11/15/1979PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CITY OF GRAND TERRACE NOVEMBER 15, 1979 A Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the First Baptist Church of Grand Terrace, 12354 Mt. Vernon, Grand Terrace, California, on November 15, 1979 at 6:15 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners: Tony Petta; Thomas A. Tillinghast; Doug Erway; Jack Allen; Hugh J. Grant Staff: Seth Armstead, City Manager; Joe Kicak, City Engineer; Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney; Myrna Lindahl, Executive Secretary/Deputy City Clerk ABSENT: None MINUTES, PLANNING COMMISSION - NOVEMBER 1, 1979 MOTION was made by Commissioner Erway, seconded by Commissioner Allen and carried unanimously to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of November 1, 1979 as presented. HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT REQUEST Applicant: Delmar Chase Location: 22816 DeBerry Mr. Delmar Chase, 22816 DeBerry, addressed the Commission requesting a Home Occupation Permit in order to establish a dental lab, in his home. He also submitted a letter from Shirley Face dated November 15, 1979 in support of the request. (A copy of the letter is on file in the City Clerk's Office) Chairman Petta opened Public Hearing on the matter, and the following citizens spoke in support of Mr. Chase's request: Kathi Harmon, 11834 Kingston Street; Sheila Barrad, 11669 Bernardo Way; Joan Jolstead, 12198 Country Club Lane; John Lotspeich, 22111 Newport Avenue #157; Koleta Green, 22478 Barton Road. The following citizens spoke against issuance of the Home Occupation Permit: E. Richard Walwick, 22826 DeBerry, submitted a Petition dated November 1, 1979, with seven (7) signatures, objecting to the pursuit of commercial activities in that residential area, and also addressed the Commission. (A copy of the Petition is on file in the City Clerk's Office); Paul Lemmans, 22821 Desoto. Page one - PC-11/15/79 Dr. Hoyt, who did not state his address, addressed the Commission, stated as a neighbor of the Chases, he was neither for nor against the request, but objected to the manner in which it was handled. The following citizens addressed the Commission in support of the request: Shirley Face, owner of Cut 'n' Curl, 22474 Barton Road; Barney Karger, 11668 Bernardo Way. Mr. Walwick again addressed the Commission. Chairman Petta then closed Public Hearing on the matter. Mr. Jack Catron, Enforcement Officer, Environmental Improvement Agency, San Bernardino County, addressed the Commission, stating no environmental impact report would be necessary. Following discussion, Mr. Delmar Chase was advised that application for a Home Occupation Permit should be made with Officer Catron, and if the application should be denied, then Mr. Chase would have the right to appeal the denial to the Planning Commission. MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. E77-0428 Request: Waiver of condition of approval requiring paving, curb and gutter. Location: 11987 Bostick Avenue Applicant:Mr. & Mrs. Russell Following staff report by City Manager Armstead, and discussion, MOTION was made by Commissioner Tillinghast, seconded by Commissioner Grant and carried unanimously approving the waiver of the conditions for Minor Subdivision No. E77-0428 relating to 11987 Bostick Avenue, with the condition that a lien contract be established against future improvements as required under the Minor Subdivision. The bond money is to be returned. Mr. & Mrs. Russell addressed the Commission, stating their property consists of one lot, but was drawn up as a subdivision consisting of five lots in error. They stated this Minor Subdivision should not exist. TENTATIVE TRACT 10395 Request: Extend TT 10395 one year, to expire November 19, 1980 Location: E/o easterly end of Westwood Applicant: Coast Construction MOTION was made by Commissioner Tillinghast, seconded by Commissioner Erway and carried unanimously to extend Tentative Tract 10395 one year, to expire November 19, 1980. Page two - PC-11/15/79 TENTATIVE TRACT 11135 Proposal: (A) 111 unit townehouse project (B) 112 lot subdivision on 9.85 acres Location: W/s Mt. Vernon approx. 370' S/o Barton Road Applicant: Morgan Development Inc. Eng/Arch: L. A. Wainscott & Assoc. Chairman Petta declared a possible conflict of interest on this item, and disqualified himself regarding this matter. Commissioner Tillinghast conducted the proceedings. Following staff report by Gil Haro, Associate Planner, San Bernardino County Planning Department, and discussion, the following amendments and recommendations were established: Amendments to Standard Requirements Page 2 of 4: Items #2 & #3 referencing San Bernardino County are to be corrected to reflect "City of Grand Terrace." Page 3 of 4: Item #9 - End sentence with the word "payoff." Item #15 - Delete subsections a. and b. Amendments to Conditions Page 3 of 6: Item #23 - Trees are to be trimmed along the lower 14 feet if on the street, and 9 feet elsewhere. Item #24 - State "Minimum Traffic Index." Item #25 - City Engineer recommends not specifying "masonry." Developer has indicated wrought iron will be placed on frontage of Mt. Vernon Avenue. Add Condition regarding sidewalks in the interior area. Commission recommends Developer and Planning Committee discuss the architecture of the development. Commissioner Allen recommended staggering wrought iron, rather than straight across on the frontage of Mt. Vernon Avenue. Commissioners Allen and Grant recommended that any masonry walls established be staggered or some element of interest be considered. Following discussion and amendments, MOTION was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Erway to approve Tentative Tract 11135 for townehouse purposes, subject to the attached conditions as amended; to adopt the Negative Declaration and instructed the City Clerk to issue a Notice of Determination. Page three - PC-11/15/79 Commissioner Tillinghast opened Public Hearing on the matter, and the following citizens addressed the Commission: Barney Karger, 11668 Bernardo Way, recommended placing speed bumps for children's safety. Also stated R3 zoning should be based on parking space basis rather than number of units per acre. Jim Whaling, 22438 DeSoto, voiced concern about the size of the alleys, and recommended a minimum of 20 feet. Also suggested setting the block wall back two feet, establish tree wells and plant trees. Recommended establishing signal light at Mt. Vernon and DeBerry, since this project will increase the traffic at that intersection, and recommended establishing an island turnout at that intersection. Commissioner Tillinghast closed Public Hearing. The MOTION carried on AYE votes of Commissioners Tillinghast, Erway, Allen and Grant. Chairman Petta did not vote on this Motion. POLICY - TRACT MAPS The Planning Commission established a Policy that Developers are to submit thirty (30) copies of tentative tract maps to the Planning Department so that copies of the maps may be attached to the Staff Reports for the Commission and Staff. Chairman Petta resumed his position on the Planning Commission. ADJOURN MOTION was made by Commissioner Tillinghast, seconded by Commissioner Allen and carried unanimously to adjourn the Planning Commission Meeting at 7:42 p.m. Respectfully submitted, &;t City Clerk Approved: Planng Commission Page four - PC-11/15/79