11/16/1987GRAND TERRACE PLANNINGCOMMISS_I.O_N__ M_IN_UTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 16,--1987 ------ The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on November 16, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman, Norman Caouette. PRESENT: Norman Caouette, Chairman Fran Van Gelder, Vice -Chairwoman Jerry Hawkinson, Commissioner Gerald Cole, Commissioner Jim Sims, Commissioner ABSENT: Stanley Hargrave, Commissioner Ray Munson, Commissioner Pledge of Allegiance: Fran Van Gelder, Vice -Chairwoman ----------------------------------------------------------------- MINUTES ----------------------------------------------------------------- WORKSHOP CONVENED AT 6:30 P.M. Chairman Caouette opened discussion on the Memorandum regarding the Moratorium, dated 11/16/87. The Planning Director stated that at the last City Council Meeting, the City Council enacted a Moratorium on all residential development which in essence put stops on all permits and applications for planning items, until the General Plan is adopted or until six months is up whichever comes first. Until the next City Council meeting they will be accepting only applications that are replacement type applications for building permits. We will go back to the Council to inform them as to what their action has done and make some recommendation regarding exceptions to them. These will probably include patios, pools, room additions on to owner occupied single family residences. C The Planning Director stated that the purpose of the moratorium was to prevent any further applications and permits to be granted prior to the completion of the General Plan, that includes the multi -family issues as well as the development of single family homes in areas that may be changed from residential to commercial type zoning. Commissioner Hawkinson stated that it seemed to him that there was some question regarding people that have an approved plan and have not ,yet pulled their permits. The Planning Director explained that staff is going to go forward with the permits that have been applied for and accepted by the Planning Department. The Planning Director presented the approved September 8, 1987 minutes with noted corrections. He also included the July 20, 1987, and the September 21, 1987 minutes. Commissioner Sims asked for the status of the General Plan. The Planning Director explained that the EIR and General Plan Review should begin in December and the public hearings are scheduled for the last few weeks of January. He explained that the draft review by the consultant was overdue. Chairman Caouette asked for any further discussion. The Planning Director brought up the minutes and asked if further discussion was needed. Chairman Caouette referred to the minutes of July 20, 1987,page 7, motion PCM-87-30. He would like to recommend that it be changed to simply state, "Chairman Caouette stated that there seems to be a misunderstanding on interpretation of conditions of approval and that the conditions of the tentative tract map 13205 Specific Plan remain as approved, including that approved by City Council on June 26, 1986." Commissioner Hawkinson referred to the September 21, 1987 meeting, page 9, in the middle paragraph it indicates that he was suggesting a revision of garages to carports. He stated that he actually asked of the feasibility of upgrading Phase I from carports to garages for architectural continuity between the two phases. The Planning Director acknowledged the corrections. Commissioner Hawkinson mentioned that he would have to abstain from voting on the July 20, 1987 minutes due to his absence at that meeting. He also mentioned that Commissioner Sims was not a Planning Commissioner at that time either. He questioned if that would leave enough for a quorum to pass the minutes. The Planning Director stated that the July 20, 1987 minutes would have to be continued. Chairman Caouette asked if there were any suggested changes to the September 21, 1987 minutes. Chairman Caouette referred to page 1. He stated that to read correctly "The workshop adjourned at 7:00 p.m. and the planning commission meeting convened at 7:00 p.m." Chairman Caouette also referred to the page 12, statement (marked by asterisk signifying previous correction) made by Commissioner Hargrave and noted that it should read correctly Commissioner Hawkinson. Commissioner Hawkinson stated that he thought he made that statement because his recollection was that it was 12 units and a bonus of 3.75 designated as senior units. The Planning Director acknowledged the correction. Chairman Caouette asked for any further comments on the September 21, 1987 minutes. No further discussion. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CONVENED 7:00 P.M. Chairman Caouette called the Planning Commission meeting to order. C E6 0 MOTION PCM-87-78 Chairman Caouette mentioned that there was a request to have the July 20, 1987 minutes continued to the next meeting. Chairman Caouette asked for a motion regarding the September 21, 1987 minutes. Commissioner Hawkinson moved that the minutes of September 21, 1987 be accepted as corrected by the discussion in the workshop session. Commissioner Sims seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED, ALL AYES. 5-0-0-2. ITEM #2 TPM-87-9 STEPHEN FOX S.E. CORNER OF PICO STREET & BLUE MOUNTAIN CRT. The Planning Director presented the project with the conditions and recommendations by staff and the reviewing agencies. Chairman Caouette asked for any discussion by the Planning Commission. The Planning Director added one condition. He explained that on the map a dedication of Blue Mountain Court right-of-way was indicated and the City Engineer has removed that condition from his requested conditions. The Planning Director stated that staff would like to add another condition on to the resolution to read, " ...A corrected tentative map shall be submitted to the Planning Department eliminating the dedication of Blue Mountain Court as indicated on the tentative tract map prior to City Council consideration." Chairman Caouette opened the Public Hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CONVENED AT 7:05 P.M. David Boraquin CG Engineering 2227 S. Waterman 4 San Bernardino, CA. He mentioned that they reviewed the final conditions of the latest revision of the parcel map. They were in agreement with the conditions, however, he did have a couple of questions. The first was regarding condition #12 which dealt with ornamental street lights. He assumed that meant to the satisfaction of the engineer who wanted a street light fronting on the property on a dedicated street. The Planning Director explained that was the City Engineer's standard verbage for requiring the normal standard street lights that have gone in on all of the other projects in the city. Mr. Boraquin stated the other question they had had was regarding the latest change that was made and that was agreeable with them. He referred to the condition that a corrected tentative map be submitted prior to the Council date. The Planning Director stated that the next Council date was December 3, 1987. Chairman Caouette asked for any further discussion in favor of the project. STEPHEN FOX 382 E. BONNIEVIEW RIALTO, CA. Mr. Fox stated that they made a lot of different changes on their project. He said that he felt this project would work out for everybody concerned. Chairman Caouette asked for any further discussion in favor of the project. Chairman Caouette asked for any discussion against the project. No further testimony. Chairman Caouette closed the Public Hearing. PUBLIC HEARING ADJOURNED AT 7:10 P.M. 5 c PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION AT 7:10 P.M. MOTION PCM-87-79 c Commissioner Hawkinson stated that this was the third time that this particular project came before the Planning Commission during the last several meetings and each and every time the object of concern was the number of lots. At the last meeting when the applicant submitted a three lot split for this parcel the majority of the landowners in the area said that if it were down to 2 lots then they would certainly have no objection. Based on the fact that it is now a request for 2 lots seemed to eliminate all of the objections and problems. Commissioner Hawkinson moved that TPM-87-9 be approved as conditioned. Vice -Chairwoman Van Gelder seconded. Commissioner Cole praised the applicant for his compromise on the project. MOTION CARRIED, ALL AYES. 5-0-0-2. Chairman Caouette stated that the business on the agenda was concluded and asked for any further discussion. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:13 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, liavia Sawyer, Planning Director 0 R Approved by: Norman Caouette, Planning Commission