MARCH 1, 1979
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Grand Terrace,
was held in the City Hall, 22140 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California,
on March 1, 1979 at 6:00 P.M.
PRESENT: Commissioners: Tony Petta; Thomas A. Tillinghast; Doug Erway;
Jack Allen; Hugh Grant
Staff: Doug Payne, Associate Planner, San Bernardino County
Planning Department; Seth Armstead, City Manager;
Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney; John Shone, Acting
City Engineer; Myrna Lindahl, Secretary
1. Extend Tentative Tract 10052 for one year
Approved on motion of Commissioner Allen, seconded by Commissioner
Erway, and carried unanimously.
2. Grand Terrace General Plan Consistency Appeal - Morgan Trucking
Deleted on request of property owner.
3. Advertised Public Hearing - Tentative Tract 10622
Applicant: Whelan & Gentry Construction
Engineer: Lockwood Engineering & Surveying Company
Proposal: Tentative Tract No. 10622, 14 lots on 3.5 acres
Location: East side Michigan Street, approximately
100' south of Mavis Street and approximately
160' north of Van Buren Street
Project Presentation
Doug Payne, Associate Planner, made the presentation including
background analysis, findings and recommendation. The Proposal
is now for 13 lots, to standardize lot sizes.
Commissioner Tillinghast questioned Condition Nos. 8. and 9.,
regarding installation of lighting at a later date other than
at the intersections. Stated the need for installation of lights
rather then money deposited for later installation, since people
buying in the area might want them energized. Discussion followed,
involving City Engineer John Shone and Bob Schaefer, Southern
California Edison Company, regarding City -owned versus Edison-
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Public owned lighting. Glenn Clark, 1310 Cahuilla, Colton, stated if
Hearing the lights are not installed now, they might never be installed,
since taxes will not be available to pay for them. Rose Taylor,
TT 10622 12434 Vivienda, questioned the quality of the housing project.
Mr. Lockwood stated this is not subsidy housing, and will meet all
requirements. Asked the Commission to approve smaller lot sizes for
lots 11 and 13. Agrees with all the Conditions except the one
regarding combining lots to make standard lots. Mr. Payne stated
if the Planning Commission approves the tentative tract as shown,
they would have to grant a variance to the applicant, which would
require four findings, stating the County recommends against per-
mitting such a variance. Mr. Whalen, 532 S. Citrus, Covina,
questioned the need for a variance in approving a tentative map
tract, stating that the widening of Michigan resulted in the sub-
standard lots. Public Hearing was closed.
Changes Following recommendation by Commissioner Tillinghast, the following
in additions, deletions or corrections were approved to the Conditions:
Condition 19 - Last sentence to read "All road names shall be
coordinated through the City Council."
Condition 20 - Change the last sentence to read "...roads into the
City Maintained Road System."
Condition 34 - The first sentence will read "...and made serviceable
to and kept serviceable during the time of constructions..."
Condition 36 - Last sentence will be added to read "The size of water
main shall be identified at time of final map approval."
Condition 38 - Parenthesis in first sentence to read "(60 feet on
corner lots."
On motion of Commissioner Allen, seconded by Commissioner Grant, with
AYE votes of Commissioners Petta, Erway, Allen and Grant, and NOE
vote of Commissioner Tillinghast, Tentative Tract 10622 was approved,
TT 10622
subject to the changes in the Conditions, deferment of the lighting
matter to a later date, and granted a variance on lots 11 and 13, due
to the following findings:
(1) The granting of this variance will not adversely affect the
General Plan or its objectives because the project calls for
four dwelling units per acre, which is consistent with the
General Plan, which calls for a maximum of four dwelling units
per acre.
(2) The granting of this variance will not be materially detrimental
to the public safety, welfare or the surrounding properties
because the density falls within the density range of the
General Plan.
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(3) There are special circumstances that apply to this property
or proposed use that do not apply to other properties or uses
in the same vicinity and zone because the widening of Michigan
into an 88 yard arterial reduced the usable lot area of the
(4) This variance is necessary to provide this property with land
use privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and
under identical zoning classifications because there are other
property lots in the area that do not conform.
Adjourn The Planning Commission adjourned at 7:17 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
City Clerk
City of Grand Terrace
Pl a0iinn Commission