JUNE 7, 1979
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Grand Terrace,
was held in the Community Center, 22140 Barton Road, Grand Terrace,
California, on June 7, 1979 at 6:10 P.M.
PRESENT: Commissioners: Tony Petta; Thomas A. Tillinghast; Doug Erway;
Jack Allen; Hugh Grant
Staff: John Jaquess, San Bernardino County Planning Department;
Seth Armstead, City Manager; Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney;
John Shone, Acting City Engineer; Myrna Lindahl, Secretary
Tentative Tract 10744 - Advertised Public Hearing
Applicant: Ed Hogue
Location: S/s Grand Terrace Rd., approx. 1480' E/o Mt. Vernon Avenue,
Grand Terrace
Proposal: 7 lot subdivision on 4.2 acres
Engineer: Neste, Brudin & Stone, Inc.
John Jaquess briefed Council regarding the Tract.
Commissioner Petta declared a conflict of interest on this item, and disqualified
himself on this matter. Commissioner Tillinghast conducted the proceedings and
opened Public Hearing. The following citizens spoke against horses: Terry
Spears, 22793 Brentwood; Jim Ross, 22792 Brentwood; and Eva Wood, 22834 Brentwood.
Constantine Soropolous, 22820 Grand Terrace Road, and Robert Monric, 22959 Grand
Terrace Road, spoke against sidewalks. Pauline Winner, Grand Terrace Road, favors
the area staying rural. Roger Wood, 22834 Brentwood and John Weeks, 22773 Brentwood,
inquired regarding the environmental impact report. Alex Cabral, Neste, Brudin &
Stone, Inc. and Mark Herzog of Diamond Bar also addressed the Commission.
Commissioner Tillinghast closed Public Hearing. Following discussion, Commissioner
Tillinghast again opened Public Hearing. The following citizens addressed the
Commission: Jim Ross, 22792 Brentwood; Mel Messenger, 22782 Brentwood; Roger and
Eva Wood, 22834 Brentwood. Commissioner Tillinghast closed Public Hearing.
Following discussion, Commissioner Erway moved approval of Tentative Tract 10744
to include the two following requirements: (1) The applicant is to request a
zone change to exclude horses prior to the recording of the final map. (2) The
applicant is to install a fence, either chain link or block wall, on the West
side (school side) of the Tract. Commissioner Allen seconded. AYE votes were
given by Commissioners Tillinghast, Erway and Allen. Commissioner Grant voted NOE.
Commissioner Petta did not vote on the matter.
JUNE 7, 1979
The Planning Commission adjourned at 6:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
City Cler
City of Grand Terrace
Plan ng Commission