F.7 - Barton Road Update _ Open FirstPlanning Commission
Barton Road Streetscape Master Plan Update and
Request for Direction to Prepare Appropriate Contract
Documents to Continue Services with KTUA for the
Barton Road Streetscape Master Plan and Michigan
Street Walkability Plan
January 12, 2021
Goal #3
Promote Economic
Development by investing
in infrastructure needed
to support business
attraction and retention
The focus of this planning effort addresses the multi-modal challenges
of Barton Road and Michigan Street such as safety,traffic calming,non-
motorized connectivity,and accessibility to neighborhood destinations.
On August 20,2020,an update of the Michigan Street Walkability Plan
was presented to the City Council.
Tonight,a similar presentation for the Barton Road Streetscape Master
Plan update will be made before the City Council by Jacob Leon,Project
Manager from KTUA.
KTUA Contracts
The City entered into two contracts with KTUA as follows:
Contract No.2019-09 related to Barton Road Streetscape Master Plan
Contract No.2019-10 related to the Michigan Street Walkability Plan
The purpose of these contracts is for KTUA to provide the City with services
relating to the Barton Road Streetscape Master Plan and Michigan Street
Walkability Plan.KTUA has commenced the work under these contracts
achieving substantial progress.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unforeseen delays and continues
to delay progress (e.g.,it has caused substantial delays relating to
property owner and community participation)and has resulted in many
of KTUA’s tasks under these contracts to be delayed.As a result,only
some of the services have been performed and there are still funds
available on each contract to complete the remaining services for both
Contract Continuation
These contracts have expired.Under such unique
circumstances,staff recommends that these projects be
continued with KTUA in order to complete the remaining
services.There is no additional cost to the City beyond what
was approved.
Receive and File Barton Road Streetscape Master Plan Design
Information as a Progress Update;and
Provide direction to staff to prepare the appropriate contract
documents to continue with KTUA,and to bring back such
documents for City Council approval at a future meeting.
Planning Commission
Barton Road Streetscape Master Plan Update and
Request for Direction to Prepare Appropriate Contract
Documents to Continue Services with KTUA for the
Barton Road Streetscape Master Plan and Michigan
Street Walkability Plan
January 12, 2021