11/20/1989GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 20, 1989 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on November 20, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Hawkinson. PRESENT: Jerry Hawkinson, Chairman Dan Buchanan, Commissioner Stanley Hargrave, Commissioner Herman Hilkey, Commissioner Ray Munson, Commissioner Jim Sims, Commissioner Fran Van Gelder, Commissioner David R. Sawyer, Community Development Director John Harper, City Attorney Maria Muett, Assistant Planner ABSENT: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Fran Van Gelder, Commissioner PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP CONVENED AT 6:30 P.M. Information presented by staff to the Commissioners. Information regarding the change of the Planning Commission Meeting of December 18, 1989 to December 11, 1989. Information regarding the Planning Commission Meetings change to the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month, effective January 2, 1989. Discussion regarding the legal Public Hearing Notification of the Barton Road Specific Plan; legal advertisement in The Sun, property owners within the Specific Plan, Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, Community Services newsletter, and hand delivery to business owners in the Specific Plan. Concensus agreed upon to move item # 2 to the placement of item #3, to hear SA-89-09 first. 1 Discussion regarding the GTI Market and conversations between the Community Development Director and attorney for Mr. Lee, Bargain Barn. PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP ADJOURNED AT 7:00 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CONVENED AT 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - There were no comments from the public. ITEM # 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 6, 1989 MOTION PCM-89-103 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-103 Chairman Hawkinson opened the Planning Commission Meeting with item # 1, Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of November 11, 1989. Commissioner Buchanan made the motion to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of November 6, 1989. Commissioner Hilkey second. Motion carried, all ayes. 7-0-0-0. PLANNING COMMISSION ADJOURNED AT 7:10 P.M. SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD CONVENED AT 7:10 P.M. ITEM #3 SA-89-09 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE JIM WYMAN 22130 MAVIS STREET GRAND TERRACE The Assistant Planner, Maria Muett, presented the staff report with the conditions of approval and recommendations by the reviewing agencies, City Engineer and the Planning Department staff. 2 Discussion on the fencing, landscaping and irrigation plans to be submitted for approval to the Planning Department. Applicant Jim Wyman 1401 E. Santo Antonio Drive Colton, CA Discussion on the roofing materials and wear warranty of 25 years. The applicant responded if the material does not meet the fire rating standards he would be willing to upgrade to meet those standards. PUBLIC HEARING CONVENED AT 7:30 P.M. No comments. PUBLIC HEARING ADJOURNED AT 7:30 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION MOTION PCM-89-104 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-104 Commissioner Buchanan made the motion to approve SA-89-09 subject to the recommended conditions of approval by the Planning Department. Commissioner Munson second. Motion carried, all ayes. 7-0-0-0. Commissioner Hargrave asked staff to check on the roofing materials meeting fire retardant conditions. SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD ADJOURNED AT 7:40 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION CONVENED AT 7:40 P.M. ITEM #2 SP-89-02 BARTON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR 3 Chairman Hawkinson opened the next item, Barton Road Specific Plan, for discussion. The Community Development Director presented the staff report indicating the purpose of the Barton Road Specific Plan. He identified the groups responsible for working on the BRSP; the Advisory Committee (representatives from the Chamber of Commerce, Planning Commission, general citizenry, and staff) and the four (4) work sessions that took place. In addition to the Advisory Committee a Joint City Council and Planning Commission Workshop was held to insure that the plan was not being prepared in a vacuum and that the appropriate issues were being addressed. The Community Development Director made staffs recommendation that the Planning Commission approve the attached resolution recommending that the City Council approve the Barton Road Specific Plan and its associated Negative Declaration. Mark Brodeur Ron Pflugrath Urban Studio Barton Road Specific Plan Consultants The Consultants from Urban Design Studio, Mark Brodeur and Ron Pflugrath, gave an indepth presentation of the Barton Road Specific Plan. Commissioner Hargrave asked the consultants to review the current and long term street scape. Mr. Brodeur pointed out that Barton Road does not present itself very well to the travelers coming off of I-215. Barton Road really needs to make a statement and this can be enhanced through street scape and proper signage. Pedestrian amenities can be added such as light standards, paved crosswalks etc. The focus of the plan should be at Mt. Vernon and Barton Road by creating a town center atmosphere. Mr. Brodeur explained that it was crucial to have the City Hall included in the village. It would be a mistake to stop the streetscape here because the perception needed was to give the traveller a civic center feeling versus an AP Zone. Discussion on incentive basis along the corridor to enhance the streetscape. Commissioner Hargrave referred to the school location and future of that property. 4 Mr. Brodeur explained that he felt there would be great development potential of the school property in the future. If the school was to stay there another 50 years, then the only opportunity of streetscape improvements would be between the curb facing and the fence. Discussion on whether or not the recommendation of extending Reed Street was essential to the Barton Road Specific Plan. Mr. Brodeur explained that extending Reed Street would not do anything for the commercial developments but it would allow the people in the residential areas a way to filter out of the neighborhoods. It would allow quicker access for emergency vehicles to enter and exit the area. Discussion on signalized intersections at the site. Discussion by the consultants and the Planning Commission of the proposed extension of Reed Street and the signalization of Canal Street. Commissioner Hilkey asked how much of the Barton Road Specific Plan document could be changed. Mr. Brodeur explained that if the Planning Commission desired changes then those recommendations would be presented to the City Council. Commissioner Hilkey asked for clarification of page III-4 (Item B), Non - Conforming Uses of Land. Mr. Brodeur explained that the intent of this section was not to allow the movement of a non -conforming use from one site to another site within the Specific Plan area after the Specific Plan is adopted. Commissioner Hilkey requested clarification on page III-9, footnote in the Village -Commercial Area, Hobby/Craft Shop, of "a Conditional Permit required for outdoor exhibits and activities." Mr. Brodeur stated that the intent was to address the type of activity that the hobby or craft shop anticipates. Commissioner Hilkey asked what the difference was between a hobby or craft shop use and the setting out of quilts for sale. Discussion on the consultants interpretation of each use and the worse possible scenario anticipated. The Community Development Director explained that the current code prohibits any outdoor activities for any C-2 uses in the C-2 Zone. Actually 5 in the Specific Plan some flexibility is being addressed to allow some activities to be outside. Commissioner Hilkey referred to III-11, General Commercial, and expressed his concern with whether or not the setbacks were functional throughout the area. The Community Development Director explained that the consultants and himself have gone over this in detail and feel that they are functional. Discussion on page III-20, Signs, and the current sign code. Mr. Brodeur explained that some sign design guidelines based on National Sign Standards relative to visibility, speed limit and those design guidelines in Chapter 4- 27, have been incorporated in the Specific Plan. Mr. Brodeur explained that the City should try to create an environment that blends in with the surrounding areas. Commissioner Hilkey asked for clarification of III-27, paragraph 2. "Therefore the Planning Commission shall have the discretionary authority to grant incentive bonuses in the way of relaxed development regulations. Reduce processing fees..." Mr. Brodeur explained that the Planning Commission has the ability to waive certain site development standards based on this section. He pointed out that as more and more lots are consolidated the efficiency of that lot is increased subsequently the site development standards could be reduced. Discussion of powers by the Planning Commission and the City Council regarding incentive bonuses. Discussion on the proposed landscaping features and types of shrubbery and trees along Barton Road. Commissioner Hilkey asked for clarification whether or not the Mobile Home Park was to be included in the Specific Plan. The Community Development Director explained that the Mobile Home Park is in the Specific Plan area. There are different maps which identify a Master Plan area or other areas. The Mobile Home Park is not in the Master Plan area but it is still in the Specific Plan area. Commissioner Van Gelder referred to page II-13, entrance sign at the west end of the commercial corridor, and asked for the exact proposed location. Mr. Brodeur explained that generally the median should be 20' long but could be as long as 60' feet to control turning movements between the 6 offramp and Michigan Avenue. He suggested that the decision for the length of that median would be best left to the Traffic Engineer. Discussion on the Chamber of Commerce's proposed monument sign design and location. Discussion on the proposed widening of Barton Road as called for in the General Plan. Commissioner Van Gelder expressed her concern with the monument sign and its close proximity to the school on Barton Road. Discussion on the proposed signage in the storefront windows, pages III- 23/24. Commissioner Van Gelder expressed her concern with the proposed 20-25% coverage of the windows and the time being allowed. Mr. Brodeur pointed out that holiday decorations, as long as they did not advertise products within the store, would be allowed as a normal course. Discussion on the parking layouts and surrounding landscaped coverage along the block walls. Commissioner Van Gelder questioned the safety factor. Mr. Brodeur stated that they were proposing well lit parking lights which should be confined to that site itself rather than spreading to surrounding residential areas. Discussion by Mr. Brodeur regarding Commissioner Van Gelder's idea that the liquor store and barber shop on the comer of Mt. Vernon Avenue and Barton Road be considered as a historical site. Commissioner Buchanan praised the Barton Road Specific Plan document. He presented editorial suggestions to the consultants. Discussion on page I-4, paragraph 1, Summary of Specific Plan Policy. Mr. Brodeur pointed out that the intent was for the rehabilitation of existing uses. Discussion on page 11-4, Circulation Goals, Objectives and Policies. Commissioner Buchanan proposed bicycle lanes from the residential areas to Barton Road to draw local residents into the village area. The Community Development Director pointed out that in the Parking Code, bicycle parking facilities are addressed. Discussion regarding page IV-32, General Guidelines, "...save existing trees where possible, approval must be obtained for removal of all trees having 7 trunk diameter of 10" or more measured 48" above existing grade." Commissioner Buchanan suggested including some restriction on the elimination of mature trees in the nature of a demolition permit. Discussion on the feasibility of establishing a City-wide tree preservation program. Discussion on page III-4, Non -Conforming Structures. Commissioner Buchanan stated that it seems to allow some conforming developments in a non -conforming situation. Mr. Brodeur explained that it was decided earlier that this plan would not force people out of single family homes in the next 10-20 years. Most importantly Barton Road possesseses a tremendous commercial and economic potential. Discussion on page III-4, 6D, "...no additional structure not conforming with the requirements of the Specific Plan shall be erected in connection with non -conforming use of the land." Discussion on page III-4, 7A, "...no such non -conforming signs shall be enlarged, altered to increase its non -conformity." Mr. Brodeur explained that the proposed sign program will not be initiated by force. BREAK PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION ADJOURNED AT 8:50 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING CONVENED AT 8:50 P.M. 1. Dr. William Darwin Dental Practice 22284 Barton Road Grand Terrace Dr. Darwin presented his business history in the City. He explained that he is proposing to build a 6,000 square foot medical and dental building. If the Specific Plan is adopted then he will have to abandon his project due to the 300 ft. frontage and 200 ft. driveway requirements, and also the reciprocal parking agreement requirement. He requested that those items be excluded from the Specific Plan on the northside of Barton Road from Canal to Vivienda. 2. Kathryn Harmon Real Estate Broker 11834 Kingston Avenue Grand Terrace Ms. Harmon explained that she has had a listing on Barton Road for the past year. It began with 12 acres (12 families) and has now grown to 18 acres. The area from Vivienda to Canal Street, northside of Barton Road, presents a problem in complying with the Specific Plan. There are only 8 property owners in that section and from her observation there are only 2 vacant lots. Dr. Gregory, the property owner of the corner lot of Vivienda, would like to sell. The property next to him is Urgent Care and has no intention of selling. The third lot is vacant and owned by Barney Karger. The next lot is vacant also. The fourth lot is a duplex and is owned by Rex Edmundson. The next property owners are senior citizens and have no intention of selling. She proposed that the aforementioned sections be eliminated from the Specific Plan. She stated the Specific Plan has flexibility and should encourage development. 3. Fernando La Fuertes 22238 Barton Road Grand Terrace Discussion on the widening of Barton Road and the undergrounding utility program. He asked if that would effect any of the earlier dedications along Barton Road. The Community Development Director explained that would not have any effect because the right of way dedicated was being used for that. Discussion on the General Plan/Circulation Element and the Traffic Engineer's recommendation to provide for more traffic and contact the property owners to increase the dedication for 120' feet. The City Council stated they already had dedications from the property owners for 100' feet and wished to stay with that. Mr. La Fuertes asked if there would be any dedication from the City back to the principal owners for any unused portion of that original 17' feet that was dedicated under the other conditions. The Community Development Director explained that the conditions have not really changed as far as the dedication. The City is still operating under the same dedication agreements that were arrived at earlier. Mr. La Fuertes explained that he was under the impression that the 17' dedication was to enhance a center divider. Mr. La Fuertes explained that the Specific Plan's intent and expectations need to be defined and clarified. Discussion by the consultants of the Specific Plan and its intent of clarifying the requirements for quality development on Barton Road. E Discussion on page II-9, consolidation of small parcels or property. Mr. La Fuertes asked what is considered small parcels or property. Mr. La Fuertes objected to this provision. Discussion on the feasibility of an extension to existing garage, or build a patio to the back of the front house on Mr. La Fuertes' property. The Community Development Director explained that he would be a non- conforming use and the expansion capabilities would be limited to the requirements of the non -conforming use section of the code. Basically, the Specific Plan would not put any additional burden on this property. The current zone of C-2 already creates a non -conforming situation. Discussion on the placement of the monument sign on Barton Road. Mr. La Fuertes expressed his concern with the widening of Barton Road and traffic increase causing a hazard to the school children. 4. Mary Lou Williams 22270 Barton Road Grand Terrace Mrs. Williams was in agreement with Dr. Darwin. She disagreed with the O 300 ft. frontage requirement. She felt that this requirement would slow development and devalue the properties. Discussion on the feasibility and possible location of left turn lanes. 5. Herman H. Armstrong 12072 Preston Avenue Grand Terrace Mr. Armstrong is a property owner in the triangle area. He suggested various commercial developments to meet the needs of the City. 6. Quentin Smith Property Owner - 22408 to 22478 Barton Road 22607 Tanager Grand Terrace Mr. Smith praised the Barton Road Specific Plan. He did object to the 300' frontage and the 200' driveway entrances to properties. He cautioned that intense landscaping would obstruct view from the streets into the centers. He suggested that raised mounds would serve much more adequate than a O wall. 10 Ele 7. Helen Springfield 22273 Barton Road Grand Terrace Mrs. Springfield objected to the 300' frontage and the 200' driveway entrance. Her property is 140'wide x 200' deep. 8. Rex Edmundson Property Owner - 22220 and 22226 Barton Road 22111 Newport Avenue, Space 164 Grand Terrace Mr. Edmundson objected to the 300' frontage and the 200' driveway requirements. He agreed with the architectural requirements. 9. Bill Darwin Property Owner 23172 Palm Avenue Grand Terrace Mr. Darwin stated that the taking of individual property rights is a serious matter and many believe it is a violation of constitutional rights. He objected to the 300' frontage and the 200' driveway entrance, and the parking agreement requirements. He stated that under the Barton Road Specific Plan certain properties would be landlocked. He concluded that the northside of Barton Road should be excluded from the Barton Road Specific Plan. 10. Dan R. Bettle Administrator of the Azure Hills Seventh Day Adventist Church 22633 Barton Road Grand Terrace Mr. Bettle requested a change in wording under the Land Use Matrix, Page 111-8. He requested that churches and associated school facilities be a permitted use rather than a Conditional Use. 11 p 11. Tony Petta �J Citizen and Property Owner 11875 Eton Avenue Grand Terrace 61 He stated that he did not object to the overall concept of the Barton Road Specific Plan. He did express concern that future development would cause traffic hazards. He agreed with Mr. La Fuertes comments regarding traffic congestion near the freeway. He encouraged the City to look into freeway changes immediately. He encouraged freeway enhancement to entice future development. PUBLIC HEARING ADJOURNED AT 9:35 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION CONVENED AT 9:35 P.M. Commissioner Buchanan referred to page III-6, paragraph 14, dealing with outdoor uses versus Conditional Use Permits. Discussion on clarification of outdoor uses. Discussion on alcoholic beverages being sold near a school facility. Commissioner Buchanan asked if there was mechanism to regulate or restrict alcoholic uses within the Specific Plan. The Community Development Director explained that a statement could be added on in the plan. Discussion on clarification of "non conforming use" category for the school facilities. The City Attorney explained that the schools do not come under any Municipal Code regulations. Discussion pertaining to clarification of temporary versus permanent window signs. Discussion regarding page 1II-29, consolidation incentive program to encourage development. Commissioner Buchanan referred to page III-30, the statement "...the bonus shall be an overall reduction of required spaces by 20%, should read "maybe". 12 MOTION PCM-89-105 PCM-89-105 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-105 Commissioner Hargrave made the motion to continue the Barton Road Specific Plan to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Van Gelder second Discussion on the time needed for Urban Design Studio to revise the Barton Road Specific Plan for the December 14, 1989, City Council Meeting. Commissioner Hargrave amended his previous motion to continue the Barton Road Specific Plan. Commissioner Van Gelder second. Motion failed, 3-4-0-0. Commissioners Hilkey, Hawkinson, Buchanan and Munson voted noe. Commissioners Van Gelder, Hargrave and Sims voted aye. Discussion on pages IV-29 and IV-30, clarification on freestanding sign guidelines and visual landscaping concept. BREAK 10:03 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION CONVENED 10:15 P.M. Discussion on clarification of master plans in the Specific Plan. Commissioner Sims requested a more detailed graphic concept of master plans. The Community Development Director explained that the General Plan addresses the subject projects at maximum buildout. Discussion regarding Measure I Funds in conjunction with the widening of the Barton Road bridge. Discussion on the feasibility of traffic studies for individual projects. Discussion regarding school facility proposed zoning and future development. 13 MOTION PCM-89-106 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-106 MOTION PCM-89-107 Mr. Brodeur referred to page III-3, the amendment procedure for the Barton Road Specific Plan. He encouraged the City to look at it every 4- 5 years. Discussion on the feasibility of litigation problem areas in the Barton Road Specific Plan. Discussion on the Environmental Impact Analysis. Mr. Brodeur explained that their firm did not compile the EIA. Definition of public facility in the Land Use Matrix. Commissioner Hilkey inquired if Dr. Darwin's expansion, dental office, would be allowed in area H. The Community Development Director pointed out that that use would be permitted in all three areas. Commissioner Hilkey made the motion to adopt the following changes to SP-89-02, Barton Road Specific Plan document. To add an additional statement to include bike trails leading to the residential areas but not off of Barton Road. To add an additional statement of combining churches and associated school facilities to be a permitted use rathar than a Conditional Use Permit in Table I, Land Use Matrix, Office/Professional Subarea 3, on page III-8 and amend the statement on page III-30, in reference to the parking reduction of 20% the wording to be changed from "shall' to "maybe". Commissioner Buchanan second. Motion carried, all ayes. 7-0-0-0. Commissioner Buchanan made the recommendation from staff that the public facilities be added to the land use matrix with a Conditional Use Permit in all three zones. Commissioner Sims second. 14 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-107 MOTION PCM-89-108 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-108 MOTION PCM-89-109 Motion carried, all ayes. 7-0-0-0. Discussion on the perameters of temporary and permanent uses, Land Use Matrix Table. Definition of outdoor uses in the three subareas. The City Attorney pointed out that if the uses were addressed instead of the temporary or permanent argument. Commissioner Buchanan made the motion to modify paragraph # 14 on page III-6, regarding outdoor uses. The wording should have the intent that all uses shall take place within a completely enclosed building except for those outdoor uses approved with a Conditional Use Permit as provided for in the Barton Road Specific Plan. The outdoor display of merchandise is prohibited through the Specific Plan area. An additional footnote, "Farmer's Market, Ice Cream/Yogurt Shops and Restaurant Uses in all zones." Commissioner Sims second. Motion carried, all ayes. 7-0-0-0. Commissioner Buchanan made the motion that a Conditional Use Permit be required for the offsale of alcoholic beverages within 500 foot of a public school facility. Commissioner Van Gelder second. Discussion regarding the regulatory guidelines under the Alcoholic Beverage Control. The Community Development Director explained that currently the City does not require Conditional Use Permits for this use. Chairman Hawinson mentioned for the record that he would vote against the motion because of the 500 foot restriction and is in favor of a Conditional Use Permit. 15 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-109 MOTION PCM-89-110 MOTION VOTE PCM-89-110 Motion carried. 4-3-0-0. Commissioners Hilkey, Van Gelder, Buchanan and Sims voted aye. Commissioners Hawkinson, Munson and Hargrave voted noe. Discussion regarding requirement for Conditional Use Permit to sell offsale or offsite alcoholic beverages throughout the City. Discussion regarding recommendation to City Council for a tree preservation program. Commissioner Hilkey made the motion to adopt the attached resolution recommending the City Council approve SP-89-02 (Barton Road Specific Plan) and its associated Negative Declaration with the recommended additions and changes. Commissioner Sims second. Motion carried. 5-2-0-0. Commissioners Hilkey, Van Gelder, Hawkinson, Buchanan and Sims voting aye. Commissioners Hargrave and Munson voted noe. Chairman Hawkinson adjourned to the next scheduled Planning Commission Meeting on December 11, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11:30 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, David R. Sawyer, Community Development Director P.C. Meeting 11-20-89 16 Approved By, Aawkinson, r, Chairman Planning Commission