MAY 17, 1979
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Grand Terrace,
was held in the Community Center, 22140 Barton Road, Grand Terrace,
California, on May 17, 1979 at 6:12 P.M.
PRESENT: Commissioners: Tony Petta; Thomas A. Tillinghast; Doug Erway;
Jack Allen; Hugh Grant
Staff: Doug Payne, Associate Planner, San Bernardino County
Planning Department; Seth Armstead, City Manager;
John Shone, Acting City Engineer; Myrna Lindahl, Secretary
ABSENT: Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney
Advertised Public Hearing - Tentative Tract 10744
Applicant: Ed Hogue
Location: S/s Grand Terrace Rd.,
Grand Terrace
approx. 1480' E/o Mt. Vernon Avenue,
Proposal: 7 lot subdivision on 4.2 acres
Engineer: Neste, Brudin & Stone, Inc.
Doug Payne, Associate Planner, announced that this Hearing had erroneously been
advertised to be heard before the City Council, rather than the Planning Commission.
He then briefed the Commission, including background analysis, findings and
recommended the Commission adopt the Negative Declaration and Instruct the
Secretary to file a Notice of Determination.
Commissioner Petta declared a conflict of interest on this item, and disqualified
himself regarding this matter. Commissioner Tillinghast conducted the proceedings
and opened Public Hearing. Mr. Alex Cabral, representing Neste, Brudin & Stone, Inc.,
spoke in favor of the project. Mr. Mel Messenger, 22782 Brentwood and Constantine
Soropolous, 22820 Grand Terrace Road, requested that horses and farm animals not be
allowed. Mr. Barney Karger, 11668 Bernardo Way, requested fencing. Commissioner
Tillinghast closed Public Hearing. Following discussion regarding fencing and
sidewalks, Commissioner Tillinghast again opened Public Hearing. Mr. Soropolous,
22820 Grand Terrace Road, and Mr. Karger, 11668 Bernardo Way, spoke against side-
walks on Grand Terrace Road. Mr. Bill DeBenedet, 11960 Honey Hill Drive, spoke in
favor of sidewalks. Commissioner Tillinghast closed Public Hearing.
The following changes to the Conditions were recommended:
Item 16 - change to "per City Engineer's requirements," rather than "per County
Surveyor's requirements."
Item 17 - Change from "San Bernardino County drainage easements..." to "Grand Terrace
City drainage...".
Item 33 - Change from "minimum San Bernardino County Road Department standards" to
"minimum City Road Department standards."
MAY 17, 1979
Item 52 - Change from "is officially assumed by the County Service Area" to
"is officially assumed by the City."
Motion was made by Commissioner Erway, seconded by Commissioner Allen, and
unanimously carried to add the following Condition: All sewer assessments are
to be paid prior to the final Tract Map being recorded or split. Commissioner
Petta did not vote on this matter.
Further action on this item was deferred to the meeting of June 7, 1979.
Commissioner Petta resumed his seat on the Commission.
The Planning Commission adjourned at 7:06 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
-7-- 624t
Plann ng Commission