07/05/1979PRESENT: ABSENT: 2. 3. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CITY OF GRAND TERRACE JULY 5, 1979 The regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the First Baptist Church of Grand Terrace, 12354 Mt. Vernon, Grand Terrace, California, on July 5, 1979 at 10:14 p.m. Commissioners: Tony Petta; Thomas A. Tillinghast; Doug Erway Staff: Seth Armstead, City Manager, Joe Kicak, City Engineer; Myrna Lindahl, Secretary Commissioners Allen and Grant Planning Commission Minutes of April 19, 1979 Approved on motion of Commissioner Tillinghast, seconded by Commissioner Erway, and carried unanimously. Planning Commission Minutes of May 17, 1979 and June 7, 1979 Postponed to meeting of July 19, 1979 on motion of Commissioner Tillinghast, seconded by Commissioner Erway and carried unanimously. Request to waive zone change application fees Location: Tract 3444 E/s Mt. Vernon Avenue, approx. 350' N/o Barton Road Lot 3 Applicant: Robert & Joan Moore Following staff report by Ann Finan, San Bernardino County Planning Department, and discussion with Joan Moore, Applicant, Motion was made by Commissioner Tillinghast, seconded by Commissioner Erway and unanimously carried to authorize waiving the zone change application fees for Lot 3, E/s Mt. Vernon Avenue, approximately 350' N/o Barton Road, Tract 3444. Mrs. Verda Hixson Proposed Development of Property 7 acres - 11752 Mt. Vernon Avenue Mrs. Hixson briefed the Commission, stating she was planning to build condominiums on this property - approximately 56 units. Also stated she would like an amendment to the General Plan. Asked the Commission for their opinion regarding this proposal. Planning Commission Minutes July 5, 1979 Page Two 3. Mrs. Verda Hixson (continued) The Planning Commission took no action on this matter. ADJOURN The Planning Commission adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, amAA City Clerk City of Grand Terrace Approved: Planning Commission