05/01/1997GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION NIINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 1, 1997 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California on May 1, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman, Jimmy W. Sims. 7:00 P.M. CONVENED SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PRESENT: Jimmy W. Sims, Chairperson Fran Van Gelder, Vice -Chairperson Doug Wilson, Commissioner Moire Huss, Commissioner Matthew Addington, Commissioner GMary Trainor, Commissioner Gerry Ellis, Commissioner Patrizia Materassi, Community Development Director Larry Mainez, Associate Planner Hally Cappiello, Associate Planner Raul Colunga, Planning Intern Pat Peterson, Community Development Department Secretary * Call to Order * Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Ellis * Roll Call Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Community Development Director. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: None r PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 2 MAY 1,1997 ITEM#1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 3, 1997 MOTION PCM-97-21 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 3, 1997 Vice -chairperson Van Gelder made a motion to approve the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes from the April 3, 1997 meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Addington. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-21 Motion carried. 6-0-0-1. Commissioner Trainor abstained. ITEM#2 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 17, 1997 MOTION PCM-97-22 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 17, 1997 Commissioner Huss made a motion to approve the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes from the April 17, 1997 meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Trainor. Commissioner Addington advised staff of a typographical error on Page 7, first paragraph, the last sentence, the word "fells" should be "feels". MOTION VOTE PCM-97-22 Motion carried. 6-0-0-1. Commissioner Addington abstained. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 3 MAY 1, 1997 ITEM #3 CUP-97-01/SA-97-01/DU-97-01/E-97-01 AN APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW, DETERMINATION OF USE AND THE ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW TO BUILD A METAL BUILDING IN A CONTRACTOR'S YARD TO STORE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, VEHICLES AND MATERIALS. TOM TORRES/TNT CONSTRUCTORS PARCEL NUMBER 277-111-09 PICO STREET, GRAND TERRACE MOTION PCM-97-23 Vice -chairperson Van Gelder made a motion to continue this item, per the request of applicant, to the next Planning Commission meeting on May 15, 1997, due to incompleteness of the application. Motion seconded by Commissioner Wilson. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-23 Motion carried. 7-0-0-0. ITEM#4 CUP-96-01/E-96-04 AN APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW OF A BUSINESS WHICH PERFORMS SMALL ENGINE REPAIR AND SALES OF LANDSCAPING EQUIPMENT, PLUS RENTAL OF U-HAUL VEHICLES. JOHN W. OWEN (JOHN'S LAWN MOWER SHOP) 21893 BARTON ROAD, GRAND TERRACE, CA Staff report was presented by Associate Planner, Larry Mainez. He announced to the Planning Commission that the applicant and property owners were present in the audience. The applications for consideration were for an expirational conditional use permit and an environmental review. The application is to continue an existing use which is compatible with the zoning. Staff determined a negative declaration was required pursuant to the environmental study performed. The zoning of subject property is C-2 and the General Plan designation is General Commercial. An overhead slide was displayed showing the surrounding C-2 properties. Applicant purchased the business in January, 1995 which was governed by conditions of a 1993 CUP. The 1993 CUP expired in April, 1996. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 4 MAY 1, 1997 The nature of applicant's business is repair of small engines associated with landscape maintenance and rental of U-Haul Moving Equipment. Trip generation is found not to meet the requirements of CMP traffic impact analysis. Approximately 79 trips are anticipated. Parking has been determined to be adequate. Staff proposed establishing an interest -bearing trust account for required street improvements by property owner, Dr. Terry McDuffee. $2,000 per year up to a maximum of $20,000 is to be deposited to ensure funding availability for off-street improvements such as curb, gutter, asphalt paving, drive approach and relocation of utility poles. The only unresolved issue between staff and the applicant is the term of the CUP. Staff proposed 3 yrs. vs. 5 yrs. proposed by applicant. The Planning Commission members were asked to determine the CUP term. Staff reviewed the proposed conditions of approval, and described additional changes and clarifications. Condition #4 changed to read "Trust fund agreement to ensure off -site street improvement are eventually installed as outlined in Building & Safety/Public Works conditions." Condition #4a delete "paved back" and replace with "asphalt pavement between curb and gutter and existing asphalt. " Staff explained the recommendation of staff for approval of the project including the negative declaration revision including condition #4 (interest bearing trust fund for street improvements), subject to conditions of approval as recommended in staff report. Expirational CUP term option to be determined by the Planning Commission was 3 years or 5 years. Director Materassi added that condition #4 should require applicant to deposit the $2,000 trust deposit by the same day each year. Commissioner Van Gelder asked if staff knew the estimated cost of the needed street improvements. Director Materassi answered "approximately $40,000", excluding undergrounding of utilities. Commissioner Addington asked if the $2,000 deposit is required if John's Lawn Mower moves from the property. Mr. Mainez read the agreement condition #4 "any other uses proposed on the property other than pursuant to CUP-96-01 may cause the agreement to be modified as a condition of approval of such use. Upon incorporation of additional use or changes to the existing CUP-96- 01, which require Planning Commission approval, the following revisions to this agreement may include, but are not limited to, . . . " Condition #5 discusses abandonment of the property if the use ceases for 180 days the use is considered abandoned, and the applicant would not be required to the trust fund until a new use/tenant is found, at which time the fees would be pro -rated. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 5 MAY 1,1997 Chairman Sims asked Director Materassi to clarify the use of the term "expirational CUP." Director Materassi said there are two types of CUP's. The first type is a permanent CUP and the other is an expirational CUP with a temporary CUP with an expiration date. A permanent CUP could be used in the situation of a life -time lease, where the applicant has a very large investment. City would require complete street improvements, parking lot, drainage, grading, etc. In the case of a temporary CUP the investment generally would be much less so the conditions would be proportional to the investment by the applicant. Commissioner Wilson asked if the $40,000 street improvement estimate contains an escalation clause. He noted the 10-year payment plan to generate funds for street improvements is a very long plan. He expressed concern that the Barton Rd./LaCrosse intersection is an entry of high visibility for the City and wants to be sure the improvements will be done. Director said the City Attorney agrees with the plan as proposed to collect $2,000 per year from Dr. McDuffee. That amount was formulated as a percentage of rent collected from applicant. Commissioner Wilson said he would like to see stronger language to say the CUP is not transferrable to another similar business. Commissioner Trainor asked staff to verify that if the Planning Commission approved the CUP as proposed by applicant there would be no changes to the nature and scope of business as it is conducted today. Director Materassi confirmed the business would be able to operate as it does today. Commissioner Trainor also asked staff why there is a recommendation for a 3 year expirational CUP. Director Materassi said staff does not wish to create a precedence. 7:33 P.M. OPENED PUBLIC HEARING Dr. Terry McDuffee 1478 W. Cypress Ave. Redlands, CA He introduced himself as the property owner. He said he feels it is a benefit to the community to have a tenant in property located at the intersection of Barton Rd. and LaCrosse Avenue. He originally purchased the property several years ago for future development of his animal emergency clinic, but his plans for that property are now indefinite. He has no intention of selling the property. He said in his opinion it is not feasible to do the extensive off -site improvements required in a permanent CUP. The future freeway expansion plans will have significant impact on the subject property. He said it is premature to speak about permanent development on the property until the freeway expansion is resolved. He said he cannot and will not incur the expenses of off -site improvements at this time. The improvements will be more than is justified by the rental income. If the City requires street improvements and undergrounding of utilities at this time he said the property will again become vacant. Dr. McDuffee said he appreciates the efforts by City staff to be creative in finding a way to work together to make the improvements on Barton Road. He said he is willing to accept the terms of #B of the conditions (annual deposit of $2,000 will not be refunded to property PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 6 MAY 1,1997 owner if tenant moves out) if the Planning Commission determines the term of the CUP to be 5 years instead of 3 years. He said he is not agreeable to a CUP term of 3 years. He expressed concern about the financial burden of returning in 3 years with another CUP application. Dr. McDuffee said the 2' dedication was a requirement of the original CUP in 1993, which he was agreeable to. However, Joe Kicak, City Engineer at that time, felt the dedication should not be received by the City until the time street improvements are done. The transferability of the expirational CUP may be important to the applicant in Dr. McDuffee's opinion should he need to sell his business. The first CUP was transferrable and Dr. McDuffee said the subject CUP should also be transferrable. 7:45 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MOTION PCM-97-24 Commissioner Addington made a motion to delete the requirement for a record of survey in Item #2A8 of Attachment A from the Building and Safety conditions. Chairman Sims seconded for further discussion. He agreed to delete the requirement for a record of survey and made the suggestion to change the wording to "require a plat to show appropriate dimensions for the subject parcel." Commissioner Addington rejected the suggestion of Chairman Sims. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-24 Motion carried. 5-0-0-2. Commissioners Wilson and Huss abstained. MOTION PCM-97-25 Commissioner Addington made a motion to change the word "specifications" to "standards" in condition # 14. Chairman Sims seconded the motion for discussion and suggested it should say "standards and specifications". MOTION VOTE PCM-97-25 Motion carried. 5-1-0-1. Commissioner Ellis voted "no" and Commissioner Wilson abstained. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 7 MAY 1,1997 MOTION PCM-97-26 Motion made by Commissioner Addington on Attachment B (Fire conditions) to delete Item 3 of Special Conditions as there is no phase 2. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-26 Motion carried. 6-0-0-1. Commissioner Wilson abstained. MOTION PCM-97-27 Commissioner Trainor made a motion to set the term of this expirational CUP at 5 years. Seconded by Chairman Sims for further discussion. Vice -chairperson Van Gelder said she has a problem with the idea of setting a precedent if the 5 year term is agreed upon. She is agreeable to a 3 year term however. Chairman Sims said this is a convoluted intersection, given the unknowns about the character of the freeway widening by CalTrans some time in the future. He agrees with Dr. McDuffee about the concern of expenses to improve the intersection, only to have it torn out later. He did not have a problem with the proposed 5 year term. Commissioner Wilson said this intersection is a major entry point into the City. From the financial standpoint if the property owner put in the improvements CalTrans would then have to pay the market value of those improvements at some time when they were ready to widen the freeway. He said he did not feel the Planning Commission should base the extension from 3 to 5 years on that issue. Commissioner Addington asked Director Materassi to clarify why staff recommends a 3 yr. CUP. Director answered that for the sake of consistency with other applicants it should be for 3 years. The City Attorney concurs with staff's recommendation for a 3 year CUP term. Commissioner Ellis asked if Dr. McDuffee would still pay $2,000 per year for 10 years if the City decided to do the street improvements at any time before the end of that 10 years. Director answered in the affirmative. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-27 Motion carried. 5-2-0-0. Vice -chairperson Van Gelder and Commissioner Wilson voted 46no„ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 8 MAY 1, 1997 MOTION PCM-97-28 Motion by Chairman Sims to approve CUP-96-01/E-96-04 as amended by staff and the Planning Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Huss. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-28 Motion carried. 6-1-0-0. Commissioner Wilson voted "no". ITEM #5 GENERAL PLAN SECOND PHASE SCOPING SESSIONS CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY-WIDE Chairman Sims announced that he would turn the Chair over to Fran Van Gelder so that he and Commissioner Trainor could step down at this point to participate with the other General Plan Task Force members in the presentation. 8:03 P.M. VICE -CHAIRPERSON VAN GELDER ANNOUNCED A 5-MINUTE BREAK 8:10 P.M. VICE -CHAIRPERSON VAN GELDER CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER Vice -Chairperson Van Gelder explained the format of the General Plan Task Force presentation: Each member to make a presentation with discussion at the conclusion. Director Materassi made the introduction of all Task Force Members: Mary Trainor, Alternate, representing the Planning Commission Council Member Lee Ann Garcia, representing the City Council Phyllis Sternberg, representing the business community Don Larkin, representing the Chamber of Commerce JoAnn Johnson, representing the Seniors Maryetta Ferre, representing the School District Chairman Jimmy Sims, representing the Planning Commission Council Member Herman Hilkey, Alternate, representing the City Council This is the second round of scoping presentations as a result of incorporating all comments and recommendations from the Planning Commission, City Council and general public input. The Guiding Principles and a "City Vision" have also been developed. The following five steps are either completed or presently in progress: 1. Further evaluation of text to be altered and added to the General Plan; 2. Consolidation of comments on each element into major issues and recommendations; PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MAY 1,1997 PAGE 9 3. Complete data collection; outside contractors for the Housing and Circulation Elements have done the majority of the data collection; 4. General Plan Educational Outreach will continue through the City Council presentation; and 5. Final second phase scoping presentations to the Planning Commission and City Council. The final step in the General Plan process is to actually draft the twelve elements. Director explained the attachments: Attachment A - Guiding Principles - The Task Force saw the City of Grand Terrace as an infant (less than 20 years old) compared to our Sister City in Italy which is more than 2300 years old. Attachment B - Mission Statement - A "Vision" for 20 years from now. Attachment C - Recommendation Summary - the eight major recommendations which focus on changes to improve the assets of the City Attachment D - Graphics & scripts - Used by the Task Force members for their presentations. Attachment E - Action Plan - Compilation of all comments made by Task Force members and were of consensus. Director concluded by saying she is looking for input from the Planning Commission and support to take the Recommendations and Action plan forward to the City Council. Director Materassi read the 9 Guiding Principles. Planning Commissioner Mary Trainor read the Mission Statement or "City Vision". Council member Herman Hilkey presented the Summary of the 8 Major Recommendations of the General Plan Task Force. Throughout the following General Plan Task Force presentation staff distributed items to the Planning Commissioners to illustrate how an image can be created. Blue Mountain cookies, blue ribbons, GIS map illustrations, a sample of the recent business survey conducted and a watercolor of the Blue Mountain flower, the lupin, and flower seeds to plant were given out. Council member Lee Ann Garcia presented the "Community Image" as follows: a. Identifying & Strengthening the City's Image - Creating a symbol for the Community b. Tools we can use to Fortify the City's Image - Holding more community level events Establishing a business directory C. Competition for New Businesses - Marketing Grand Terrace's Best Assets PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 10 MAY 1,1997 Council member Lee Ann Garcia also presented the "Blue Mountain Area" portion as follows: a. Maintaining Blue Mountain as Open Space Protecting Blue Mountain b. Blue Mountain Specific Plan/Fire Overlay Zone Creation of Blue Mountain Wilderness Park Expanding the Trail System C. Blue Mountain Wilderness Park/Train System - Exploring Financing Options for Land Purchase d. Blue Mountain as a "Symbol" of our Community Task Force member Phyllis Sternberg presented the third major recommendation: The City Center. a. Barton Road Aesthetics - Emphasis on Streetscape - Installing a Median on Barton Road - Extending City Bike Lanes - Enforcing Sign Codes b. Circulation C. Phase H of the Barton Road Specific Plan Introducing Mixed Use to Barton Road - Including Senior Housing in Downtown Establishing a Public Plaza in the Downtown Area - Refining & Increasing Flexibility in Design Features & Parking Arrangements Planning Commissioner Mary Trainor continued the third recommendation: d. Exploring Opportunities - Coming Up with Ideas for the GTI Market - Promoting Barton Road in General Task Force member Don Larkin presented the fourth major recommendation: Economic Development: a. Developing a "Market Niche" - Using Analytic Tools to Define our Niche b. Ensuring Balanced Development Standards C. Advancing Positive Relationships with the Business Community - Establishing more Partnerships with the Business Community Maintaining Relationships with Professional Organizations Task Force member JoAnn Johnson presented the fifth major recommendation: Industrial Area a. Business Park Specific Plan - Detailing Development Standards b. Circulation C. Encourage New Industry & Promote the Industrial Areas - Incentives to Developers - Detailed Site Information Provided to Potential Investors - Inclusion of Family -Oriented Entertainment in the Industrial Area PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 11 MAY 1,1997 Task Force member Maryetta Ferre presented major recommendation number six: Family and Children Orientation a. Development & Support of Entertainment for Children and Teens In retail and business park areas b. Continue Emphasis of Parks & Recreation Facilities Care for existing facilities - Support for new facilities C. Encourage a High quality Education for Children - Use of technology Planning Commission Chairman Jimmy Sims presented major recommendation number 7: Noise, Safety and Infrastructure a. Noise Need for a noise study/what can be done to mitigate noise? - Maintaining a good neighbor policy - Keeping consistency in ordinances and codes b. Emergency Preparedness Getting emergency information out and holding an emergency drill Implementing a crime prevention plan C. Infrastructure Drainage, flood, water, sewer and streets Planning Commissioner Mary Trainor spoke about the eighth major recommendation: Strategic Implementation a. Action Plan b. Mentor Program Director Materassi thanked the Task Force for the work they've done during the past three years. She asked the Planning Commission to support the recommendations set forth by the Task Force so they may be sent forward to the City Council. 9:30 P.M. 5-MINUTE RECESS REQUESTED 9:40 P.M. VICE -CHAIRPERSON VAN GELDER CALLED THE MEETING BACK TO ORDER The session resumed with questions about the presentation to Director Materassi. Commissioner Ellis congratulated staff and the General Plan Task Force on an outstanding job. He asked if the term "families" means multi -generational. If so, is it important to be more specific (i.e. regarding senior housing) within the plan? Director Materassi answered in the affirmative. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 12 MAY 1,1997 Commissioner Ellis made the statement that he is very supportive of the idea of the Blue Mountain Wilderness Park and suggested staff incorporate collaboration with the communities of Loma Linda, Redlands and the University of California at Riverside in their efforts to build a trail from the Santa Ana River to the Santa Ana River on the South at the other end. He proposed the trail be for hiking, biking and equestrian uses. Director told the Planning Commission members that all of their comments and suggestions would be incorporated into a presentation to the City Council. Prior to presentation to City Council they will also be reviewed by the General Plan Task Force. Vice -Chairperson Van Gelder thanked staff and the Task Force members for their years of hard work, time and effort. She said the task force presentation was great. MOTION PCM-97-29 Commissioner Addington made a motion that the General Plan Task Force recommendations be referred to the City Council for review and input. Seconded by Commissioner Huss Chairman Sims and Commissioner Trainor rejoined the rest of the Planning Commission members. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-29 Motion carried. 7-0-0-0. 9:45 P.M. Vice -chairperson Van Gelder turned the meeting back over to Chairman Sims. 9:45 P.M. ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD MEETING 9:45 P.M. CONVENED THE PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP Chairman Sims thanked task force members and staff for the effort and number of hours required to put together the scripts for the presentation. He said he appreciated the guidance by staff to put the ideas of the task force together for a wonderful presentation. • Information from Commissioners Information to Commissioners * Director Materassi invited the Planning Commissioners to attend the City Council Meeting on May 8, 1997 at 6:00 p.m. in support of the General Plan Task Force. * Associate Planner Mainez thanked Brenda Stanfill for coordinating the Channel 3 broadcast of the Planning Commission meeting tonight. w PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 13 MAY 1,1997 NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD ON MAY 15, 1997. 9:50 P.M. ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP Respectfully submitted, Approved, by, Patrizia Materassi y Ws Community Development Director Chairper . , Planning Commission 04-23-97:pp c:\office\wpwin\wpdocs\planning\minutes\05-01-97. min