APRIL 20, 1987
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order
at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California,
on April 20, 1987, at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman, Norman Caouette.
PRESENT: Norman Caouette, Chairman
Jerry Hawkinson, Vice Chairman
Gerald Cole, Commissioner
Stanley Hargrave, Commissioner
Ray Munson, Commissioner
Fran Van Gelder, Commissioner
The minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of March 16,
1987 were presented. Chairman Caouette noted a typographical
error in the last line on page one (1) of the minutes. The
word "oriental" should read "directional".
PCM-87-09 Motion by Vice Chairman Hawkinson, second by Commissioner
Munson, that the minutes of the March 16, 1987 Planning
Commission meeting be approved as amended.
Commissioner Hargrave stated that in previous minutes a more
detailed report of the discussion between the Planning
Commissioners and applicant was provided. Commissioner
Hargrave recalled having a more lengthly discussion with the
applicants before the Architectural Design Review Board, John
and Linda Costa. That dialog was not documented in the
minutes. He asked if a new format for the minutes was being
The City Attorney stated that this will not be the format for
minutes in the future. In the future, the minutes will be
taken by the City Clerk who will, undoubtedly, prepare the
minutes in a format similar to the City Council minutes.
He also noted that the tapes of the meeting are available if
the Commissioners wished to review them.
Motion PCM-87-09 carried, ALL AYES.
Minutes The minutes of April 6, 1987 Planning Commission meeting were
presented for discussion.
Commissi-oner Hargrave noted that, in Item C, he voted against
requiring the developer to stay with the original landscaping
plans. The April 6, 1987 minutes indicate the motion passed
with ALL AYES.
Chairman Caouette stated it was his understanding that, rather
than approval of revisions as presented by the applicant, it
was actually a combination of keeping the landscaping as was
approved along Barton Road frontage with the revisions proposed
by the applicant to the interior of the project. He beli eves
the motion is incorrect in all respects.
Commissioner Hargrave pointed out his last name is not
Hardgrave, it is Hargrave.
The City Attorney suggested bringing these minutes back at the
next meeting since there are several corrections that have to
be made.
The Commission concurred with continuing these minutes to the
next Planning Commission meeting.
The Planning Commission adourned at about 7:15 p.m.
The Architectural Design Review Board convened at about
7:15 p.m.
Single-family The City Attorney advised the proposal is for a single-family
Residence residence located on Glendora Avenue just south of Barton
23151 Glendora Road. The applicant is requesting site and architectural
review. Staff recommendation is that the Site and
Architectural Review Committee approve the proposal subject to
meeting all the requirements persuant to City Ordinances.
Terry Snyder Commissioner Van Gelder asked Mr. Snyder if he had a sample of
11364 Noel Dr. the roofing material proposed for the house. Mr. Snyder stated
Redlands, CA he did not have a sample, but it is a composition type roof.
Chairman Caouette asked if it was asphalt shingle. Mr. Snyder
agreed that it was.
Chairman Caouette stated the plans indicate handsplit shake.
Mr. Snyder said the plans do indicate handspait shake.
However, it is not wise to use handsplit shake shingles in this
general area. The house will be built with composition tile or
perhaps tile.
Planning Commission Minutes - 4/20/87
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Chairman Caouette stated in some of the more fire prone areas
there has been a tendency to lean towards some type of light
concrete roofing tiles. Has consideration been given to that?
Mr. Snyder indicated there has been some consideration given to
this. He would like the roof kept as simple as possible with
the least amount of weight possible due to the fact that this
is a seismic area.
Chairman Caouette asked if the unit proposed for construction
will support light weight concrete.
Mr. Snyder stated he did not think it would. If that is what
is required, they will have to go back for more structural
engi-neeri ng.
Chairman Caouette questioned if that was an acceptable
alternative. Mr. Snyder stated that, if this Commission so
decides or thinks it is necessary, we could go to a light
weight concrete tile.
PCM-87-10 Motion by Commissioner Munson, second by Vice Chairman
Hawkinson, that the roofing material be a light weight concrete
tile of compatible color to the building as shown.
Commissioner Hargrave asked if that is not possible from an
engineering standpoint, do we have an alternative that we would
Commissioner Van -Gelder stated the roof does not have to be
concrete as long as it's fire retardant.
Commissioner Munson stated he thinks the beauty of shake was
its bulk and the appearance. He felt concrete tile, as a
substitute over the asphalt shingles, would have more eye
Vice Chairman Hawkinson stated he seconded this motion, but he
thinks some composition tile, if concrete tile does not work
out, would be acceptable based on the architectural style of
the building itself. He suggested a light weight concrete tile
would be the first choice, but a second choice might be a
composition roof. He did not feel shake tile would be an
acceptable option. The maker of this motion concurred with the
Commissioner Munson questioned when and who would judge what
type of composition roofing would be acceptable. Commissioner
Hargrave suggested the Commission would set out Commissioner
Munsons recommendation and unless they could give good reason,
they would have provide that type of roofing.
Planning Commission Minutes - 4/20/87
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Chairman Caouettes stated this would probably be left in the
hands of the building director.
Commissioner Hargrave asked that the motion be repeated.
Chairman Caouette stated the motion was for the requirement,
initially, of a light weight concrete the roof and, if that is
found to be unacceptable from an engineering standpoint, to go
with a composition type of roof.
Motion PCM-87-10 carried, ALL AYES.
Chairman Caouette stated with that he would entertain a motion
on the project. Vice Chairman Hawkinson questioned if the
right-of-way was clear all the way through on this.
Mr. Snyder stated the right-of-way is clear. They have a
recorded easement.
Commissioner Hargrave asked Mr. Snyder to clarify the location
of the proposed house. Mr. Snyder advised that a dirt road to
the right as you enter Glendora from Barton Road leads to the
Commissioner Hargrave stated that the rendering shows this
house wi l 1 be at the top of that road. He asked if it will be
necessary to level that area. Mr. Snyder stated it is
presently leveled.
PCM-87-11 Motion by Commissioner Hargrave, second by Vice Chairman
0 Hawkinson, ALL AYES, to approve Architectural Review for 23151
Glendora, single-family residence.
The Architectural Design Review Board adjourned at about
7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Approved by:
CHAIRMAN, Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes - 4/20/87
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