the present location, due to aesthetics and safe location. Discussion on the feasibility of relocating the recycling site 1/2 mile away as mandated by the State. Commissioner Munson made the motion that the recycling center remain at the present site. Commissioner Van Gelder second. The Community Development Director introduced the Fire Station as a possible alternate location. Discussion on the additional traffic that would be created at the Fire Station Site. Motion fails, lack of majority. Commissioners Hilkey, Hargrave and Buchanan voting noe. Commissioners Van Gelder, Munson and Sims voting aye. Commissioner Hawkinson absent. Chairman Hargrave made the motion to approve the change of site to the easterly side of the auto parts center per staffs approval, along with approval letter from the owner of the property. Commissioner Hilkey second. 11 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-84 MOTION PCM-89-85 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-85 MOTION PCM-89-86 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-86 MOTION PCM-89-87 Motion fails, lack of majority. Commissioners Van Gelder, Munson and Sims voting noe. Commissioner Hilkey, Hargrave and Buchanan voting aye. Commissioner Hawkinson absent. Chairman Hargrave made the motion that the applicant and staff look at the possibility of moving the site to the Fire Station, the general vicinity, easterly side of the auto shop or appropriate sites in association with the Barton Road Specific Plan. Commissioner Hilkey second. Motion fails, lack of majority. Commissioners Van Gelder, Munson and Sims voting noe. Commissioners Hargrave, Buchanan and Hilkey voting aye. Commissioner Hawkinson absent. Commissioner Sims made the motion to deny moving the recycling receptacles until there has been a sufficient opportunity for staff to study additional locations, relation to the Barton Road Specific Plan, and return project to the Planning Commission. Chairman Hargrave second. Motion fails, lack of majority. Commissioners Hilkey, Hargrave, Buchanan voting noe. Commissioners Van Gelder, Munson and Sims voting aye. Commissioner Hawkinson absent. Chairman Hargrave made the motion to continue SA-88-1R1 and to return to the Planning Commission with further clarification on alternative sites between the applicant 7 and staff. Commissioner Sims second. MOTION VOTE PCM-89-87 Motion approved. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Hawkinson absent. Chairman Hargrave adjourned the meeting to the next Planning Commission Meeting, August 21, 1989. SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD ADJOURNED. Respectfully submitted, David R. Sawyer, Community Development Director P.C. Meeting July 17, 1989 3 Approved by, Stanley Hargrave, / Chairman 7U Planning Commission