05/15/1997GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 15, 1997 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California on May 15, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. by Vice -Chairperson, Fran Van Gelder. PRESENT: Fran Van Gelder, Vice -Chairperson Doug Wilson, Commissioner Moire Huss, Commissioner Matthew Addington, Commissioner Mary Trainor, Commissioner Patrizia Materassi, Community Development Director Hally Cappiello, Associate Planner Pat Peterson, Community Development Department Secretary Raul Colunga, Planning Intern ABSENT: Jimmy Sims, Chairperson Gerry Ellis, Commissioner * Call to Order * Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Huss * Roll Call * Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Community Development Director. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: None C PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 2 MAY 15,1997 ITEM#1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - MAY 19 1997 MOTION PCM-97-30 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - MAY 1, 1997 Commissioner Wilson made a motion to approve the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes from the May 1, 1997 meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Addington. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-30 Motion carried. 5-0-2-0. Chairman Sims and Commissioner Ellis absent. ITEM#2 CUP-97-01/SA-97-01/DU-97-01 and E-97-01 AN APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW, DETERMINATION OF USE AND THE ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW TO ESTABLISH A CONTRACTOR'S STORAGE YARD WITH ANCILLARY OFFICE USE AND METAL STORAGE BUILDING IN THE MR (RESTRICTED MANUFACTURING) AREA ON PICO STREET. TOM TORRES/TNT CONSTRUCTORS PARCEL NUMBER 277-111-09 PICO STREET, GRAND TERRACE, CA Staff report was presented by Associate Planner, Hally Cappiello. Zoning of the subject property is Restrict Manufacturing (MR), as are the properties to the South and West of the subject property. Properties to the East are zoned R-1 7.2. She announced that Tom Torres, the applicant and sole proprietor of TNT Constructors was present at the meeting. Ms. Cappiello said applicant proposes to erect a 3600 square foot steel building on subject property to store light duty vehicles associated with his business. There is an Edison easement along the eastern property line and a public utility easement belonging to the City of Riverside. Photos and a brochure were presented to the Planning Commission to illustrate examples of the type of building and materials proposed by applicant. She said if the Planning Commission approved this project it would set a precedent. The metal building industry has made significant advances in the architectural aesthetics in recent years. Staff felt metal structures with the proposed architectural details are compatible with the MR area. Ms. Cappiello explained if the Planning Commission does not agree that the proposed building is compatible a zoning amendment will be required. If they do agree that it is compatible, additional conditions may be imposed at their discretion. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 3 MAY 15,1997 The proposed use as a contractor's storage yard is conditionally permitted in the MR District. Staff determined applicant can meet the required 6 parking spaces based upon the office space and area for storage of goods. Applicant intends to use the building to store vehicles and equipment. With regards to noise, the applicant stated to staff that he will not be using any vehicles or equipment with diesel engines. A ten foot wide strip of landscape buffering will be used around the perimeter of the property to mitigate noise. A noise study will be required of applicant should there be two or more noise complaints. The proposed color of the building is tan with a red tile mansard. The trash enclosure will match the building. There are no unresolved issues with the applicant. Commissioner Trainor expressed concern about the City of Riverside easement running through the property. Director Materassi assured her the plans were routed to the City of Riverside for comment, and should there be a break in the water line due to construction or operation of applicant's business the liability will lie with the developer. Ms. Cappiello said the final construction and landscape plans will be reviewed again per the request of the City of Riverside before their final approval. Commissioner Addington brought to staff's attention that the driving aisle as proposed may not meet City's parking code. Director agreed it does not meet code requirements. 7:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED Tom Torres He introduced himself as the applicant. He corrected staff by saying the roof of the building is to be metal, not tile. Only the color is the same. He pointed out the City of Riverside water line running under his property also runs under Pico St. and said he is aware heavy equipment such as cranes and caterpillars could cause a problem with the water line. He does not use heavy equipment. His heaviest equipment is a forklift and a 2-ton truck. He is a public works contractor and erects many steel buildings for governmental agencies. He said his contracts generally last for extended periods so he feels his business will be an ideal buffer between the adjacent residences and other manufacturing because his crews will probably not be in and out of the storage yard on a daily basis. He said he will not be storing any large amount of lumber as it is generally delivered directly to the building site by the lumber provider. The storage building will be used to store such items as compressors, generators and other small equipment to be protected from the elements. Vice -chairperson Van Gelder asked Mr. Torres what time of day his crews will be arriving at the yard to pick up equipment. Mr. Torres said 7:00 a.m. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 4 MAY 15,1997 Wendell Halterman 12750 Royal Avenue Grand Terrace, CA He said he lives adjacent to the subject property. He asked where on the lot the metal building will be placed and the height of the building. He was concerned about obstruction of his view. Director Materassi responded the building will be 15' 11 " in height. The building will be placed approximately 110' from Mr. Halterman's property line. Juleta Halterman 12750 Royal Avenue Grand Terrace, CA She said in the past they have had a dust problem caused by the forklifts at the lumber company and noise from Inland Timber. Mr. Torres stated the entire area will be paved. 7:45 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MOTION PCM-97-31 Commissioner Addington made a motion to amend condition #2 from "2 or more" to "3 or more complaints." Motion seconded by Commissioner Huss. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-31 Motion carried. 5-0-2-0. Chairman Sims and Commissioner Ellis absent. MOTION PCM-97-32 Motion made by Commissioner Addington that the applicant be required to comply with the City parking code, condition #13 of the revised conditions. Motion seconded by Commissioner Trainor. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 5 MAY 15,1997 MOTION VOTE PCM-97-32 Motion carried. 5-0-2-0. Chairman Sims and Commissioner Ellis absent. MOTION PCM-97-33 Commissioner Addington made a motion to approve CUP-97-01, SA-97-01 and E-97-01. Motion seconded by Commissioner Huss. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-33 Motion carried. 5-0-2-0. Chairman Sims and Commissioner Ellis absent. Director Materassi said staff is comfortable with applicant's proposal to erect a metal building and feels it is compatible with materials used in the area and recommends approval. Commissioner Addington asked that the applicant be recalled to clarify the question of the color of the roof. Vice -Chairperson Van Gelder asked Mr. Torres to return to the microphone. Mr. Torres said this type of pre -manufactured building comes in earth tones. He will use whatever the Planning Commission desires. It will look neat and he will be certain there is a manufacturer's warranty on the paint. MOTION PCM-97-34 Commissioner Addington made a motion to approve DU-97-01 Vice -Chairperson Van Gelder seconded the motion. MOTION PCM-97-34 Motion carried. 5-0-2-0. Chairman Sims and Commissioner Ellis absent. Commissioner Addington announced he abstain on Item #3. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 6 MAY 15,1997 ITEM #3 Z-97-01/E-97-02 AN APPLICATION TO RECONSIDER THE DECISION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON APRIL 17, 1997, TO REQUIRE A FORMAL SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW FOR THE PLAYGROUND RELOCATION AREA. SOUTHEASTERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTH -DAY ADVENTISTS/AZURE HILLS S.D.A. CHURCH PARCEL NUMBERS 277-161-32 AND 277-161-33 CITY CENTER COURT, GRAND TERRACE Director Materassi presented the staff report. She stated the applicant did not appeal the previous Planning Commission decision of April 17, 1997 to the City Council. They chose to bring the matter back to the Planning Commission to seek reconsideration because applicant felt the Planning Commission decision to formally review the playground was made partially on a document which was not officially approved by the school. City Attorney agreed the reconsideration process is appropriate. Director referred the Planning Commission to Attachment A, applicant's letter of intent, which states the conceptual drawing considered by the Planning Commission on April 17, was unauthorized by the school. It also states a landscape and irrigation plan will be submitted for approval at staff level. Director Materassi stated staff is comfortable with their ability to do an Administrative Site & Architecture review at staff level based on the very specific details in the letters of intent, and the addendums. Vice -chairperson Van Gelder said it should be made perfectly clear that anything beyond the scope of the letters of intent and addendums must be taken to the Planning Commission for approval. 8:01 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED, Matthew Addington CM Engineering 225 E. Airport Drive San Bernardino, CA He said he is the civil engineer on this project. He stated the applicant is requesting the Planning Commission's decision to do a formal review of the new playground at Azure Hills Elementary School to be reconsidered. He assured the Planning Commission there was never an intention of the church to deceive the Planning Commission regarding any of the details of the playground project. He explained what he termed a series of well-intentioned errors. The conceptual drawing presented to the Planning Commissioners was not approved through the official school and church channels. Applicant has budgetary concerns regarding the playground area. He said they are close to going over budget and cannot afford elaborate equipment and plans. The main concern is to get grass planted so they will have a play area when school opens in the Fall, 1997. If the review is done at staff level the playground will PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 7 MAY 15,1997 be ready at least one month earlier than a Planning Commission review. He also wanted the Planning Commission to delete the preliminary staff condition of approval requiring playground and perimeter trees. Director Materassi said the Planning Commission may not discuss changes in the conditions of approval at this meeting. Jack Booker 11785 Mt. Vernon Ave. Grand Terrace, CA He said he was at the meeting to speak in favor of applicant's request as stated in the letter dated May 5, 1997. He said the school needs use of the playground as soon as possible. The children need to have a play area, as right now there is none. Arthur Blinci 12825 Vivienda Ave. Grand Terrace, CA He stated the land purchase alone is nearly $300,000. The church is investing in the City to develop a Christian school for all members of the community. He asked the Planning Commission support the recommendation of the Community Development Department so the playground can be constructed in as timely a manner as possible. Debbie Stottlemyer 22568 Cardinal Grand Terrace, CA She said she wished to add her support and express appreciation for the opportunity to have the Planning Commission reconsider their decision of April 17, 1997. She said the project needs to move forward quickly as the children are currently playing on cement. It is primarily for the safety of the children that she wants the project to move forward in a timely manner. 8:13 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. MOTION PCM-97-35 Commissioner Trainor made a motion to set aside its previous determination of April 17, 1997 and allow the Azure Hills playground relocation to be reviewed through an Administrative Site & Architecture review process. Motion seconded by Commissioner Huss. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 8 MAY 15,1997 MOTION VOTE PCM-97-35 Motion carried. 3-1-2-0. Commissioner Wilson voted "no". Chairman Sims and Commissioner Ellis absent. 8:15 P.M. VICE -CHAIRPERSON VAN GELDER RECONVENED THE PLANNING COMMISSION 1 1 ITEM#4 BRSP-96-01-A2/E-96-13 AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE BARTON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN TO ALLOW DRIVE- THRU ESTABLISHMENTS WITHIN THE VILLAGE CORE AREA, AND AMEND APPROVED NEGATIVE DECLARATION. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Staff report was presented by Director Materassi. She said this amendment would also make the drive-thrus which are currently permitted in the commercial area from the Village Core to the freeway subject to CUP approval instead of only a Site & Architecture review. The Director said there are actually two reviews involved in this report: a planning/zoning review and a consideration of market forces or economic development. The staff recommendation has taken into consideration both aspects. When Commissioner Ellis spoke with the Director before the meeting he suggested he would like to see the Planning Commission consider the General Plan Task Force recommendations of making the Village Core area more pedestrian oriented -more of a Village Area. The Director observed that most successful villages have incorporated drive-thrus using creative landscaping and block walls to de-emphasize the negative aspects of drive-thrus. Within the Barton Road Specific Plan, Director Materassi said she believes the City has the power to sufficiently condition development so that drive-thrus are not detrimental and inconsistent with pedestrian traffic. Commissioner Wilson asked Director if the City has received specific inquiries or applications, and if any studies have been conducted to slow down traffic on Barton Road. Director said several months ago there was an inquiry by McDonalds for the old GTI Market site, but there are none pending currently. A landscape median was recommended to be installed on Barton Road to slow down traffic. There was a concern that eliminating lanes would not only slow down traffic but would also reduce the traffic counts, and generate traffic congestion, thus actually being detrimental to business. Therefore, the General Plan Task Force is recommending only the median. Vice-chairman Van Gelder asked Commissioner Trainor for an update of activity of the Business Development Committee. Commissioner Trainor said the committee has met many times since formation in the fall of 1996. The committee is a collaborative effort of the Chamber of PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 9 MAY 15,1997 Commerce, the City and the community. She explained the focus of the committee is primarily to assist with the occupancy of vacant storefronts in the City. A sub -committee has met with the leasing agent for the GTI Market property. There have been several inquiries from potential tenants such as Burger King and a market. She said there have been offers to purchase the property however the owners have a very high expectation as to what they feel the property will bring at sale. The same agent represents the owners of the Stater Brothers Center and there is currently dialogue regarding those vacancies as well. Vice -chairperson Van Gelder said she feels it is important to differentiate between the Village Core Area and the Village Activity Node, which is the corner of Mt. Vernon and Barton Road. 8:40 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED Bob Henry 22614 Miriam Way Grand Terrace, CA He said he attended the first hearing on this issue last fall. He reminded the Planning Commission of the noise and trash problem he experienced when the GTI Market was at the northeast corner of Mt. Vernon and Barton Rd. He said he did not understand how the pedestrian thrust of the General Plan will be compatible with a drive-thru at that location. He suggested the City should tear down the present building and put in a park. He said the drive-thrus should be put down by the freeway. He said it is not a good idea to put drive-thrus in the Village Core where they would get no freeway traffic, but would depend strictly on community support to survive. Don Mangus 12070 Arliss Dr. Grand Terrace, CA He said he lives directly behind the GTI Market site. He would like to continue looking at his view of Blue Mountain instead of the eyesore of neon signs. He said he has a 12' easement from the market property by which he enters his property to tow his boat and trailer out. He urged the Planning Commission to consider not allowing a fast food establishment at that location. He was unhappy the City had not notified him of the hearing by mail. He learned of the hearing by the legal publication in the City News. Director Materassi said the General Plan Task Force has recommended a future study of the two properties adjacent to the market property to determine if re -zoning is feasible. The market property alone may be too small for development, but combined with the two adjacent properties development may be feasible. She said those 4 corners are the most important comers for the economy of Grand Terrace. She urged the property owners to be active in the process with the Community Development Department. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 10 MAY 15,1997 Commissioner Addington asked if citizens would have the opportunity to voice concerns about a specific project when one is proposed for the market site. Director Materassi said the Planning Commission would to CUP and Site & Architecture reviews on any future project for the market location. A Negative Declaration statement is noticed in the newspaper with a 21 day response period for public comment. Commissioner Addington asked if it would be possible to give residents within 1000' radius of the hearing for a proposed specific project for the market site. Director answered in the affirmative. Vice -chairperson Van Gelder stated "Some small towns in California are passing ordinances whereby there will be no fast food drive-thrus because it takes away from the small town atmosphere and causes major traffic congestion. It is clear on page 3 of the staff report that the purpose of this exercise is to allow fast food drive-thrus at Mt. Vernon and Barton Rd. We know they are already allowed in the General Commercial District. Drive-thrus of fast foods will not promote more activity for other businesses. People will pick up their food and be on their way. They would not pick up their food and then go to the barber shop or the flower shop or Staters. It mentions in there that the drive-thrus would buy their supplies and materials from local business. I don't believe that's true because in the case of McDonald's they contract with very large corporations for their supplies and they are trucked to the individual facilities in each area. I can't see that that's really a good plus. We have always, forever promoted pedestrian traffic. Drive-thrus do not promote pedestrian traffic, but they do promote vehicular traffic. Much of the ? traffic on Barton Road is to and from Loma Linda. How many of this population would really stop in Grand Terrace for a hamburger given their dietary preferences? In Attachment C, which is Virgil Barham's report from the Building Department, he talks about a requirement of a traffic study to determine the impact on public streets due to right and left turning movements into and out of the drive-thrus. When we've talked about doing something with the GTI Market it always boils down to ingress and egress and the issue of the requirement of driveways being at least 100' from intersections. I don't see how you can talk about putting a drive-thru there without answering some of those questions first. In fact, on page 5 of the staff report, you have recommended more analysis and data be obtained for us. Drive-thrus in my opinion do not encourage or promote upscale clientele. It would diminish the quality of life in this bedroom community that Grand Terrace has come to enjoy. I don't know how many of the Commissioners have mentioned to their friends about this possibility. I have mentioned it to my many friends and they roll their eyes back and can't believe that we're serious about this. The General Plan goal for community development and commercial use is `Maintenance and continued development of the Grand Terrace established commercial areas and encouragement of new commercial development.' This does not say encouragement of drive-thru fast foods. There are many other types of businesses that could and should be pursued other than fast food drive-thrus in the Village Activity Node - Master Plan Area 4. I know that everyone is very weary of looking at the former GTI Building. It certainly is an eyesore, however, Mt. Vernon and Barton Rd. is the main intersection in Grand Terrace and it is also the busiest. Hopefully it can be developed into an area that is attractive and something that residents can be proud of. Grand Terrace is worthy of more ( than a fast food drive-thru at that location. If Grand Terrace must have a fast food drive-thru let it not be at the comer of Mt. Vernon and Barton Road. I encourage the Commission to recommend to the City Council that an ordinance be passed to disallow drive-thru fast food restaurants in the Village Activity Node - Master Plan Area 4." PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 11 MAY 15,1997 Commissioner Huss asked if staff is considering re -zoning the GTI Market block area. Director Materassi said that is part of the General Plan recommendations so eventually staff will bring such a proposed zoning amendment to the Planning Commission with the research and findings. Commissioner Trainor responded to comments from the audience. She said the "suggestion of a park at Mt. Vernon and Barton Road had been investigated. The $600,000 needed to purchase the property is the obstacle, and it would be a non -revenue -generating site. Even people who are interested in the site for a revenue -generating business aren't willing to come up with $600,000. She said she believes the proposed recommendation creates options for commercial development in Grand Terrace which are critically important for the future of Grand Terrace as a community. She said it preserves the rights and power that the City needs to control the conditions and assure the needs and wishes of those people who live in the immediate area around the property. She said the comer of Mt. Vernon and Barton Road has been undeveloped for at least 10 years and it is commercially detrimental to the other commerce of the City because it sits on one of the four critical comers of the City and as such it is a beacon of failure. It does not attract people to want to come into other parts of the City. The subject proposal today is not focussed on the comer of Mt. Vernon and Barton Road. That is a location which lends itself to being considered but it creates the opportunity on a conditional use basis to consider a specific project. Very rigorous requirements would be made of anyone who proposed to develop a drive-thru at that comer and at any other location on Barton Road. " She concluded by saying she is very much in favor of a recommendation of support to the City Council. Commissioner Addington said he has lived in the community for 15 years. He has seen many vacant properties including GTI Market and those between Mt. Vernon and the freeway on Barton Road. He said he supports the recommendation of staff to help expedite the process of filling such vacant storefronts. Whatever can be done to expedite the planning process will help attract more business to the City, whether it be a drive-thru or some other type of establishment. He expressed support of staff's recommendation to expedite the approval process. Vice -chairperson Van Gelder agreed with the above comments of Commissioners Trainor and Addington except she could not agree to location in the Village Activity Node - Master Plan 4. MOTION PCM-97-36 Motion made by Vice -chairperson Van Gelder that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that an ordinance be passed to disallow drive-thru fast food restaurants in the Village Activity Node - Master Plan Area 4, and that they be allowed in the balance of the Village Core Area. Motion failed for lack of a second. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 12 MAY 15,1997 MOTION PCM-97-37 Commissioner Addington made a motion to approve the 4th Barton Road Specific Plan Amendment based upon the findings contained in the staff report. Seconded by Commissioner Trainor. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-37 Motion carried. 4-1-2-0. Vice -chairperson Van Gelder voted "no". Chairman Sims and Commissioner Ellis absent. 9:05 P.M. ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD MEETING 9:05 P.M. CONVENED THE PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP • Information from Commissioners - Commissioner Wilson asked Director Materassi when the Commission might see the plans to reduce the speed of vehicular traffic and increase pedestrian traffic on Barton Road consistent with the Task Force recommendations. Director stated it would be 9 months at a minimum as the General Plan Task Force recommendations must be approved by City Council and then the elements will be drafted. - Commissioner Huss announced she will be unable to attend the June 5, 1997 Planning Commission Meeting. • Information to Commissioners - Director Materassi asked if any of the Planning Commissioners would be interested in riding in the Grand Terrace Days Parade on June 7, 1997. Commissioners Addington and Trainor answered "yes" . PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MAY 15,1997 9:10 P.M. ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP Respectfully submitted, Approved by, �S a izia Materassi Community Development Director 05-29-97:pp c:\office\wpwin\wpdocs\plaming\minutes\05-15-97. min PAGE 13 Fran Van Gelder Vice -Chairperson, Planning Commission